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dear lord the toxicity is unbeleivable


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Well not to worry, ill read the guides, try my best, get my 20 k tokens for a crate and shall disappear to regs for practice....assuming 20k is enough for a weapons crate, those who posted helpful guides, thank you i will do my best to follow


you're going to get raged on a lot. 20k is well over 100 losses iirc. I don't really care. I'll sit there on my merc getting near globalled all night if I think it annoys someone talking down to me. but my point is that you will be abused. and you'll rarely if ever get a game in which players of similar skill/experience are in the queue in the numbers that would make rated matchmaking actually functional. this isn't all your fault by any means. and BW purposefully set the system up as it is. but all that said...if you're just grinding losses for comms to get a reward, I don't think you should queue, as much for your own well-being as everyone else's. it was really really dumb of BW to offer that incentive. it's a half measure that makes everyone on both sides of the "argument" upset.

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How do i get a strip on my screen to see that someone is casting so i can interrupt? Could be useful for those sage heals


I didn't know it was this bad. Here is the best advice we can give. Take it for what you will. Get mad about it, or listen. If you don't know how edit your interface to see cast bars there is absolutely zero chance you have in ranked. Zero. You don't belong there. You being there is just going to make everyone mad, including yourself and you'll end up being burnt out. What you need to do is find a guild on your server that PvPs, and start PvPing with them as a group. Get in voice, learn, ask questions. The people you get absolutely owned by, whisper after a match and ask for duels. 9/10 every PvPer will duel. Then when you lose, kindly ask what you did wrong. Again most people would rather help a bad that asks questions then one who refuses to learn and just stays foreverbad. Search youtube vids and twitch videos of the class you are trying to learn. Look how they set up their bars, interfaces, skill rotations and go from there.

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How do i get a strip on my screen to see that someone is casting so i can interrupt? Could be useful for those sage heals

well...that stuff is all on there by default. it's called the cast bar and buff bar respectively (above and below the character portrait) -- the buff/debuff bar isn't actually a bar. it's a series of icon. the cast bar is actually a bar. although all of these things can be moved around individually and activated/deactivated using the UI customization utility. there's a little cross on the top left of the first quickbar (the ability bound to your 1 key). click on it and "open interface editor." you can edit the size and location of cast/buff bars for your self, your target, your focus target, your target of target, your companion, and a ton of other stuff.


Interrupts don't have cast times. Some CCs do. Most of the ranged mezzes have cast times. The warrior/JK stun (force choke) sort of has a cast as well (not sure why tbh).

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you're going to get raged on a lot. 20k is well over 100 losses iirc. I don't really care. I'll sit there on my merc getting near globalled all night if I think it annoys someone talking down to me. but my point is that you will be abused. and you'll rarely if ever get a game in which players of similar skill/experience are in the queue in the numbers that would make rated matchmaking actually functional. this isn't all your fault by any means. and BW purposefully set the system up as it is. but all that said...if you're just grinding losses for comms to get a reward, I don't think you should queue, as much for your own well-being as everyone else's. it was really really dumb of BW to offer that incentive. it's a half measure that makes everyone on both sides of the "argument" upset.


Oh i have won matches, im not that bad, that's the thing ... i can have 1, 2 or once had 3 kills per match, i complete weekly and daily, and they only count wins 6000 comms i earned, that is maybe 6 hours of play over 2 weeks on and off to computer. Trust me i take no pleasure in doing ranked, it is toxic and it is not the fault of new people who come there, that is true..i was upset today and wrote this thread, when after giving hatred a go, a sorc on my team suggested i die of cancer....since i moved back to beloved deception with more cc abbility

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well...that stuff is all on there by default. it's called the cast bar and buff bar respectively (above and below the character portrait) -- the buff/debuff bar isn't actually a bar. it's a series of icon. the cast bar is actually a bar. although all of these things can be moved around individually and activated/deactivated using the UI customization utility. there's a little cross on the top left of the first quickbar (the ability bound to your 1 key). click on it and "open interface editor." you can edit the size and location of cast/buff bars for your self, your target, your focus target, your target of target, your companion, and a ton of other stuff.


Interrupts don't have cast times. Some CCs do. Most of the ranged mezzes have cast times. The warrior/JK stun (force choke) sort of has a cast as well (not sure why tbh).


thanks, what i meant was there is an option to select a target i think it was alt+f and a larger panel appears, when u can see clearer on screen when they are channeling

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thanks, what i meant was there is an option to select a target i think it was alt+f and a larger panel appears, when u can see clearer on screen when they are channeling


alt-f is focus target. it puts another character portrait on your screen. but it's not a replacement for the regular targeted character. and all portraits come with cast bars by default. it's frustrating trying to explain this via forum. the best thing to do is speak with someone in voice chat so you can get some real time interaction. trust me. it'll be a LOT faster for both of you.

