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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

It's Friday and I'm beyond Frustrated


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Today and probably all this weekend I will not be pvping. This is something new to me because it's been a while since I didn't play SWTOR Friday-Sunday.




I play SWTOR PvP and sub for three reasons: Competition (as meek as it is), to play with friends and to have fun. All of these I feel like has been taken away from me since 4.3.


1) Solo ranked is unplayable for me as an Operative Healer. With 4.3 patch Bioware still did not do anything to fix the healing imbalance of Sorcerers. Thus making Operative healers a joke in solo ranked. I get no enjoyment in solos anymore.


2) Leaderboards for Solo/Group ranked are broken and incorrect. Majority of the players who are doing ranked aren't even listed in the rankings. I know at least 5 players who are 1900+ who aren't on the boards. You can't see your standing and you can't see others who might be above or below you ... so how can you be competitive?


3) I can't even queue regs with my friends anymore for how bugged group pvp queues are. I have waited 20+ minutes on Harbinger before giving up. Mind you Harbinger is one of the most populated servers in the game where I normally wait at most 30 seconds for a pop. Now I am unable to queue with my friends?... too?


4) I can't even do team ranked. My team as of yesterday were located on 3 different servers. Transfers are without any warning down for an unforseen period of time. GG teams.


At times like these I wonder why I still play this game as religiously as I do and feel like I get nothing more out of it. I constantly feel cheated and hardly feel I get my moneys worth.




Frustrated Customer





Another equally as frustrating is the fact that there is no communication at all from developers and the pvp community. What happened?


This lack of content and communication is extremely appalling as years are progressing with every new patch. In 4.3 they released a new patch which had large parts of it extremely buggy and almost unplayable. The fact that in their next emergency patch a day later, they refused to even remove or turn off Rishi is incredibility baffling. They released Rishi, which is a broken product in the same patch they released season 7 and expected us to just deal with it. With doing this they spit on the ranked community who is barely a handful of players now in this game. This is a ranked community who has been waiting for season 7 for how long? Just to get it without any class balance and a extremely broken new map. Then when players ... many players express their dismay it's returned with silence.


If you aren't angry about Rishi arena you should be. You deserve to be angry because in no way is this fair in a game you are basically paying to play solo ranked or group ranked.


It's sad that I have to point this out but Bioware has to understand is the fact that there are many, many people who pay to play their game just to PvP. We constantly feel cheated and don't get our money's worth.


No communication, no minimal alignment of anything being wrong and even lies when something is wrong... this is the new SWTOR. The SWTOR that is one of the most successful in making money out of all the other MMOs yet they can't even release a map without it killing players. I honestly don't get it. Everytime I think about it, it makes me angry.




Still Frustrated Customer

Edited by kissingaiur
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I feel your pain, seriously. Don't know what country you're in, but this is modern corporate America for you. Back in the 90's it was all about customer service and bending over backwards to make'em happy. In general customers abused this and gradually corps stopped trying so hard to please these pukes. And it's just progressed to where it is now. Several other factors, of course, have played into the current dismissive attitude corporations have towards their customers.


EA is no exception. They don't give a flying bag of burning rat turds whether you or I or anyone else stays or leaves if you're not going to buy fluff crap off the CM.

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Today and probably all this weekend I will not be pvping. This is something new to me because it's been a while since I didn't play SWTOR Friday-Sunday.




I play SWTOR PvP and sub for three reasons: Competition (as meek as it is), to play with friends and to have fun. All of these I feel like has been taken away from me since 4.3.


1) Solo ranked is unplayable for me as an Operative Healer. With 4.3 patch Bioware still did not do anything to fix the healing imbalance of Sorcerers. Thus making Operative healers a joke in solo ranked. I get no enjoyment in solos anymore.


2) Leaderboards for Solo/Group ranked are broken and incorrect. Majority of the players who are doing ranked aren't even listed in the rankings. I know at least 5 players who are 1900+ who aren't on the boards. You can't see your standing and you can't see others who might be above or below you ... so how can you be competitive?


3) I can't even queue regs with my friends anymore for how bugged group pvp queues are. I have waited 20+ minutes on Harbinger before giving up. Mind you Harbinger is one of the most populated servers in the game where I normally wait at most 30 seconds for a pop. Now I am unable to queue with my friends?... too?


4) I can't even do team ranked. My team as of yesterday were located on 3 different servers. Transfers are without any warning down for an unforseen period of time. GG teams.


At times like these I wonder why I still play this game as religiously as I do and feel like I get nothing more out of it. I constantly feel cheated and hardly feel I get my moneys worth.




Frustrated Customer


I feel you. Been PVPing non-stop for years on this game. I have no interest in logging in now. Aint been on since yesterday, and even then I played some ranked matches, and just logged out.


