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New Chapter: Visions in the dark - Post your thoughts


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I thought it was much better than ch 10 for certain.



I did think the fight with Valkorion could've been much less drawn out, given that the end was scripted. It's a bit annoying to think that I'm actually doing pretty well then the bad guy hits the "iwin" button and its over.


The thing that bothered me the most was the sorta "cliffhanger" ending. I would really like to know how that went, especially since the text for the next chapter seems to indicate it will have nothing to do with the Gemini mission.


The fact that both Kaliyo and Jorgan are still available after seems odd unless the mission was in fact completed, win or lose.



I hope we'll have a chance to resolve that.

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I thought it was much better than ch 10 for certain.



I did think the fight with Valkorion could've been much less drawn out, given that the end was scripted. It's a bit annoying to think that I'm actually doing pretty well then the bad guy hits the "iwin" button and its over.


The thing that bothered me the most was the sorta "cliffhanger" ending. I would really like to know how that went, especially since the text for the next chapter seems to indicate it will have nothing to do with the Gemini mission.


The fact that both Kaliyo and Jorgan are still available after seems odd unless the mission was in fact completed, win or lose.



I hope we'll have a chance to resolve that.



and the GEMINI THING..Urgh...my face fall..seriously , when i heard about it..i was like WOOT FinallY! Scorpio gonna tell them about her twin or watever..but noooo.......

Instead it was a who get to go pew pew in first.....aric or kaliyo.....

I wish i could say 'neither! I go! I wanna meet the evil twin now!' :D


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Even if it was the best storyplot since Chapter 8 I however have issues having yet another Revan to play. Frankly I am so not into the "deeper" Universe of Star Wars but prime into Sith vs Jedi. By now my alts are again "just grey". To me this is no Star Wars at all but only a Spaceopera with Spacemagic and glowing blades. Once seeing that interpretaion is nice to know and understand, but having to outlive it yet again and again, and again is not fun at all. For me KotoR taking this idea was ok. Going into deep in here is way to much. Through SWTOR I already learend to hate and despise Revan, who I acutally liked during KotoR. Now I begin to despise my alts in here as well. :mad:


With any Chapter going forward, all that made me into a Star Wars fan screams into me like Vader at the end of RotS.

By now I am truly getting the strong feeling I should stop playing the game as long as I can stand the story. SWTOR is by now breaking with this Chapter quite everything that meant for me Star Wars for 31 years.


Just my thoughts, just the massive impact that made KotfE on me, not junging here.

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On generic terms I liked the chapter, but there are few specific points that bothered me:

  • While Valkorion was complaining for the lack of results I couldn't stop thinking that the cause of that isn't really a failure on my char, but it is because the progression of the previous 11 chapters' story was too much "on rail" (even for a theme-parks game and I do generally like theme-parks games exactly because they provide a "rail" system thru the content);
  • I generically liked the idea of needing further training from Marr and Satele, but I didn't liked the specific idea that I have to go behiond dark and light and abandon my past Sith philosophy (at one point Marr even mentioned that I have to take Zakuul's throne or there will be chaos ... no!!! I want the Sith Empire's throne on Dromund Kaas and Zakuul will be a conquered territory like any other of the Sith Empire!!! :D) ;
  • There wasn't any in-game explanation for the choices for the lightsaber - on my Sorc I ended up taking Transcendence because it sounded something for the dps (Resilience sound something for tanks and Sacrifice for healers), but of course Dulfy proved me wrong (in hindsight I would have chosen Sacrifice);
  • The end of the chapter was too abrupt (I chosen to tell Aric to stop and wait for orders, he disobeys and told me he will procede, the hologram of the spire start blinking with a warning sound and ... scene and chapter ended);
  • Has there been some official explanations (I already read different players' speculations) on why we got a new Dashade instead of Khem Wal?

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On generic terms I liked the chapter, but there are few specific points that bothered me:

  • Has there been some official explanations (I already read different players' speculations) on why we got a new Dashade instead of Khem Wal?


They say that it's so everyone can get a Dashade, implying that when Khem Val eventually returns, only the Inquisitor will see him.

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They say that it's so everyone can get a Dashade, implying that when Khem Val eventually returns, only the Inquisitor will see him.


