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chronological sequence of stories


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Hey, repeatedly if I / hear in the various stories of the eight classes names like Darth Baras, Darth Angral, Darth Bandons head in Alde Museum and so on look, I wonder how exactly is the chronology of the stories?


Would be nice if I would tell someone.

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Yes, the stories are not at the same time.


While probably true, due to the interweaving of planetary stories that are all the same, chances are the specific chronological difference is minimal.


What I can say (based on the overarching story) is that imps' stories finish before pubs'...



Corellia is taken by the Imps and then Pubs take it back.


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While probably true, due to the interweaving of planetary stories that are all the same, chances are the specific chronological difference is minimal.


What I can say (based on the overarching story) is that imps' stories finish before pubs'...


Corellia is taken by the Imps and then Pubs take it back.


It's not quite that simple, but essentially, yes. You can figure out that certain classes are on a planet before others based usually on little events:


-The head in a jar that the Smuggler delivers to Alderaan is already on museum display when the Bounty Hunter rampages through the museum, for instance. So the Smuggler is more or less finished with Alderaan before the Bounty Hunter is about 25% through.

-The Imperial planetary storyline on Belsavis happens before the Knight's story, because Imperial characters at one point talk to the prison warden, who dies within two minutes of the Knight making planetfall.

-The Knight lands on Corellia before the Smuggler is finished their story, because the Knight's story as they make planetfall talks about evading the Imperial blockade, which is broken at the end of the Smuggler story.

-Related to the point above: the Consular is only able to get to Corellia with their fleet because the Imperial blockade is broken, so the Smuggler is done Corellia before the Consular even starts.

-The Warrior's story ends before both the Inquisitor and the Knight, because a) Thanaton is still on the Council in the Warrior's final scene, and b) the Emperor's Hand/Wrath would know if the Knight had slain the true Emperor's Voice.


There's dozens more things like this, I just don't remember most of the stories well enough to recall many of them (especially considering I finished the last story of the eight more than a year ago).

Edited by Diviciacus
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We may also say that Bounty Hunter's class story ends before all the Republican stories and before Republican Corellia. Perhaps its end is the earliest of all.


Whatever decision you make in the story, Chancellor Janarus is removed from office, and all the Republica characters interact with Saresh who came after him.


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The trooper and smuggler begin on Ord Mantell on the same day, with the trooper beginning slightly earlier.


In the interactive part of the intro for the smuggler (just before you exit into Ord Mantell proper), Corso says to Skavak and the smugger that the separatists just downed a Republic military walker which we can reasonably presume is the same walker that the trooper starts in.


Equally, the knight and consular begin on Tython at about the same time, because the same battle against the Flesh Raiders is taking place in the Gnarls for both classes.


The time-wise relationships for the warrior and inquisitor, and for the bounty hunter and agent, are not as clear, except that the timescale must be similar within each pair because e.g. the Fath'ra / Nem'ro war is ongoing in both Hutta classes' stories.


That said, the only pair with a direct link between the start times is the smuggler/trooper thing.


We can also note that there is an implication in Doc's companion story that any given copy of the universe does not simultaneously contain all eight characters, because ...


Doc goes, sometime after the knight's misadventures on Balmorra, to Hutta to bring Kaliyo to the knight's ship, as if she never left the place during the Agent's prelude, strongly suggesting that the agent was never there.


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-The Imperial planetary storyline on Belsavis happens before the Knight's story, because Imperial characters at one point talk to the prison warden, who dies within two minutes of the Knight making planetfall.


Actually, I believe the republic storyline takes place before the imperial one. The warden the imperials talk with is a deputy of the warden the pubs talk with. Also, at the end of the imperial story you have the option to kill the warden. If he's left alive he would surely mention his encounter with the Dread masters to someone, our character or general Skylast.


-The Warrior's story ends before both the Inquisitor and the Knight, because a) Thanaton is still on the Council in the Warrior's final scene, and b) the Emperor's Hand/Wrath would know if the Knight had slain the true Emperor's Voice.

I think the knight, the warrior and the inquisitor story take place at roughly the same time. Satele Shan's fleet attacks Dromund Kaas as a distraction for the ground assault of the knight and his team. Protecting their capital should be a priority for the Wrath, Baras and the Dark Council.


