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I despise how BW has hijacked my Sith Warrior since Shadow of Revan [SPOILERS]


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I played a LS Sith Warrior. I thought the LS was pretty interesting, especially Chapter 1. My SW seemed like a pragmatic guy, wary of the dark side because of how it destroyed those around it. He didn't kill just for pleasure. I thought it was kind of cool that he was "undercover" in the Empire, in a way.


Then I finally took him through Shadow of Revan. What has happened?! Where did my LS SW go? He is now saying things that he would never say before. For example:


People accuse you of being a bloodthirsty pirate, you can select LS which says "I'm not a pirate", or DS which says "Yes I am" and attacks everyone. I pick LS to be consistent with my character, but what comes out of his mouth is not something like "hey guys, I'm not a pirate so settle down". Instead he says something like "I am hatred incarnate! Tell me who told you I am a pirate or I will find and kill everyone you care about". I was really surprised. My LS SW would never say that.


Then you fight someone and you get the standard choice: LS-let them live, DS-kill them. I select LS and my SW says something like "I would kill you but I've decided to let you live because that is even worse than death for you! Mwahahaha!" I am again surprised and think that he would never say that.


Then I get to the SW specific story and someone asks the SW what he wants. His options to respond are basically:

1-I seek the ultimate challenge to show how tough I am

2-I want power, endless power and authority!

3-I just want to kill lots of people


None of those options are even close to what my SW would talk about when he discussed what he wanted in his class story chapters 1-3.


So I ask Bioware, what have you done with my SW and who is this moron that you have put in his place?

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It's a larger problem with the shared class storyline. Of three dialog choices, there's usually only one option that is specific to your class and the other two are generic and show up for everyone. The class specific line is usually something along the line of 'rawr argh i'm a sith and like being mean and stuff!' for the sith classes. My LS Inquisitor has the same problem.
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I personally found SoR was fine for my LS Sith warrior with more pragmatic light side choices in wording... well half the time anyway since I never pick dialogue choices solely based on LS/DS points or neither so didn't see all of the LS lines.


However, KotFE is extremely different and definitely became 100% what your post was about here. Save people from an explosion? auto-dialogue for choosing light side choice was "The masses cannot fear you, if there are no masses"... ... so, umm ... something very strange happened to my character during her 5 year coma. I have been regretting taking that character to the newest expansion, it completely changed the dialogue for a light side choosing sith warrior, like complete 180 compared to the rest of the game. Has nothing to do with "headcanon personality" or "I jsut wishfully thought my character was something else", I'm solely talking about dialogue lines spoken in in-game conversations comparing vanilla game, to KotFE. Chapter 12 wasn't quite as bad, but the rest was.. different. So once the game went one story with all classes cookie-cutted in Bioware writers must have decided a complete change to the character they wrote previously was required.


I haven't tried a dark side Jedi yet, or a light side Inquisitor, to see if they suffer the same. So good to know the SI has a mirror problem here.

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I haven't tried a dark side Jedi yet, or a light side Inquisitor, to see if they suffer the same. So good to know the SI has a mirror problem here.


Well, if you are interested, the ls inquisitor line for the ch 3 reactor is::



"If im to rule the galaxy, it will be with the most subjects, not the fewest"


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so, umm ... something very strange happened to my character during her 5 year coma.


That is a very real possibility, in fact I have played exactly that way on a few characters going through KotFE.


That being said, the issue is more with the summary of the choices in that the choice blurb often does not convey the reality of what is going to be said. It was recently suggested that BW should put the full text of the response (or at least the first sentence) so that players know what they are going to choose versus guessing at what the vague summary implies.

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Don't feel too bad. My girls I've taken through KotFE are ALL Light Side 5. I'm talking rainbows and kittens are shooting out of their ***. I don't think Jedi could be any more light sided than my girls, unless you **** with their friends/husbands/companions, then it's on like Donkey Kong.


But the one scene in SoR's intro with my Light Side 5 Sith Inquisitor, who loves Andronikos very much, and I don't consider rude, nor power hungry (she's got other things to worry about), basically tells him she doesn't give a **** if going to Rishi is a trap or not, they're going.


I was like....................WHAT THE HELL??


*sigh* All I can do is space magic my RP brain around Bioware's version of one size fits all/what they think light and fluffy sith/jedi are like. *shrug* I just wish they would stop making my auto dialogue sound like my girls are complete and utter *****es. Even through their class stories, they weren't. So it is annoying, but all I can do is RP the stuff I agree with and pretend they didn't say anything with the stuff I don't.

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Based on the 6 characters I've taken through KotFE now it feels like Bioware has created a new, now set standard, personality for each class via the class specific dialogue. No matter their alignment. Time will tell if we get a bit more thought put into it, doubting that though. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy KotFE a lot. Just some class specific dialogues feel out of whack to what I'm used to hearing my characters say in cutscenes. But I can get used to it.


Well, if you are interested, the ls inquisitor line for the ch 3 reactor is::



"If im to rule the galaxy, it will be with the most subjects, not the fewest"



I almost regret taking DS option there on my darker type SI . That's something I could hear him saying.

