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New Chapter: Visions in the dark - Post your thoughts


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Yes, Mace Windu was able to sense Anakin's approach when he arrived during the fight against Palpatine.


Because Anikin was in emotional turmoil at that moment and had the force power of Force Jesus, it's like how most force users can sense Vitiate when he uses his power.

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Because Anikin was in emotional turmoil at that moment and had the force power of Force Jesus, it's like how most force users can sense Vitiate when he uses his power.


Palpatine was able to sense the four Jedi Masters' approach as well. Yoda was able to sense Maul's return from lightyears away.

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Arcann controls the fleet from the throne, that's why Valkorion keeps telling you that you need to take it. TO control the fleet you need the throne.


Get a bunch of elite Jedi/Sith fighters and take him down, same like how did we got the Dread Masters/Revan.

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Get a bunch of elite Jedi/Sith fighters and take him down, same like how did we got the Dread Masters/Revan.


The Jeid and Sith are under the thumb of the Eternal Empire, the best we have are Ourselves and Lana. And you seem to assume that getting to the Eternal Throne and Arcann is some sort of cake walk, f it was we wouldn't be hiding from the fleet.

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Argue it however you want to, valid or not, BW will drag this out for however long they please and if along the way your superduper Sith continues to look like a weak fool, so be it. That's the story, that's the game right now.

And that's the problem, they tried to insert different classes into one story, and it feels very awkward because of the disconnection with our previous character.

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The Jeid and Sith are under the thumb of the Eternal Empire, the best we have are Ourselves and Lana. And you seem to assume that getting to the Eternal Throne and Arcann is some sort of cake walk, f it was we wouldn't be hiding from the fleet.

Because of the fleet, not because of Arcann himself.


Ourselves? We got Lana, Nico Okarr, Theron, SCORPIO, Senya and a bunch more through the alliance/star fortress quest. We are enough to take down Arcann.

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Both Palpatine and Yoda have decades of experience.


So they are a lot more powerful than Arcann, then why should we give up the Jedi/Sith way to grab some new stuff to fight him? Even when facing the Emperor himself, the Hero of Tython didn't try such garbage.

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Honestly, I did it on my Smuggler and somehow, I hate this whole destiny thing about my character has to take the throne. Beat Arcann, sure. Take the throne, NOPE!!! And I'm regretting one choice which is



Choose either to destroy the Eternal Fleet control place or Take it over. And I decided to destroy it. Because at least I might be able to just have them come down onto Zakuul and cause chaos.



Also I'm now hating Senya and Koth. Both want to protect their people when if Arcann was smart he could put civilians at the important places. Honestly every time they talk I just want to tear my hair out. Glad my character has a helmet on because he would be glaring at them.

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Honestly, I did it on my Smuggler and somehow, I hate this whole destiny thing about my character has to take the throne. Beat Arcann, sure. Take the throne, NOPE!!! And I'm regretting one choice which is


Yeah, I found it rather strange that EVERYONE was telling you that you needed to take the throne. My character is destroying it first chance he gets.

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Because of the fleet, not because of Arcann himself.




Fleet AND Arcann, he personally went down to kick them around.


Ourselves? We got Lana, Nico Okarr, Theron, SCORPIO, Senya and a bunch more through the alliance/star fortress quest. We are enough to take down Arcann

You said elite jedi/sith. Lana is the closest we have to an elite sith. Plus, that still doesn't account for getting to Arcann and the throne.

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So they are a lot more powerful than Arcann, then why should we give up the Jedi/Sith way to grab some new stuff to fight him? Even when facing the Emperor himself, the Hero of Tython didn't try such garbage.


And? The Emperor is still alive. Hero of Typhon killed his weakened body. And I don't see how finding a better way then the jedi and Sith code is garbage.

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Enjoyed this chapter more than the last two. Re. the new weapon it would be very nice to be able to change the skin on it or to have cosmetic weapons. Also... don't know if anyone else has this issue but the new Unity and Resilience buffs on the Light-sabre I crafted in Chapter 12 vanish every time I zone, it has to be unequipped and re-equipped after each zone to get them back. Edited by Mai-Hon
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Fleet AND Arcann, he personally went down to kick them around.

Arcann himself is garbage if we form a team to get in and defeat him



You said elite jedi/sith. Lana is the closest we have to an elite sith. Plus, that still doesn't account for getting to Arcann and the throne.

She was able to help against Revan, so was Theron

We also got

Senya, a elite Zakuul knight.



Qyzen Fess

A powerful ancient Dashade.


Plus those who were recruited during the Star Fortress missions


I don't see how we weren't able to defeat him, actually, stomp him with these people.


What do we need to get to Arcann? Force skill? NO, infiltrate to the throne.

