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Dead Servers


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Hi, my SWTOR name is Geejzo, and you may recall me from various Reddit / Forum threads regarding the status of PvP servers, or possibly as one of the folks who put together http://www.savepvp.tk. My Reddit name is podad143 if you want to look any of them up.


Let me preface this by saying the following:


- I have no major issues with the game as it is right now; it’s more story heavy than I prefer, but that’s fine. I wish there were more endgame things to do, but that’s not my purpose here


- I get that there have been and currently are 90CC transfers (until Tuesday 4/26)


- There are currently NO means for guilds to transfer their assets between servers


- There are no current plans that we know of to merge SWTOR servers - I get the fact that it is bad business to mention merging / consolidating servers


I’m not here to start any arguments. The posts I reference above are more geared towards retaining PvP-only servers…but I feel like we’re beyond that. This time, I’m here to shine a bit more light on the fact that there are several near-empty servers in SWTOR, and in every single communication we receive from BW/EA, there is nothing said about future plans to address this. There are folks on servers, such as PoT5, who have invested time and in-game / real-life money into this game, and we feel that we’re being treated like second-hand citizens. We pay for this game too, and in our opinion, we’re not getting what we pay for.


Most of us were put here through the forced transfers a couple of years back. I didn’t think of that as a bad thing at the time, as I ended up finding a great group of people, and we have had a blast. But, it has become an absolute ghost town on PoT5. We see the same people in Warzones, and hell, half the time the WZ’s are empty; don’t even ask about group finder…I quit using that sometime early last year; the economy is in shambles; Pub-side PoT5 is almost like pre-merger…you can find yourself all alone on the fleet.


I can’t imagine this is too much to ask…please say something or do something about this situation. We have one of the largest remaining guilds on PoT5, and these people are thinking of leaving the game rather than give up everything they’ve worked for over the years. Maybe to some folks it’s easy to leave things you’ve compiled, but for others (such as a lot of us), it’s not. If there are no plans to merge, then for God’s sake, give us tools to move the guild to a different server. That is another sore point – why should we willingly give up what we’ve built? We should do this because the developers are too lazy to implement this? Why? I have personally reached out to Eric and Tait in this regard (constructively, I might add), but I have been met with silence. Maybe the changes of late are pointing to an imminent merger, but there are people paying money to play this game and have fun who are seriously on the fence about leaving…myself being one (not that it matters, but beta player + solid sub since then). Can you not throw us a bone and let us know what your plans are?


I hope this plea is taken at face-value and given due consideration. As I stated in my preface, the game itself is doing ok – it’s the maintenance and status of certain servers that is just becoming unbearable. We are having an officers’ meeting in the next couple of days to decide how to proceed – do we transfer and suck it up? Do we stay until we’re the last on the server? Or do we all part ways and look fondly on our time in SWTOR when it was a sustainable group / social game?


Thank you all for your time, and I apologize for the length of this post. May the Force be with you.

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Is Grease the Servos staying? Ascension is committed to staying on Pot5, but we are certainly not happy with Bioware being so silent about such a major issue. To make matters worse, now that the server selection screen doesn't state server population, combined with the fact that 90cc transfers are going away, new players will have no idea that they're joining a dead server, and will be stuck if they don't realize it before reaching max level. Bioware has been beyond lazy regarding this issue. To expect the player base to fix their problem for them is ridiculous, and we will not be ditching the server given the time and credits we've invested into our guildship.


If it wasn't for the community we built, my guild would be moving. It's seriously insane, at prime time my guild has at least double the population of the fleet. Last weekend we had 51 people online at our high point compared to <20 players on fleet.

Edited by ariasfel
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^+1, can confirm.