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I see more people getting mad lately this season because swtor casual PvPers think they deserve the rewards for ranked. Before we had to work super hard to get the measly rewards. Now all you have to do is just queue and screw up everyone's ratings in order for you to get the weapons by farming comms. One of my toons I worked super hard to break silver in Solos. Was one game away, when someone who has never healed a match before joined ranked and just was worthless. Rating loss. This happened 6 more times in a row that I got matched with this individual, wouldn't take advice, just flat out screwed anyone that got on his team. Stuff like that makes us furious. We now have to spend hours and hours regaining those points back. I sort of wish they would redo that a little. If I don't do Dread Fortress. I don't deserve Wings of the Architect mount. If I can't play arenas, I don't deserve the rewards. But being that Epeen has been judged by what title or weapons you have, this is where we run into all the problems and toxicity that's been floating around.


This type of player is the problem, these responses are trash. I am s3-4 diamond level LoL player. I know a little bit about soloQ and ranked PvP


The red: Lets assume you are the best player on the server. This leaves you with 3 slots to fill. The other team has 4. Which team has a better chance of getting this absolute gawd awful player????? Now of course this is irrelevant when you play vs opposing faction right ?? For the most part...


The sea green : If you are truly care about your rating, and you are dumb enough to continue to queue with a player like this in your cycle. Then you sir......DO NOT... deserve a damn thing.


Where has the mentality of " I can carry my team" or " Damn this guy sucks but let me help him improve as much as I can" ......where has this gone ?

NOBODY in an online world is going to respond to hate/ridicule/cursing/negativity by improving their gameplay immediately.


Do what you can with you have.

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I got to admit, I hate arenas, i really do.

But i saw that season 6 rewards were cool and decided, hey im going to do season 7 (even though we don't know what the rewards will be).


But i can not believe the level of absolute hate that comes with ranked... it's toxic. Me and other were told do die and all other great stuff by fellow professionals, including statements like please don't que any more or rot to death etc etc.


As a sith assassin, i perform not at a level of a pro, i admit, but definitely not the worst of the worst.

Now this is just to vent.


A real question is, assassin has 2 defenses, deflection and shroud with 1 min and 2 min cool downs, and there is no way of shortening those times, especially deflection. So how the hell am i to survive when after using those defenses that last not so long you are tunneled like there is no tomorrow. Yet opers can have 35 secs on their shield probe.


Did i pick a wrong toon to do ranked? Should i have used oper or sniper? It sucks since i have 6000 tokens on that sin already. Someone told me, hey try hatred, i realised that with cleansing in ranked i can't get any damage in at all and my dots aint hurting anyone


As for the haters, well sorry guys i need my 20k tokens, and i will get them, after i got them, trust me there is no way in hell i will play ranked in free will. Or is it a problem of Bioware that there are only 4 on 4 arenas available?



The Rolling Stones taught us how to handle a situation like this!


When you are doing solo ranked and they get toxic, Dance Little Sister, Dance!


That's right!


Put them ALL on Ignore, and type /getdown


And just dance till the acid rain comes.


They will learn a valuable lesson. If they don't learn, keep doing it!

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the rolling stones taught us how to handle a situation like this!


When you are doing solo ranked and they get toxic, dance little sister, dance!


That's right!


Put them all on ignore, and type /getdown


and just dance till the acid rain comes.


They will learn a valuable lesson. If they don't learn, keep doing it!



Edited by tcgtqu
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I got to admit, I hate arenas, i really do.

But i saw that season 6 rewards were cool and decided, hey im going to do season 7 (even though we don't know what the rewards will be).


But i can not believe the level of absolute hate that comes with ranked... it's toxic. Me and other were told do die and all other great stuff by fellow professionals, including statements like please don't que any more or rot to death etc etc.


As a sith assassin, i perform not at a level of a pro, i admit, but definitely not the worst of the worst.

Now this is just to vent.


A real question is, assassin has 2 defenses, deflection and shroud with 1 min and 2 min cool downs, and there is no way of shortening those times, especially deflection. So how the hell am i to survive when after using those defenses that last not so long you are tunneled like there is no tomorrow. Yet opers can have 35 secs on their shield probe.


Did i pick a wrong toon to do ranked? Should i have used oper or sniper? It sucks since i have 6000 tokens on that sin already. Someone told me, hey try hatred, i realised that with cleansing in ranked i can't get any damage in at all and my dots aint hurting anyone


As for the haters, well sorry guys i need my 20k tokens, and i will get them, after i got them, trust me there is no way in hell i will play ranked in free will. Or is it a problem of Bioware that there are only 4 on 4 arenas available?


