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Have you received your 500 CC for the April 11th promotion?


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All you long-time subscribers crying over this special promotion to attract new ones are just coming off as whiny, entitled brats. People who weren't subbed before the first of April, but did by the eleventh, basically got one extra month of bonus CCs. Big deal.


People subbed since launch get Founder titles, party jawas, holo trainers, special mounts, an exclusive companion, and countless other benefits not shared by the formerly F2P/brand new players. You already got your reward for subscribing for months/years. Let the newbies enjoy theirs.


I agree with everything but would take out the bolded word. It really grinds my gears.

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All you long-time subscribers crying over this special promotion to attract new ones are just coming off as whiny, entitled brats. People who weren't subbed before the first of April, but did by the eleventh, basically got one extra month of bonus CCs. Big deal.


People subbed since launch get Founder titles, party jawas, holo trainers, special mounts, an exclusive companion, and countless other benefits not shared by the formerly F2P/brand new players. You already got your reward for subscribing for months/years. Let the newbies enjoy theirs.


As a long-term subscriber, I agree with this statement. This promotion was clearly created to encourage more people to sub. Anything that gets more people to sub to the game, and keep it profitable is a good thing.

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So basically those who choose to support your game, and stay actively subbed, arent good enough to get the free CC

Duly noted.....


I sympathise, but alas this style of promotion is not new or unique to SWTOR.

Over in the UK it's fairly standard for Banks to offer incentives for new accounts or credit card swaps but nothing for loyal customers. Same goes for internet service providers and mobile phone contracts.


I think the idea is if you are already happy enough to be with them why should they offer you anything. Or in more cynical language, they've got your money already they don't have to pander to you.


I personally think it is a sad statement on the mindset of the public relations team.



I did see an interesting idea on one thread, alas I've forgotten which one or who originally made it, it is a reward scheme that kicks in for the duration you've been subbed rather than being subbed on specific months. I know I've had the fortune to pick up a few collectables because I've been subbed since launch, but it would be nice to think that my custom is as valued as any newcomer.

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Walking off by myself does absolutely nothing to them. I need to open everyone's eyes to the truth. Or at least make it so people, including you, aren't just blindly believing everything they tell you. They may not lie outright and obvious, but they have subtle lies mixed with severely stretching the truth to make it seem believable. I don't buy into that polite "customer-friendly" attitude either. For the last 4 years, you've just been cash cows to them. They feed you just enough grass with just enough quality to keep you satisfied, never going that extra mile to REALLY improve the game. They have to do this "episodic" nonsense just to keep people subbed.


Newsflash: Most subs that have been here can determine for themselves what to believe. Why would they believe someone that finds something to complain about in every post he makes. If I had to chose whether to believe the customer service reps or you , I would believe them due to your posting history. One of the issues was a major problem (due to someone hacking my account) and they were very helpful and even asked me to see if anything was taken from my account and let them know if it was they would take care of it.



Regarding their customer service, I have had to report things to customer service and been satisfied with the responses I have gotten. Are they perfect? No, but then again no one is.


I don't sub for the shiny things they give away. I sub because I enjoy the game. The rewards I can take or leave. To me they are not a big deal.

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I sympathise, but alas this style of promotion is not new or unique to SWTOR.

Over in the UK it's fairly standard for Banks to offer incentives for new accounts or credit card swaps but nothing for loyal customers. Same goes for internet service providers and mobile phone contracts.


I think the idea is if you are already happy enough to be with them why should they offer you anything. Or in more cynical language, they've got your money already they don't have to pander to you.


I personally think it is a sad statement on the mindset of the public relations team.



I did see an interesting idea on one thread, alas I've forgotten which one or who originally made it, it is a reward scheme that kicks in for the duration you've been subbed rather than being subbed on specific months. I know I've had the fortune to pick up a few collectables because I've been subbed since launch, but it would be nice to think that my custom is as valued as any newcomer.


you mean like sky tv in the uk? be with them 20 years, but cant get the "get the latest movies" offers.. lol

the free CC is a minor annoyance, but love the game enough to forget it and move on

lifes too short to be worrying about the trivial stuff right?

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you mean like sky tv in the uk? be with them 20 years, but cant get the "get the latest movies" offers.. lol

the free CC is a minor annoyance, but love the game enough to forget it and move on

lifes too short to be worrying about the trivial stuff right?



And life is too short to worry about this.

I know it's a business and they throw out these sort of offers to bring in new money. More likely to tip the balance for those not already subbing but considering it. I really doubt it would be a factor in retaining a player that wanted to unsub.


It's just one of those little niggles about modern life that the big companies don't value loyalty, just the bottom line.

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And life is too short to worry about this.