Additionally, at the risk of pissing off our GM, I'm going to share something: when we found out that character transfers were free, despite the fact that it hadn't been advertised officially, a number of people and I transferred a few characters out to more populated servers to recreate our Pub guild and generally see how the population was on those servers, so that, should the free transfer be a staying thing, we could tell the GM that despite the fact that we wouldn't have our guild ship, we'd at least have a guild where people could go--with free transfers, the loss of our monumental efforts and credits spent to make a guild ship and stronghold to bolster our community within guild wouldn't be felt so keenly. Especially in light of how much more activity we'd see on our new chosen server (for information's sake, we "remade" guilds on Shadowlands and Jedi Covenant, and were weighing between the two). Now, while I already felt that forcing me to pay 90CCs per character and forcing me to rebuild my strongholds, guild stronghold, and guild ship was adding insult to the injury of being an unlucky person on a dead server, the 1000CC transfer increase will only make it worse. I currently have 16 characters on POT5. I will not pay 16,000CCs so my legacy can be whole somewhere else, but without any of the things I've built on this server.


Needless to say, with everything happening on Tuesday and with the transfers only having been free for a matter of hours, I didn't even bring the idea up to the GM. Thank goodness, otherwise we'd have a situation of players being stranded somewhere because they didn't log in in the golden window of free transfers and then there'd have been no transfers for a while after that (FYI, this happened to a guild from POT5 already).


Basically, at this point, there are maybe four "big" (believe me, they are not big in comparison to big guilds on other servers) guilds that I know of left on POT5 (two Imperial, two Republic--though I don't play Imperial enough to be able to say for sure): Grease the Servos and Knights of Ren, and then Ascensión and Wookiee Nation.


And, much like MKwerner has stated, I've got people in my guild as well who are considering simply leaving the game rather than having to take on the task of rebuilding everything to have the same QOL (example: multiple toons for lockouts, guild ship and stronghold amenities, etc.) on another server because we were just the unlucky ones and the company seemingly doesn't want to work with us to help us out.


As an example of the attitude on POT5 in general, when Eric Musco posted BW's response to the free character transfers, (quoted):


Hey folks,


Just to clear up any confusion. Yes, server transfers did end up free for a period of a few hours last night. However, this isn't a permanent change. There is also no need to panic as this isn't a precursor to anything. [...]




The response from many of us in guild on POT5 was, "Why would you think we would panic? If anything, we would rejoice if this were a precursor to a server merge!"


... so... yeah. I'm just gonna let that stand as an example of how low the population is here now. That we would be happy to merge. So very happy.

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As an example of the attitude on POT5 in general, when Eric Musco posted BW's response to the free character transfers, (quoted):


The response from many of us in guild on POT5 was, "Why would you think we would panic? If anything, we would rejoice if this were a precursor to a server merge!"


... so... yeah. I'm just gonna let that stand as an example of how low the population is here now. That we would be happy to merge. So very happy.

The panic comes in when you all realize they're raising the price to $10 per toon in a week...;)


There will be no mergers. Bioware can't move guilds/guildships. They'll leave it up to you...a HUGE mistake, but one they're willing to take again. Bad choice after bad choice continue to plague this game...mismanagement gone awry.

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Hey folks - thank you all for the excellent and constructive feedback.


Glad to hear that Ascension is sticking around! To be completely honest, I don't know which direction GTS going to take. I've been somewhat absent lately, and I first heard of these considerations the other night when my GM emailed me. Now, we've been talking about the server condition for quite some time...probably since a few months before 4.0 dropped, when you could really see the population waning.


So, we'll see what happens as a result of our meeting tonight. And again, thank you for reading and chiming in on this situation.


Take care!

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There will be no mergers. Bioware can't move guilds/guildships. They'll leave it up to you...a HUGE mistake, but one they're willing to take again. Bad choice after bad choice continue to plague this game...mismanagement gone awry.


The purpose of this post is to find out what Bioware has to say for themselves. It seems you're as irritated as we are, so please, stand behind us and demand they answer for this.


You have been charging users of this game the same amount to transfer toons, whether they were on Harb and wanted to go to Shadowlands to buy something, or they were trapped on Jung Ma in a dead guild, and had no pops.


