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Why are people still mad about no new raids?


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I just wanted to add in a final statement, if you want to compare difficulty. Go take the health of a flashpoint boss and add together any additional adds that spawn to that. Do that for star fortress last bosses. Do that for eternal championship bosses. Then, test how long it takes the boss to enrage. Convert that to seconds, and divide health by your now in seconds time to kill. Do that for raid bosses. That should answer your difficulty questions.



Also: what makes raiders feel special? For me its titles and mounts. I could care less how long it takes the boss to die so long as they die and we clear the fights.


Actually if raid gear had a 'raid' stat that lowered all the other stats like expertise does it would be a lot more tolerable as well. Apparently that's not acceptable though, raiders must have 733t35t g3ar 3var! Hell, I imagine most pvpers wouldn't mind if their comm gear only worked in warzones. Hell, make it automatically equipped so players wouldn't forget it when zoning in. Or get rid of the gear entirely and truly make it about player skill.


Raiding could do the same- what if the bosses didn't require better gear, but better tactics? Of course, that only applies to the vanguard, the rest of the raiders just wait for the video and copy the strategy like the kid looking at the so-called nerd's test paper in school. Bosses with randomized abilities and tactics-perhaps this time he has adds, next time a stacking debuff, third time a shorter enrage timer. Make each run a challenge instead of a 'farm' where a guildmate can be carried to 'gear them up'.


You already get exclusive access to high-end crafting for some reason, even though your raid gear is obviously better than crafted trash (I guess so the casual masses can have a little peek at 'real gear'?). Surely gear designed solely for your chosen activity isn't too much to ask.


Yes, never mind the dedicated tanks, healers, and other dps who are contributing. They don't change the dynamics at all. Again, if the non-raid content is so easy why does raid gear need to work outside of a raid setting? Why do raiders need to finish heroics faster? So they have more time to sit in the fleet until raid night?

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Actually if raid gear had a 'raid' stat that lowered all the other stats like expertise does it would be a lot more tolerable as well. Apparently that's not acceptable though, raiders must have 733t35t g3ar 3var! Hell, I imagine most pvpers wouldn't mind if their comm gear only worked in warzones. Hell, make it automatically equipped so players wouldn't forget it when zoning in. Or get rid of the gear entirely and truly make it about player skill.


Raiding could do the same- what if the bosses didn't require better gear, but better tactics? Of course, that only applies to the vanguard, the rest of the raiders just wait for the video and copy the strategy like the kid looking at the so-called nerd's test paper in school. Bosses with randomized abilities and tactics-perhaps this time he has adds, next time a stacking debuff, third time a shorter enrage timer. Make each run a challenge instead of a 'farm' where a guildmate can be carried to 'gear them up'.


You already get exclusive access to high-end crafting for some reason, even though your raid gear is obviously better than crafted trash (I guess so the casual masses can have a little peek at 'real gear'?). Surely gear designed solely for your chosen activity isn't too much to ask.


Yes, never mind the dedicated tanks, healers, and other dps who are contributing. They don't change the dynamics at all. Again, if the non-raid content is so easy why does raid gear need to work outside of a raid setting? Why do raiders need to finish heroics faster? So they have more time to sit in the fleet until raid night?


Salty that those who do the hardest content get to use stronger gear for content that doesn't even need glowing or radiant level gear as is. What happened that made you so spiteful of raiders?

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You used to be able to buy set-bonus gear with basic comms; it wasn't stat-wise comparable to the then-current raid gear, but you could do it. (The vendors I'm thinking of I saw in the bonus series area of Belsavis, I may still have one or two items with the armor from there in it stashed in a hold on a little-used character).
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You used to be able to buy set-bonus gear with basic comms; it wasn't stat-wise comparable to the then-current raid gear, but you could do it. (The vendors I'm thinking of I saw in the bonus series area of Belsavis, I may still have one or two items with the armor from there in it stashed in a hold on a little-used character).


Ha, the funny thing is that for some classes old set bonuses combined with bolster would be probably bis for hmfps and sm ops :D

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Salty that those who do the hardest content get to use stronger gear for content that doesn't even need glowing or radiant level gear as is. What happened that made you so spiteful of raiders?


