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Eternal Championship is a joke


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Well I think the priority here was to give feedback on EC and say how easy it was, rather than having to prove to other players that they completed. A lot of people have completed EC so I wouldn't be surprised if someone told me they completed it and I certainly wouldn't bother to ask for proof, mainly because I've completed it myself with easy.


Maybe if I was having extreme difficulty with EC, and found it incredibly hard to believe that ANYONE could possibly have completed it, I might ask them to prove if it's possible. ;)


Indeed. EC was made out to be a big feature and as such, it wasn't unrealistic for players to expect that it would take quite some time to complete imo.

So having beaten it for the first time within 30min myself I perfectly understand the disappointment one might feel.

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Well I think the priority here was to give feedback on EC and say how easy it was, rather than having to prove to other players that they completed. A lot of people have completed EC so I wouldn't be surprised if someone told me they completed it and I certainly wouldn't bother to ask for proof, mainly because I've completed it myself with easy.


Maybe if I was having extreme difficulty with EC, and found it incredibly hard to believe that ANYONE could possibly have completed it, I might ask them to prove if it's possible. ;)


No. It wasn't. Read the thread title to disabuse yourself of that notion. The epeen was out, being waved about and he got called on it.


Aye, a lot of folk have indeed finished it and good on 'em. A lot of folk also have not and that means that it's not "a joke" for everyone. I'm not particularly upset about it. I was looking forward to seeing what it was like and giving it a go. I intend to keep trying when I'm in the mood and am glad that the content was added.

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No! Unpossible!


Way I see it is if you walk into a room, make an announcement that you are a marvelous being and you cannot understand why others aren't quite so marvelous, you're terribly naive if you expect everyone to nod and accept that just because "you" said so.


Of course he doesn't have to prove anything but usually people who have genuinely achieved ______ (fill in the blank) document the living bejabbers out of it because, as you say, Internet!

I know exactly what you mean...after working as a male "escort" to put myself through medical school to become a brain surgeon, I then switched gears and went to work for NASA where I specialized in Rocket Science...the other day I decided I wanted to cure homelessness so I went to meet with Habitat for Humanity to pitch my expertise, and they had the gall to ask me for "proof"...ME!!! Who the hell are they to ask ME for proof?!

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I know exactly what you mean...after working as a male "escort" to put myself through medical school to become a brain surgeon, I then switched gears and went to work for NASA where I specialized in Rocket Science...the other day I decided I wanted to cure homelessness so I went to meet with Habitat for Humanity to pitch my expertise, and they had the gall to ask me for "proof"...ME!!! Who the hell are they to ask ME for proof?!


Espresso inhaled hurts. I shall remember you having done this to me.



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I know exactly what you mean...after working as a male "escort" to put myself through medical school to become a brain surgeon, I then switched gears and went to work for NASA where I specialized in Rocket Science...the other day I decided I wanted to cure homelessness so I went to meet with Habitat for Humanity to pitch my expertise, and they had the gall to ask me for "proof"...ME!!! Who the hell are they to ask ME for proof?!
I make no secret of what I do for a living, though I leak that information usually for context when making comments ... sometimes for informative posts. My profession does not add weight to or subtract weight from my opinions about a videogame (perhaps is does as to any legal issues related to said game). That said, maybe I lie. :eek:


As far as anyone here knows, I could be a mouth-breathing illiterate Kinko's clerk living in Mom's basement typing away on a second-hand keyboard encrusted with Cheetos dust. My point being that I'm just cynical enough to believe that ... sometimes ... people lie about their résumés on the internet. Which is why I rarely lend credence to such assertions. The other reason I'm often skeptical is that I know how easy it is to garner "accolades" one may not actually deserve. I received one such commemoration of renown via email last week:


Huzzah! Yeah Me! :D


Text of an actual email I received last week. I redacted my real name.