You can shorten Deflection's cool down :rak_03: #SinTank4Lyfe

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That's not just ranked in the past 3 months it has gotten worse.


Best to turn whisspers off and sometimes ops channels off also, no big deal.


People who pvp report you for standing still to long, report you for not having high dps and so on, threaten you and so on, just learn to live with it they just spew bs and are to be ignored. I have been putting up with that for the last 7 months and just treat pvp like a joke now, won't even touch rank anymore. Since can get in trouble for treating it like a joke there.


Just keep in mind a lot who pvp are insure people not all of them, and just laugh it off.

Edited by Talosred
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It's the weekend too. Lots of kids etc on atm, so on every loss blame will be cast to everyone else but oneself. If you judged players by their comments in ranked you'd think you were grouped with real e-sport professionals for swtor.


Just ignore them, and in time you will improve also, through the adversity. Stay on the class you enjoy.


Many of these players are such poor losers they will /stuck after losing the first round, not even trying to win the second.


Just a lot of ****** attitudes and immaturity is why I honestly think a lot of 18 and under are playing over the last couple days.


I also notice a ton more **** talking and poor sportsmanship in solo ranked. it's never a friendly environment, but it is worse as of recently, at least on Harb.

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The Rolling Stones taught us how to handle a situation like this!


When you are doing solo ranked and they get toxic, Dance Little Sister, Dance!


That's right!


Put them ALL on Ignore, and type /getdown


And just dance till the acid rain comes.


They will learn a valuable lesson. If they don't learn, keep doing it!



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Now there are players who are trolling rank, for the sole purpose of screwing things up for everybody else. There was a sage healer the other day that was trolling chat. I get a solo ranked pop, and that player is on my team. He was in non augmented 204 gear. Sure enough, he is typing in chat while the match is going on, instead of healing. We had no chance thanks to him, and lost quickly. After the match, I whispered him why he was doing that. He responds by saying he will make all who play ranked suffer, and paybacks are a *****. I stopped queuing because of him. He continued to que, and do the same to other players. Im thinking this person was verbally attacked in ranked before, now is getting his own revenge by trolling it, and making people lose. If that's the case, its NO excuse to mess peoples games up. That's just one example of many ive seen. Its frustrating dealing with players like this. Makes it not enjoyable.
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Has anyone noticed the increased in the term "Randoms" I think this kind of language gives away the state of ranked.


"Whose on yer team bra?"

"Oh JiggleBalls, Horseface and some Random, fml, where are all these losers coming from."


"Who are we focusing?"

"Focus the random"


It basically shows that ranked players all know each other, and mostly play with and against each other. Any person they dont recognize is a filthy "Random"

Edited by KevinQCowart
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My experience hasn't been so bad. I have about 80 games played on my Jugg now. Every now and then you get a player who says "why do I get stuck with the bads" or something to that effect. Had one Sin go AFK because he started calling the rest of us bad, we threw some insult back at him, he got mad and threw the game. Had a PT in one game that was afk for both rounds; got in another game with him in which he was not AFK this time and he started calling the rest of us terrible, lol. I reminded him of his AFK game, he promptly stopped talking. Had another in which one guy called me bad, I said I didn't even recognize him, he said "alts." I ended up with 3k dps in the first round, he shut up. I could go on.


Flack is tossed around in solos. I think that in order to have fun, you have to first go in and ignore the flack, don't care about rating. Make it your goal to learn and get better. Keep playing, and you will get better. Players will still toss insults at you and say you suck, even when you don't.

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well...there's an in-game mailing. there's the dev tracker. there are the leader boards (accessible from the top of any swtor page). but we never know exactly when a season will start or end until A) it starts, or B) they announce the impending end a week or two in advance. BW is really really bad at communicating anything, and their precedents don't mean much of anything. for example, don't count on similar rewards, reward/tier costs, length of seasons, balancing mid season (sometimes yes, sometimes no). there's a precedent for everything and nothing. they really are horrible at this.


When you click the factionsymbol at the minimap and bring up the pvp tab, you can see what season currently is running. Between seasons, doesn't it show that no season are running there?

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The ranked players in SWTOR are a good ole boys club, a small one.


Many of these players have been playing SWTOR since launch and came from cliques in SWG many also play ranked in WoW.


If you want to just drop-in and start trying ranked you are years behind and will be meet with absolute scathing hostility.


I was in a all DPS yolo match on my merc the other day and got completely globalled, the merc on the opposing team netted me and the rest swarmed me. The smug Madness sorc on my team said, "you should try to not get globalled" to which I replied, "I got netted and focus fired, not much I can do without any team support", to which they replied, "Then don't get netted" This is mentality you deal with and why my ranked participation doesn't last long.


Do what I do, turn off chat.

