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Sent/Mara Defences


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Sentinels/Marauders have never had good defences and with all the juggernauts/guardians that I have been dominating the warrior/knight class that won't give the sent/mara much chance of winning in a 1v1 situation this is something that bothers me. After see the defences of the powertech/mercenary that are the same from the look of it why not apply that same idea to the warriors/knights as a base defence powerbase what I mean by this is give both advanced classes "Undying rage"-"Enrage Defence"-"Saber ward"-"Predation"

This in my opinion will help restore a lot of balance to the warrior/knight classes

Edited by jediharrsion
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Sentinels/Marauders have never had good defences and with all the juggernauts/guardians that I have been dominating the warrior/knight class that won't give the sent/mara much chance of winning in a 1v1 situation this is something that bothers me. when ever I have dueled a juggernaut I have always lost because I fail to realize that half way through my rotation that they activate the enrage defence AKA "I WIN BUTTON" to shoot there health back up to full. in honesty there is no way to defend against this op ability in a duel. but in a warzone you can stealth out to avoid it so it is not a total lose. After see the defences of the powertech/mercenary that are the same from the look of it why not apply that same idea to the warriors/knights as a base defence powerbase what I mean by this is give both advanced classes "Undying rage"-"Enrage Defence"-"Saber ward"-"Predation"

This in my opinion will help restore a lot of balance to the warrior/knight classes


Spread the plague?

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Sentinels/Marauders have never had good defences and with all the juggernauts/guardians that I have been dominating the warrior/knight class that won't give the sent/mara much chance of winning in a 1v1 situation this is something that bothers me. After see the defences of the powertech/mercenary that are the same from the look of it why not apply that same idea to the warriors/knights as a base defence powerbase what I mean by this is give both advanced classes "Undying rage"-"Enrage Defence"-"Saber ward"-"Predation"

This in my opinion will help restore a lot of balance to the warrior/knight classes


Firstly, Saber Ward is shared among both classes, so I'm assuming you meant Saber Reflect. In that case, absolutely not! Doing this will destroy what makes the two classes distinct. Saber reflect is the iconic jugg ability, just as predation/transcendence is unique to the marauder (though the Jugg can take a utility that encroaches a little on this). It's also characteristic of the differences in the classes


Juggernauts are supposed to be shock troopers, as in moderate-high to high durability with decent DPS. They are meant to be in the middle of the melee, taking hits and shrugging them off. their DCDs are the strongest in the game for precisely that reason. They don't have stealth like shadows/sins and they don't have mid-range abilities like Vanguards/PTs. They only do only one thing and they are incredibly specialised to handle it.


Marauders on the other hand are meant to be destroyers with moderate durability and high DPS. Before you complain that Juggs have much higher DPS than Maras, Bant's optimal stats comprehensively disproves that hypothesis, with anni and carnage in the top 3 specs for DPS. They are meant to kill things quickly, and their defences are more evasive than enduring.


Part of this is their speed boosts, granted from 2 utilities (on camo, as well as a cleanse, predation and for general in-combat movement) (this includes slows if using PVP utilities) as well as their more often-ignored defences (aka obfuscate/pacify, cop/rebuke and predation/transcendence) The first effectively makes another player (even in full PVP gear) unable to hit you for 6s, the second reduce damage taken (aka past your defences) by 20% and damages your attacker and the third increases your M/R def chance by 10%. Yes, these don't have the same stopping power as a Jugg, but you don't need them. That's not getting into Saber Ward or Undying Rage (which should be saved for 'oh crap' moments). Worst case scenario, (focussed with all DCDs on CD) a mara pops force camo and uses the 4s stealth to LOS them and pop a medpack.


If you're having trouble killing Juggs in PVP, I'd suggest getting PVP gear, learn your class abilities, (possibly speccing to combat/carnage as it has the best chance against a Jugg) and then watch them melt in your precision windows. As for 1v1, you're not a Jugg, so don't act like one. Think tactically, what are you trying to achieve, and go for that. Zerging in just plays to the Juggs advantage, and a mara won't win on those terms.


As for Focussed Defence/Enraged Defence, as you specifically mentioned, I make sure my cloak of pain/rebuke is up, pop a PVP stim and burn through it (fairly easy with the ataru procs from combat and the DoTs from anni). Once the charges are gone, it can't be used for 1.5-2 minutes, effectively forever in a melee. If they're gearing up for a big DPS burst, use obfuscate/pacify, choke/stasis or intimidating roar/awe to make them delay or waste it.


Now, If I was to suggest improvements that keep the mara 'viable' (though we don't really need them) I'd up the utility powers, possibly give Maras a pull to mirror the juggs push and perhaps share the intercede/guardian leap abilities, though the last one is stepping on the Guardian's toes a little.


PS - PT/Merc DCDs are similar only in the abilities, there is a whole difference in methodology, abilities and the passives between them (aka into the fray and the AoE stun on on VGs/PTs, the knockback and self-knockback on merc/mandos)

Edited by Feldraeth
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