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Find the cheater...


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I opened a support ticket but german support is like... s..t so i post it here aswell to get it to the last forum with "some" mods.


Find the cheater...


So, please share it, sent it to Musco or whatever to get a..holes like this out of your game.


If i'll find the video of the other player in my team, who frapsed the game i'll poste it. He got his by 21k!

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You accuse someone of cheating but you don't post any proof of it. I'll watch the video and maybe there is something off but probably there isn't.


I know Kentraras is a good pilot and I've never seen him doing anything which I would call cheating.


His stats look like the stats a good pilot gets in a close deathmatch with mostly average players on both sides. There is a records thread where you can see more games like the one in your screenshot. In fact, Kentraras' stats aren't even good enough to qualify for a record.


By the way, today (15.04.2016) there will be a flight school event on T3-M4 on pub side from 20:00 to 21:00. Feel free to join. You can find further information here.

Edited by Danalon
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You accuse someone of cheating but you don't post any proof of it.


I know Kentraras is a good pilot and I've never seen him doing anything which I would call cheating.


His stats look like the stats a good pilot gets in a close deathmatch with mostly average players on both sides.


Well, you defend yourself? I play not asmuch GSF as many do, bin i managed to get around 100 Hours since i started to play again in November. I never saw him/you nor did i ever see someone with 30:6 and 121k DmG overall.

15 or 16 or 17 kills are "normal" to see, but i never saw this much. So sorry but this smells like it... So i let BW decide.

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Well, you defend yourself? I play not asmuch GSF as many do, bin i managed to get around 100 Hours since i started to play again in November. I never saw him/you nor did i ever see someone with 30:6 and 121k DmG overall.

15 or 16 or 17 kills are "normal" to see, but i never saw this much. So sorry but this smells like it... So i let BW decide.


I edited my post after you qouted it, you can check the records thread linked there; there are a lot of games with even better performances. You probably haven't seen him before, because most good pilots on T3-M4 don't play actively anymore.

Edited by Danalon
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I find it disturbing that this kind of attitude keeps cropping up. News flash: there are people who are good at this game! They often blow the daylights out of people who are not. While that match the OP posted isn't exactly pedestrian, it was a good score... but it's nowhere near the top of the records.


How about instead of making ridiculous unfounded allegations of cheating, you try asking the guy how he put up such good numbers. Maybe if you find out, you might someday improve to the point where someone accuses you of cheating too.


- Despon

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Well, you defend yourself? I play not asmuch GSF as many do, bin i managed to get around 100 Hours since i started to play again in November. I never saw him/you nor did i ever see someone with 30:6 and 121k DmG overall.

15 or 16 or 17 kills are "normal" to see, but i never saw this much. So sorry but this smells like it... So i let BW decide.


Ah, OK, then. Baseless accusation borne of a lack of experience. Just because you haven't seen it before doesn't mean it isn't legit.


The records thread has been linked by Danalon above - check it out for some really eye-popping numbers. I could post screenies of some of my own 30+ kills games which don't even qualify for that thread, as could many others around here. And 121k is definitely damn good, but a lot of us have exceeded 150k. Doesn't happen often, no, but the right conditions can lead to some pretty silly stats.


Also - to date - I have yet to see a truly effective hack/cheat in GSF. You see the intentional laggers here and there, and the guys who wedge themselves into positions where they're utterly impossible to hit. But nobody is scoring 30 kills doing either of those things. They may help keep the "cheater" alive but they do little to aid offensive stats.


Of course you can ask BW to investigate, but I'm pretty sure they will turn up nothing.

Edited by MaximilianPower
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I see absolutely nothing wrong with this scoreboard. But, I do have a screenshot of a match that I had 28 kills, 124k damage with 2 deaths. Almost identical stats and I will guarantee that there was no cheating involved.
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I assume that "overdamage" is calculated into, on the scoreboard. So 4045,3 average DmG per kill. 9 Assists so 3111,XX~ per Target.


In the heyday of GSF, years ago, stats like this might be possible.


But today, when 3/4 of the players in the match don't use or even own almost full or fully upgraded ships, you can easily end with 14, 15 or more kills and not even 40k DmG. <- Did that myself.


So common sense and simple math say no to this.

Edited by AFacelessOne
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You are fundamentally wrong about what you think is going on. If you shoot someone and it hits, you have dealt damage. If you shoot someone until their shields drop, and they get away, you have dealt them damage without killing them. If you you burn off their shields five times and they get away five times, all that damage still counts. It is possible to score 100k+ damage without a single kill. This crusade you are on to prove someone is cheating who is very clearly not cheating is wrongheaded and ridiculous. Perhaps you might listen to the people here whose total games played are up over 5-6000 apiece who are telling you very clearly that there is nothing abnormal in this score. It's not even at the high end of the curve. He didn't cheat. Get over it.


- Despon

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You are fundamentally wrong about what you think is going on. If you shoot someone and it hits, you have dealt damage. If you shoot someone until their shields drop, and they get away, you have dealt them damage without killing them. If you you burn off their shields five times and they get away five times, all that damage still counts. It is possible to score 100k+ damage without a single kill. This crusade you are on to prove someone is cheating who is very clearly not cheating is wrongheaded and ridiculous. Perhaps you might listen to the people here whose total games played are up over 5-6000 apiece who are telling you very clearly that there is nothing abnormal in this score. It's not even at the high end of the curve. He didn't cheat. Get over it.


- Despon


You're telling me he f..ked his own team to get more E-Pee Meter?

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You're telling me he f..ked his own team to get more E-Pee Meter?

No, what I am telling you is that his stats are in no way unreasonable, abnormal, or in any way indicative of cheating.