I know it's a business and they throw out these sort of offers to bring in new money. More likely to tip the balance for those not already subbing but considering it. I really doubt it would be a factor in retaining a player that wanted to unsub.


It's just one of those little niggles about modern life that the big companies don't value loyalty, just the bottom line.


I will always love Everquest 2 vet rewards system, you dont lose items due to not being subbed that month, just means when you resub you need to build it back over time


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I'm not normally one to play this card, but at this point it needs to be pinned to some people's shirts like a note in Kindergarten.


The entitlement is strong with this thread.


So some of you didn't get some special test promotion of a few extra free CCs. Big freaking deal. Get over it. I didn't get it, and frankly, I don't give a DAMN about it. Between the subscription CCs and the referral link CCs, how can anyone be so desperate for more CCs that they'd engage in the sort of temper tantrums we're seeing here?


This is why we can't have nice things, and part of why they don't talk to us much -- I'm no fanboy (see, my posts about KotFE) , but Bioware could send every player who logs on at least once during an entire week a big bar of gold, and we'd get 20-some new threads and 100's of posts a day for months from people calling Bioware employees every foul thing in the book... because they were supposedly out of town that week and couldn't log in even once... or because Bioware sent them a bar that was "too heavy" and didn't include a cart to help move it... or whatever spoiled little reason.


Grow up and learn to express your views like actual adults.

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Newsflash: Most subs that have been here can determine for themselves what to believe. Why would they believe someone that finds something to complain about in every post he makes. If I had to chose whether to believe the customer service reps or you , I would believe them due to your posting history. One of the issues was a major problem (due to someone hacking my account) and they were very helpful and even asked me to see if anything was taken from my account and let them know if it was they would take care of it.



Regarding their customer service, I have had to report things to customer service and been satisfied with the responses I have gotten. Are they perfect? No, but then again no one is.


I don't sub for the shiny things they give away. I sub because I enjoy the game. The rewards I can take or leave. To me they are not a big deal.


I didn't say they're horrible people that don't try to help, I said they're not above shady business as seen with their blatant taking advantage of gambling addicts. Your feelings for me are irrelevant, if I see something like this where the eligibility for the reward was obviously not made clear since people are complaining, I'm going to question their intentions. You should too. Just because they did good by helping you with a problem doesn't mean they're immune to the power of greed.

Edited by ArkhaanPremiare
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I will always love Everquest 2 vet rewards system, you dont lose items due to not being subbed that month, just means when you resub you need to build it back over time



Something along those lines would be nice :)


But I would imagine it would have less appeal to someone that is thinking about playing the game and more to someone that is already playing. If the long term rewards were good enough it may even appeal to those that were considering unsubbing.

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I'm not normally one to play this card, but at this point it needs to be pinned to some people's shirts like a note in Kindergarten.


The entitlement is strong with this thread.


So some of you didn't get some special test promotion of a few extra free CCs. Big freaking deal. Get over it. I didn't get it, and frankly, I don't give a DAMN about it. Between the subscription CCs and the referral link CCs, how can anyone be so desperate for more CCs that they'd engage in the sort of temper tantrums we're seeing here?


This is why we can't have nice things, and part of why they don't talk to us much -- I'm no fanboy (see, my posts about KotFE) , but Bioware could send every player who logs on at least once during an entire week a big bar of gold, and we'd get 20-some new threads and 100's of posts a day for months from people calling Bioware employees every foul thing in the book... because they were supposedly out of town that week and couldn't log in even once... or because Bioware sent them a bar that was "too heavy" and didn't include a cart to help move it... or whatever spoiled little reason.


Grow up and learn to express your views like actual adults.


Bravo, bravo Maximiliano.

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Just wondering if it's just me or not, but all you loyal subscribers, don't you receive cc's every month for subscribing? I know I do. I was under the impression that WAS a reward for loyalty. :confused:


Want extra CC is my guess not like there isn't enough ways to do that.... 500 a month for being a sub, 100 for having a security Key, and if you refer people and they sub first one is 200 extra CCs a month second is 300, etc. so it's not like they need 500 extra coins really...

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Weaksauce. I've been subscribed since just after launch. Never had a lapse. How about showing some love for those of us that have stuck with the game through thick and thin? And no, HK flavored weapons don't cut it.

This. I've been subbed since 2012. And while I never complain about free stuff or want free stuff, I've always thought that this type of marketing ploy is a sh*tty idea. The consistent customers are your bread and butter. Those are whom you should cater to. Those are the ones you can count on every month to be consistent in bringing in your money. These "sign up now for a three month discount for joining" or in this case "sub now for 'this'" is just a terrible cheap idea.


In the corporate world, it's always nice when my vendors take care of me here and there as a thank you for repeated and consistent business (sub rewards doesn't... doesn't count). It's not that I do business with them because they take care of me, but I feel it as a thank you for giving them my consistent business.


