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Eternal Championship is a joke


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still send shivers down my spine when i hear the phrase 224 raiders. Good old days when nightmare tier raiding gear was not given out like candy for completing the easiest hard-modes... a time when u could tell if a player is actually decent just by looking at his/her gear...


And never mind good players who don't care for hours-long grindfests or the progression hamster-wheel, or bad players who fail their way to the "top". :rolleyes:

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I'm guessing most of the people who find it hard were not around during launch.


Soa Hardmode with insta kill lighting balls, and extremely tight enrage timer, now that was hard.

Denova Hardmode before augments made it a joke, that was hard.


Eternal Champ is not hard everyone in my guild who has done it has walked right through it. We are a pvp guild mind you. I doubt any one has gear above pvp sets.


The whole thread about nerfs is sad. Its like saying I don't know how to play plz make things easier. Keybinds, interupts, stuns, standing out of red stuff is too hard for me.


Every one of the fights needs to be buffed. I shouldn't be able to breeze through in pvp gear ignoring the mechanics on almost all the fights.

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I'm guessing most of the people who find it hard were not around during launch.


Soa Hardmode with insta kill lighting balls, and extremely tight enrage timer, now that was hard.

Denova Hardmode before augments made it a joke, that was hard.


Eternal Champ is not hard everyone in my guild who has done it has walked right through it. We are a pvp guild mind you. I doubt any one has gear above pvp sets.


The whole thread about nerfs is sad. Its like saying I don't know how to play plz make things easier. Keybinds, interupts, stuns, standing out of red stuff is too hard for me.


Every one of the fights needs to be buffed. I shouldn't be able to breeze through in pvp gear ignoring the mechanics on almost all the fights.


Why does it even bother you that other folks may not be quite the elitist that you are. Why dont you just keep locusting through the game and move along.....why complain about other folks having trouble with TEC.


Why dont you offer advice to the folks having issues instead of thumping your chest out to everyone.

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Why does it even bother you that other folks may not be quite the elitist that you are. Why dont you just keep locusting through the game and move along.....why complain about other folks having trouble with TEC.


Why dont you offer advice to the folks having issues instead of thumping your chest out to everyone.


Well said.


There are plenty of reasons that not everyone is as "good" as the OP and many of them have nothing to do with not knowing how to play or not being around when the game was launched.

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Well said.


There are plenty of reasons that not everyone is as "good" as the OP and many of them have nothing to do with not knowing how to play or not being around when the game was launched.


Isn;t the Eternal Championship supposed to ease new players into the mechanics of Operations? So, it would make sense that Operations would be harder.

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Why does it even bother you that other folks may not be quite the elitist that you are. Why dont you just keep locusting through the game and move along.....why complain about other folks having trouble with TEC.


Why dont you offer advice to the folks having issues instead of thumping your chest out to everyone.


Firstly, saying that content was hard at the beginning and that content is too easy now is not "elitist". I just see that as an attack to try and condescend the person you're talking to.


Content now compared to vanilla is pretty easy, and I don't blame him for "complaining" that other folks have trouble. People have different ability levels yes, but if people complain that content is too hard (which many others see as incredibly easy), then Bioware will lower the skill level to cater to these people.

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Isn;t the Eternal Championship supposed to ease new players into the mechanics of Operations? So, it would make sense that Operations would be harder.


That's what I understood, yup. To be clear, I've no problem at all with them being harder. What I do have problems with are people who boast and brag. :)

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That's what I understood, yup. To be clear, I've no problem at all with them being harder. What I do have problems with are people who boast and brag. :)


Don't you like it when people tell of their accomplishments? Or talk about how difficult content used to be? I'd say you're pretty jealous tbh

Edited by DarthWoad
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I mean wasn't it supposed to be this arena with super hard fights that would even push the best players in the best gear to the limit.


This is where you falter. I do not recall ever seeing it being stated that EC was supposed to be that.