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And here is an interesting thing ....

Ranked players ***** with UR coming to their arenas....

Yet when season is not there, they like to group up with "their mates" to slaughter complete newbies in regs.


When reg players complain, ranked cry that they are denied the freedom of playing with their pals, yet a group of 4 slaughters newbies, killing inside them any wish to continue to pvp.


But when we come to Ranked, you start to whine, and complain that we won't let you enjoy the game. Well, we want to have fun, too. And it is especially fun to watch you ***** about it. So consider this karma! You can't have it both ways.

Edited by AlCorazon
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And here is an interesting thing ....

Ranked players ***** with UR coming to their arenas....

Yet when season is not there, they like to group up with "their mates" to slaughter complete newbies in regs.


When reg players complain, ranked cry that they are denied the freedom of playing with their pals, yet a group of 4 slaughters newbies, killing inside them any wish to continue to pvp.


But when we come to Ranked, you start to whine, and complain that we won't let you enjoy the game. Well, we want to have fun, too. And it is especially fun to watch you ***** about it. So consider this karma! You can't have it both ways.


This is completely childish and immature, frankly anyone who queues into solo ranked with the intention of ruining the mode for another person deserves more than just verbal abuse.

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This is completely childish and immature, frankly anyone who queues into solo ranked with the intention of ruining the mode for another person deserves more than just verbal abuse.


No i did not say that, i don't want to ruin anyone's party, i just want to have fun in ranked! :) Like you guys in Regs. You are having fun there right?

Actually i didn't have this mindset until all the crap about ruining your ratings started coming out and ruining you perfect little bubble, now that it has emerged it is twice more fun! May even wear 224 sets to ranked! People start to learn ranked, by doing ranked, you need to deal with it, there is no pops off season, so this is an opportunity. If you have anything to say about it, complain to Bioware, they made ranked rewards available to everyone, and they will get it, and no matter how much you moan, this will not change. So instead of ************, offer advice to those who need to learn, I myself will always take it if offered and improve on my mistakes, but i come after a year of playing regs. If offered without insults, advise will be taken, at least by me and I am sure by many others!

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No i did not say that, i don't want to ruin anyone's party, i just want to have fun in ranked! :) Like you guys in Regs. You are having fun there right?

Actually i didn't have this mindset until all the crap about ruining your ratings started coming out and ruining you perfect little bubble, now that it has emerged it is twice more fun! May even wear 224 sets to ranked! People start to learn ranked, by doing ranked, you need to deal with it, there is no pops off season, so this is an opportunity. If you have anything to say about it, complain to Bioware, they made ranked rewards available to everyone, and they will get it, and no matter how much you moan, this will not change. So instead of ************, offer advice to those who need to learn, I myself will always take it if offered and improve on my mistakes, but i come after a year of playing regs. If offered without insults, advise will be taken, at least by me and I am sure by many others!


There were tons of pops in off season on harb.


I sometimes group queue in regs but more often solo queue so you're barking up the wrong tree, between general boredom from playing the same maps for ~4 years and the extremely low skill level regs get boring fast.


If you read any of my previous comments you will see that I am an advocate of matchmaking in regs, which is the only way to solve the issue of skilled/experienced players (both solo and in groups) farming unskilled/inexperienced players in regs.


There is a point when you are ready to jump into solo arena and actually learn, if you don't understand your class/dcds/utility/etc then you're not ready and you are only setting yourself up for frustration and ruining the experience for others... intentionally throwing games by playing like **** in order to make people who premade suffer is somewhere between sad and pathetic.

Edited by alexsamma
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And here is an interesting thing ....

Ranked players ***** with UR coming to their arenas....

Yet when season is not there, they like to group up with "their mates" to slaughter complete newbies in regs.


When reg players complain, ranked cry that they are denied the freedom of playing with their pals, yet a group of 4 slaughters newbies, killing inside them any wish to continue to pvp.


But when we come to Ranked, you start to whine, and complain that we won't let you enjoy the game. Well, we want to have fun, too. And it is especially fun to watch you ***** about it. So consider this karma! You can't have it both ways.


Ranked is specifically meant to be for players looking to be competitive. Not knowing the basics of keeping yourself alive on a class means you shouldn't be there. Regs are for everyone and aren't meant to be balanced, only to pop quickly. Just because anyone can play regs doesn't mean everyone should be in ranked.

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The behavior in Ranked WZs is probably the worst I've ever seen. I've played quite a few other MMOs starting with Ultima Onine. I've played SWG from day one. CoH/V, a little WoW, a little STO, etc.


PvPers in this game behave really terribly. My best guess is because PvP, and especially ranked PvP is so broken and bad. There is so much wrong with it and people become so frustrated that they take it out on each other.

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