Just wondering why it needs to be usable outside of the raids. I've always heard 'Why do you need raid gear if you don't raid?' but so many refuse to answer 'Why do you need raid gear to work outside of raids if the other content doesn't require it?' At least some were honest in wanting the BiS gear to work everywhere so they can show how much better they are than the rest of the playerbase.


As for hardest content, I would say that warzones against veteran premades leave scripted raid bosses in the dust. Too bad that so many raiders seem to see pvp gear as 'welfare epics', while blindly following a strategy developed by the vanguard somehow means they 'earned' their gear.

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Just wondering why it needs to be usable outside of the raids. I've always heard 'Why do you need raid gear if you don't raid?' but so many refuse to answer 'Why do you need raid gear to work outside of raids if the other content doesn't require it?' At least some were honest in wanting the BiS gear to work everywhere so they can show how much better they are than the rest of the playerbase.


As for hardest content, I would say that warzones against veteran premades leave scripted raid bosses in the dust. Too bad that so many raiders seem to see pvp gear as 'welfare epics', while blindly following a strategy developed by the vanguard somehow means they 'earned' their gear.


You don't. I like the idea of level scaling for that reason. OPs gear always made old content so retardedly easy it wasn't fun anymore. I just wanted it to raid the harder difficulties. It's of my opinion that the ops gear should also look unique, and noticibley so. But that stopped too.


HOWEVER. Bioware's level scaling is garbage, and the companions are jesus anyway, so gear means 0, and it's all so easy it's not fun anyway already.

Edited by Chiltonium
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Just wondering why it needs to be usable outside of the raids. I've always heard 'Why do you need raid gear if you don't raid?' but so many refuse to answer 'Why do you need raid gear to work outside of raids if the other content doesn't require it?' At least some were honest in wanting the BiS gear to work everywhere so they can show how much better they are than the rest of the playerbase.


As for hardest content, I would say that warzones against veteran premades leave scripted raid bosses in the dust. Too bad that so many raiders seem to see pvp gear as 'welfare epics', while blindly following a strategy developed by the vanguard somehow means they 'earned' their gear.


I'm a pvp'er. Objectives and killing other players seems easier than many of the raid boss fights. In pvp you respawn and get back in the action, in a raid, you lose a tank, heals, ortoo many dps, you got one in battle revive and you are usually toast. But I guess its a matter of opinion. Still wondering why you are mad at the raiding community though.

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Just wondering why it needs to be usable outside of the raids. I've always heard 'Why do you need raid gear if you don't raid?' but so many refuse to answer 'Why do you need raid gear to work outside of raids if the other content doesn't require it?' At least some were honest in wanting the BiS gear to work everywhere so they can show how much better they are than the rest of the playerbase.


Aside from bragging rights, raids are the top element of PvE so even though it's not needed outside operations, they can use it everywhere in PvE. It avoids having to get separate gear sets on top of having a PvE and a PvP set for example.


It's not that people refuse to answer that question. I suspect many people don't take the question seriously.


As for hardest content, I would say that warzones against veteran premades leave scripted raid bosses in the dust. Too bad that so many raiders seem to see pvp gear as 'welfare epics', while blindly following a strategy developed by the vanguard somehow means they 'earned' their gear.


Well, as much as a premade can be unbeatable, HM/NiM bosses especially in the more recent ops are not easily beaten except perhaps by experienced raiders so the principle exists there too that a small group of players outshines the rest. So I think it's bull that you downplay the achievements of beating certain bosses. Of course since 4.0 they made it possible to get 224 gear in EV and KP HM which is totally easy. So having that gear isn't special anymore at all and that's true enough.


But when it comes to pvp you are full of crap. Why? Because you don't have to fight premades all the time in warzones and you can get pvp gear also when you lose all the time. So I agree that beating an experienced premade takes skill but you don't have to beat anyone to get pvp gear. You can lose every match and still get a full set of pvp gear.


That's why pvp gear is welfare gear as you call it.

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Just wondering why it needs to be usable outside of the raids. I've always heard 'Why do you need raid gear if you don't raid?' but so many refuse to answer 'Why do you need raid gear to work outside of raids if the other content doesn't require it?' At least some were honest in wanting the BiS gear to work everywhere so they can show how much better they are than the rest of the playerbase.


