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Treek is broken, worthless, we paid REAL MONEY for her.


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Yeah now your argument has no merit trying to say treek was never known to be OP. And YES I know you had to gear your comps back then, I had mine in all rakata gear when that actually meant something. This whole thread is about the fact that now your special little treek, is no longer as special as she used to be since all comps can tank or heal.


It seems your just butthurt about that fact, hence your whole argument that you paid real money for her, and want her as over the top powerful she was back then. And how dare BW make her in line with the other companions because of something as inconsequential as the fact it takes her a little longer to self heal.


No, it has to do with the fact that she was sold....as a tank and heal combo. Changing that is bait and switch. If she were still decent at anything it would be okay, but she's not, she can lvl 50 and easily outhealed by a lvl 40 comp.

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At least her tank mode is underwhelming. Her tank and dps abilities have exactly the same names, 2 out of 5 abilities in tank mode are exactly the same as in dps mode, but with slightly reduced damage, and the other 3 abilities are the same as in dps mode with slightly reduced damage and some added mitigation and threat generation. While other companions have 2 taunts in tank mode (single & group), Treek has none. Treek in tank mode is more of a hardened/resilient dps than the actual tank services other companions offer.


Exactly, as I said, she's been made worthless.

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The OP may indulge in a little hyperbole but they do have a point.

I'm not going to go into the cost of Treek, after all things depreciate even in a digital age.


Treek used to be the ONLY companion that could Tank and Heal at the same time, now she is the ONLY companion that can't.


I haven't checked out all the companions but they seem to have a generic list of abilities apart from Treek.

Let's have a look at TV-R8 in Tank stance;

Powered Charge does some damage, heals the comp for 25% of that damage and generates threat,

Threatening Focus gives the comp a shield and a taunt

Provoking Flare is another taunt.

Anti-personnel Detonator AoE that reduces incoming damage by 50%

Multi Grapple pulls in 3 targets generates high threat.


Treek on the other hand doesn't have any self heals, can't taunt (she only generates threat), can boost her armour by 20%, and has a 4sec stun (with a 2min cool down).


My influence 50 Treek wasn't performing that much better than the influence 1 TV-R8, pretty much only down to the fact she had far more health (about 30% more) and couldn't hold agro.


Treeks heal stance doesn't fare much better and seems to be very burst orientated with some of her core heal abilities. TV-R8 like most other healers has a far more consistent healing profile and can through a shield over the character as well.


I wouldn't go as far as to say Treek is useless after all you can use her to run gathering missions and crafting.

It's just a shame that in an effort to retain her unique abilities the Devs have actually made her one of the least attractive companions to quest with.


Well said.

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Her value came from the uniqueness of being able to both at the same time, and as you said, not break CC.

But don't mistake that for being "better". Prior to 4.0 the dedicated healers healed better than Treek and the dedicated tanks tanked better than her.


Yes, but it was the combo that made her a god-send for assassins and why many spent real money on her.

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It actually looks kind of bugged / unfinished / not thought through to the end:




  • Tana Teeket, Klektuhku Thleek, Hveetin Yayath are exactly the same, with reduced damage in tank mode (great for threat generation :rolleyes:)
  • Boom Thuk and Siz Whistle have reduced damage in tank mode, with some added threat generation and, oh, watch this, [boom Thuk] 5% damage reduction from enemies for a whole zero seconds!

Edited by KyaniteD
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  • 9 months later...
I would rather spend money on pixels that I can use whenever and as much as I want instead of something like spending it on a trip to the movies that is gone after a couple hours.


But your distinction is only a matter of duration. The game last longer than then movie, but one day this game will shut down and your pixels will be gone just like the movie. It's only a difference of duration.

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Wait! You spent real money, on pixels??????? Really?????

At the time, it was an easy investment to make. Treek was the only companion who could fill all 3 roles.

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But your distinction is only a matter of duration. The game last longer than then movie, but one day this game will shut down and your pixels will be gone just like the movie. It's only a difference of duration.


Years of experiences versus a couple hours. I think it's will worth the cost.


If you don't, fine. I assume you say the same thing about going to movies then.


Live and let live.

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Okay, we can flame him for spending real money all day.


But it won't change the fact that he is right - Treek is the weakest healer companion in the game. To a point where you might get close do death on squishier classes or even die. Heck, there is a heroic on Nar Shaddaa - called Terminal Injuries. It has a bonus objective to kill 45 enemies. As the area is instanced, you can just aggro them all together, bring to the corner room and kill all 30-40 at once. My rank 50 Jaesa heals me through this massacre without any issues. With rank 50 Treek I die when grouping them up... Can't even get to the point where I can spam my aoe.


That's just one of the tests I did. DPS Treek is weak as well. I have tested with my friend's rank 50 companion. We started a duel, and let his rank 50 Vette fight my rank 50 Treek. Both in dps stance. Treek lost. Completely. Same in tank stance.


In tank stance Treek has no taunt. At all. Only weak aggro generating abilities. Basically, she can't hold even 2 enemies on her.


