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An open letter to our players


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Hi there!




First off, I want to apologize for some of the issues you have experienced in the last couple of months. The monthly chapter release schedule is new and it has come with some unexpected bugs. It has caused problems for some of you and I want to say I am sorry. At our core, the SWTOR team are all gamers, just like you. We empathize with the excitement of wanting to play a great game only to be blocked by a problem. We spend all of our energy striving to make SWTOR the best game possible and when bugs and other issues get in the way of your player experience, we take it to heart. We are committed to doing better and I think Chapter XII: Visions in the Dark shows we are serious about listening to your concerns and making meaningful changes to address them - a high quality chapter, released on time that we hope has met the expectations of our players.




Ben Irving


While chapter XII was acceptable in terms of delivery, chapter XIII has been nothing short of a fiasco for a huge swath of the community. Many of us can't even patch correctly let alone the phasing/questing bugs that are present for the few that can get in.

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While chapter XII was acceptable in terms of delivery, chapter XIII has been nothing short of a fiasco for a huge swath of the community. Many of us can't even patch correctly let alone the phasing/questing bugs that are present for the few that can get in.


Last night was filled with birthing pains of my team trying and failing to log into the game coz of the bad patch. We finally called it quits after 3 hours of trying.


So it is apparently OK to have 1 bugfree chapter and then have one or more bugridden ****fest of a crap patch.


Eternal championship? WHO CARES? all the achievements are for SOLO content!! WAKE UP and make some new group content in stead of this crap that has a replay value of 0 if you dont suffer from OCD and pokemon syndrome where you cant stop until you have em all.

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You talk about new content but yet you still haven't fixed the massive amounts of bugs that are already existing.


Please, for the love of god, fix the broken things first.


This. I love this game and I appreciate everything the developers do. But if you can't fix the bugs its all for naught. Leveling up on core worlds this week I've crashed a total of 11 times. I'm running three Nvidia 980-ti's. There is no, i repeat, no, excuse for that.

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Why should he need to read the thread he is entitled to make up his own opinion on the letter.


Because he finished his response with "Let's hope there is less doom and gloom now." He doesn't even need to venture outside of this thread to see that many of us do not see this type of "communication" as cause for optimism.

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Ben, I've been trying to reach you for a month now but someone is interfering. I tried to post on the customer service forums but it just got edited and closed by Owen


You have my email address. Can you please contact me directly?

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Because he finished his response with "Let's hope there is less doom and gloom now." He doesn't even need to venture outside of this thread to see that many of us do not see this type of "communication" as cause for optimism.


And some of us appreciate the communication, whether or not others do. Things are never going to perfect and things will never be what everyone wants because every person has a different view of what they want but I do appreciate the communication whether or not anyone else does. I happen to be of the mindset the glass is half full and look for positive instead of negative.

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And some of us appreciate the communication, whether or not others do. Things are never going to perfect and things will never be what everyone wants because every person has a different view of what they want but I do appreciate the communication whether or not anyone else does. I happen to be of the mindset the glass is half full and look for positive instead of negative.


No one's expecting perfect.


'Functional' would suffice.

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No one's expecting perfect.


'Functional' would suffice.


Right? I'm looking for the positive, I'm just having a really hard time finding it. That said, again, I was referencing, specifically, the "let's hope there's less doom and gloom." There isn't. Obviously. Not even sure it's subjective. Whether you feel it's warranted is another discussion altogether, but I think it's safe to say that this letter hasn't quelled any fears on any significant scale.

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1 paragraph apologizing for bugs.

1 paragraph rehashing content you released.

1 paragraphs not talking about future content.

1 paragraph of PR hype.

1 paragraph making the same empty promises.


0 paragraphs acknowledging specific bugs and time line for fixing them.

0 paragraphs about new content, like operations.

0 paragraphs about the direction of the game.


KotFE ends the same month Legion comes out. Like WoW or not, with the release of Legion it'll have had 5 new raids come out since SWTOR's last. On top of that, WoW's pvp is being completely overhauled from how you gear for it to having a dedicated talent system.