As for hardest content, I would say that warzones against veteran premades leave scripted raid bosses in the dust. Too bad that so many raiders seem to see pvp gear as 'welfare epics', while blindly following a strategy developed by the vanguard somehow means they 'earned' their gear.


Because the character powers are balanced to having the set bonus. In particular, the cooldown decresers on taunts and the autocrits are extremely useful,


As for the "if you don't raid, you don't need it" argument - I have two problems with that. One, currently, you have to raid before you get the gear, a catch-22 of starting the raid gear treadmill (and you're never guaranteed to get a set-bonus piece out of any particular raid, another problem I have with the entire paradigm). Two, that's only true if you look at the population of raiders. Non-raiders may just not be that good, and need the extra edge/cushion against lower threats.

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Non-raiders may just not be that good, and need the extra edge/cushion against lower threats.


There used to be this aspect, however with level sync I'm not so sure it applies anymore. It used to be hard to solo some of the heroics at level, pre 3.0. Having the set bonus from raid gear definitely created that cushion, aside from better stat balance.


Definitely not sure that applies now, with companions and all the other changes. I think the only advantage having raid gear now over any other gear, is if you're trying to run NiM content at level, or going for Sprint Champion in TEC.

Edited by Transcendent
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51 pages of posts in thread where's answer in thread question :p


It, like teh answer to the question of new raids, is buried under half statements and lots of fluff.


Or something. Or people have dicussed it and are now discussing the finer points of the specifics to work out the specific reasons to then be generalized into a more coherent one.

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Just wondering why it needs to be usable outside of the raids. I've always heard 'Why do you need raid gear if you don't raid?' but so many refuse to answer 'Why do you need raid gear to work outside of raids if the other content doesn't require it?' At least some were honest in wanting the BiS gear to work everywhere so they can show how much better they are than the rest of the playerbase.


I have yet to see a single comment anywhere implying players who can obtain BiS gear through traditional (i.e. non HHM KP/EV) need a damn thing to do anything outside of raids. I do not think you truly have any semblance of understanding of how difficult, when compared to everything else in this game, this stuff is to complete. The idea that players that can beat a single boss in, say, NM DP at level would notice even 1% difference in difficulty of, say, a heroic or FP in 208 vs. 224 gear is silly. Stuff dies quicker I guess, but do not mistake that for ease. That content is a joke to this demographic. At any gear level.


My personal opinion is that all gear is available to everyone. Perhaps you do not prefer to spend your in-game time obtaining specific items. So don't. It's your choice. If you want specific items, do the content. I'm sorry that you may not like that some of it is difficult. Some of it requires practice. Time. Effort.


You are trying to solve a problem that does not exist.


As for hardest content, I would say that warzones against veteran premades leave scripted raid bosses in the dust. Too bad that so many raiders seem to see pvp gear as 'welfare epics', while blindly following a strategy developed by the vanguard somehow means they 'earned' their gear.


I would say you probably have zero experience with either to be going down this conversation path.

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Well, tbh the 4 piece bonuses of most sets reduce the energy costs and some cooldowns so it does change the rotation but this is only relevant in long fights(read raid bosses) or parsing.


So, like I said - for solo players it doesn't matter.


Funny, that is exactly how raiding got started. In the raid the starter gear would drop (you could sell it to other people) so you could quickly get a set of starter gear just running the trash mobs. The first boss would drop a piece to your first set above the starter set, so on and so forth.

The original raiders loved it. Odd how this new breed blanches at the very idea of grinding out on hard/difficult content.


Course back then devs actively tried to kill us in a near merciless manner in raids so it would take several wipes just to get the first boss mechanics down outside of the random element that is rather devoid in modern raids. Apparently modern raiders can't stomach truly hard bosses with unpredictable abilities that ignored aggro and could just screw you over if you couldn't improvise on the fly. You know, back when 2.5 second cast time heals were considered fast and cleansing abilities were far and few between...and those that had them had to cast them?

Our modern raiders are pampered princesses by comparison.



What you are describing is not how I interpreted his suggestion. His suggestion, to me, read as if there was an actual mechanic that was unsurvivable without a specific piece of equipment (something like the mask from dreadtooth). I did not envision it as, say, fire-resist gear from vanilla wow. If I misinterpreted his suggestion, that's on me.