So yes, Treek is broken, worthless and needs to be fixed. Just having cool animations won't change the fact that she is uber weak.



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When did I EVER, ONCE say that she should be better than any other companion? I never did. She's 20 seconds slower at healing, that is awful and broken. You don't even use her as you say, so you literally know jack about this and are just taking the time to post nonsense about something you know nothing of, wow, some people.

I don't understand how that equates to her being broken. Does she still heal? Yes? Then she isn't broken. She's just slower at it.


I don't use companions I don't like. And boy, do I not like Treek. I certainly wouldn't spend any real money on her. But, oddly enough, I still have her. So equating "real money" to "rebalance your comp" is a stupid point. The amount of money you spend on her doesn't mean she needs to be any better or worse off than any other companion nor does she need to be balanced the same. It has absolutely no correlation what-so-ever.


Treek does what Treek does. If its comparatively worse than another companion, then don't use Treek for that role. Simple as that. The money you paid is irrelevant because it was used to access her easily. You paid for the privilege of activation, not for the effectiveness of the companion.

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Treek is not free, acquiring her requires real money investment. Be that cartel coins or in game credits that require subscription status to bypass escrow. Even if you are lucky and get escrow extensions from GTN, those were bought with real money by a player. Real money has to be paid by someone if you want to have that companion. It is made to look like it's free, but the only way Treek companion to join your crew is for money to be paid by you or someone else. I don't say that's bad this game is about selling items and companions and stuff and that's all alright, it's just bit annoying how people were tricked into believing the companion is free, and even today believe so.


Treek was the best when it came out and was unique and we paid for it. Now we no longer have what we paid for, all what remains is a shell of her. I think that Z0-0M companion is now the most powerful one, at least with healing.

Edited by BoySaber
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I don't understand how that equates to her being broken.
She's "broken" in the sense that she's purchased with real money, not acquired in the game through play. Because of how bugged she is right now, she's literally a waste of money. CM items need to be comparable...not crap.
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Soul of Flames,


You remind me of an annoying graduate student who likes to try and one-up professors by playing semantic games. What you say, of course, is objectively true. It is also absurd on its face. Is an ice cream cone with one tiny chip of chocolate still a chocolate chip ice cream cone? In your literal and narrow-minded world, yes.


In the real world, i.e., the business world where there are consumers, the relevant question is as follows: "In an era of normalization of companions, is it reasonable to expect that Treek will perform relatively on par with others?"


Most consumers would say, yes. The problem is that Treek objectively performs worse in every role.


So, congratulations, you score debating points for being technically correct and are no doubt basking in your self-righteous pseudo-intellectual prowess. At the end of the day, it remains a foolish decision on the part of the Devs not to address the issue, particularly since it is presumably easy to fix.

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You all need to chill. YES he spent real money on her. What he does with his wallet is his own choice. The point of this thread is that Treek is in desperate need of a buff, and is painfully difficult use. The devs need to fix this, and we can only hope that someday they see this thread.
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Soul of Flames,


You remind me of an annoying graduate student who likes to try and one-up professors by playing semantic games. What you say, of course, is objectively true. It is also absurd on its face. Is an ice cream cone with one tiny chip of chocolate still a chocolate chip ice cream cone? In your literal and narrow-minded world, yes.


In the real world, i.e., the business world where there are consumers, the relevant question is as follows: "In an era of normalization of companions, is it reasonable to expect that Treek will perform relatively on par with others?"


Most consumers would say, yes. The problem is that Treek objectively performs worse in every role.


So, congratulations, you score debating points for being technically correct and are no doubt basking in your self-righteous pseudo-intellectual prowess. At the end of the day, it remains a foolish decision on the part of the Devs not to address the issue, particularly since it is presumably easy to fix.

Wow...very well said!!! You need to post more ;)

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You all need to chill. YES he spent real money on her. What he does with his wallet is his own choice. The point of this thread is that Treek is in desperate need of a buff, and is painfully difficult use. The devs need to fix this, and we can only hope that someday they see this thread.


OP has not been back to the forum in 9 months folks. He's long gone.. so no need to respond to all his passionate and demanding rhetoric.


Further with the thread also being 9 months old.. I think it is relevant for some of those throwing comparison numbers around to actually run fresh comparisons to see if she is still "underpowered" or not... given we have had 9 months of patches since this thread went dormant. And IF testing finds she is.. then capture said data and share it with the studio as your case to get her addressed, rather then whine-festing a long dormant thread from last summer. In other words... like anything else that is not working right... BUG REPORT IT with specifics that are clear and actionable. ;)


Personally, I have not used Treek for actual combat on any of my characters in more then a year. So I have no idea what her current state of effectiveness is. I do use her on a number of my characters to run crew missions.

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That wasn't an option before...When we bought her.


That you allowed yourself to be fleeced by dint of "Shiny! Want! Now!" is no-one's fault but your own.


Try taking responsibility for your own choices, for once?




Necro-kitty is having a necro for you'ze!

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