That being said, I did find it easy to a point - Batman and Robin was my first death - however I did do it with a tank character that is one piece (implant) away from full 224 with a rank 30+ companion (depending on fight: mostly heal but some DPS). I am curious if I will be as successful with a dps or heal character that is less than that. OP Question, have you tried it with a character that is in 194 or 200 with a rank 20 or less comp? Overgearing has always been a "challenge negator"

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Don't you like it when people tell of their accomplishments? Or talk about how difficult content used to be? I'd say you're pretty jealous tbh


Well, you can say that, if you like, but it's not true. :) I actually respect and admire people who can do what I find to be difficult. More power to 'em. What I don't care for is braggarts.

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Well, you can say that, if you like, but it's not true. :) I actually respect and admire people who can do what I find to be difficult. More power to 'em. What I don't care for is braggarts.


Well you can call them whatever you wish. I'd say if you don't like what they have to say then just ignore them and move along.

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Well you can call them whatever you wish. I'd say if you don't like what they have to say then just ignore them and move along.


Why thank you, I think I shall.


It's a discussion board, I'm discussing. I'd offer you your own advice. ;)


There's a thread on here that is a good contrast to this one. Fellow took the time to discuss tactics etc. He shared. He didn't just march in and announce to everyone that he was über. That is what this game needs, more people willing to give others info and a hand and less of the "if you can't do as I do, you suck and I rock".

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This is where you falter. I do not recall ever seeing it being stated that EC was supposed to be that.


That being said, I did find it easy to a point - Batman and Robin was my first death - however I did do it with a tank character that is one piece (implant) away from full 224 with a rank 30+ companion (depending on fight: mostly heal but some DPS). I am curious if I will be as successful with a dps or heal character that is less than that. OP Question, have you tried it with a character that is in 194 or 200 with a rank 20 or less comp? Overgearing has always been a "challenge negator"


IMHO it's easier with a damage dealer. My hardest run so far was with a Darkness Assassin (.e. a tank) in a mix of 208 and 216 gear with a crafted non-mod 216 main hand weapon and rating 212 crafted relics. It doable, I made it after all, but it's really hard. Compared to that a combat sentinel in similar gear was a walk in the park.


However, in 224 gear with a level 30+ companion I suppose it would be easy for even the average player. (My main character used a level 27 companion, my darkness assassin level 16, my combat sentinel level 20 and my marksmanship sniper level 17... I think)

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Why are people complaining about Eternal Championship being easy..? I agree that for someone who's done Ops and HM FPs before, it's easy; so what? It's solo content, and it does a fine job being: 1. Significantly harder than most of the other Solo Content in the game 2. Serving as a nice gateway to introducing mechanics to players who haven't done HM FPs and SM Ops before.


Do people not see the bigger picture? More players understanding the "easier" mechanics --> More players who don't do stupid things when they start HM FPs.

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Why are people complaining about Eternal Championship being easy..? I agree that for someone who's done Ops and HM FPs before, it's easy; so what? It's solo content, and it does a fine job being: 1. Significantly harder than most of the other Solo Content in the game 2. Serving as a nice gateway to introducing mechanics to players who haven't done HM FPs and SM Ops before.


Do people not see the bigger picture? More players understanding the "easier" mechanics --> More players who don't do stupid things when they start HM FPs.


People are complaining that it's too easy because they think it's not challenging enough for the experienced players. It's probably the easiest solo content in the game right now, IMO.


And I disagree, I wouldn't call it a gateway when you have to level up your character and go through chapters 1 to 9 in ordre to do that. I would assume most people have had experience with at least one solo FP or ops.


The EC mechanics are relatively straightforward....deal damage...move out of circles. In no way is that challenging. Its mostly based on gear, how much damage you can take, how much your companion can heal.


That's why theres an achievement to kill them in under 15 minutes....good luck with a tank or healer getting that achievement. EC is nothing more than a training dummy IMO

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You can interrupt Drakes ability to summon those droids - don't know the name, but it has a Greenish icon when he's channeling. The stun circles are blue, and his jump is red. If you don't manage to interrupt, focus fire on the strong mob - if he dies, the rest die with him.


