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Achievements: FILTER ON currently available ones


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For those players that found in Achievements an attractive "TO DO" list while they play this game, but were not that lucky to be here from the very beginning.


Some more recent players may find it strange to see among the huge collection of tasks that only require time, skill and perseverance, a few that are outright impossible to complete as these will imply some long time gone items or exclusive rewards.


Now, consider a young person born after 1990. They surely couldn't take part in any relevant event that happened before their birth date. It would make no sense to expect to find in these younger persons' curriculum "achievements" that belong to WW I / WW II / Vietnam War /... veterans. And, except some very particular cases, I guess that none of these young people are terribly upset for not having those "historical" achievements.


Every player, upon creation of their account, is somehow "born" into the SW:TOR world. Applying a simple filter on only those achievements that are available from that date on will most likely create a more realistic list of achievements they can go after. You'll not see posts that were generated by the frustration some of the players had when it came to those achievements tied to exclusive rewards or unavailable items.


Say we pick Location / Tatooine achievements. A new player can only obtain 20/30 of those points there, leaving the overall Tatooine completion to 99%.


If there were a filter based on the date the account was created, this player will only get 20 points, still they'll be able to reach Tatooine 100%. Earlier players, with their unique Jawa Party, will get 30 points for that entry, hence they can rightfully claim 10 more points due to them having played the game for a longer time.


Those few points tied to unavailable items or unique rewards may not look as a big issue to most players that are not "into" achievements (while it is for others!), so probably most will not consider that this "problem" deserves any attention from BW developers. On the other hand, filters are available in most databases so there's no need to reinvent anything. Since the Achievement System is most likely based on a database, I suppose that activating such filter would not be that big an issue either.

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Oh, goodness, not this again...


Not all achievements are "relevant." If you are a so-called "completionist," take pride in completing everything that is available to you. There is no harm in having 29/30 on something when it is no longer possible to complete the 1/30.


And there is no achievement for completing all achievements, so nothing is really lost.


Please just try to have fun with it. The achievement list is really just there to help you find something to do when you don't know what to do with your time.

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I completed most achievements by simply playing what I like so, yes, I'm for the fun part of it. Also, I'm not a "completionist" myself, so don't really care about the getting all of them. Still, while debating the Party Jawa thingie, I noticed a few might care about that, so this is mostly for the sake of their peace of mind ;)



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For those players that found in Achievements an attractive "TO DO" list while they play this game, but were not that lucky to be here from the very beginning.


Some more recent players may find it strange to see among the huge collection of tasks that only require time, skill and perseverance, a few that are outright impossible to complete as these will imply some long time gone items or exclusive rewards.


Now, consider a young person born after 1990. They surely couldn't take part in any relevant event that happened before their birth date. It would make no sense to expect to find in these younger persons' curriculum "achievements" that belong to WW I / WW II / Vietnam War /... veterans. And, except some very particular cases, I guess that none of these young people are terribly upset for not having those "historical" achievements.


Every player, upon creation of their account, is somehow "born" into the SW:TOR world. Applying a simple filter on only those achievements that are available from that date on will most likely create a more realistic list of achievements they can go after. You'll not see posts that were generated by the frustration some of the players had when it came to those achievements tied to exclusive rewards or unavailable items.


Say we pick Location / Tatooine achievements. A new player can only obtain 20/30 of those points there, leaving the overall Tatooine completion to 99%.


If there were a filter based on the date the account was created, this player will only get 20 points, still they'll be able to reach Tatooine 100%. Earlier players, with their unique Jawa Party, will get 30 points for that entry, hence they can rightfully claim 10 more points due to them having played the game for a longer time.


Those few points tied to unavailable items or unique rewards may not look as a big issue to most players that are not "into" achievements (while it is for others!), so probably most will not consider that this "problem" deserves any attention from BW developers. On the other hand, filters are available in most databases so there's no need to reinvent anything. Since the Achievement System is most likely based on a database, I suppose that activating such filter would not be that big an issue either.


If a player wants to "hide" achievements that cannot be completed so they do not have to see those achievements, maybe. They should not be given a false "100%", though, as they did NOT complete 100% of the achievements.


"Hiding" achievements that are not able to be completed based on account creation date would not solve the "less than 100% achievement completion" perceived problem.


Hypothetically, Johnny created his account on the day the game was released, but cancelled his subscription prior to the party Jawa reward, then came back at a later time. Johnny would not be able to complete the party Jawa achievement, but due to the date his account was created, that achievement would not able to be "hidden" under your "suggestion".


Adding to that, the fact is that the game changes all the time. Achievements that are able to be completed today may not always be able to be completed.


I do not see BW going through each and every player's list of achievements on an ongoing basis to "hide" any achievements a particular player may no longer be able to complete.



Given BW's history with achievements such as the party Jawa, it would seem that players are just going to have to accept that they may not see that "Oh, so SHINY" 100%.

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Hypothetically, Johnny created his account on the day the game was released, but cancelled his subscription prior to the party Jawa reward, then came back at a later time. Johnny would not be able to complete the party Jawa achievement, but due to the date his account was created, that achievement would not able to be "hidden" under your "suggestion".



Yes, I'm aware this "solution" is not perfect and cannot fit all cases. Like the now archived KP & EV NiM modes. Suppose I got in the game a week before these ops were removed. It's hard to expect a new player will manage to learn all they need to learn in order to not only level their character, but also to master it to the point where they could successfully complete NiM ops. Yet, if I may insist, based on the real life "curriculum" example, it still makes more sense to filter out all those historical achievements that belong to a previous generation. It doesn't hurt anybody.


I also agree with you on the fact that we cannot expect some developer to go through each and everybody's list of achievement to fix all the tiny exceptions. Still, taking the date an account was created and applying it as the basis of a filter, looks like a pretty straightforward one-time process, imo.


However, I'm not going to spend too much time and/or energy on this matter. Considering the status of much more pressing issues (and I think of some of the "general discussion" threads that have reached 50 pages and beyond), this one about a few achievements here and there is really a minuscule... inconvenience. I only added the proverbial "two cents" to the matter, having considered the "filter" solution to take itself a minor effort from a developer's point of view.


Cheers everyone

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