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Unfair Advantages for Sith!


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I have played 8 hours today in pvp thats EIGHT hours..on republic side.. not ONCE did we win a match. The system is so unfair and unbalanced. Sith has all the power and they have level 50 pvp playing against level 17-30 republic. The powers and armor are so far off kilter its not fun to play this game already. I cant even complete my pvp quest. They need to fix this or they wont keep players playing and paying for this crap.



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.. Uhm, you realize the classes are identical to their republic counterparts right?


Don't believe me, fire up TORhead and look for yourself. They have different names and effects, but they get them at the exact same levels and the do exactly the same things mechanically.


Armor Imbalance? Our mods look just like your mods.


So, really, you are probably just on a bad server. I have a 35 Jug, and I/we get rolled by Republic all the time on Lord Adraas.

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Well, the real problem is that your opponents are level 50, but I'm guessing they're also a lot better than the guys on your server, and to compound the problem you're playing the same guys all the time. Maybe it's even PUG vs premade, because you'd figure you'd win one game in 8 hours.


Try something new or maybe re-roll to a PVE server where PVP seems to be a little easier.

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I've played maybe 50-60 Warzone matches on Darth Malak, and only ever seen my side (Republic) utterly dominated twice. The rest of the time, we lost...sometimes badly...and then sometimes, we barely won or else slaughtered the opposition. Seems pretty fair to me.
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no, hes right, siths are unbalanced because :


we got a ***** slap ability, and every time someone is trying to pew pew instead of doing warzone objectives we give him/her slapping so bad that he never do that again. jedis side got only soft kisses , and when they run like bunch of headless chickens and get slaughtered they do the thing ...


nerf sith !

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.. Uhm, you realize the classes are identical to their republic counterparts right?


Don't believe me, fire up TORhead and look for yourself. They have different names and effects, but they get them at the exact same levels and the do exactly the same things mechanically.


Armor Imbalance? Our mods look just like your mods.


So, really, you are probably just on a bad server. I have a 35 Jug, and I/we get rolled by Republic all the time on Lord Adraas.


Yet ... the Dark side seems more powerful but uh wait... Jedi can walk down that path as well!

Strange, that is!

To play, Learn you must! ;)


(Please keep it cool, it's just a joke!)

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People can laugh at his "noobiness" all they want, but his opinion seems to quite common among the people on my server.


The truth is getting literally 3 shot by an 50 Operative on my relatively well-geared level 35 Commando is basically no different that twinking in WoW. There is NOTHING I can do - I have even resorted to putting my back to a wall in hopes that the stupid backstab-faceplant move cant hit me.


On my server there are about 20 level 50 Sith to every 1 50 Republic, meaning we usually get stomped.


The warzones need to be bracketed immediately.

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The bolster system is good and all...


But having ranked abilities = Win.


You do more damage simply because its ranked, The stats amplify your rank 1 pork chop attack. But if someone is coming back at you with a rank 8 Steak slap... Your gonna get beef'd

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You know, I am sure it's just the group of 4 level 50s wrecking a WZ. Your server could be perfectly balanced in terms of population and level and you would still get put up against the level 50s. Cause chances are on your faction the other 50s are pre making their own groups. I switched servers and we have a balance population. I get steamrolled everytime we encounter a premade 50 group and we weren't lucky enough to have our own premade 50 to back us up.


I think it's time BW make brackets, at least to seperate the upper level characters from the rest. I would be happy if they just made 3, but the more there is the better (for certain cases). A level 50 only bracket, a level 40-49, and a level 10-39. Semi-hard for a level 10 to down a level 39 but it seems like post 40 the difference rise great.


Of course without the battle group set-up like WoW, Que times are probably going ot be crazy for the 50s until more people get there. Then the shift would be to the lower leveled players later on.

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