No reason to go into detail, you and many others like us who value the PVP (as silly as it may sound) on this game are the most frustrated with 4.3 and the total lack of care BW has for it's present condition.


They actually give zero feedback to ANY pvp related concerns on this game. Zilch.


I don't see a point to paying for a sub which mind you I never let run out, even when I took breaks to try other games in the past... If they show no appreciation for that kind of loyalty and refuse to fix their ****.

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i can understand it breaking, stuff happens, irritating but such is life.... what i cannot understand or even tolerate at this point is the complete lack of communication, acknowledgment, or apparent intent to fix it!!! I was ok with it at first convinced it would have been patched by Tue... not not only is it still not patched but isnt going to be even this coming Tue? WTseriousF?!?!?!?!?

This is broken, its unusable... if the interface to the doggone cartel market was in similar shape it would have been hotfixed within minutes.

How can you basically tell an entire portion of your community to go pound sand?????

Fix this, immediately, or tell us you arent going to and we can stop wasting our time. Fish or cut bait, do freaking something.... this silence is unacceptable

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i can understand it breaking, stuff happens, irritating but such is life.... what i cannot understand or even tolerate at this point is the complete lack of communication, acknowledgment, or apparent intent to fix it!!! I was ok with it at first convinced it would have been patched by Tue... not not only is it still not patched but isnt going to be even this coming Tue? WTseriousF?!?!?!?!?

This is broken, its unusable... if the interface to the doggone cartel market was in similar shape it would have been hotfixed within minutes.

How can you basically tell an entire portion of your community to go pound sand?????

Fix this, immediately, or tell us you arent going to and we can stop wasting our time. Fish or cut bait, do freaking something.... this silence is unacceptable


Hear! Hear!

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Yep i agree none of my guild has been playing together because queue times have been so bad. Tonight i just logged out because it sucks playing on my own the game don't feel the same without my mates i have played with for the past years!


Bioware you are killing us!

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3) I can't even queue regs with my friends anymore for how bugged group pvp queues are. I have waited 20+ minutes on Harbinger before giving up. Mind you Harbinger is one of the most populated servers in the game where I normally wait at most 30 seconds for a pop. Now I am unable to queue with my friends?... too?


At times like these I wonder why I still play this game as religiously as I do and feel like I get nothing more out of it. I constantly feel cheated and hardly feel I get my moneys worth.




Frustrated Customer


Feel you bro.

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Nothing but hardmodes left in this galaxy.

The SW:Tor you payed for? It doesn't exist; We gave the reins over to people who don't care how we play, just as long as we do! Bioware is all but a gaming company now.

EA and their puppet subsidiary, have everyone convinced that the state of the game requires PVE content! Them and the top designers just push towards whatever suits their interests!

Never thought I'd miss Ilum 5 frame open PVP; but what we gained in efficiency, we lost in fun



Edited by Bonzenaattori
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Luckily it doesn't cost that much to play!! Just take a couple 2-3 month breaks like I do. :p And hope for the best..well, this time I came back and it's a mess lol. Might have to take another month off and hope the devs come back from there 5th or 6th vacation they have taken so far this year and maybe fix all of the bugs I've encountered so far. Go outside it's nice out everyone! :D:o
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I guess I have to be honest. I haven't had a serious bone to pick with this company until this patch. I'd heard all manner of complaints for several years about bugs in FP's and OP's that they haven't addressed. For years in some cases. Then solo story mode comes in. Companions can carry you through anything. All the challenge went out of PvE, unless you're doing a HM or NM OP.


Still, with PvP being my main interest, it didn't hit home with me. Then this last patch. LOL Now it's real to me. Even at first I was just annoyed, but thought surely they'll hop on this and fix it. Newp. Now the annoyance has turned into straight up disgust.

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I've stuck with this game since Beta, and all I do is PVP. I complained here and there with some patches, but I ultimately stayed put until they were fixed. But this? This is killing it for me completely.
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I have to agree with you a lot. I just jumped back into ranked myself and so far its been alright except for 1 instance where I was pitted against a team of 3 balance sages(matchmaking sucks), but with regs its worse than ranked right now. On EH, ive been doing the numbers and the average wait time that ive noticed is roughly between 15-20mins for a wz que, and typically its only the Odessen wz. So not only is it taking a frustratingly long que time, your going to be getting the same wz every fraking time. And Bioware said they would only force Odessen for 2 days. BS all the way. Quite honostly, Im addicted to pvp in this game, but if it doesnt get fixed soon, then PvP will have 1 less contender
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I totally agree on all points and frustrations. I did every single conquest on all my toons solo this week. I am GM of a PVP guild on SL with about 450 charters and never once grouped all week with any of them. Not doing this anymore. I do the 60 day sub and when it's out... so am I and probably most of the guild. They are either going to fix it, unpatch it, or lose their pvp community because people aren't going to put up with this.



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