Now if we inquisitors -do- get khem back, wonder if they will become buddies... new one does know about (and apparently has respect for) Khem


I admit, the mental image of my Inq strolling around with two Dashade bodyguards is pretty BA... :D


-encounters annoying force using opponant- "Flip a coin on who gets to eat him boys!"


(My Inqs see the whole devouring force eaters thing as "I kill them or Khem kills them, If they are going to die anyway, might as well let Khem have lunch, dashades gotta eat too." Plus the reaction of npcs who -know- exactly what he is/does was always pretty funny)

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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On generic terms I liked the chapter, but there are few specific points that bothered me:

  • While Valkorion was complaining for the lack of results I couldn't stop thinking that the cause of that isn't really a failure on my char, but it is because the progression of the previous 11 chapters' story was too much "on rail" (even for a theme-parks game and I do generally like theme-parks games exactly because they provide a "rail" system thru the content);


That's not the way I look upon things... Valkorian is not my master, part of the reason why he's in my head is because I killed his body (again, in the case of a jedi knight). It is clear that Valkorian wants something of me and I was in the unfortunate position to not be able to get rid of him. For whatever reason he chose to not puppet me, like he very well could have.


But while it is true that being insulted annoys me, one must take Valkorian's words for what they are. The taunts of an enemy. He's trying to manipulate me. It's not like I owe Valkorian anything. It isn't even clear what Valkorian is after, but it's most certainly not something I would find desirable. Maybe a test for his children, maybe a way to determine a new disciple in a "rule of two" way. Maybe a test for loyality or his subjects. Maybe he's still trying to consume the galaxy after all and using me to that end. Maybe he wants to possess me entirely as new host, not just via mind control, but needs me to climb the Eternal Throne first to make the transition plausible for whatever reason.


He may of created the "Brave New World" of the Eternal Empire and himself its god, whatever one may think of it. But there is also Yavin IV, Zakuul, the war between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, which was his design...

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That's not the way I look upon things... Valkorian is not my master, part of the reason why he's in my head is because I killed his body (again, in the case of a jedi knight). It is clear that Valkorian wants something of me and I was in the unfortunate position to not be able to get rid of him. For whatever reason he chose to not puppet me, like he very well could have.


But while it is true that being insulted annoys me, one must take Valkorian's words for what they are. The taunts of an enemy. He's trying to manipulate me. It's not like I owe Valkorian anything. It isn't even clear what Valkorian is after, but it's most certainly not something I would find desirable. Maybe a test for his children, maybe a way to determine a new disciple in a "rule of two" way. Maybe a test for loyality or his subjects. Maybe he's still trying to consume the galaxy after all and using me to that end. Maybe he wants to possess me entirely as new host, not just via mind control, but needs me to climb the Eternal Throne first to make the transition plausible for whatever reason.


He may of created the "Brave New World" of the Eternal Empire and himself its god, whatever one may think of it. But there is also Yavin IV, Zakuul, the war between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, which was his design...

No matter what did he claim himself for, he is a Sith in the core.

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No matter what did he claim himself for, he is a Sith in the core.

I am not sure whether he actually literally claimed anything else... his whole argument sounds very sith-like. And even if the player character is him/her -self a sith they must realize that Valkorian is an enemy, not an ally. Be angry, use your anger, but use it wisely. One must keep in mind that he has virtually divine power, he consumed massive amounts of Force, he's a world eater after all. I think it makes sense, story wise, that you cannot defeat Valkorian in combat, for the exact reason why the protagonist in Fight Club (spoilers for said film):


cannot shoot Tyler Durden with a gun. He is in you head. The manifestation of him you see is not really there.


Edited by Rabenschwinge
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No matter what did he claim himself for, he is a Sith in the core.


I personally see him like a sociopath .


He play on the players feeling , regret , shame , valor , arrogance .


And he play on one ego ALOT......either to piss you off or for you to show him off . Either way he end up playing you like a violon .

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That's not the way I look upon things... Valkorian is not my master, part of the reason why he's in my head is because I killed his body (again, in the case of a jedi knight). It is clear that Valkorian wants something of me and I was in the unfortunate position to not be able to get rid of him. For whatever reason he chose to not puppet me, like he very well could have.


