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  • Location
    Boston, MA
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    Philosophy, Cooking, Animals, Video Games
  • Occupation
    Software Engineer / Law Student
  1. I really like the idea of mercs, the story sounds cool, I like the abilities, etc. However, I don't want to just spam Tracer Missile. Is this just a gross oversimplification of the class or is there some legitimacy to this stereotype? I understand that there are other skills interspersed, but is 80%+ Tracer spam?
  2. The plot for the prequels was absolute garbage. The dialogue was garbage. Heck, even most of the fight scenes were garbage. Personally, I think the reason for the train-wreck was three-fold (two are very similar): 1. No one dared question Lucas' judgment because he is the creator of the original trilogy. 2. Lucas got divorced from his wife who insiders say played a considerable role in editing the original movies (both literally) and from an overall creative standpoint. 3. Starting as far back as RotJ, the studio became far more concerned with monetizing SW to the maximum potential rather than actually making good movies. Did you know that RotJ was actually partly rewritten to include Ewoks and other misc. elements so that they could make more toys? Studio directors had complained that ESB did not contain enough material for merchandising tie-ins. This trend becomes even more apparent in the prequels. We have the whole pod-racing thing (I mean seriously, ***), Gungans vs. the droid armies, the entire AotC movie, etc. Think of all the random crap they can make based off of those elements?
  3. It wouldn't be Star Wars without hokey dialogue.
  4. If you think that this is the worst release in modern MMO history then you haven't played very many MMOs at launch.
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