Each year The American Registry recognizes the "Best of the Best" - the CEOs, doctors, attorneys, wealth managers, brokers, entrepreneurs, contractors and individuals from just about every industry and profession.


Only those who have been publicly awarded multiple times for their professional excellence by trade groups, peers, clients, and the press are even considered.


And out of hundreds of thousands of professionals evaluated and researched by The American Registry...


<Thoronmir> is at the Top!


Aw, shucks. :(


Second half of the email ...


To celebrate this elite and distinct honor, we have prepared a beautifully handcrafted and customized wall plaque for you to display.


Hanging on your wall, this plaque will showcase your prestigious achievement and be a testament for all to see...


Order with complete confidence. Manufactured to the highest of standards, we proudly stand behind every handcrafted plaque with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!


Get Your 2016 America's Most Honored Award Today!




I assume that, since I'm not buying the plaque, I'm not really the TOP! professional on their registry any longer. So, no, I won't be adding this recognition of my skill, charm, wisdom, aquiline profile, intelligence, and overall superiority to my internet résumé.


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The fights themselves aren't hard. They really aren't. But on my sniper marksman, oh my god. It does not feel like it was meant for a ranged at all. I KNOW ranged can and have done it, but it felt more like melee than ranged.


I did it first on my Jugg DPS, died twice. Not bad. Did it on my JK quicker to finish, died once from lag/my own derpiness. On my sniper it took 5 hours because from Batman and Robin to the last boss, I died like 5-10 times depending. It wasn't I didn't know mechanics or know to move. I've raided HM and NIM content AT LEVEL before and won, it was sniper mm needs to sit, can't really sit in these fights, so boom went the dynamite for her. But I got it done after many curses and almost breaking my computer equipment and waking my father up with my screeching at dying AGAIN to last boss man.


So it's challenging to some extent, but not really hard.

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The fights themselves aren't hard. They really aren't. But on my sniper marksman, oh my god. It does not feel like it was meant for a ranged at all. I KNOW ranged can and have done it, but it felt more like melee than ranged.


I did it first on my Jugg DPS, died twice. Not bad. Did it on my JK quicker to finish, died once from lag/my own derpiness. On my sniper it took 5 hours because from Batman and Robin to the last boss, I died like 5-10 times depending. It wasn't I didn't know mechanics or know to move. I've raided HM and NIM content AT LEVEL before and won, it was sniper mm needs to sit, can't really sit in these fights, so boom went the dynamite for her. But I got it done after many curses and almost breaking my computer equipment and waking my father up with my screeching at dying AGAIN to last boss man.


So it's challenging to some extent, but not really hard.


Interesting. So far, my chars have been ranged and OUCH. Thank you for pointing this out, I'll dust off my non-ranged and give it a go. I tend to prefer ranged as it gives me (or at least I believe it does, don't disabuse me of my belief!) a little bit longer to react and a bit more room to go "OH *****!" and let my tankly companion take the brunt.

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The fights themselves aren't hard. They really aren't. But on my sniper marksman, oh my god. It does not feel like it was meant for a ranged at all. I KNOW ranged can and have done it, but it felt more like melee than ranged.


I did it first on my Jugg DPS, died twice. Not bad. Did it on my JK quicker to finish, died once from lag/my own derpiness. On my sniper it took 5 hours because from Batman and Robin to the last boss, I died like 5-10 times depending. It wasn't I didn't know mechanics or know to move. I've raided HM and NIM content AT LEVEL before and won, it was sniper mm needs to sit, can't really sit in these fights, so boom went the dynamite for her. But I got it done after many curses and almost breaking my computer equipment and waking my father up with my screeching at dying AGAIN to last boss man.


So it's challenging to some extent, but not really hard.


It's interesting how some people are saying that it's made for melee and others are saying it's made for ranged.

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It's interesting how some people are saying that it's made for melee and others are saying it's made for ranged.


