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Garbinger pubs and broken transfer


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Harbinger is hands down the worst pvp server, with the absolute worst pub side. After 120 days of sifting through pvp guilds, group ranked, solo ranked, regs and pugs, 90% of this server sucks. Can't read ops chat, can't use teamspeak, can't play your own class (that most have played 65 levels of for 3 years). This is where Imperials go to win trade, and pubs go to cry about premades and quit warzones early.


What's even better...you can't leave this server at the moment. You're basically stuck here until devs reactivate character transfer....and we all know how diligent they are about fixing problems(cough"warzone que" cough)


If Harbinger represented the entire community. This game would die tomorrow.

Edited by DarthNumbNuts
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If Harbinger represented the entire community. This game would die tomorrow.


It does represent the entire community. And it is dying.


Pop imbalance does that. So stop flocking into easy-mode Imps. If you're a PvPer who doesn't really care about stories or factions, then no reason to not come to Reps.


Reps across all servers, need serious help. Need more people, need more PvPers to take up the hardcore challenge to fight against stronger, more organized opponents everytime.

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It does represent the entire community. And it is dying.


Pop imbalance does that. So stop flocking into easy-mode Imps. If you're a PvPer who doesn't really care about stories or factions, then no reason to not come to Reps.


Reps across all servers, need serious help. Need more people, need more PvPers to take up the hardcore challenge to fight against stronger, more organized opponents everytime.


Hey Kwe, you are wrong about why OPG warzone pops so much, btw. We got an official response from a BW representative explaining why.


This is a link to a picture of the petition answer sent back to Alienware guy, he posted this for us all so we now understand better as to why that warzone is popping so much.


I seriously didn't make this up, here is the proof. http://imgur.com/HwPADYN
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This is a link to a picture of the petition answer sent back to Alienware guy, he posted this for us all so we now understand better as to why that warzone is popping so much.


Yep, seen it. I've written an explanation about that on the main thread. It actually kinda makes perfect sense if you have some info on how modern, corporate-scale gaming business is organized and managed.


I think you'll find it funny, Lhan.

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Hey Kwe, you are wrong about why OPG warzone pops so much, btw. We got an official response from a BW representative explaining why.


This is a link to a picture of the petition answer sent back to Alienware guy, he posted this for us all so we now understand better as to why that warzone is popping so much.


I don't know if I understand the BW response. Did he say the reason Odessen keeps popping is because people keep "choosing" OPG?

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Yeah, harb is painful, specially Imp-side.. you ONLY fight imps. I've yet to face republic when yolo queing for rank. Its all been imp vs imp, and you face the same people over and over again, which means if you do bad 1 match your gonna get hate for the rest of the matches just cause 1 match you didn't play well. It's a sad state of affairs for rank, better off just unrank for pvp.
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I used to only play pub side on Harbinger but I noticed at the start of 4.0 it got really bad. It was a constant struggle of undergeared no healer republic teams vs imp teams in full pvp gear with sorc healers to boot. I got tired of trying to carry bads on republic side.


I surrendered and transferred all my PVP gear to imp toons and have never looked back since, the quality of player is a lot higher on the imp side.

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I used to only play pub side on Harbinger but I noticed at the start of 4.0 it got really bad. It was a constant struggle of undergeared no healer republic teams vs imp teams in full pvp gear with sorc healers to boot. I got tired of trying to carry bads on republic side.


I surrendered and transferred all my PVP gear to imp toons and have never looked back since, the quality of player is a lot higher on the imp side.


Same for me, but **** if I can be asked to play pub pvp these days, when every single match I get put together with people who only barely know how to play the game, nah I am gonna stick to empire where at least most of the time the people I end up on teams with knows what they are doing

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I understand how hard it is... but really, crossing to Imps like that makes things even worse, and accelerates the "death spiral" for PvP -- as you can clearly experience these days.


You don't even got any Reps to play with nowadays. You mostly play amongst the same Imps. How long you think that'll last?


Need some of the major Imp PvP players and guilds across all servers, to make a decision at some point -- whether to just keep ignoring this mess the players themselves have caused, or to cross over in hopes to make things better, or perhaps try to communicate with the devs somehow and give a big push for cross-server queueing, in which case its not a real solution, but still would extend the life of PvP by a few years more at least.


I'd really hate to add SWTOR to the list of games with idiotic PHAIL player communities that killed PvP with their own hands.

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I understand how hard it is... but really, crossing to Imps like that makes things even worse, and accelerates the "death spiral" for PvP -- as you can clearly experience these days.


You don't even got any Reps to play with nowadays. You mostly play amongst the same Imps. How long you think that'll last?


Need some of the major Imp PvP players and guilds across all servers, to make a decision at some point -- whether to just keep ignoring this mess the players themselves have caused, or to cross over in hopes to make things better, or perhaps try to communicate with the devs somehow and give a big push for cross-server queueing, in which case its not a real solution, but still would extend the life of PvP by a few years more at least.