Regardless, I guess it's simpler to just state that raiders, at least the one's I've gotten to know over the past 15 years, could care less about gear. They care about challenges. If the challenges require gear thresholds that must be farmed through that's not something that matters to them unless that threshold becomes an obvious artificial timesink. It is preferable to implement skill timesinks, and not normalize old content so those skill timesinks get diluted, cascading all content into everyone's window of capability over time.


And with that said, I do not know many raiders that had too many issues with how swtor used to do raiding from ~1.2 up to (but not including) 3.0. Sure there were bugs and broken encounters but the overall structure fit this community well and was sustainable at previous content delivery cadences. The number of teams that burned through content super quickly - I mean completed it all - got bored and left was miniscule pre 3.0.


Yet that demographic is how anyone who wants to hang out with their friends a couple times a week to kill stuff - at any difficulty level - is characterized on these boards by many. That's ignorant.

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There used to be this aspect, however with level sync I'm not so sure it applies anymore. It used to be hard to solo some of the heroics at level, pre 3.0. Having the set bonus from raid gear definitely created that cushion, aside from better stat balance.


Definitely not sure that applies now, with companions and all the other changes. I think the only advantage having raid gear now over any other gear, is if you're trying to run NiM content at level, or going for Sprint Champion in TEC.


Some people need the edge for TEC in the first place, not just the sprint achievement. Likewise soloing HSF. There's a couple of heroics that are still moderately tough, Aurora Cannon for one, and of the ones available on the terminal, Darkness on Ilum is still mildly challenging.


And there's still TFPs; go look around for the posts complaining about how pugging TFPs is horrid because of Bads...

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Some people need the edge for TEC in the first place, not just the sprint achievement. Likewise soloing HSF. There's a couple of heroics that are still moderately tough, Aurora Cannon for one, and of the ones available on the terminal, Darkness on Ilum is still mildly challenging.


And there's still TFPs; go look around for the posts complaining about how pugging TFPs is horrid because of Bads...


Auroa Cannon is one of the easiest in the game and the bonus just isn't worth it, better to just set comps on heals and run through it all or stealth if possible popping CDs, a cheap medpack, possible off heals, and heroic moment.


No one absolutely "NEEDS" gear for tacticals, people just need to expand their knowledge about their class. I farmed tacticals, and I mean FARMED them, getting ALL tac achievements from ROTHC and beyond pub side, and NEVER failed a tac. Yeah... blood hunt with 4 DPS was bad but I learned to cope with it and I was at the time a DPS commando with 216 set bonus. I'm not even a real HM prog runner honestly anyway and I did just fine.

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I have yet to see a single comment anywhere implying players who can obtain BiS gear through traditional (i.e. non HHM KP/EV) need a damn thing to do anything outside of raids. I do not think you truly have any semblance of understanding of how difficult, when compared to everything else in this game, this stuff is to complete. The idea that players that can beat a single boss in, say, NM DP at level would notice even 1% difference in difficulty of, say, a heroic or FP in 208 vs. 224 gear is silly. Stuff dies quicker I guess, but do not mistake that for ease. That content is a joke to this demographic. At any gear level.


My personal opinion is that all gear is available to everyone. Perhaps you do not prefer to spend your in-game time obtaining specific items. So don't. It's your choice. If you want specific items, do the content. I'm sorry that you may not like that some of it is difficult. Some of it requires practice. Time. Effort.


You are trying to solve a problem that does not exist.




I would say you probably have zero experience with either to be going down this conversation path.



If the problem does not exist, why does the gear need to function outside of raids?


Many of the replies seem to devolve to either


1) 'We only raid for the challenge but would apparently still rail against making raid-quality gear available outside of raids because it would expose just how unfun they really are to a lot of players since the fear seems to be that many would leave to obtain that gear through other means.'


2)'We deserve it because raiders are the 733t35t and everyone else can just deal with it, even though it seems EA cares as little about raiding as most of the playerbase'.


I'm sure there are just oodles of raiders that are paragons of civility and kindness who simply desire a challenge and don't care one iota about the gear boost from their shiniest of shiny purples (and for some reason hang around to farm bosses that were old two years ago- how that is challenging to them is beyond me, but I'm sure there's some raider logic that a pleb like me just can't comprehend).