Because the EC is such a broad subject its hard to narrow it down completely for it catering to one class. Some fights are rough for melee, others for ranged, and turret classes like snipers are going to suffer a lot more on the end than others due to circle heaven.

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Because the EC is such a broad subject its hard to narrow it down completely for it catering to one class. Some fights are rough for melee, others for ranged, and turret classes like snipers are going to suffer a lot more on the end than others due to circle heaven.


No kiddin'. That was the first class I tried it with. It was...ugly. Here's me, used to be all cozy in my wee spot and blasting the bejabbers out of things when WHAMMO and then there's me running about like a chicken on crack trying to sort out what to do next.


Lesson I learned from that? Don't be too damned complacent and expect curve balls. Now, if I could only stop catching those curve balls with my face, I'd consider it progress. :D

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I mean wasn't it supposed to be this arena with super hard fights that would even push the best players in the best gear to the limit.

Nope, that would be NiM operations. Why reward 208 gear to people who already have 224? I think the rewards make it clear what the intent is.


With that said, I did it as a pvp geared Fury Marauder with 29 Pierce healer. I went in blind - no PTS, did not look at guides, just tried to figure it out as I went. I died twice: once on boss 6, once on boss 7. I think that boss 10 probably is the most complicated and therefore challenging, but 8 and 9 are definitely easier than 6 and 7. On 6-7, I came up with a strategy that didn't work, revised my strategy, and beat it.


I would say that EC is a tad easy because you don't even really have to properly utilize some of the mechanics, have a high level companion, or have decent gear. I looked at the dulfy guide after I completed it and I noticed that there were several mechanics that I didn't utilize properly. Did not matter, still beat it.

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What I meant to say was the person stated they completed EC, and Andyrah asked them for proof. I don't think anyone else on this forum has asked for proof from another player if they finished EC. It's like someone saying then got to max level and asking them for proof, not really needed imo. But they're well within their right to ask, it's just they don't have to be answered :rolleyes:


This is the internet after all...not everything people say is true ;)


I asked the op to prove he did it in pvp gear with a level 1 companion and only dying one time.

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Nope, that would be NiM operations. Why reward 208 gear to people who already have 224? I think the rewards make it clear what the intent is.


With that said, I did it as a pvp geared Fury Marauder with 29 Pierce healer. I went in blind - no PTS, did not look at guides, just tried to figure it out as I went. I died twice: once on boss 6, once on boss 7. I think that boss 10 probably is the most complicated and therefore challenging, but 8 and 9 are definitely easier than 6 and 7. On 6-7, I came up with a strategy that didn't work, revised my strategy, and beat it.


I would say that EC is a tad easy because you don't even really have to properly utilize some of the mechanics, have a high level companion, or have decent gear. I looked at the dulfy guide after I completed it and I noticed that there were several mechanics that I didn't utilize properly. Did not matter, still beat it.


What's odd about the rewards, is the whole thing is gated after KoTFE...so people should be mostly 208 already. The main reward seems to be the handful of glowing crystals at the end. Honestly, doing regular heroics is far better for gear. About the same difficulty, each one gives you some reward, and then leveling up the specialists gives you a good chunk of glowing AND radiant.


Anyways, this topic has really moved on over the night:)


EC isn't really a Melee vs. Ranged thing. They each have their advantages and disadvantages that roughly equal out. It's more of a cast time vs. instant. If you yourself aren't moving around a lot, it's like the Revan fight where you spend half of it getting kicked around/stunned. ( I learned this from doing things wrong. I really felt picked on, lol. )


For those concerned about people that have extremely slow reaction times, maybe disabilities, etc.: You need to remember what this is for. This is not supposed to be here as another walk in the park story mission. ( Hence it being outside of the KoTFE story. ) It is meant to be a teaching aid for end-game content. To do this, it must necessarily be as difficult as those are. ( More on the "difficulty" later. ) This is a "giving a fish would only feed you today, teaching you how to fish feeds you for life." situation. If you're slow to react, don't pay attention, etc. you will fail. Then, and only then, can you learn what you did wrong. ( Again, I do argue that as EC stands right now, they are doing the exact opposite of this. )