Generally though, I think the planetary stories take place at the same time for both factions with the exceptions of Alderaan, Voss, Belsavis and Corellia. Alderaan and Voss have the same finale for everyone so I think the canon version of what happened there would be up to the player. Belsavis is sabotaged by the imps first, which starts the republic story and after it ends begins the imperial one. Corellia is conquered by the imps, then liberated by the pubs.


The class stories, they're a whole other thing but I do not believe the time gap between them is big.

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I treat them as parallel, but separate, timelines. The reason for this is that there are big events in some of them that get zero mention in the other stories, for instance the terrorist event in the agent storyline during chapter 1. You'd think that a big warship blowing up over DK would garner some mention in, say, the SW story, or that the BH story would watch the Eagle's transmission since (according to Watcher 2) it is being broadcast all over the Imperial Holonet.


And yet, nada. Zilch. Not even a peep about it anywhere else.


Hence, I think they're parallel timelines. This would mean that if the SW who becomes the Emperor's Hand exists in that timeline, the other 7 "heros" do not. They're just average Joes going about the galaxy. They die or disappear or retire, but never achieve widespread notoriety.


It's the only reasonable explanation IMO. Which means that it makes no difference which order you do the stories in!

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I treat them as parallel, but separate, timelines. The reason for this is that there are big events in some of them that get zero mention in the other stories, for instance the terrorist event in the agent storyline during chapter 1. You'd think that a big warship blowing up over DK would garner some mention in, say, the SW story, or that the BH story would watch the Eagle's transmission since (according to Watcher 2) it is being broadcast all over the Imperial Holonet.


And yet, nada. Zilch. Not even a peep about it anywhere else.


Hence, I think they're parallel timelines. This would mean that if the SW who becomes the Emperor's Hand exists in that timeline, the other 7 "heros" do not. They're just average Joes going about the galaxy. They die or disappear or retire, but never achieve widespread notoriety.


It's the only reasonable explanation IMO. Which means that it makes no difference which order you do the stories in!


I am pretty sure they are you even get a codex about their existence in KOTFE and really Jorgan and Havok Squad read that codex also.

Now about the agent from what I gathered the events of the terrorism act where after SI, SW and BH finished their business on the planet. Actually I will argue that IA among the imperial classes finishes his story the latest. In Corelia for the IA actually there is a mention about how the intrigues of Darth Barass and Darth Thanaton weakened the military there. And the BH actually started the war on Corelia so he was done some time before SW and SI even started.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Seems to me imperial agent is slightly ahead of the others. When the imperial agent arrives on Corellia the Children of the Emperor are just awakening (jedi consular),, sith warrior and inquisitor haven't killed their enemies on the Dark Council yet.
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We can also note that there is an implication in Doc's companion story that any given copy of the universe does not simultaneously contain all eight characters, because ...


Doc goes, sometime after the knight's misadventures on Balmorra, to Hutta to bring Kaliyo to the knight's ship, as if she never left the place during the Agent's prelude, strongly suggesting that the agent was never there.

Except the Agent HAD to have been there already, because

Nem'ro dies in Doc's companion story.


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Except the Agent HAD to have been there already, because

Nem'ro dies in Doc's companion story.

More likely someone else offed him. He must have had a metric ****ton of enemies. It seems like all Hutts do.


Yes, I know about Bareesh, but I'd observe that even then he still has enemies.


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More likely someone else offed him. He must have had a metric ****ton of enemies. It seems like all Hutts do.


Yes, I know about Bareesh, but I'd observe that even then he still has enemies.

I mean that the Agent had to have been there already because he deals with Nem'ro.


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More likely someone else offed him. He must have had a metric ****ton of enemies. It seems like all Hutts do.


Yes, I know about Bareesh, but I'd observe that even then he still has enemies.


Fun fact: that "someone" was Skadge.

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One interesting thing is that a character that may die during Republic planetary questline of Tatooine, appears alive and well in the final of Agent's story. Though some of the planetary plots are really strange in that way.
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I mean that the Agent had to have been there already because he deals with Nem'ro.

