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Thank You BW Ben/Eric/Tait For The Last 2 Weeks and The Live Stream.

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Yep, that stream was epic. 13+ hours of getting absolutely nothing done and two more days catching up on sleep, lol.


It was a fun community event. 👍


I know it certainly looked fun from the bits I saw, 2 of my most favourite eric/player interactions I have seen in my 4 years of playing were this stream and the fun with musco during the extended downtime the other month. Ironically both were off the cuff and 100% unstructured and improvised.


I think the community on the whole like the improvised interactions with Devs and I know for a fact I would like to see more of this type of interaction.

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I know it certainly looked fun from the bits I saw, 2 of my most favourite eric/player interactions I have seen in my 4 years of playing were this stream and the fun with musco during the extended downtime the other month. Ironically both were off the cuff and 100% unstructured and improvised.


I think the community on the whole like the improvised interactions with Devs and I know for a fact I would like to see more of this type of interaction.


Yes, I think that has been part of the criticism over the years with regard to community interaction - that it's usually very reactive, regulated, calculated, hesitant, restrained, hyper-considerate, etc. etc., while part of fun is spontaneity and improvisation. (Granted, the forum community is not exactly a grateful audience with respect to spontaneity and improvisation, the Twitter community seems a bit more relaxed and fun-focused.)


That's probably also why the Cantinas were so popular. The best parts were the unplanned, unscripted, improvised interactions. (Not sure how much fun the face licking was for Eric, but I'm sure that guy had fun and Eric now has a story to tell. :D)



I've been asleep for a few days can anyone link this? sounds fun



Edited by KyaniteD
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(Granted, the forum community is not exactly a grateful audience with respect to spontaneity and improvisation, the Twitter community seems a bit more relaxed and fun-focused.)


Well what I liked about Saturday's stream was that Eric was just playing kotfe while having a general chat with the people in chat answering questions (I know that some answers were not always to peoples liking but still). Since it was not a 'regular' stream I did not expect that they would answer any questions to be honest.


From what I have read about the stream generally the people who were watching enjoyed themselves and on the whole liked the interaction with dev's as that has been sorely lacking. I am hoping for more of this sort of thing in future just general interaction with players nothing super serious or sticking to the point.

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What I liked was that it was fun, interactive, and brought in members of the SWTOR team and community. More of these types of events will go a long way to improving the overall game environment. Would love to see more of these activities that aren't necessarily informational/scripted.
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I loved the interaction with the viewers. Yeah it was nice watching him play and stuff but what I've really missed is devs interacting with the players. I enjoy the monthly Producer's Live Streams but I always feel a small disconnect for most part because there's not a whole lot of interaction. It's mostly a presentation with very limited interaction with the 'crowd' other than "whats your favorite new CM item!".


Kinda hoping they do 'casual' streams more often or even just poke their nose in here on the forums (like in this thread) to just chat a little rather than report on bugs and business talk only.

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Appreciate the kind words. Totally remember you Hydro! Thank you to everyone who tuned in and if for some reason you missed it go check out the VOD.


My favorite moment still has to be the entire back story we came up with on why I insisted on wearing the HK helmet to confuse Koth. It makes no sense and it was great. Also, everyone who kept sending me in-game mail on the quality of Spiderman 3.




I FINALLY finished watching the marathon this afternoon. It was hilarious. I SO regret not having the time to watch it live because a very good friend of mine visited me and of all the days it had to be on Marathon-Musco-Saturday.


But still: I had a lot of fun the last couple of days while I watched it bit by bit. So tyvm to everyone who helped making this happen. GIVE US MORE LIKE IT! Pretty please with sugar on top (caffeine would probably be better though) :D

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