Eventually people are going to realize they don't need to be subbed month-to-month to enjoy SWTOR's current model and this whole letter will be meaningless.


Lol @ eventually .. I reached that conclusion about 4 months ago..

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You talk about new content but yet you still haven't fixed the massive amounts of bugs that are already existing.


Please, for the love of god, fix the broken things first.


Klintrin you got that exactly right! Solo Players have to take on HARD MODE MISSION BOSSES that are upto sometimes 150% more than what the player characters are themselves in skills and experience; I have atleast 10 MISSIONS I cannot complete BECAUSE THERE IS A BOSS MASTER OR MONSTER standing in the way of me COMPLETING THE MISSION especially in Flashpoints and Personal Missions, sometimes the Boss Masters are 250% higher than my Player Character and the Battle Droid is and Companion. MANY TIMES the Boss Master is 400% higher.


GET THE DARN GLITICHS worked out and I wouild play the game much better and not grouse so much......YOU WANT FEEDBACK THEN THERE IT IS and I am a PREFERED CUSTOMER-CLIENT.

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Last night was filled with birthing pains of my team trying and failing to log into the game coz of the bad patch. We finally called it quits after 3 hours of trying.


So it is apparently OK to have 1 bugfree chapter and then have one or more bugridden ****fest of a crap patch.


Eternal championship? WHO CARES? all the achievements are for SOLO content!! WAKE UP and make some new group content in stead of this crap that has a replay value of 0 if you dont suffer from OCD and pokemon syndrome where you cant stop until you have em all.


Cherubel MOVE OVER, your not the only one having problems with glitches and patch mistakes......I find it very funny when HARD MODE is put on the various chapters of Solo Character Players missions......Mission Bosses that are not defeated if you battle them 5 times in a row!! Infact you have to be over 20 Levels and above on those PERSONAL MISSIONS or more to be able to defeat even ONE BOSS MASTER or BOSS MONSTER. I agree about the ETERNAL CHAMPIONSHIP, I certainly don't have the levels required nore can afford to pay the fees it would require me to participate. I find our Chief Producer-Support Team Staff worker saying one thing then blinking off to do another about Star Wars: The Old Republic and like all Gamers that have gone to Gamer Heaven and are in charge of CORPORATE HEAD QUARTERS has his head in the clouds for the next tournament rather than listening to PREFERED CLIENTS that pay fees to belong to this game.

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Lol @ eventually .. I reached that conclusion about 4 months ago..


WHAT that Disney runs all these games of World Of Warships, World Of Tanks, World Of Warplanes from their CORPORATE offices lording over EB AND EA GAMES for all of North America while loving our money and not caring whom complains, that seems to be their watchword for GREED plain and simple.


I use to love Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures untill they removed it for this crappy game. Because SOE was making more money than Disney so Disney in it's wisdom took over SOE and killed off the only fair game on the whole internet that was not run for greed but Gamer Pleasure.

Edited by Eric_Skynwalker
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WHAT that Disney runs all these games of World Of Warships, World Of Tanks, World Of Warplanes from their CORPORATE offices lording over EB AND EA GAMES for all of North America while loving our money and not caring whom complains, that seems to be their watchword for GREED plain and simple.


I use to love Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures untill they removed it for this crappy game. Because SOE was making more money than Disney so Disney in it's wisdom took over SOE and killed off the only fair game on the whole internet that was not run for greed but Gamer Pleasure.


Thats out of my reach honestly so not gonna waste time wondering who should do what, however i do have preferences and the freedom to choose, had they fixed at least nim loot i wouldnt take a break from sub status.


I am no game developer but do devs need a draw to understand that by neglecting even a minority of their playerbase will only earn them disappointment mistrust and associated with expectations not beeing met?


And silence is the way to go? Nice...


I recently resub so i can buy artifact equip autho for account and bye bye permanent sub.