Granting rewards to one whom may never spend another dime with them is kind of a slap in the face in regards to consistent repeated business. I think that is a cheap marketing ploy.

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This. I've been subbed since 2012. And while I never complain about free stuff or want free stuff, I've always thought that this type of marketing ploy is a sh*tty idea. The consistent customers are your bread and butter. Those are whom you should cater to. Those are the ones you can count on every month to be consistent in bringing in your money. These "sign up now for a three month discount for joining" or in this case "sub now for 'this'".


In the corporate world, it's always nice when my vendors take care of me here and there as a thank you for repeated and consistent business (sub rewards doesn't... doesn't count). It's not that I do business with them because they take care of me, but I feel it as a thank you for giving them my consistent business.


Granting rewards to one whom may never spend another dime with them is kind of a slap in the face in regards to consistent repeated business. I think that is a cheap marketing ploy.


"Slap in the face" -- I get to mark my forum bingo card.


Every month you've subbed, you've received 500+ CCs.


How is not getting this one little thing so insulting and unfair?

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"Slap in the face" -- I get to mark my forum bingo card.


Every month you've subbed, you've received 500+ CCs.


How is not getting this one little thing so insulting and unfair?

I never said it was. I said it was a sh*tty marketing ploy, and should focus more on their bread and butter. Many companies do this.

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I guess under the sadly realistic expectation that some players would react in outrage at something so minor, it's kinda a bad marketing move...

I always at least attempt to sound reasonable in every post I make, but I wouldn't doubt that I fail in that attempt. lol


"Slap in the face" -- I get to mark my forum bingo card.

Good call... I can't believe I said this phrase.. really Brian?


Regarding entitlement, I totally agree that too many feel entitled for something they never really earned in the first place. Too many want things for free and feel cheated if they didn't get something for free that someone else earned. You want it? Go do the work and earn it. Just like I did. I don't want to hear any sad stories, in game or real life.

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So, it is a test of their system to do targeted promotions. And some people who were already subscribers feel left out and believe the promotion should have included them.


The only thing is, how would that test the launcher targeting system at all? If they included both groups (already subs and ftp people) how is that going to test a targeting system? Everyone would have to see the promotion and he eligible to receive it, therefore, making it not targeted.


And if they targeted long time subs instead, where do you place the test line? 3 months? 9 months? Must have been subscribed from launch? It seems targeting the ftp people is the most logical path. It would satisfy both of their goals: testing the system and getting ftp people to subscribe.


I don't see a logical reason to do this test a different way. I also don't see a logical reason to not believe what they posted in this thread. It is, at the very least, a plausible reason for the way things went.


That is not to say I believe everything they say, either. Of course I don't. They're a business out to make money. But, I think in this situation, their goal was clear enough.


It also does not appear that their test went off entirely smoothly.


Now, rewarding long time subscribers is another issue entirely. Yes, they do reward subscribers. But I believe they could do it better. Someone else in this thread mentioned City of Heroes/Villains. I liked they're veteran rewards program in the format they had just before it was closed down.


It was actually not that different from the utility points in this game. If I recall correctly, you had tiers of rewards. And each month you were subscribed earned you a choice of reward. After X number of rewards from tier one, you could pick from tier two. The only advantage they had, though, was that they already had years worth of rewards made to use in the system.


In the end, though, I think it would make more people want to stay subscribed continuously.


But, that is just my opinion. And, as they say, opinions are like buttholes...

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Weaksauce. I've been subscribed since just after launch. Never had a lapse. How about showing some love for those of us that have stuck with the game through thick and thin? And no, HK flavored weapons don't cut it.


They gave us a bunch of CC just a couple months back.

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I would have to guess that a lot of players are young and have not yet had to deal with living on their own, because just about every subscription-based service, like cable, phone, internet, magazines, even the internet registrar for my domain name offers incentives to get people to subscribe that you don't get as a regular subscriber. It's just the nature of the system.


Plus, I get 550 + 100 CC per month for subscribing for 90 days at a time + having a security key. I think the one month recurring sub gets you 450 instead. So to me, I don't see the big deal anyways. Maybe if they offered it on a non-recurring sub, that's a slight benefit, but still, it's not like 90 days for a 30 day price or something actually different than what I already get.

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Something along those lines would be nice :)


But I would imagine it would have less appeal to someone that is thinking about playing the game and more to someone that is already playing. If the long term rewards were good enough it may even appeal to those that were considering unsubbing.


They also chuck in a monthly thing called legends of norrath I think it's called.

Where you get free packs of digital cards to open, that can contain mounts, pets, armor, furniture etc

So you not only get progress on vet rewards but also monthly free gifts for sticking with them

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