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Everything posted by PonderSt

  1. Looks to me like a typical case of a really good Mangler/Quarrel pilot pressuring a bombercamp with Ionrails. I suppose your opposite team fielded multiple dronecarriers? If yes: both high accuracy, shooting at stationary targets without any evade, and high damage, Ionrail T4 upgrade splash, are easy to achive. Personaly im more impressed with the number of kills he managed to score if my assumption is correct. My personal best in the described situation is >135k damage with ~80% accuracy, but in comparison much lower kills and instead a monstrous assist number. The real question to ask after seeing a performance like that is: "how can I do that myself?" instead of " did he do something illegitimate" This case is closed with a guilty on playing for the team and having a killerinstinct
  2. Hallo Zusammen, als relativer Frischling (fliege seit ca. 1'5 bis 2 Monaten auf VC) bin ich noch in der Phase des begeisterten Ausprobierens unterschiedlicher Schiffe bzw. Bestückungsvarianten. Bislang hab ich es zu 2 voll ausgebauten Kähnen gebracht: einer Novadive die völlig auf die Jagd nach Kampfschiffen ausgelegt ist sowie einer Condor als Dogfighter (OHNE Railgun!). Dazu dank Umwandlung von Schiffs im Flottenmarken ein volles Lineup der anderen Schiffe in unterschiedlichsten Ausbaustufen. Alle kommen sporadisch mal zum Einsatz, aber mein normaler Hangar besteht aus Novadive : Kampfschiffjäger Spearpoint: als Bombertaxi bzw.mit Thermittorpedos Antibomber Unterstützung Clarion: als heilender Allzweckflieger, kommt aber meist nur in für das eigene Team leichten TDMs zum Einsatz da noch ziemlich "grün" und damit angenehmer für die Gegner Rampart : Satellitenverteidigung Condor: mit oder ohne Railgun als Spass Schiff/Antibomber Geschütz Da ich GSF nur in seiner derzeitigen Form erlebt habe wollte ich mal Stellung nehmen in der hier immer wieder aufkommenden Debatte "Kampfschiffe+Bomberspam" rauben den Spass/sind einfach gutes Teamplay: Beide Seiten der Diskussion liefern hier gute Argumente. In Domination Matches empfinde ich Kampfschiffe als mit die angenehmsten Gegner. Sie haben durchaus eine taktische Berechtigung, nämlich verminte Satelliten "aufzuweichen" während der Rest des Teams angreift. Zwischen zwei eigenen Satelliten stationiert können sie in der Verteidigung gute Ergebnisse erzielen, indem sie neu anfliegende Gegner abfangen. Beides erfordert Koordination mit dem Rest des Teams und selbst ein einzelner Scout kann ihnen das Match extrem anstrengend gestalten, da es im Umfeld der Sats wenig Verstecke gibt um ungestört Feuern zu können. Ergo: Das gute, alte Prinzip Schere-Stein-Papier funktioniert im Domination wunderbar Bomber>Scout, Gunship>Bomber, Scout>Gunship... JaBos unter ferner liefen... Teamplay und flexible Reaktionsmöglichkeiten auf den Gegner sind wichtig und hilfreich. Leider ist Domination genau dadurch (und durch die hohe Panzerung der Verteidigungsgeschütze!) nicht einfach für Neulinge ohne Zugriff auf panzerbrechende Waffen. Steckt ein gut ausgestatteter Bomber unter einem Sat mit Türmen ist für viele Teams Gameover. In solchen Matches halte ich es für guten Stil, das sichtbar unterlegenen Seite einen Sat zum erobern/halten zu überlassen und nicht auch dort mit voller Wucht anzugreifen... Mehr Requisition für Neulinge und deutlich weniger Frust. Anders gestaltet sich die Balance im Deathmatch: Ein Klumpen aus Bombern und Gunship, oder einfach 3+ Gunship die sich gegenseitig decken erfordern wenig bis keine Teamkoordination und sind eigentlich nur dadurch zu knacken eine NOCH größere Anzahl an Kampfschiffen aufzufahren als der Gegner. Für eingefleischte Scout Piloten oder Neulinge ohne Zugriff auf ein solides KS ist der Frustfaktor hier unglaublich hoch. Interessanterweise beobachte ich auf VC, das gerade wenn ein Team viele Piloten mit 2-3 Schiffen hat die andere besonders stark auf Bomber/KS setzt und damit das Ungleichgewicht noch deutlicher gestaltet. Hier ggf. aus Gründen der Fairness selbst in nen JaBo oder Scout (und damit ist NICHT die voll ausgebaute Flashfire gemeint^^) zu steigen ändert voraussichtlich nichts am Ergebnis der Schlacht, sorgt aber für mehr Spielspaß. MFG ein Neupilot der die harte Anfangszeit gerade hinter sich lässt
  3. Vanguard was never supposed to be a ranged AC, neither as tank nor as Damagedealer. We may have (had) a few options do fight outside our optimal range of 4m (10m if Stockstrike is on CD) but any Vanguard is a Meleefighter first and foremost. Stockstrike is the main attack of Vanguard tanks as it autotrigger Ioncell and may reset its CD on shielding... and has a range of 4m. Having access to Incendiary round mean having at least 11 points in Assault, some of which HAVE to correspond to Plasmacell meaning they are dead and wasted while tanking. This is NOT a good idea. Incendiary round is a rather weak attack, its Ammo/damage ratio is absolutely atrocius even on a full Assault Vanguard. Without points in Burnout and Assaulttrooper its even weaker... its ONLY saving grace was its increased ranged, allowing to preapply a burneffect while closing in on our target. Since 1.4 it should only be used (in PvP )if a) you can be totaly sure of its running the full duration (no dying, and more important: no dispell) or b) if you reallyreallyREALLY need the ~100 DPS of sustained damage, since it has NO burstpotential, to slowly burn down a target. In PVE only a) applies, as b) should be given. NEVER Incendiary round a target that hasnt got 18secs TTL, and only reapply at full Ammo or with Reserve Powercell. The range change has therefore nerfed our longrange opening in PvP, as i believe was intended (and necessary). In PvE nothing has changed, apart from the first 3 seconds of combat, as we now open up with Sticky Grenade instead of Assault Plastique while moving into MELEE range. This is totaly correct, imo. However the inreased range ONLY applied to the opening of combat even before 1.4, as staying on range, whether forced by mechanics or by preference, led to a drastic loss of damage.
