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Crew Skill Whites


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I think it would be a great advantage to crafters to be able to harvest the white materials on things like moisture evaporators, life support systems, broken ships, and other such places throughout the galaxy. The crew skill takes too long and yields a minimal return unless your companion is full 50. To keep from flooding the market make the spawn time less and the sparsity a bit more than other materials. However, I truly think it should be farmable.



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Crew Skills is over here, and the Suggestion Box is over here...

Wrong section aside, the crew skill harvesting of white materials is more than enough if your companions are above influence level 10, and obviously the higher the better since they're liable to return more from crew skill missions and in less time.

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As far as the wrong place to make this post. I was informed by Bioware this is the location for this type of discussion. The other points are valid to a point. I would just like to increase my profit margin. I would hope other die hard crafters wouldnt mind it either. A basic player has no concern for such things...
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As far as the wrong place to make this post. I was informed by Bioware this is the location for this type of discussion.


Bioware did not tell you to post in the wrong section of the forums. It's to do with crew skills, you should post in the crew skills section.


The other points are valid to a point. I would just like to increase my profit margin.


AKA "I want to make easy money with minimal effort."


I would hope other die hard crafters wouldnt mind it either.


Die hard crafters have no problem with gathering white mats as it is now.

They also know how to make both a profit, and not to rely solely on crafting as this isn't that kind of game.


A basic player has no concern for such things...


You're neither a die hard crafter, or a basic player. You're wanting something for practically nothing.

It's already easy to get the white mats, and all but purple OPs mats without having to pay through the nose or waste time on a manual grind.

What you're asking for is a pointless waste of dev time and money.

Edited by Fyurii
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Bioware did not tell you to post in the wrong section of the forums. It's to do with crew skills, you should post in the crew skills section.




AKA "I want to make easy money with minimal effort."




Die hard crafters have no problem with gathering white mats as it is now.

They also know how to make both a profit, and not to rely solely on crafting as this isn't that kind of game.




You're neither a die hard crafter, or a basic player. You're wanting something for practically nothing.

It's already easy to get the white mats, and all but purple OPs mats without having to pay through the nose or waste time on a manual grind.

What you're asking for is a pointless waste of dev time and money.


I agree with everything you said except the highlighted. The fact of the matter is that "die hard crafters" make more credits per unit of time running crew skills than any playable aspect of the game can ever produce. I am what you would call a "die hard crafter" and I can make millions in very short periods of actually being logged in (e.g. I make an average of 10 million a week dedicating just 3.5 total hours in that week to crew skills - that's roughly 47,600 credits/minute). So any credits I get from playing the game (doing solo or group content) is a blip on my radar (I have not done anything in this game [other than crew skills] with the specific intent of making credits in a VERY long time - 1.x Black Hole Dailies)


OP, the way I get all the white mats I will ever need is quite simple: run the white material mission EVERY chance I get. Even at their worst yield, grade 9 white materials are MUCH cheaper from the mission than the vendor:


grade 9 white materials mission costs 2600 credits to run. The worst yield (other than an outright failure) is 5 units. that 520 credits per unit vs the 1200 credits per unit to buy them from the vendor.


That being said, all white materials from grade 1 through 4 are generally cheaper to just buy from the vendor. Grade 5 is about break even with a slight edge to running the mission (although time is credits), grade 6 and above it is more cost effective to run the mission.


If you take into account failures and crits, with just an influence rank 10 companion the average cost per unit (for grade 9) drops to less than 300 credits (297).

Not to mention:

267 - rank 20

242 - rank 30

221 - rank 40

204 - rank 50


(Heck even a rank 0 influence companion would average 336 credits per unit)


In case you are wondering: (C*R)/((CY*CC)+(NY*(NC-CC)))

mission cost © (in this case 2600)

missions run ® (my calculations are based on 100 missions run because doing so makes it easy to convert the percentage crit chance into a simple number)

crit yield (CY) (in this case 25)

crit chance (CC) (base 15% + 0.5% per influence rank e.g. rank 20 companion has a 25% crit chance = 15% base + 0.5% * 20)

normal yield (NY) (in this case 5 although normal yields on white materials range from 5 to 10)

normal chance (NC) (always 95 due to the flat 5% outright failure rate)

(2600*100)/((25*20)+(5*(95-20))) = 297.15

This formula is the one I use to determine any and all materials' cost to acquire via mission

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As far as the wrong place to make this post. I was informed by Bioware this is the location for this type of discussion. The other points are valid to a point. I would just like to increase my profit margin. I would hope other die hard crafters wouldnt mind it either. A basic player has no concern for such things...


Crew Skills are discussed in crew skills section and I seriously doubt BW would tell you to discuss crew skills anywhere else but in the crew skills section.

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Oooo mister math...and u speak like your a Dev yourself... look how the most "intelligent" thing u could do was try and insult someone elses game play. And, who are u to judge another person's intentions?


Whites should be farmable whether u like to agree with me or not.


You say he was insulting you? To me it seems you are insulting people who don't agree with you so I would be careful when you state someone is insulting when you are doing the same thing to those that disagree with you.

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I am what you would call a "die hard crafter" and I can make millions in very short periods of actually being logged in (e.g. I make an average of 10 million a week dedicating just 3.5 total hours in that week to crew skills - that's roughly 47,600 credits/minute). So any credits I get from playing the game (doing solo or group content) is a blip on my radar (I have not done anything in this game [other than crew skills] with the specific intent of making credits in a VERY long time - 1.x Black Hole Dailies)


I've got to ask... What could you possibly be making that's netting you 10mil per week?

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