My original point was an attempt to assert that there are, in fact, eight distinct and independent timelines. In the one called "Jedi Knight", for example, the characters "Trooper'", "Jedi Consular", "Smuggler", "Sith Warrior", "Sith Inquisitor", "Bounty Hunter", and "Imperial Agent" just plain do not exist. Most of the NPCs in the game, including some fraction of the companions of the other classes, exist in all of these timelines, but the other player characters do not. In Tikreva'tarsil's "Jedi Knight" timeline, for example, there is no Republic soldier called "Kylath", and in Kylath's "Trooper" timeline, there is no Jedi Knight called "Tikreva'tarsil".


The obvious weakness in all this is that *someone* in the non-Trooper timelines

recruits Tanno Vik into Havoc Squad

as he is seen in all KotFE stories

wearing Havoc Squad insignia

but all that means in the end is that *someone* does it, not that the Trooper does it.

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My original point was an attempt to assert that there are, in fact, eight distinct and independent timelines. In the one called "Jedi Knight", for example, the characters "Trooper'", "Jedi Consular", "Smuggler", "Sith Warrior", "Sith Inquisitor", "Bounty Hunter", and "Imperial Agent" just plain do not exist. Most of the NPCs in the game, including some fraction of the companions of the other classes, exist in all of these timelines, but the other player characters do not. In Tikreva'tarsil's "Jedi Knight" timeline, for example, there is no Republic soldier called "Kylath", and in Kylath's "Trooper" timeline, there is no Jedi Knight called "Tikreva'tarsil".


The obvious weakness in all this is that *someone* in the non-Trooper timelines

recruits Tanno Vik into Havoc Squad

as he is seen in all KotFE stories

wearing Havoc Squad insignia

but all that means in the end is that *someone* does it, not that the Trooper does it.


Eh, I'd disagree, because even if the characters are never directly mentioned, the events of their stories are mentioned indirectly in other classes' stories. I'd definitely say they exist, at least up to the start of Manaan (when the Imp/Rep class stories become the same).

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  • 6 months later...
One interesting thing is that a character that may die during Republic planetary questline of Tatooine, appears alive and well in the final of Agent's story. Though some of the planetary plots are really strange in that way.


I am fairly certain that is her sister. You are talking about the young African American femaie right? From memory, yes they have the same last name, but different first names.

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It's not quite that simple, but essentially, yes. You can figure out that certain classes are on a planet before others based usually on little events:


-The head in a jar that the Smuggler delivers to Alderaan is already on museum display when the Bounty Hunter rampages through the museum, for instance. So the Smuggler is more or less finished with Alderaan before the Bounty Hunter is about 25% through.

-The Imperial planetary storyline on Belsavis happens before the Knight's story, because Imperial characters at one point talk to the prison warden, who dies within two minutes of the Knight making planetfall.

-The Knight lands on Corellia before the Smuggler is finished their story, because the Knight's story as they make planetfall talks about evading the Imperial blockade, which is broken at the end of the Smuggler story.

-Related to the point above: the Consular is only able to get to Corellia with their fleet because the Imperial blockade is broken, so the Smuggler is done Corellia before the Consular even starts.

-The Warrior's story ends before both the Inquisitor and the Knight, because a) Thanaton is still on the Council in the Warrior's final scene, and b) the Emperor's Hand/Wrath would know if the Knight had slain the true Emperor's Voice.


There's dozens more things like this, I just don't remember most of the stories well enough to recall many of them (especially considering I finished the last story of the eight more than a year ago).


Not so sure about your statement on the Consular being after the Smuggler has broken the blockade. The Imperial Agent who lands before both notes very early in their campaign that the reinforcements are beginning to land (specifically Trooper and Consular).


In fact, I would argue that Smuggler finishes the planet last. The Consular has to travel to Coruscant to meet the Jedi Council and Chancellor Saresh where she announces victory for the Republic, while the Smuggler just gets a call from Saresh to Corellia saying he/she changed the Tide of the War (Sounds like he/she finished off the Empire to me). In fact, the smuggler also recognized Saresh as leader, so I think it was way late in the story (We know Bounty Hunter is pretty much first here due to this). I will check again on this playthrough.

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