I also want to reiterate that the "difficulty" of EC is tuned in the wrong place. Currently, the base damage is greater than most mechanic damage, making the "difficulty" very gear dependent. Failing mechanics should have a stiffer penalty, and more damage should be avoidable. ( IE: Boss 10 laser could add a stacking fire DoT, but also be able to be passed off on your companion like the mining droid laser from...I forget where, lol. )


Finally, while I am not on much, I would like to extend an invitation: Anyone on Shadowlands having significant difficulty can mail me ( syzygies ), and I will try to help you out. ( In-game mail, not tell since I don't know when I'll be on. )

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What's odd about the rewards, is the whole thing is gated after KoTFE...so people should be mostly 208 already. The main reward seems to be the handful of glowing crystals at the end. Honestly, doing regular heroics is far better for gear. About the same difficulty, each one gives you some reward, and then leveling up the specialists gives you a good chunk of glowing AND radiant.


I wondered about that. And agree with doing regular heroics has far more yield but I guess it doesn't have the same cachet.


Anyways, this topic has really moved on over the night:)


EC isn't really a Melee vs. Ranged thing. They each have their advantages and disadvantages that roughly equal out. It's more of a cast time vs. instant. If you yourself aren't moving around a lot, it's like the Revan fight where you spend half of it getting kicked around/stunned. ( I learned this from doing things wrong. I really felt picked on, lol. )


I sussed that one out on second go. I found it annoying but hey, can't have all the fights be to my liking.


For those concerned about people that have extremely slow reaction times, maybe disabilities, etc.: You need to remember what this is for. This is not supposed to be here as another walk in the park story mission. ( Hence it being outside of the KoTFE story. ) It is meant to be a teaching aid for end-game content. To do this, it must necessarily be as difficult as those are. ( More on the "difficulty" later. ) This is a "giving a fish would only feed you today, teaching you how to fish feeds you for life." situation. If you're slow to react, don't pay attention, etc. you will fail. Then, and only then, can you learn what you did wrong. ( Again, I do argue that as EC stands right now, they are doing the exact opposite of this. )


I agree and am not fussed about it. I have limits, I know what they are. The only thing that kind of got to me was the, to me anyway, extreme difference between heroics and this. I know, mostly, what I'm doing wrong. :D I'm not 30 anymore with commensurate reflexes. I have old bones and they just aren't up to things like this. That's fine though, I never expected to do OPs or nightmare mode stuff. I can see where it would work well for those who want to progress. Lessons indeed.



I also want to reiterate that the "difficulty" of EC is tuned in the wrong place. Currently, the base damage is greater than most mechanic damage, making the "difficulty" very gear dependent. Failing mechanics should have a stiffer penalty, and more damage should be avoidable. ( IE: Boss 10 laser could add a stacking fire DoT, but also be able to be passed off on your companion like the mining droid laser from...I forget where, lol. )


Finally, while I am not on much, I would like to extend an invitation: Anyone on Shadowlands having significant difficulty can mail me ( syzygies ), and I will try to help you out. ( In-game mail, not tell since I don't know when I'll be on. )


That is a very kind offer. It's nice to see someone offer to actually help rather than trumpet how lame folks are who don't get it straight away. Good on ya.

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Interesting. So far, my chars have been ranged and OUCH. Thank you for pointing this out, I'll dust off my non-ranged and give it a go. I tend to prefer ranged as it gives me (or at least I believe it does, don't disabuse me of my belief!) a little bit longer to react and a bit more room to go "OH *****!" and let my tankly companion take the brunt.