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And? The Emperor is still alive. Hero of Typhon killed his weakened body. And I don't see how finding a better way then the jedi and Sith code is garbage.


The Emperor was beaten and only got a spark left, he got back only because Revan messed it up. Are you saying the Emperor's Voice, his host body, was weaker than Arcann?


Because this "better way" is discrediting both the Jedi and the Sith, I chose to play a Jedi/Sith, not to see the character gives up the way and try some stupid new thing I've never heard of.

Edited by Slowpokeking
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Yeah, I found it rather strange that EVERYONE was telling you that you needed to take the throne. My character is destroying it first chance he gets.


Must admit, few times I thought I was being groomed for the throne. I don't mind getting stronger but being groomed for the throne, I don't want it.

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The Emperor was beaten and only got a spark left, he got back only because Revan messed it up. Are you saying the Emperor's Voice, his host body, was weaker than Arcann?



Yes, The Emperor's voice was extremely weakened by that point.


Because this "better way" is discrediting both the Jedi and the Sith, I chose to play a Jedi/Sith, not to see the character gives up the way and try some stupid new thing I've never heard of

It doesn't discredit the jedi and sith, t saids ''You know, this guy has curbstommped both these orders even without his fleet. Maybe we need to do more then just trying to do the same thing"

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The Emperor was beaten and only got a spark left, he got back only because Revan messed it up. Are you saying the Emperor's Voice, his host body, was weaker than Arcann?



Yes, The Emperor's voice was extremely weakened by that point.


Because this "better way" is discrediting both the Jedi and the Sith, I chose to play a Jedi/Sith, not to see the character gives up the way and try some stupid new thing I've never heard of

It doesn't discredit the jedi and sith, it saids ''You know, this guy has curbstommped both these orders even without his fleet. Maybe we need to do more then just trying to do the same thing". Plus, you have the option to not give up your ideals.

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Yes, The Emperor's voice was extremely weakened by that point.

It's still strong than his son. It's not like the Emperor's voice would be owned by Lana/Koth.



It doesn't discredit the jedi and sith, t saids ''You know, this guy has curbstommped both these orders even without his fleet. Maybe we need to do more then just trying to do the same thing"


He didn't curbstomp the orders with his Force skills, just his fleet was too strong.

Would Exar Kun, Revan, Exiled, Naga Sadow, Darth Nihilus lose to him? NO, then it simply means you are not strong enough in your own way. The game did it simply because it was putting different classes into one storyline.

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The Jedi and Sith orders both have their faults and their dogmatic/ideological blindspots. However, both have very valuable and important things to teach a force user.


I'd think by now with everything we've seen in the movies, animated series, and these games... that wouldn't be an item of contention. In the movies alone, we see the Jedi and the Sith come up against the limits and faults of their respective dogmas.

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Arcann himself is garbage if we form a team to get in and defeat him


Arcann is a powerful threat that raided both Korriban and other core worlds without the Eternal Fleet, he's defeated the Outlander in battle, coupled with even Valkorion telling you how powerful Arcann and Vaylin are, he's more then just garbage.


She was able to help against Revan, so was Theron

We also got

Senya, a elite Zakuul knight.



Qyzen Fess

A powerful ancient Dashade.


Plus those who were recruited during the Star Fortress missions


I don't see how we weren't able to defeat him, actually, stomp him with these people.


What do we need to get to Arcann? Force skill? NO, infiltrate to the throne.


What do you need to get to Arcann? Resources, armies, ships, power and an opening to get to the throne. Which is defended by the Eternal Fleet. We at this point have absolutely no chance of getting to Arcann.

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I do ultimately think this chapter felt a lot more inline with 1-9, which is nice.



I'm a bit eh on both the player character and Arcann being pushed as these two juggernauts battling it out for the fate of the galaxy, though.


"You were the best of us!" says Satele. "I was really impressed by your 5-year nap!"


Ultimately, I personally felt Arcann beating the player character back in 8 was nifty. It was nice to be legitimately on the back foot. A villain who is just personally stronger than you isn't always necessarily a good thing, but I think Arcann finds a nice middle ground far better than Big V ever did. But that's on a personal level. Pushing Zakuul's Force methodologies as the One True Power on an insititutional level seems a bit silly. You can decide to hold to your own Orders ideals anyway though, so that's nice.


The emphasis being placed on besting Arcann in single combat's kind of losing me, tbh. Chapter 8 was one thing, due to the circumstances surrounding the encounter, but this idea of "No but fight Arcann though" is a bit... eh. No one ever suggested challenging Revan to a 1v1 in Rishi Cove, because that's completely wacky when you've got a whole team just standing around.


Semi off topic, but the letter Lana sends you post-chapter is also really nice. I like being the damsel in distress in a romance for once, it's a nice counter to, say, Iresso's romance that one time.


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