These chapters are so far off 1-50 ( the memories ) that i wont even touch it unless i have nothing else to do.

I tried and it was plain boring to do. No thanks ill w8 for new raids as preferred.

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I use to love Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures untill they removed it for this crappy game. Because SOE was making more money than Disney so Disney in it's wisdom took over SOE and killed off the only fair game on the whole internet that was not run for greed but Gamer Pleasure.

That game was for young children...SWTOR has a teen rating. Are your parents aware that you're playing this game?


And you don't think SOE was a greedy entity? WOW...just...wow...

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A bit late, but thank you for providing this information to the community!


I have to say i do not agree with many parts, mainly the stuff like "old stuff challenging again" but I have to say its good you people talk to us. Now, please remove lvl sync and scaling operations and HM flashpoints :D

Edited by merovejec
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1. I was having issues with SWTOR after 4.4 game update. I wasn't getting any lag, but anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes after logging in, I would be kicked out of game back to the server selection screen. When I logged back in the character I was just on was sometimes not at the top and it would be the character prior to that one.

2. Ever since the 4.0 game update I have lost multiple achievements that I had already earned or unlocked through items in the cartel collections. I have submitted multiple tickets and nearly all of them have been sent back to me saying there was no evidence in the logs that I completed any of the achievements or unlocked any of the cartel items in my collections. The tickets were closed and only once has anyone asked me to reply through my personal email to provide more details about items not appearing in my collections after I unlocked them and deleted them (because I could now make copies of them).

3. I called EA support and was happy that someone actually answered after only a minute on the phone. I explained my issues and they gave me the ultimate answer of "SWTOR has known compatibility issues with Windows 10, and several of the Windows 10 builds"...specifically my build of 10586". Either that was completely honest or just something random thrown at me to make me do what the operator wanted me to do rather than do anything else on his end to help.

4. I successfully downgraded my system to Windows 8.1, reloaded all of my programs, and SWTOR.....now it works again and I am not being kicked back to the server screen.


On a side note, I would really like to see less "new planets" and more expanded map locations on original planets for higher level players. Locations that lower level players can not access until they complete certain missions or attain the required levels; i.e. Korriban and Tython hidden temples with multiple levels that lead to new mobs, bosses, gear, weapons, holocrons, force ghosts, new companions, new abilities, etc.

Maybe even new abilities you can earn if you successfully defend against an enemy pvp player using a specified ability.......anything to make the game interesting again.

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Chapter 3 (Ilum) needs to be fixed... Gave up on that chapter since could not get past the 2 elite npc's with my lvl 65 toon.... one shot dead... not fun and would love to get the legacy buff...


Also would love to see Star Wars Galaxies brought back... Sort of missed that game, think Bioware would do a better job of it then SOE...


One thing like to see if possible for solo content, is to allow solo players to have full group of companions for those times when one cannot get into groups.... Yes talking about those players who kicked you from their groups after telling them your deaf and cannot use voice during OPS missions...


Also tired of the attitude some of the Bioware support staff and devs have regarding deaf folks, not all of us deaf are civies you know, lot of them are war vets whom have great respect for but it appears from reading deaf forums that bioware has shown massive disrespect to toward the vets who became deaf due to war injuries.... and the guild's who they used to be members of kicked them out for being deaf... They should be ashamed of themselves...

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Chapter 3 (Ilum) needs to be fixed... Gave up on that chapter since could not get past the 2 elite npc's with my lvl 65 toon.... one shot dead... not fun and would love to get the legacy buff...



I assume you are talking about the 2 droids in one of the flashpoints? if so the trick is to stay in the droids shield radius then they cannot 1 shot you.

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I assume you are talking about the 2 droids in one of the flashpoints? if so the trick is to stay in the droids shield radius then they cannot 1 shot you.


If he's talking about completing chapter 3, I'm guessing he must be referring to something else. Not sure what though.



Falo - if you're on SL or Harb hit me up, I'll help ya out with whatever you need

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