My gear wasn't bad, about 216-220 from crystals, I won't be able to do NIM content, but it's good enough for my taking a break from ops until a new one comes out or I get bored and want to do Ops again. And my companions on my Jugg, Guardian, and Marksman sniper were rank 50. So I WAS able to do the damage output fine enough. It was just I've found, some classes are easier to do more complicated things than other classes.


My Guardian, Juggernaut, Powertech and Vanguard were able to do Star Fortress heroic 2 very easily. Like barely broke a sweat. My Sin, Shadow and Agent were a little bit harder to solo it, but it was possible. All with 216-220 crystal gear and my companion was healer rank 50. (Didn't do on Smuggler yet cause no original companion at that time and now I have him, he's not rank 50 yet). It does vary to my point of view how easy/more difficult some things are to solo. And the above people? All DPS spec'd so I have the output, but some fights can feel more difficult then they are because of armor, weapons, class, etc.


It's why on solo EC, I could do it fairly easily on a Jugg DPS and Guardian DPS because they were up in the mobs' faces and did the damage output, With my sniper, I could do the output too, but with her, her best kill skills are for sitting and picking her nose and not being in a mob's face or running around.

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I agree with your assessment.

For a player used to do OPs it's not that challenging at all. I wish they had implemented some kind of HM that really takes a lot of effort to get done...with rewards according to that effort of course. As it stands now, aside from the achievments I see no reason to do this more than once per class.


I posted a thread on the Suggestion forum for exactly this, yesterday. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=882271


I encourage players who want a difficulty switch on EC to +1 that thread as it might help get some attention on the point.


Not that I personally would use the swtich, but I recognize some people want more challenge and if there is commensurate reward, they will go for it.

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My gear wasn't bad, about 216-220 from crystals, I won't be able to do NIM content, but it's good enough for my taking a break from ops until a new one comes out or I get bored and want to do Ops again. And my companions on my Jugg, Guardian, and Marksman sniper were rank 50. So I WAS able to do the damage output fine enough. It was just I've found, some classes are easier to do more complicated things than other classes.


My Guardian, Juggernaut, Powertech and Vanguard were able to do Star Fortress heroic 2 very easily. Like barely broke a sweat. My Sin, Shadow and Agent were a little bit harder to solo it, but it was possible. All with 216-220 crystal gear and my companion was healer rank 50. (Didn't do on Smuggler yet cause no original companion at that time and now I have him, he's not rank 50 yet). It does vary to my point of view how easy/more difficult some things are to solo. And the above people? All DPS spec'd so I have the output, but some fights can feel more difficult then they are because of armor, weapons, class, etc.


It's why on solo EC, I could do it fairly easily on a Jugg DPS and Guardian DPS because they were up in the mobs' faces and did the damage output, With my sniper, I could do the output too, but with her, her best kill skills are for sitting and picking her nose and not being in a mob's face or running around.


It was pretty obvious (duh!) when I first attempted the EC that I was waaay out of my league. Not well enough geared, companions not high enough yet and general "me-ness". I have a lot of work ahead of me to improve and that's cool, I enjoy trying, learning and growing characters.


It was just such a marked difference. Strutting in there thinking "okay, I can do do this...SPLAT".

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I posted a thread on the Suggestion forum for exactly this, yesterday. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=882271


I encourage players who want a difficulty switch on EC to +1 that thread as it might help get some attention on the point.


Not that I personally would use the swtich, but I recognize some people want more challenge and if there is commensurate reward, they will go for it.


I just did.

It would bring some longevity to a feature that is othwerwise consumed way too fast for the resources put into it.

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I get the impression that the "reward" is primarily the "player skill-up," rather than anything mechanical.


That could be. If EC dropped really good gear..... the hard core raider crowd would be all grumpy puppies about it, because you are supposed to have to go through raider hell to get the good gear. :p

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That could be. If EC dropped really good gear..... the hard core raider crowd would be all grumpy puppies about it, because you are supposed to have to go through raider hell to get the good gear. :p


I don't think anyone cares anymore after they put 224 gear in EV and KP

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