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Unbelievable - Cartel Market is an absolute ripoff now.

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I see there are already threads on this, but it bears repeating, so that maybe, just maybe, BW will get the message.


I used all the cartel coins I had saved up to buy a new hypercrate today, excited for the new items. Except.. I literally got more of the OLD items than the new items. Many packs I opened I got 2 grand chance cubes!


I didn't save up CC to end up getting a bunch of items from older packs (Generally bad ones, at that. I got a tree from the life day event, that you got for free by throwing snowballs.. what the heck?) This new system is a complete and utter rip off. I JUST re-subbed up, hoping to find the game was in a better state than when I left.


So far, its off to a pretty bad start, with BW actively ripping off its loyal fanbase.


Not sure why I can't post a direct screenshot, but here is a link to show the returns on my hypercrate. Note that the top is OLD items, bottom new. Its right at 50/50. (This is leaving out junk / gifts mind you.)




I really, really think these need to be re-worked. I think you should get 2 items from the new content, plain and simple. Its otherwise a huge ripoff. The chance cube should have a CHANCE of appearing, say, in place of the jawa junk or companion gift. I literally got at least 1 chance cube in all but 3-4 packs, with many more giving me 2 chance cubes.


That is bull crap. I was excited to get new items and possibly get back into the game, but instead I got old crap I already have.

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Yeah I liked the idea of having 2 of the current pack and a bonus item from the past randomly about 20% of the time


This. I buy pack X because I want items from X, not from A to W. Chance of old cube, ok. 2 old cubes in a new pack? No. 2 new pack items + 1 cube instead of a gift or scrap, ok.

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It wouldn't be so bad if the Chance Cubes dropped something decent but the number of times I've got a title or an emote out of them


I have half a bank full of titles from the latest pack. All old one lol

Stupid thing is, every month I tell myself "I will never buy a hypercrates again"

Patch launches "OOO new hypercrates, buys"

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I don't buy hypercrates, but I did get a few individual packs from the new release: I got both of the new statues, a gold mount, silver mount, and the new crystal. They didn't drop any of the new clothes, but I did get Shae Vizla's Armor Set and a White-Black color crystal from the Grand Chance Cubes.


Of course, a few of the packs dropped nothing but garbage, but I still like the CM the way it is and haven't had any issues with the packs to this point.

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I see there are already threads on this, but it bears repeating, so that maybe, just maybe, BW will get the message.


Hmm, every time one of these threads comes up, the poster seems to think that Bioware / EA will read their post and realise the mistake they made by turning the Cartel Market into a cash grab. I have no idea how many such posts there have been since KotFE was rolled out, and BW/EA started to turn a basically ok Cartel Market into the feature it is now, but anecdotal evidence suggests that either BW have a perverse desire to increase complaints or they are simply ignoring the complaints... not sure which.

The only metric that seems to matter is that "hopeful" players are buying the packs in the "hope" that somehow this one will be better, or at least less bad, than the last one. This in spite of the earlier posts on the forums from players complaining that the new pack is as much or more of a rip-off than the previous one.

The ONLY metric that BW/EA are interested in regarding the packs is the number that players buy. So if people keep buying the crap-filled packs, they will keep on shoveling crap into new generations of packs just as quickly as they can.

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  • 1 month later...

I refuse to by hypercrates, and I no longer purchase the 5500 cartel coins anymore and won't be buying any cartel coins for that matter because of these new packs. Seriously you buy a pack that drops random stuff to get more random "cubes" that drop random stuff? Nah I'll pass on that, I bought about 12 packs with the coins I had saved up from the last time I played almost a year ago. Complete waste of coins. I got more use out of the Thexan Robes and Lightsaber than I did from these new packs.


As someone who has bought and spent over 126,000+ cartel coins since it's inception I can tell you this Bioware I'll never spend another dime outside of a subscription on cartel coins again because of these new packs.



*edit*- After reviewing my cartel log I've spent 126,487 cartel coins with 688 still available for use.

Edited by Juromaro
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The ONLY metric that BW/EA are interested in regarding the packs is the number that players buy. So if people keep buying the crap-filled packs, they will keep on shoveling crap into new generations of packs just as quickly as they can.


This is precisely why i dont buy packs anymore. Vote with your wallets. If sales of packs go down, then they will be improved accordingly.


Simple capitalism, supply and demand.

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It would be nice though to get 1 item guaranteed from the current pack, because i feel ya though on the grand chance cubes, but i always get lucky and get a rare drop, a while back i got a full revan armor set, also some old statues, and a white crystal. I feel the packs should just have a format like this 1 item from pack, 1 chance cube, scrap, gift, item (either cube or item from pack) if feel if this simple change was made more people would be buying them so that you aren't stuck with a full hypercrate of grand chance cubes like what happen with me on a anarchist crate. (yes all chance cubes dropped, nothing from the set, still got scrap and gifts, but seriously all chance cubes???... least i got some big sellers).
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It would be nice though to get 1 item guaranteed from the current pack, because i feel ya though on the grand chance cubes, but i always get lucky and get a rare drop, a while back i got a full revan armor set, also some old statues, and a white crystal. I feel the packs should just have a format like this 1 item from pack, 1 chance cube, scrap, gift, item (either cube or item from pack) if feel if this simple change was made more people would be buying them so that you aren't stuck with a full hypercrate of grand chance cubes like what happen with me on a anarchist crate. (yes all chance cubes dropped, nothing from the set, still got scrap and gifts, but seriously all chance cubes???... least i got some big sellers).



I spent more money on cartel coins to buy packs when they offered 6 items "from the pack" than I have with these random boxes inside random boxes inside more random boxes. Now whatever cartel coins I get I either buy non pack items to place in the gtn or I just sell packs instead of opening them up. My strongholds never get decorations anymore because I don't buy them off the gtn as I always used packs to get them. As someone who spends more money than he should on virtual items this new pack system leave no desire from me to purchase. Nothing was wrong with the way the packs used to work.

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It wouldn't be so bad if the Chance Cubes dropped something decent but the number of times I've got a title or an emote out of them


Even that's lucky. Some titles and emotes get a decent price. I've seen people pull a 1c chair from those stupid things.

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I just want to buy items I actually want, none of this random chance crap.


Most of the items in Equipment have been there forever, why not update it every time there's a new pack and sell items from the previous one individually?

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I agree, it's been a long time since I've gotten anything new out of the packs, and the grand chance cubes like to award me the Socorro garbage weapons.


If I'm buying a new pack, I want to get new things. If I want old things, then I would buy them off the gtn if they're still around.


Ideally I think Bioware should put up all the packs to buy and if that's too much, put up one of the old packs to buy with each new pack...so that people wanting new things can get them out of the new boxes, and if anyone wants the old stuff, they can use their coins to get that particular old box.


I have such crappy luck, that I can't get any of the nice new lightsabers, nor do I have heaps of gold to buy them for 50-90 million off the gtn, so I've been going without. New things to wear and decorate my house with, right now, besides the monthly chapters are the things keeping me going and if I can't get new stuff to decorate with, well, that really cuts into my enjoyment of the game.


Kindly rethink your decision and stop putting old junk in new packs. New things in new packs only.


Thanks. :)

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They need to make the Cubes be an addittional drop, and not part of the normal drop rates. In other words the packs drop their gold, bronze, silver or whatever at the normal rate and you also get a chance for a cube to drop as a bonus.


Nothing worse than buying a new pack to have nothing but cubes drop with nothing in them but useless decos etc.

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