  4. It does accelerate you up to sprint speed (the same 30%) during combat. Sprint and HtL do not stack however, so no speed increase out of combat is granted. The same is sadly true for the speed increase via talented Highenergy cell
  5. You are totaly right that as a tank in PvP you are going to lose some amount of damage compared to a DD... but what you are gaining is much more than just survivability. The Tactics talenttree is awesome for creating hybrid Vanguards, Assault isnt (excepting Tactic/Assault hybrid builds). Edit: got your point at last ;P Your uptime on reflective shield isnt ever to be near the theoretical maximum: Most enemies in PvP AVOID punching the tank, prefering softer targets... which the tank tries to support via Guard/Taunts etc. Furthermore, most players will switch targets once your reflective shield comes up if another targed is available. Unlike in PvE Tanks dont get beat up more than anyone else. If all you can do is stand there being hard many enemies will ignore you altogether. The wording on the Reflexive shield talent implies, that ANY damage, including transfered to you via Guard is going to lower the CD. That might give you quite good damagereduction, but being a "meatshield only" in objective based PvP isnt going to get you anywhere: Your guard and taunts reduce the enemies damageoutput... but by being less able to actively participate in combat than you could be as either shieldspec with Storm/charge goodness or decent damageoutput you are reducing the capabilities of your team more than you are hurting the enemy.
  6. Sadly, neither of your specs is viable in PvP (or in general, sorry ). You seem to be planning on staying in Ion cell, which means your primary damage sources as Assault are doing almost nothing: Plasmacell amounts to HIGH basedamage, and HIB as a main source of Burstdamage is negligible due to missing most of ist core talents. To be frank: in your fist spec your problably doing LESS damage than in a full tank spec. Missing both pressure and burst damage while still beiing rather squishy. Shielding is not a good choice of damageprevention in PvP due to the fact that most important attacks ignore shield altogether and the fact of enemy crits pushing shieldchance of the attackchart. Your almost totaly speccing for utility talents, some of which are not very strong to begin with... your not going to add anything of impact to a BG group. Vanguard has some great options for Hybrid builds... Shield/Assault is not among them Having more than a handfull of points in the Assault tree in fact forces you to play in Plasmacell. Testing new (and sometimes rather strange) talent builds is great fun, sometimes such a test is going to yield the result: "DON'T!"
  7. Thats looking great. Im playing a slight variation of your Spec, prefering but prefering "Tactical Tools" and "Pulsegenerator" above the (in my opinion) lacklustre last 4 points in the "Gut" talentline. The point in hamstring doesnt do anything Plasmacell cant do equaly well, or better, because of its range. As your two points in "Battlefield training" dont do anything at all (you'll be in Plasma all times) I took "Frontline Defense" instead, for even more harrassment options. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801ZrsrrobdzZfhMbdh.2 With those changes i prefer the Eliminator Set to combat tech, but suppose damagewise the two different layouts will be not far appart. Yours is gonna provide slightly more singletarged burst, the one with Pulsecannon support more AoE and (my reason to choose it) the 70% slow of Pulsegenerator (plus the fact that my Eliminatorset ist almost full ). So, im just realising my answer was to spec more than gear... its full warhero really, whats not to like . The important part to me is showing that 0/23/18 is a great spec, Even better after 1.4 for the changes to "Pulsegenerator") and can be adjusted to any playstile (coming from Tactics with Pulsecannon, or Assault with autocrit). Both are totaly viable and great fun to play. A additional point on gear: without speccing "steely resolve" for the percentual Aim increase Power/Stamina augment would be a slightly more powerful choice. I make the same compromise as you here, because of crafting the Aim augments myself as armorcrafter. best regards, Major Sabot Shellshock
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