Okay, I'll give that a shot, admittedly, I didn't realize about the greenish icon for that, I'll watch for it. I figured out the circle parts, but yeah, those droids jumping my Nico are a nuisance.


Thanks again CrazyCT! :)

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Okay, I'll give that a shot, admittedly, I didn't realize about the greenish icon for that, I'll watch for it. I figured out the circle parts, but yeah, those droids jumping my Nico are a nuisance.


Thanks again CrazyCT! :)


If you get the droids - stun the strong one any way you can, it releases your comp to start fighting again

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Don't you like it when people tell of their accomplishments? Or talk about how difficult content used to be? I'd say you're pretty jealous tbh


except... the only reason it was "hard" was becasue it was bugged.


this game was never "hard" as you claim it was. yes I played at launch. occasional nightmare mode was indeed very challenging, but overall? this game was never "hard". you know what has changed? our experience. more familiarity with theorycrafting. maxed out legacies and obscene amounts of presence boosts (not to mention datacron buffs being legacywide) oh yeah... gear upgrades are more accesible, and companions don't need to be geared at all.


that said... eternal championship is NOT a joke. my experience with it starting with boss 7 is comparable to doing hardmode ops. and even bosses 1 through 6 require you to be coordinated or die. I'm so very very sorry that you find that not challenging. for majority of people? that IS challenging.


so I second (or third) the suggestion you play Dark Soul or super meat ball or some other hardcore game, because the kind of "challenge" you want would make this content unaccesible to majority of the population. as it is, most people cannot actualy finish it solo.


so I say? not only its challenging enough, but they need to tune some mechanics to not be as punishing as they are right now, in terms of how much damage they deal

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that said... eternal championship is NOT a joke. my experience with it starting with boss 7 is comparable to doing hardmode ops. and even bosses 1 through 6 require you to be coordinated or die. I'm so very very sorry that you find that not challenging. for majority of people? that IS challenging.


Well I can tell you now it wasn't very challenging with a level 50 companion and full 220 gear XD.


That being said, the Eternal Championship is a joke and is not challenging.


There is an achievement to get all kills within 15 minutes, which only goes to show it's a DPS race. For tanks and healers it might be more challenging yeah.

Edited by DarthWoad
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so I second (or third) the suggestion you play Dark Soul or super meat ball or some other hardcore game, because the kind of "challenge" you want would make this content unaccesible to majority of the population. as it is, most people cannot actualy finish it solo.


so I say? not only its challenging enough, but they need to tune some mechanics to not be as punishing as they are right now, in terms of how much damage they deal


You realize while Dark Souls is a incredibly hard game you get rewarded with the proper preparation. Yes you can cheese some of it using skills and such, but if you have knowledge beforehand of the fight and how to beat it, its going to be much easier and that's were most of the difficulty stims from.

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Well I can tell you now it wasn't very challenging with a level 50 companion and full 220 gear XD.


That being said, the Eternal Championship is a joke.


I had 216 and 220 50 comp and I find it challenging And I am a dps. call me bad player but I do find it a challenge.

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EC is BY FAR the most difficult solo content in the game.

It's harder than SM ops in my opinion.


Of course not everyone find it challenging, but from what I've seen in game and forums, there are many people struggling to get through late bosses.

I had a fun time doing it, wiped a lot on my first "playthrough", probably gonna only do the weekly EC missions from now on.


I'd be happy if BW would release new tiers of EC bosses in the future, probably with better rewards.

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It's not very challenging for people who have raided a lot or bought their gear using crystals. Having played the game for a while the EC is just a snooze fest.


There are no mechanics which require a gear deal of thought. the EC is entirely gear based. You'd only find it challenging if you don't have the best gear. I was quite exited for the EC, but was disappointed. It has a very low skill requirement.


you don't need gear either. Made a jugg with a 60 token ran trough 9 chapters to be on level went in there with the same gear that it came with and cleared it all. Gear only makes it easier but can be done without it.

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I had 216 and 220 50 comp and I find it challenging And I am a dps. call me bad player but I do find it a challenge.


I think EC was directed towards the casual player, and that's one of the reasons why I'm disappointed with how it turned out.

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