Edited by CorellianWannabe
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51 pages of posts in thread where's answer in thread question :p


The answer? Well he asked why people are mad that there are new raids and that if people want raids they are in the wrong MMO.


I am not sure how to answer and comment on those. Its a fact that MMOs need group content since that what the M stands for, multiplayer. Swtor has been getting stable raids since launch and they were good, interesting, challenging etc. Now we have a vacuum of over a year and still not guarantee of a new ops this year. Now that is something to get mad about.


It was evident that they wanted to get rid of the Raiding community by introducing Priority Operations and no 224 drops in NiM raids. Then they wanted to finish them off by not doing any ops for a long time. Its really working, except for some diehards, like myself who still are here. But now, with the launch of Legion, I think even the rest will leave and Bioware will just keep their single player, story, dress up people who just need a zillion of useless companions, old scaled operations and fps, overall nothing to do in the game.


Then Bioware will be happy profiting from CM sales and no one will be mad since only the happy will stay.

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If the problem does not exist, why does the gear need to function outside of raids?
I honestly don't understand your quarrel with raiders? The question you asked can simply be answered: because it is PvE - why wouldn't it? Even PvP-Gear works outside of warzones, in fact better than vendor trash, so...


Why should Flashpoint-Gear work outside of Flashpoints? Why should H2-Gear work outside of heroics? Those are the same kind of questions - they simply do not make sense. And the obvious progression in Swtor is: solo - h2 (ok, that one is open for debate) - FP - HM FP - Ops - HM Ops - NiM-Ops (at least theoretically, there are some exceptions). So it makes sense to have gear drop accordingly.


Besides Speed Champion I guess there is not a single solo achievement you can't get in standard gear (and I am not sure about that one either).


Bottom line is: not the raiders are elitist, you are. If you want 224 set bonus - do the ops. You don't need it anyway. It obviously makes you parse higher and thus makes standard content a tad easier/quicker, but besides that: there's just no point. But your grief is: other players get stuff you can't, because you don't clear content they do.


Disclaimer: before you jump to conclusions I must say that my best gear is a 216 set - besides that I mostly use 208 PvP...

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I am a raider, not an excellent one, but at least a good one who follows tactics and usually has solid dps. My main mara is almost full 224, missing only OH hilt (how many times I had to get through Op IX HM to get that 224 head...).


Now, they say raise level cap to 70, and have new tier gear. So, I would have to farm the same old content, I have done so many times, to get new tier gear, for what? To clear a few bosses I have not yet? With whom? A lot of raiders have left, and a lot more will leave if KOTET does not present new raids. Already 3 of my co-raiders are going pref as soon as their sub ends and not going to renew unless new ops are introduced. Already have lost about 10-12 raiders from my guild, because KOTFE did not have any new content and they had already cleared all previous HM and NiM content, even Ravs/ToS HM. Not to mention, that we will need to learn a new rotation, as with level caps, something will be different. Again, why bother without anything new to kill?


And if things continue to go as they are, soon I'll have nothing to do in game, as I already have most achievs, except for few raiding ones. Subbing just to play one crappy chapter per month? No, thank you. I'll stay as long as I have some achievs to get, but after that, just with 1 crappy chapter per month, not going to stay.


And mind you, raiders are the ones who buy a lot of CM stuff, be it directly from CM or from GTN. Why? Because we mostly like to change appearance in ops, which is now easy with outfit designer (I cringe about when we had to transfer gear over to a new set...) Raiders are the ones that will buy the new relics/implants/earpieces sooner than others, because they need them for ops. Crafters in game will lose a lot of their clientele, if new ops are not introduced. i am already bored with some ops like KP/EV HM, and S&V HM. I'll do a couple of EV HM runs, only with new toons to get 224 relic/earpiece/MH.


I have spent about 20 mil on items either to craft relics myself, or buying some stuff which i needed to minmax gear. And could spend more, as money is easy to come buy with heroics.