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Based on the 6 characters I've taken through KotFE now it feels like Bioware has created a new, now set standard, personality for each class via the class specific dialogue. No matter their alignment. Time will tell if we get a bit more thought put into it, doubting that though. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy KotFE a lot. Just some class specific dialogues feel out of whack to what I'm used to hearing my characters say in cutscenes. But I can get used to it.


This exactly :( this bothers me SO much. Role playing varied characters is my absolute favorite thing to do in SWtOR and other choice-based games. I don't mind a linear story as long as I get a lot of chances to fine tune and define my character's personality. The base game 1-50 did this pretty much perfectly IMO. There was almost no autodialogue and when there was it was extremely generic like "who's there?" 99.999% of the time your character talked you picked the dialogue yourself. The game didn't assume a personality or alignment for your character based on class and when you made a DS or LS choice you often had a chance to explain your motivation through dialogue that you choose. Ex: you kill someone because: 1) He would have kept coming back to try and kill us 2) He was weak scum that deserved death 3)He forced my hand, etc...I HATE the fact that SoR and KotFE gave your character an automatic personality, automatic actions, automatic dialogue, etc...


My humble, kind, 100% LS inquisitor would never refer to people like they're just pawns and he only saved them because they were useful slaves (sun generator autodialogue) he would never threaten to shock an old man for slightly doubting him (inquisitor personal quest auto-action on Rishi), etc...I understand why they can only have one story now and not 8 or even 2 (1 per faction) but why give us so much automatic dialogue? Why let us form distinct personalities in the base game and completely undermine them in the expansions? Why not let us continue to pick all of our dialogue or make the only autodialogue neutral stuff that anyone would say ex: "who's there?" :(

Edited by Nefla
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BioWarenDisney-Hacked my Player Character in The Eternal Empire, Saving Valkorian's Bacon his Children Cooked-:


Oh don't feel bad, The Shadows of Revan are but a foretaste of what Bioware and Disney have in store for us on the storylines. If you picked up the Mask Of Revan immediately you are supposed to be "drug addicted" to the supposed talking mask and give it back to the Revanites instead of keeping it for yourself There should be a whole Revanite change over of your character that he should become more Grey Sith or Grey Consular Jedi but there is really nothing, you as your character PC does not feel different....no ghost of Revan haunting you.


1) Your NPC Characters and Player Characters do change because the Storylines are pretty much devoted to the Rebirth Of Revan's soul. The Knights of The Fallen Empire (Eternal Empire) has an Greyish Forceside gloomyguss plot that Bioware wants your character to fall into. "Waaaaaannnaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! Valkorian went to Zios Planet and exterminated everything........then with the power he got there DeathStaring just about everything then he beat us up so badly of the Old Republic and the Sith Empire that we need your help again so that is why we unthaw you!!!! ERICISSTHWARROR.....YOUR OUR ONLY HOPE!"

2) With Lana taking the part of Leia Organa in the Eternal Empire storyline acting as Leia would have during Return Of The Jedi Movie, there is very little your Player Character can do at first other than basic survival with Lananite NPC that complicates your Entire Storyline from the getgo of all the Dream Nightmares that allows Valkorian and you to be "REBORN", Valkorian simply wants to tag along with you in your mind for the ride to learn from you what "Love and Relationships are", he sees in you the salvation of the Zakuul Empire and you will sooner or later take your place as 'his chosen Emperor' like it or not.

3) The only true reason your getting freed from the Carbonite is because both the Terrified Sith Council and the remains of the Old Republic Military cannot fight back against the Eternal Empire without you stalling it for as long as you can internally. Valkorian's asking you to kneel to him, is a smokescreen since he wants you to deal with his daughter and son, Arcanne either will toss you the lightsaber to kill Valkorian or he will kill his father outright and take over the Empire which his father seems to have denied him all these 5 years. The Daughter is worse than the son is since she clears the Throne Room of Valkorian uncaring of what is going to happen and sets herself up to having her brother either kill Valkorian or you to be their assassin of choice.


Sadly the character NPCs I knew leading up to The Eternal Empire have all left me as my character reaches level 60. 2 of my Player Characters now are at Level 60 as one is at Level 63 and another is at Level 65. Ashara Zovros has sent EricissthWarror her goodbye letter stating that she was nearly killed during the 5 years that I was imprisoned in Carbonite and she has drifted off to Darkspace in the Wildspace Region and she is following a "vision" of something wanting her to go there to a specific point. All my other first companions like Khem Val and the Professor in the Imperial Reclimation Service have done the same, either killed off or just wandered off on their own because of the Grey Sith and Bioware storyline that the Valkorian's extermination of Ziost Planet "Flameworld" policy makes everything a new ballgame. I can live with Koth and Lana being my companions since Lana is very good with 2 lightsabers and does not have the limitations that Ashara Zavros did. More importantly her being a Steel Kitten Grey Sith in the years that she has had to help Darth Marr has made her the Sith Girl mostly all Player Character males want to get to bed with on their Fury Interceptors but cannot quite because they are uncertain of her feelings.

However now your Jedi and Sith npcs and your Player Character are in the same boat of being Grey Sith and Grey Jedi since the storyline has changed so much.

Edited by Eric_Skynwalker
New info I am adding
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