Next week, that will be true, except it will hurt the person with no game play left a lot more than the person who's bored on Harb.


This game is not playable on these dying servers. There is no quality of life so to speak.

You need to do something about this Bioware, or at least man up and tell us that you won't.

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The purpose of this post is to find out what Bioware has to say for themselves. It seems you're as irritated as we are, so please, stand behind us and demand they answer for this.
I will, I do...well, it may be more like slightly off center rather than right behind you, but I do stand with you ;)


I would suggest PMing Eric as well, but he doesn't seem to answer those any longer...at one time he did.

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At this point, Bioware have made it exceedingly clear through sheer inaction that they don't give a ****.


So help us pressure them to give us an answer. Stop batting us away, stop minimizing this. This is important to us.


Back us up or be quiet. We don't need your negativity.

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Well well well , we saw this yet when the game came out with 20 plus servers and could not fill them... Beta user from SWG now beta here in SWTOR,, We were less POP when you merged the first time as well as the second time.. It is time waiting 9.5 hours for a PVP to PoP is what it is called it every single day is pathetic,,, Merge the servers... :rak_03::rak_05: if you want to hold on the players you still have , it must be done
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Back us up or be quiet. We don't need your negativity.

Don't be so quick to dismiss other peoples comments.


You may or may not agree with them, but every reply brings this thread back to the front page. Encourage others to ask questions, be prepared to explain your position, and don't tell people to be quiet when your goal is to be heard...

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Don't be so quick to dismiss other peoples comments.


You may or may not agree with them, but every reply brings this thread back to the front page


You're right. but we don't need this thread to spin off into some solo-boy "JUST TRANSFER AND STOP QQING" forum.

We're all in this boat together, and while some people may be content, we all have to recognize this can be, and has been, much better, and much more fun.


I apologize if I over-reacted but the last thing we need is to be snuffed out by people who are suffering the same fate.

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As an officer in GTS on Pot5, and as someone who has a legacy of 20 characters, I have too much invested into this server for me to just up and leave without taking heavy losses on what i currently have, both in game and actual monetary value. I truly hope BW notices this and at least says SOMETHING. At this point, I don't care if it's bad news, it's better than there being no news at all about this current state of events.


I've repeatedly stated on Imp fleet that I'm "going down with this ship" when people ask about who is leaving the server. Not that I intend to stop, but BW is making it pretty hard for me to keep up that attitude, and I wish this weren't the case. I'm certain that there are many people with this same opinion out there, and I hope they speak up.

Edited by xrednefeDx
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As an officer in GTS on Pot5, and as someone who has a legacy of 20 characters, I have too much invested into this server for me to just up and leave without taking heavy losses on what i currently have, both in game and actual monetary value. I truly hope BW notices this and at least says SOMETHING. At this point, I don't care if it's bad news, it's better than there being no news at all about this current state of events.


I've repeatedly stated on Imp fleet that I'm "going down with this ship" when people ask about who is leaving the server. Not that I intend to stop, but BW is making it pretty hard for me to keep up that attitude, and I wish this weren't the case. I'm certain that there are many people with this same opinion out there, and I hope they speak up.

What do you want them to say? Do you expect them to come out and openly laugh at you? You've had nearly a year to move at 90cc per toon...you didn't. Now, they're raising the cost back up...either stay where you are such a big important person, or move to a server with actual people...nobody but YOU really gives a **** which you pick...but don't sit there hoping Bioware says anything to you...they don't gaf what ya do.


POT5 has been dead for a year.

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What do you want them to say? Do you expect them to come out and openly laugh at you? You've had nearly a year to move at 90cc per toon...you didn't. Now, they're raising the cost back up...either stay where you are such a big important person, or move to a server with actual people...nobody but YOU really gives a **** which you pick...but don't sit there hoping Bioware says anything to you...they don't gaf what ya do.


POT5 has been dead for a year.

