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Best Republic Storyline- Jedi Knight?


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I apologize if this has been asked but I was hoping for some feedback on the best republic storyline? My early 1-10 suggests its the Jedi Knight.


Some more facts:


- I've done the Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent stories through and they were both excellent. I love the voice acting, the moral choices, the whole shebang.


- I did a smuggler to 17 and didnt really like it. Didnt feel any sense of urgency, voice acting was so-so.


- Ive heard the trooper is good, but I didnt really enjoy it.


I'd love feedback from anyone who's done the whole storyline through 50, especially for the Consular or Knight.

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Yeah, the Jedi Knight storyline is pretty good so far. I just finished Act 1 and I found the storyline to be pretty good. Some of the Jedi Knight's lines are pretty hokey but other than that it's a solid storyline. It starts off slow but gets momentum when you get to Coruscant and finish it.


I found the Bounty Hunter's story to be pretty good so far and I liked the Smuggler's as well. I haven't tried the soldier yet but that is next for me.

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I've heard the Trooper story is the best... and after finishing the starter planet, I have to say I agree. It was much better than the JK's first 10 levels.


EDIT: It should be noted that certain classes' stories turn out better if you play with the alignment they were written for... For example, the Light Side Trooper's story is supposed to be one of the best. (Just like the SI is meant to be played on the DS)

Edited by Fardreamer
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Like the person above me said, it's "Classic." You become a master of the force and defeat the dark side just like in every other game/movie.


Of the all the classes i've played at least to the first chapter, trooper still stands out as the most fun to me for two reasons:


1: You get to literally create your own squad

2: I've never really seen a trooper story played out (besides Republic Commando, but that was much too short). Now you ARE the average trooper fighting for the Republic


That being said though, if you aren't a huge Republic fan, you won't like the trooper story that well. It's kind of his thing. :p

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The trooper story is very much about the War, once you get past chapter 1 which is a little civial war in Havoc squad (though is still focused on imp vs rep).


I've done chapter 2 now, which was basicly stopping the empire winning the next war in a matter of weeks thanks to a super weapon (trying not to give to much away)


And now on chapter 3 my job is to get the republics best units away from petty postings and get them active in the war. I can only imagine the class story will end with an all out battle between republic and empire.

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The jedi knight story is basically 'KOTOR 3' as it deals directly with stuff that happened in the prior games along with the Revan book, without giving away too many spoilers. Other stories are good, but it is pretty clear to me that jedi knight is the 'main' story for the KOTOR series in this game.
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The Jedi Consular story picks up at the end of chapter 1, leading into an excellent chapter 2. I've yet to conclude chapter 3. In short, chapter 2 and 3 weave so closely into the storyline on each planet that it's sometimes hard to tell them apart. Meanwhile, my JK buddy feels like he's going from planet to planet, clueless what the planet is about, just looking to kill his next Sith. Admittedly I've been trying to keep my nose out of his business as much as possible, since I plan to play a JK myself one day, and don't want to spoil myself.
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smuggler through 25 feels like most games. You aren't smuggling. You are a glorified tv repair man. Or a hitman. Or a mercenary. You are not, I repeat not smuggling. You are not sneaking through maps carrying items. You are not sneaking on other planets that are hostile to deliver goods.


Maybe later on, but through half way I hate my smuggler. Even if he looks cool and says cool stuff.


I hate the galactic janitor series that is smuggler story.


Black Bisector? Try TV Repair Man. That is a better Title.


Taris should be relabel Repairus. Just so you know all the quests are tedious labor on behalf of the republic. I know that is what I want to do when I go home, get the kids to bed and get some alone time with a video game.


Repair stuff. Not the stuff my wife asked me to fix. No....


Stuff in the game....


Cause that is "Fun".

Edited by PlagaNerezza
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I can't say much about the Jedi Knight storyline (I just started Act II), but so far I'm enjoying it a LOT. You're supposed to see your class quests as something different from the other world quests that you normally receive, and I definitely do see them differently. I mean, when you get so engaged in the story on a particular planet that you WANT to keep following that quest line, but can't due to your level, that's a good thing.


Granted, there are a few other world quest lines with a similar feeling to them, but so far, the Knight questline is what I'm hooked on.

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smuggler through 25 feels like most games. You aren't smuggling. You are a glorified tv repair man. Or a hitman. Or a mercenary. You are not, I repeat not smuggling. You are not sneaking through maps carrying items. You are not sneaking on other planets that are hostile to deliver goods.


Maybe later on, but through half way I hate my smuggler. Even if he looks cool and says cool stuff.


I hate the galactic janitor series that is smuggler story.


Black Bisector? Try TV Repair Man. That is a better Title.


Taris should be relabel Repairus. Just so you know all the quests are tedious labor on behalf of the republic. I know that is what I want to do when I go home, get the kids to bed and get some alone time with a video game.


Repair stuff. Not the stuff my wife asked me to fix. No....


Stuff in the game....


Cause that is "Fun".