I'd really hate to add SWTOR to the list of games with idiotic PHAIL player communities that killed PvP with their own hands.


I can see that, but at the same time, I play swtor and especially pvp for fun, to entertain myself, and really if I get more frustrated then anything by playinng pub side then it sort of defeates the point. Obviously I would like things to get better, but at the same time I am not really willing to sit through the major frustration that have been the case almost every time I have qued pub side, it just isent worth using what little free time I have, time that I have set aside for entertainment, so yeah sorry but at the end of the day I kinda have to look out for my own fun

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It does represent the entire community. And it is dying.


Pop imbalance does that. So stop flocking into easy-mode Imps. If you're a PvPer who doesn't really care about stories or factions, then no reason to not come to Reps.


Reps across all servers, need serious help. Need more people, need more PvPers to take up the hardcore challenge to fight against stronger, more organized opponents everytime.


I stopped most of my ground pvp because as a pub main on harby, server transfers killed the balance and pvp pubside ended up being an exercise in futility. There was a time pub side was competitive enough to make it enjoyable on harby - but one can only endure so much before giving up altogether.


I still run ground pvp on my main but very sparingly. When you feel its likely a loss before you even start the match you eventually don't bother at all.

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To be honest it's my fault for leaving the server I was on because harbinger had way better que pops. I wanted my money's worth in warzone qs. It wasn't complete trash until season 7 started. There's nothing wrong with the server I was on...just didn't pop as much as I wanted.


Of course this is a true example of quality vs quantity...which is "NOT what she said":rolleyes:

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It's a sad state of affairs for rank, better off just unrank for pvp.
That's what I do. It very likely earns me a whole other level of derision.


But, after getting within 50pts of top tier in season 2, only to suffer a string of matches facing the same queue synching duo (assuming they even needed to queue synch, queues are so dead in this game), while being teamed with the same match-throwing troll. I went so far as to add the troll to my friend's list so as to avoid being queued with him, but ended up never queuing again.

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Need some of the major Imp PvP players and guilds across all servers, to make a decision at some point -- whether to just keep ignoring this mess the players themselves have caused, or to cross over in hopes to make things better, or perhaps try to communicate with the devs somehow and give a big push for cross-server queueing, in which case its not a real solution, but still would extend the life of PvP by a few years more at least.


The positive - X-Faction does look like it's on the way.

The negative - BW is doing it.

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Yeah, harb is painful, specially Imp-side.. you ONLY fight imps. I've yet to face republic when yolo queing for rank. Its all been imp vs imp, and you face the same people over and over again, which means if you do bad 1 match your gonna get hate for the rest of the matches just cause 1 match you didn't play well. It's a sad state of affairs for rank, better off just unrank for pvp.

Play later at night (around 11pm pacific time). You'll get several pub games. That's probably a little secret on how to boost your ELO, 'cause the pubs that I encountered at that time of night were not so good. Or you could always log on to your pub alt, go to fleet general chat and say "queue solo ranked, it's great fun, you only need 2018 expertise!!" and then log in your imp. We need cross faction. :(


As far as the hate goes, it hasn't been so bad on harb in my experience. One guy flipped out, rest have been cool. Just ignore the one guy and keep going.

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I play on both Ebon Hawk and Harbinger. Harbinger is better all around in my experience; better players, faster pops (at every stage), and a better connection (I'm West Coast). The only negative to Harbinger is that BW doesn't feed the hamsters enough and the Server itself takes intermittent dumps.


Ebon Hawk has its share of jerks and clowns, just like Harbinger does. Guess I have a thicker skin than most because I've never had a problem with these guys. If anyone in chat annoys me, I just Ignore them. Very simple and easy to do.


I actually would like to play on Harb full-time, but my friends mainly play on Ebon Hawk so I just grind it out there.

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Hey Kwe, you are wrong about why OPG warzone pops so much, btw. We got an official response from a BW representative explaining why.


This is a link to a picture of the petition answer sent back to Alienware guy, he posted this for us all so we now understand better as to why that warzone is popping so much.


I thought the Choices Matter **** was just for the dlc story :rak_02:


Kudos to BW for making PVPer choices matter, even when they don't have a choice. Amazing dev magic.

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Or you could always log on to your pub alt, go to fleet general chat and say "queue solo ranked, it's great fun, you only need 2018 expertise!!" and then log in your imp. We need cross faction. :(


Actually, on VC I almost assume this to happen. And, to be really honest, I despise this tactic, because any time I followed this suggestion on VC in the past, we got heavily farmed by Imps.


So, now, any time I read this, I don't queue anymore at all. It's looking too much like :mon_trap: to me ...

No matter which bracket.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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