Well, we kind of give a ****, which is why I would take the time to put this in writing. Also, I cross-posted this on the Reddit sub as well, and there are more people than you think who feel the same way...not just on PoT5, but several other servers as well.


I know you were a big proponent of the 90CC transfers when they came out, and that's your choice (I used to read the forums more than I do now). We opted not to use that service because we all have stuff we've worked for on this server (both personal and guild-wise). We don't want to move. Also, I personally find it ridiculous that there are no means to transfer guild assets if that is what we all ended up doing.


You're right - they probably do not gaf what we do or think. But we, as officers, feel like we'd be doing our members a disservice by not bringing it up and at least trying.


Regardless, thanks for your comments :)

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Feed the bots bioware.

Just the invitation bots need is to go park a toon or two on a dead *** server and go about their business and rack up the credits.

And since it's dead, material farmers could have a field day collecting thousands of materials without a fight and then transferring a character to a more populated one and make millions. if not hundreds of millions.

find a low pop server, get a hypercrate or two, sell the goods since it should be slim pickings and people will throw their credits away since they don't have it on their server that much and wham! instant millions.

rinse. repeat.

they don't give a damn about the cost for a server transfer.


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You're pretty much damned if you do and damned if you don't. They should leave the transfers where they're at. I feel bad for people who don't do any type of research and roll a toon on a server where its dead. But this is Biowares way of screwing people out of 10$ for a mistake, and then after 6 months well get an official post on here talking about how most servers are a ghost town and they will be consolidating for the third time.
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I feel bad for people who don't do any type of research and roll a toon on a server where its dead.


This is a major problem, and unacceptable. For a new player to end up on a dead server and have to pay to transfer..... really bad impression for newcomers right there.

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This is a major problem, and unacceptable. For a new player to end up on a dead server and have to pay to transfer..... really bad impression for newcomers right there.


As an example of what we mean when we say dead server, to those possibly reading this thread who have not experienced it, or even those here thinking it's not as bad as we're making it out to be:

Republic Fleet on Jedi Covenant just now had 41 people. On POT5: 6. On Tython, Ord Mantell and Coruscant, Jedi Covenant had: 31, 12, and 43. POT5: 5, 2, 5.

Imperial Fleet on Jedi Covenant: 42. On POT5: 10.

On Korriban, Hutta, and Dromund Kaas, Jedi Covenant: 19, 11, 31. POT5: 2, 4, 2.


While I hear those people who are currently saying, "Well, starter planets aren't really an indication of a server's health," and I mostly agree with you to a point given this game is older now and we therefore don't get as many new players, the differences are stark. Particularly when one considers the fact that both servers are East-Coast servers, and likely share people from a similar geographical area, who therefore have similar-ish schedules. No, this is not prime time, but the differences are still significant. There are currently 19 65s on Republic side POT5 right now. Five of which I recognize by name as farm-bots on Yavin IV who have never gotten the boot as long as they've been reported. I don't know how many bots are on JC, nor do I know them by name, but there are over100 65s kicking around on the Republic side there right now. It's crazy.


Hopefully some player sees this post when considering which server to go to. Much as I'd love to have more people to play with on POT5, realistically, I wouldn't wish the choice of our server on anyone.

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As an example of what we mean when we say dead server [...]


First part of your post doesn't matter as much as what you touched on in the second. /who [levels] is a better indicator of server population. Lots of people chillin' in their strongholds, on their ships, and out running heroics and doing star fortressy stuff these days, not to mention populations of Zakuul and Odessen.


That said, /who 1-65 shows 52 pubs on Jung Ma as I type this (21 level 65s, eighteen 1-29s). A fairly comatose server, but that gives you an idea of what you should really be worried about : )


Because I'm curious, I just logged in to Imp side (something I don't do often). There are 49 level 65s and 16 lowbies over there, with 77 total online. 128 total players on Jung Ma at 8am CST on a Friday. Maybe I'll check again during prime time : p


Edit: Accidentally counted myself twice in 'total players'.

Edited by masterceil
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