I'm telling you that a great many of the veteran pilots that populate the game and this forum have achieved better numbers than that without cheating.


I have personally had 40 kills in a TDM, and over 180k damage, without cheating.


There are game situations that arise which make it possible to score ridiculous stats. It does not take a cheating to do so.


- Despon

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I assume that "overdamage" is calculated into, on the scoreboard. So 4045,3 average DmG per kill. 9 Assists so 3111,XX~ per Target.


In the heyday of GSF, years ago, stats like this might be possible.


But today, when 3/4 of the players in the match don't use or even own almost full or fully upgraded ships, you can easily end with 14, 15 or more kills and not even 40k DmG. <- Did that myself.


So common sense and simple math say no to this.


You might want to look up the shield and hull health numbers for the ships in GSF. Your simple math really only works if all ships are scouts and there is never any shield regeneration.


Also if he was killing mines and drones then there's a bunch of damage that wouldn't count toward kills or assists.


The scoreboard suggests that a lot of people on both teams were poor defensive pilots, but in a stock strike I tend to average about 7000 damage taken per death. Their totals were likely less, but 3000-4000 damage per death isn't that hard to achieve even in a scout.

Edited by Ramalina
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It seems like false accusations are starting to ramp up lately. There was a meltdown on The Harbinger GSF this evening because a bomber pilot flew into the star destroyer on Lost Shipyards and they thought it was exploiting LOL. A pilot that claims to have thousands of games of experience even jumped on the bandwagon. Just admit that you got out flown and go on with your life people.
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I assume that "overdamage" is calculated into, on the scoreboard. So 4045,3 average DmG per kill. 9 Assists so 3111,XX~ per Target.


In the heyday of GSF, years ago, stats like this might be possible.


But today, when 3/4 of the players in the match don't use or even own almost full or fully upgraded ships, you can easily end with 14, 15 or more kills and not even 40k DmG. <- Did that myself.


So common sense and simple math say no to this.


The basis of your thesis is fundamentally flawed.


Are you suggesting all of us with similar numbers are cheating too?

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Most of the time stats like these are the result of poor opposition facing a single good pilot.

There is no magic or cheating required.


As Danalon pointed out: You might like to join us tonight on T3-M4/republic side/GSFSchool/8pm. You might hear things helping you to stop Kentraras from racking up kills like that.

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I'm sorry, what?


Looking at the board, seems the opposing team had three pieces of plankton, one green-ish guy, two people with some games under their belt, one quite capable guy, and a shark. Getting last hits in that situation, especially with a sheep or cattle, is not hard. With 85% accuracy, I'm guessing T1 sheep and decent amount of ion aoe hits.


Doing the math on dps/total damage, the game lasted almost 12 minutes. Doing the math on dps/railgun damage, it's not even one slug every 10 seconds, with aoe padding it's less than that. And if they guy went for DOs, well...

Plus, with six deaths, he wasn't probably even trying to stay alive too much and just went all in.


I see absolutely nothing out of the ordinary on that scoreboard.

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Looks to me like a typical case of a really good Mangler/Quarrel pilot pressuring a bombercamp with Ionrails.

I suppose your opposite team fielded multiple dronecarriers? If yes: both high accuracy, shooting at stationary targets without any evade, and high damage, Ionrail T4 upgrade splash, are easy to achive.

Personaly im more impressed with the number of kills he managed to score if my assumption is correct.


My personal best in the described situation is >135k damage with ~80% accuracy, but in comparison much lower kills and instead a monstrous assist number.


The real question to ask after seeing a performance like that is: "how can I do that myself?" instead of " did he do something illegitimate"


This case is closed with a guilty on playing for the team and having a killerinstinct :eek:

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I assume that "overdamage" is calculated into, on the scoreboard. So 4045,3 average DmG per kill. 9 Assists so 3111,XX~ per Target.


In the heyday of GSF, years ago, stats like this might be possible.


But today, when 3/4 of the players in the match don't use or even own almost full or fully upgraded ships, you can easily end with 14, 15 or more kills and not even 40k DmG. <- Did that myself.


So common sense and simple math say no to this.


You know, when you first posted this thread, I expected it to be because someone was teleporting around. There are very obvious signs that differentiate lag from controlled teleports.


If you think the kill count alone is evidence, I've scored over 70% of my teams entire kill count on various occasions and have screenshots (when that button actually works).


Your math is off as you're assuming damage is specific to kills and that shields dont regenerate or turrets taking damage, etc.


I think this boils down to people thinking they're a lot better than they actually are. The better you get, the more you realize that what you thought were limitations can actually be surpassed.

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I assume that "overdamage" is calculated into, on the scoreboard. So 4045,3 average DmG per kill. 9 Assists so 3111,XX~ per Target.


In the heyday of GSF, years ago, stats like this might be possible.


But today, when 3/4 of the players in the match don't use or even own almost full or fully upgraded ships, you can easily end with 14, 15 or more kills and not even 40k DmG. <- Did that myself.


So common sense and simple math say no to this.


If I had to guess I'd say Kentraras was flying T1 Gunship. If you want some math: Ion Rail hits for 1850 against shields and splashes to up to 3 additional targets for 50% damage. You can do 4625 damage with a single shot and no one you hit will die, because it only affects shields and in a lot of cases the targets hit by splash run away and regenerate their shields, nullifying the damage.

Also, I see you were flying a Legion and it's not uncommon to see 3-4 bombers on one side of an 8v8 deathmatch on T3-M4. Some part of the damage in the screenshot probabaly is Ion Rail splash against drones and mines.

Edited by Danalon
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