And Dvl event? That was a joke. I had to do stuff I had done even 2-3 times before. And with leveling being so easy now, all you have to do is just spam heroics, and a few tacticals and in a few hours 1-50. And without knowing anything about your class. And that is why new people that come into the game, try ops and they don't want to play them. Because ops need coordination, tactics, and knowledge of your class. I have outdpsed people with much better gear than me, just because I know my class quite well.


As for Eternal Championship, that was another mistake. they could have done that in 1-2 ops instead of doing a solo mode. You want Bowdaar? Do the ops, learn a bit about. Or they could have both a solo and an ops mode. And KOTFE? It needed 1 ops after Chapter 9, and one ops at the end with Chapter 16. And why not do stuff like in SoR? End sith a solo or ops mode. That was a great idea, and should be repeated as it gives almost everyone what they want.


If BW and EA do not bring out some real MMO content, they are going to lose a lot of players. And by real MMO content, I mean FPs, ops, and more stuff.

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If the problem does not exist, why does the gear need to function outside of raids?



My personal answer is - because it already does. If it has to be changed the way you want, maybe you have to give a reason. BW surely won't change it without a valid one.

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I am a raider, not an excellent one


Nice to see such comments from newer players also. Imagine that you are here since start and EV was out when the game went live and you did it since then :D (over 5 years). Anyway all you said is true, Operations are the only thing that can save this game from dying, but not just 1 or 2 operations, but all the stuff around it. By that i mean bug fixing, further development and also a continuity as it was before, we got TfB, then SaV, then DF with DP, ToS and Ravagers, those were the good days of ops development (however the last 2 opses we already could feel the decline in development).


As for the spending on the game, dont underestimate the power or RP in this game. RP is strong here and many many people play the game just to be Space Barbie. Also many rich kids playing the game who use their real life wealth to buy CM stuff to sell for credits for which they can then buy sales runs and other stuff. A proper raider, as you claim, has all the crew skills leveled to max, gathered all mats and will go on PTS to see what mats are needed, which will be removed and converted, based on this prepares for it. When new gear and ops hits raiders already know what to get and what to craft. They get the best REingable gear and start REingenering, making stims, adrenelas, medpacs etc. They do this themselves, not buy from GTN.


Anyway, I was like you, staying in the game for achievments, but now i need HM flashpoints and GSF. HM fps is a grind in which most of the groupfinder groups fail and you end up alone in the group with people giving up. GSF rarely pops and if so, its not enough to get achievments, which require 100s of matches played. Overall you need friends for this, friends that all have left the game cause there is nothing to do......

Edited by merovejec
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You don't. I like the idea of level scaling for that reason. OPs gear always made old content so retardedly easy it wasn't fun anymore. I just wanted it to raid the harder difficulties. It's of my opinion that the ops gear should also look unique, and noticibley so. But that stopped too.


HOWEVER. Bioware's level scaling is garbage, and the companions are jesus anyway, so gear means 0, and it's all so easy it's not fun anyway already.


Indeed, when the level cap was 55, I had my ops gear, and I had my different sets of run around gear. I could progressively go from 146 to 186 based on the content I was running. If I *really* liked the people in a HM FP, but their skill wasn't up to it, out came the NIM gear to help them through. If I didn't like their attitude, out came the 146's. I'd normally use my 168's at load in and determine what gear I wanted based on the ability and attitude of the players.

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Indeed, when the level cap was 55, I had my ops gear, and I had my different sets of run around gear. I could progressively go from 146 to 186 based on the content I was running. If I *really* liked the people in a HM FP, but their skill wasn't up to it, out came the NIM gear to help them through. If I didn't like their attitude, out came the 146's. I'd normally use my 168's at load in and determine what gear I wanted based on the ability and attitude of the players.


TBH i loved the way the operations were at lvl 60, you could solo the lvl 50 operations which was fun and we did sooooo many sales runs on DP/DF. I was nice to get all the Kell Dragon shells people wanted and all the mounts that we missed. However, I have to say if that kept on going and you would now be lvl 70 and everyone could solo Revan in ToS, it would be kinda strange. Wings of Architect everywhere since that would be way under level.


Overall i guess SWTOR needed operation lvl scaling since they dont have enough operations to begin with. If they really had many operations like in WoW for example then they could get away with it. But since they have a few ops and no more in the works, then yeah, I HATE IT, but you do need ops lvl scaling.

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