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Reclaimed Treasure


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So far I've figured out:


  • You need to use the sith medallion ability in the cave right behind the area where the box is (infront of the red door). It spawns a stoneray champnion that drops something.
  • You need the Tablet of Victory from the Massassi Relic Kepper - he can be found outside the cave along the wall towards the Temple. It's a clickable blue object that spawns a Massaasi Champion that drops the tablet.
  • In your inventory, use the object you looted from the stoneray. and it makes a new item.
  • From there, just put the tablets in the order of the Sith Code (Passion>Strength>Power>Victory>Broken Chains), touch the medallion to the box, and it transports you.


EDIT: Got it.

Edited by ZeridanShear
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It indeed bugged out on me after transport, facing the empty area.

After resetting the mission, and doing it all over again, the transport triggered the correct mission phase and the Dashade appeared!

So try that folks when it bugs on you!

Edited by Svancara
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It transported me but then my quest description turns empty and in the new area, there's nothing to interact with...

It bugged on me?

It bugged out on me too, but there IS an item to interact with - a dormant datacron behind a pillar. It gave me 1000 points with Drellik, but otherwise didn't change anything.
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you should not have reset it, just click on the box in the new area it wil teleport you back to the old area, click on the box teleport to the new area then go back into the next chamber.


Clicking on the box and reteleporting did not work for me. :( It sounds like resetting it and doing the quest over again is my only option?


Update: Changing instances, going to my stronghold and back, and relogging also did not work. I did indeed have to reset the quest in order to complete it.

Edited by CloudCastle
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I've killed the stoneray and used the object it dropped to put it in the medalion. Then I killed the mob outside the cave and got the victory tablet. Then I started placing the tablets in the box in the order listed on this forum but I'm not getting any option to place the victory tablet in the box.
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also you could check with dulfy.net for a guide.


But the tablets should be in order of the sith code. (5 Tablets- some tablets will not be used)


If you don't know the sith code .........

Edited by casirabit
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I've killed the stoneray and used the object it dropped to put it in the medalion. Then I killed the mob outside the cave and got the victory tablet. Then I started placing the tablets in the box in the order listed on this forum but I'm not getting any option to place the victory tablet in the box.


Are you saying that the tablet doesn't appear on the list that you choose from? Once you get the victory tablet, it appears in the list at the bottom, which is cut off the screen. Make sure you are using the scroll bar in order to see it.

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I was also wondering if that poster had failed to scroll down far enough - I thought it wasn't there for a moment too until I noticed the scroll bar.


On a more general note, does anyone else share my disappointment that the only lightside option after fighting the Dashade is to kill him? I have a very lightside sorcerer (in addition to my darkside one) who, up till now, had never taken a dark option in his life. Initially, in order to avoid ruining his reputation, I chose the one lightside option. But I felt very uneasy about it and on the way back to hand in the mission I decided I just couldn't leave it like that: it was totally out of character for him to simply kill someone in cold blood, even a member of a potentially dangerous species like the Dashade, so I reset the mission and redid it with a different option. So now my previously squeaky-clean sorcerer has a 50-point blot on his copy-book. And I can't see why recruiting him necessarily needs to be darkside - Kaliyo's a terrorist but we didn't get darkside points for recruiting her, and Khem didn't run amok during all the years he was with the sorcerer, so why should Ak'ghal, who's willing to swear loyalty to him/her, and who could be a very useful weapon against force-using enemies like Zakuul knights or even possibly Arcann and Vaylin themselves?

Edited by dinowoman
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Requirements to Unlock:

-Have completed Chapter XII “Visions in the Dark”

-Have completed the first mission for Dr. Oggurobb to recruit Talos Drellik (thanks to Derzelaz for the update)

Its done.


Im inserting the tablets in the right order - Passion , Strength, Power, Victory, Broken Chains and then Im touching the Sith medalion but nothing happens.


" Touching the artifact with the Sith medalion has no noticeable effect"


What should I do? Do I need to find all tablets before interact with the Ancient Sith Artefact?

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This mission is Bugged for me . I know some peoples in Genchat who say they were able to finish it . But I tried it on my Sorc and NOTHING . And yes , I logged out . changed instance . Travelled away . Used the reset . used the Abondon . And nothing . :(


If anyone else is having an issue , please Post here to report it as Bugged (and hopefully they will fix it) : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=878354

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Its done.


Im inserting the tablets in the right order - Passion , Strength, Power, Victory, Broken Chains and then Im touching the Sith medalion but nothing happens.


" Touching the artifact with the Sith medalion has no noticeable effect"


What should I do? Do I need to find all tablets before interact with the Ancient Sith Artefact?


Did you re-assemble the medallion?

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