First, I will say smuggler storyline gets much better after Act 1. I had the same mindset you and the original poster had, as it did not convey a sense of urgency or just the epic story of other classes. I think if they added smuggling sidequests, then it would really help out the class quest line. Every "delivery" was the exact same. Go to location "x" and deliver package, oh wait there's a problem I have to fix before I can deliver package - I never saw that coming.


Anyway, after Act 1, there's actually a decent story and a sense of urgency. Now I really enjoyed the questline from 1-16. It was a bit frustrating at times, but looking back, I thought it was pretty good.





I think part of the problem with Act 1 is you are supposed to find this legendary treasure and become super rich. When that happens, you don't actually get anything and it's very anticlimactic. Here's a few thousand credits, congratulations on finding the treasure. The whole questline makes you think you're about to get millions of credits or something amazing. All you get is a pretty good gun, a few credits and a new companion. I felt like they wrote themselves into a hole and screwed us over.



As far as other story lines, I've heard amazing things from Trooper and I've partly played Jedi Knight and Consular. The knight is bleh until level 10, then it really picks up well. So far with Consular, I am not impressed at all. I think it is the weakest story of them all.


The problem with Consular is that I'm shadow - not a healing sage. If I had chosen to be a Sage healer, then the story seems to fit perfectly. However, I'm supposed to be an infiltrator and I'm doing healing quests when I can't even heal myself. I was expecting some sort of stealth-related specialist quest. Maybe this happens at Act 2, I'm not that high yet. The two ACs are so different that they should have put in two different quest lines. That's my opinion of it so far.

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On the Republic side I've got a light trooper and I have to say there have been some jaw dropping moments. Absolutely great fun to play. I've also teamed up with my JK friend and done some of his story quests and some of the moments in that are pretty good as well!




Seeing the Emperor for example.



(As a side note I've got a neutral IA and the story is incredible.)

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The Jedi Knight story is the best because it's kind of the "canon" story. I mean fighting the emperor for the fate of the galaxy is kind of awsome.


That's not what canon means. Canon means it actually happened, meaning all of the stories are canon.


Central might be the word you're looking for. It does seem to be at the core of the conflict

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That's not what canon means. Canon means it actually happened, meaning all of the stories are canon.


Central might be the word you're looking for. It does seem to be at the core of the conflict

That's precisely why I don't know if I want to play the Jedi Knight story or not. It seems like if it's not handled very well your character could come off as mary-sue type.

I mean honestly, killing the Sith Emperor seems like something far beyond what any of the the other classes get to do and I'm worried the Jedi Knight's importance will override the other class's stories. I mean as a Sith Warrior, what can I do to compete with that, will I be killing Satele at the end or at least becoming a member of the Dark Council?


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That's precisely why I don't know if I want to play the Jedi Knight story or not. It seems like if it's not handled very well your character could come off as mary-sue type.

I mean honestly, killing the Sith Emperor seems like something far beyond what any of the the other classes get to do and I'm worried the Jedi Knight's importance will override the other class's stories. I mean as a Sith Warrior, what can I do to compete with that, will I be killing Satele at the end or at least becoming a member of the Dark Council?




Nope, and that is what pisses me off. You kill your master. While, the other classes don't really have much of an affect either. But, it's like your pushed to the side if you don't play a Jedi Knight.

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That's precisely why I don't know if I want to play the Jedi Knight story or not. It seems like if it's not handled very well your character could come off as mary-sue type.

I mean honestly, killing the Sith Emperor seems like something far beyond what any of the the other classes get to do and I'm worried the Jedi Knight's importance will override the other class's stories. I mean as a Sith Warrior, what can I do to compete with that, will I be killing Satele at the end or at least becoming a member of the Dark Council?


Your spoiler is...incorrect, sort of.

From the JK's perspective, you did battle and kill the Emperor, but playing a SW makes you aware of the fact that while us SWs were fighting our class story "boss" all you JK's did was end up killing one of the Emperor's bodies and not the real McCoy.


So yes, a bit Mary Sueish, but it looks like the JK and Scourge got the wool pulled over their eyes by the tricky ole' Emperor.


If you want proof I can copy and paste both emails sent to me from the Emperor's Servants concerning this issue.


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Your spoiler is...incorrect, sort of.

From the JK's perspective, you did battle and kill the Emperor, but playing a SW makes you aware of the fact that while us SWs were fighting our class story "boss" all you JK's did was end up killing one of the Emperor's bodies and not the real McCoy.


So yes, a bit Mary Sueish, but it looks like the JK and Scourge got the wool pulled over their eyes by the tricky ole' Emperor.


If you want proof I can copy and paste both emails sent to me from the Emperor's Servants concerning this issue.



Wool over there eyes? Don't be foolish, the JK defeated the emperor himself, but the emperor still lives because he has some strange ability to transfer his being to different bodies upon death. The way you put it makes it seem like the real emperor was sitting back giggling while the JK killed a puppet, which is not in any way the case.


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