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What does everyone think about the future of SWTOR?


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I look for it to expand the market. I honestly believe that TOR will attract a new type of subscriber and that demographic will be the bulk of it's subscriptions. I understand that even mentioning this pisses off the Hardcore to no end but even if they can't or refuse to see it; TOR is something special; it's more like being part of a shared novel or Television series.


I fully expect to see the population rise above three million by the end of 2012; I also fully expect it to be the most hated MMO by hardcore players...which isn't necessarily a bad thing.


Quoted For Truth

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It's a decent game, almost 100% certain it was made for casual players in mind but for some reason I don't see the retention being very high. I think it will spike to several million and just endlessly bleed players. It won't be a failure, as the initial spike will help cushion the losses into a steady decline. Not going to guesstimate it's final hovering numbers.


This is, of course, hinging on if it remains in it's current state. It's a very lean game, a straight shot through. Looks like crafting and WZs were the only things built to be an activity and not a minigame, not seeing a high replay value. Leveling alts, if you can stand listening to the sidequests again (I personally can't), one of each will probably only take 3-4 months. We'll see what their content update schedule looks like. My opinion.

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I think they have a solid platform to build from.

We have a lot available to us already in terms of content, its only a matter of time before we see some big implementations of new features and functions which no doubt will keep this game fresh for years to come.

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I'm cancelling and coming back in about 2-3 months. I have a feeling the game will be completely different by then. The game was simply rushed to launch, unfortunately I have a feeling the game will lose a lot of players by then and end up being like Vanguard which did the same thing, had a huge launch and everyone quit right away because it wasn't 'finished' at all and yet now today the game is pretty damn awesome but ruined its beginning which is enough to kill an MMO permanently.


I have a good feeling that TOR will be a 100% better game in a few months and will definitely be subscribing again.

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To answer the question asked: I think it's going to be very important for BW to properly develop and maintain endgame content.


PvE will need more operations and/or hard/harder mode(s) for flashpoints and/or operations. I suspect the additional operations are on the way. I'm not sure if there is the hard mode(s) already, but possibly multiple difficuties could add longevity.


PvP will need some distinction between the PvP that can be done prior to lvl 50 and post lvl 50. Admittedly I don't have a lvl 50 character, but browsing the forums it seems there is no distinction.


So to sum up, content. It all comes down to new content. The released a great game to level up in with detailed story arcs, but if they can't find away to keep us playing after the written story has ended then I'm not sure if this game will survive for more than a couple years. Its pretty obvious that it has at least 6 months of glory that will occur, but after that, content.

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I think from here on it's only downhill. Nothing i saw or read so far let me think otherwise.


The next gen mmo? Probably an asian product with new game mechanics and a more dynamic game world to keep people exited beyond the leveling aspect.

Edited by Grrl
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To answer the question asked: I think it's going to be very important for BW to properly develop and maintain endgame content.


PvE will need more operations and/or hard/harder mode(s) for flashpoints and/or operations. I suspect the additional operations are on the way. I'm not sure if there is the hard mode(s) already, but possibly multiple difficuties could add longevity.


PvP will need some distinction between the PvP that can be done prior to lvl 50 and post lvl 50. Admittedly I don't have a lvl 50 character, but browsing the forums it seems there is no distinction.


So to sum up, content. It all comes down to new content. The released a great game to level up in with detailed story arcs, but if they can't find away to keep us playing after the written story has ended then I'm not sure if this game will survive for more than a couple years. Its pretty obvious that it has at least 6 months of glory that will occur, but after that, content.


I think the hook is a cliff hanger main story that will be resumed in the first expansion, between now and then the will feed us expanded operations and flashpoints along with regular story updates in small chunks. Will this be enough to keep the hardcore progression Raiders happy? Hell no; but honestly Bioware needs to stop worrying about them as they are not the future of this game.

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I think from here on it's only downhill. Nothing i saw or read so far let me think otherwise.


The next gen mmo? Probably an asian product with new game mechanics and a more dynamic game world to keep people exited beyond the leveling aspect.


Didn't understand that.


If you're saying that the next gen MMO is going to be from an Asian studio, I don't think so. They all seem to follow a formula that doesn't deviate from the standard very often.

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Nope. I was like you at one time; blind.




If you don't like the game, you're a hater.


If you like the game, you must be fanboy.


No exceptions. Ever.


That's how most interaction between you and other people seem to go.

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Nope. I was like you at one time; blind.


I'm not blind I have played since beta ...I just have a very different opinion than you do and that's okay. See it's alright to let different types of MMO's exist, you really don't need to go on this Jihad because you think X MMO is threatening your precious.


Take me for example I loathe EvE online, but I accept that a crap ton of people love it..so I'm not going to hang around their forums bashing the game because it's kinda Toolish.

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Didn't understand that.


If you're saying that the next gen MMO is going to be from an Asian studio, I don't think so. They all seem to follow a formula that doesn't deviate from the standard very often.

We can hope that Guild Wars 2 will make a dent, but im not entirely sure yet. New things from an asian mmo? For example dynamic combat.

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As the initial novelty wears off people will start looking harder at the things that just dont seem to work well and other games have done a better job. You would have thought the Devs would have looked at some of these and say this works good here lets have something similar.


The Galactic Market is 100% sinister in trying to find anything. You cant get any results until you tell the thing what category it is. If I want Desh why cant I type Desh or link in the search window? What if I dont know the category? - guess and guess.


The UI is cluncky, the little tutorial tab gets in the way of things, scavaging nodes that dont work some missions that dont work unless you reset - all these things get to you after a while.


You companion can freeze and sometimes you can not dismiss or summon until you fight another NPC where upon he deigns to magically appear.


When they NERF something like slicing but didnt think it out 100% (my opinion only) as well as sometimes terrible server lag from servers I can drive to, they have a bit of a way to go to make long term players of the crowd that 1st walked through the door.

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