But while it is true that being insulted annoys me, one must take Valkorian's words for what they are. The taunts of an enemy. He's trying to manipulate me. It's not like I owe Valkorian anything. It isn't even clear what Valkorian is after, but it's most certainly not something I would find desirable. Maybe a test for his children, maybe a way to determine a new disciple in a "rule of two" way. Maybe a test for loyality or his subjects. Maybe he's still trying to consume the galaxy after all and using me to that end. Maybe he wants to possess me entirely as new host, not just via mind control, but needs me to climb the Eternal Throne first to make the transition plausible for whatever reason.


He may of created the "Brave New World" of the Eternal Empire and himself its god, whatever one may think of it. But there is also Yavin IV, Zakuul, the war between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, which was his design...


He wants you to get stronger, killing Arcann is a test. Once you have proven your strength that is when he will try to take control of your body and absorb you and your power.


You are the only threat to his existence that he can see, so he is entirely focused on a plan to turn you into something he can use, once that is done, there will be nothing to stop him from devouring the galaxy.

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He wants you to get stronger, killing Arcann is a test. Once you have proven your strength that is when he will try to take control of your body and absorb you and your power.


You are the only threat to his existence that he can see, so he is entirely focused on a plan to turn you into something he can use, once that is done, there will be nothing to stop him from devouring the galaxy.


So he hasn't erased you from reality because he hasn't felt like it...


And yet some people wonder why I snarkily refer to him as "Vitiate Sue".

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He wants you to get stronger, killing Arcann is a test. Once you have proven your strength that is when he will try to take control of your body and absorb you and your power.


You are the only threat to his existence that he can see, so he is entirely focused on a plan to turn you into something he can use, once that is done, there will be nothing to stop him from devouring the galaxy.


what you say oddly remind me of the vilain of Jade Empire :D


To create a weakness that everyone you fight can see but cannot find . GENIUS!

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So he hasn't erased you from reality because he hasn't felt like it...


And yet some people wonder why I snarkily refer to him as "Vitiate Sue".


This is a guy that has had his body destroyed multiple times. There is no way we can kill him through normal means, we need a way to erase his spirit and nothing has come close to that so far.

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This is a guy that has had his body destroyed multiple times. There is no way we can kill him through normal means, we need a way to erase his spirit and nothing has come close to that so far.


That's not exactly a counter to my statement.


As for "how" -- see previous discussion about how "un-KotFE" could have been better, and the idea of researching / hunting down / whatever a counter-ritual to undo what Vitiate Sue did to himself on his home planet.

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That's not exactly a counter to my statement.


As for "how" -- see previous discussion about how "un-KotFE" could have been better, and the idea of researching / hunting down / whatever a counter-ritual to undo what Vitiate Sue did to himself on his home planet.


Sorry, it isn't a counter to what you said, it's a reinforcement of it.

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This is when i -reeeeeeeeeally- wish there was WoW style weapon transmog, where you could change the appearance of any weapon to the appearance of a same style weapon you own (only saber to saber, pistol to pistol et cetera, no making a pistol look like a saber) because good gods is that thing i crafted FUGLY. :mad::(


For single-blade sabers, the appearance is mostly hidden by the character's grip on the weapon, but even then you have the various blade effects that different weapons have, and for non-Force-users, the esthetics of the weapon are usually the primary reason why they picked that one. And the devs think it's a good thing to create a set of Procrustean weapons, where you either live with an appearance you don't like -- that's the same look as everyone else wielding that weapon (one lightsaber, one saberstaff, one pistol, one rifle, one sniper rifle, one cannon) or sacrifice the buff the empowered construction gives you.


It would have been more complicated for the devs to make the changes to the backend to allow it, but I think it would have been more thematically effective if, rather than building a new weapon with the 'enchantment' buffing it, that you tore down and rebuilt your existing weapon, and that process added the 'enchantment' in the process. That way you'd be able to keep your chosen weapon.

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It would have been more complicated for the devs to make the changes to the backend to allow it, but I think it would have been more thematically effective if, rather than building a new weapon with the 'enchantment' buffing it, that you tore down and rebuilt your existing weapon, and that process added the 'enchantment' in the process. That way you'd be able to keep your chosen weapon.



Yes this! I think this would have been the perfect thing to do, that way we could retain the weapons we loved, but make them useful for the future. Great thinking, and I absolutely agree.

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