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Old Romances vs New Romances


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Does anybody know what it means for old romantic relationships with companions vs new ones in KOTFE? Say you dated Kaliyo during the first three class stories of the imperial agent and then during SOR cheated on her with Lana Beniko thru Chapter 9 of KOTFE? What would this mean for your interactions with Kaliyo in chapter 10 moving forward and your future with either her or Lana? I ask as I'm trying to complete all class stories before I play Fallen Empire again (I did for the jedi knight twice thru chapter 9 and dated Kira Carsen and Lana and the second time I hit a bug with the Lana romance so I'm doing it for the third time properly) but I notice in the next chapter Vette returns and my sith warrior has dated her and Lana so I'm curious as to how romances with old companions affect new ones.
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Does anybody know what it means for old romantic relationships with companions vs new ones in KOTFE? Say you dated Kaliyo during the first three class stories of the imperial agent and then during SOR cheated on her with Lana Beniko thru Chapter 9 of KOTFE? What would this mean for your interactions with Kaliyo in chapter 10 moving forward and your future with either her or Lana? I ask as I'm trying to complete all class stories before I play Fallen Empire again (I did for the jedi knight twice thru chapter 9 and dated Kira Carsen and Lana and the second time I hit a bug with the Lana romance so I'm doing it for the third time properly) but I notice in the next chapter Vette returns and my sith warrior has dated her and Lana so I'm curious as to how romances with old companions affect new ones.


Once you meet your old LI you'll be able to resume flirting and reach a point in which you'll get a prompt that asks you if you wish to resume your romance with your old LI and warns it'll end your current romance with, in your case, Lana. If you accept then you'll be reunited with Kaliyo/Vette and you'll likely get a break-up cut scene with Lana at the end of the chapter. I believe you also get a dialogue option somewhere along the way where you can say "Hey Vette, we had our fun in the past but I've moved on and I'm no longer interested", or something to that extent anyways. That will allow you to dump Vette permanently and stay with Lana. You can't have both though so next Chapter you will have to choose.

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The romance reuniting scene with Kaliyo is pretty good. I know for me it is going to be a tough choice on who to pick.

My headcanon for my agent, when he eventually gets there is that:


* Theron? Romance an SIS dude? After Chapter Two? Are you kidding?

* Lana? A Sith? The 1-50 story is clear that for the Agent, Sith are bullies. He doesn't romance bullies.

* Koth? Oh come off it! We don't really need to rehash all that guff about Koth and squeamishness and stuff?

* Kaliyo? Of course. He persuaded her to be his, she accepted it and even asked him for a ring. He wants to get her back.


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My Sith Sorceress still hasn't found her soulmate, because ALL ROMANCE OPTIONS FOR FEMALES SUCK!

Seriously, my female Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular have the same problem.

No cool male Force-user to romance=single for life


Also it gets boring to romance nothing but female Force-users all the time.

Edited by Axcalion
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My Sith Sorceress still hasn't found her soulmate, because ALL ROMANCE OPTIONS FOR FEMALES SUCK!

Seriously, my female Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular have the same problem.

No cool male Force-user to romance=single for life


Also it gets boring to romance nothing but female Force-users all the time.


All my toons are in the same position lol (although..I swing Gay) . But what about Lana ? even Theron...he isnt so bad...


I,m making everyone romance Lana..until they give me more Ladies to Smooche :p


Dont you get Lord watever is his name on Makeb to flirt with ??


But yeah , romance for females and Gay kinda suck .

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Kaliyo also seems to think she "has something good" with the agent even if he dumped her mid-romance and married Raina.


Talk about clingy :p


This happened to me as well. Makes me think the system was broken and didn't track the Romance "Flags" (or whatever they are) properly. Also makes me nervous about playing my Sith Warrior in KOTFE because I didn't romance Vette at all, and if the system is broken (i.e. somehow thinks that I did), I don't want the next chapter messing up my eventual reunion with Jaesa! :i_eek:

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But yeah , romance for females and Gay kinda suck .

I loved all the female romances personally, except for Iresso. I like him, but he falls kind of flat for me. Theran Cedrax would have been a better choice for the Consular to romance in my opinion; his flamboyance and eccentricities would have worked so well with the Consular's calm (robotic) demeanor and practical way of doing things.


I can't really comment on gay romances since I haven't done any of them, but from what I understand, a romance with either Theron or Lana is the exact same whether you romance them as a male or female. I like Theron's romance, I think it's fun.

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  • 8 months later...

My smuggler wound up with Theron Shan. Sort of fell into a natural fit as my smuggler was always on his own and Theron never had a place to fit in and everyone kinda does what they have to to survive and make it work.


I'm honestly not certain what people's arguments with Theron are as he's pretty laid back for a guy who is an introverted workaholic. He's thoughtful at least and pretty pragmatic even if his idealism bites him sometimes (*cough, Ziost *cough*) Totally better than my Female smuggler or Counselor's choices. Corso is a sexist *** and the Female Councilor's interest is just pushy. >| I wanted to slap them both.


The question I have is if you have an Imperial Agent married to Kaliyo pre-carbonite, and you are in a relationship with Lana will Kaliyo still take you back or what?

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Since there aren't any romances for gay in the vanilla due to fear of backlash which they lied and said they wanted to do it right, all my characters will go for Theron, I just romance the females while playing the previous version to avoid blue balls to get to Theron. Koth just sucks so bad with his whining and betrayal. I just hope they could introduce some new options if not give some more expansion to Theron, they released so much contents for Lana and Theron wasn't even there until chapter 9.


If you're married, it's still the same though, there is a prompt to say if you want to renew your relationship or break it up and stay with Lana or Theron.

Edited by BattlebloodMage
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Since there aren't any romances for gay in the vanilla due to fear of backlash which they lied and said they wanted to do it right, all my characters will go for Theron, I just romance the females while playing the previous version to avoid blue balls to get to Theron. Koth just sucks so bad with his whining and betrayal. I just hope they could introduce some new options if not give some more expansion to Theron, they released so much contents for Lana and Theron wasn't even there until chapter 9.


If you're married, it's still the same though, there is a prompt to say if you want to renew your relationship or break it up and stay with Lana or Theron.


You do realize, you can make it so Koth doesn't betray you, right? :p

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Does anybody know what it means for old romantic relationships with companions vs new ones in KOTFE? Say you dated Kaliyo during the first three class stories of the imperial agent and then during SOR cheated on her with Lana Beniko thru Chapter 9 of KOTFE? What would this mean for your interactions with Kaliyo in chapter 10 moving forward and your future with either her or Lana? I ask as I'm trying to complete all class stories before I play Fallen Empire again (I did for the jedi knight twice thru chapter 9 and dated Kira Carsen and Lana and the second time I hit a bug with the Lana romance so I'm doing it for the third time properly) but I notice in the next chapter Vette returns and my sith warrior has dated her and Lana so I'm curious as to how romances with old companions affect new ones.


ME TOO, and it seems this is something they are overlooking.:mad:

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