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if you just gonna leave the flashpoint cause of non spacebarers


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It's an MMO people...go with what the GROUP wants. If you wanna watch the movies, SAY SOMETHING! If you want people to skip them, SAY SOMETHING! A little communication goes a long freaking way.


You people who intentionally don't spacebar are just as bad as those who insist you do.


You're forgetting that many people play this game that do not speak English at all or very little. My wife plays every day and runs fp's usually with me but when she doesn't I love to see some little jerk whining about the spacebar over and over because she has no clue what he's saying but she loves the movies and to see the interactions. Democracy can be two wolves and a sheep voting over what's for dinner, by that I mean it doesn't work in all cases and you have no right to expect that someone will spacebar for you, the movies ARE A PART of the flashpoint, just because you get to skip them sometimes and with some groups doesn't give you the right to demand they be skipped all the time.

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I almost always space bar, but if someone tells others to space bar (as opposed to asking, and "skip please" is not asking any more than just plain "skip" is; all it takes is a "?" on the end), then I stop space barring. Courtesy goes both ways.


I mean really, they are already wasting their time by playing a computer game in the first place. If they truly have something more valuable to do with their time, they should stop playing and go do it.



It's not impatience, it self-centered childishness. If someone can't deal with a couple minutes of extra delay, they should stick to single-player games.


+1 well said.


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You have kids bran? A wife? A partner?


Perhaps it's bedtime in 20min...maybe a spouse gets home in 20min...maybe it's their guilds raid time in 20min...maybe someone is just trying to do a quick 20min FP before bed or company or dinner or whatever...


Point is, FPs are meant to be fairly quick...players join them with ideas on timing all the time. And tbh, I prefer to waste my time doing something "I" enjoy, not something you enjoy.


Again..just ASK at the start.


Again, when you hit that queue button, you sign up for a flashpoint and the cutscenes are a part of that flashpoint, if you don't have time, don't queue, that simple.

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Again, when you hit that queue button, you sign up for a flashpoint and the cutscenes are a part of that flashpoint, if you don't have time, don't queue, that simple.


While I sometimes get annoyed by that one group member who doesn't spacebar, I'll have to agree with this.


It's a bad idea to queue for a group activity that you'll only be able to complete if certain criteria are met.

I wouldn't run a FP or OP if the only way i could complete it was if everything went off without the slightest hitch and in the fastest way possible. If there isn't some buffer for someone watching cinematics or a few wipes, I'll simply not queue.

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While I sometimes get annoyed by that one group member who doesn't spacebar, I'll have to agree with this.


It's a bad idea to queue for a group activity that you'll only be able to complete if certain criteria are met.

I wouldn't run a FP or OP if the only way i could complete it was if everything went off without the slightest hitch and in the fastest way possible. If there isn't some buffer for someone watching cinematics or a few wipes, I'll simply not queue.


I realize running off without the slightest hitch is a hyperbole and all... but some of the times spent in flashpoints and especially operations, can be extended tenfold in the gameplay scenarios and at times you just want to get through with it. Especially on hard mode... I think their is no reason to not spacebar their, as they are two easier modes to watch the story and you're mostly there just for achievements or the fun factor.

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I realize running off without the slightest hitch is a hyperbole and all... but some of the times spent in flashpoints and especially operations, can be extended tenfold in the gameplay scenarios and at times you just want to get through with it. Especially on hard mode... I think their is no reason to not spacebar their, as they are two easier modes to watch the story and you're mostly there just for achievements or the fun factor.


Except there are achievements there too? It's one thing to set some ground rules, it's another thing to dictate how another must play, especially if the only conversation going on in the group is "ZOMG SB". If I'm on my tanks or healers and this is going on, I'll just drop, and good luck refilling in a reasonable amount of time. If the argument is "I don't have time for this", then one shouldn't even be logged into the game. I recently zigged, when I should have zagged and got caught by the dreaded "a life". The end result is that I don't log in as much as I'd prefer any more, not "ZOMG, SB, I HAVE TO WALK THE GF'S DOG". Priorities. I don't have the time to play that I have had, and so, I don't play. I don't take it out on the other people around me.

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Put me in my *********** place? You got your **** twisted. That's why he was the ******* that got kicked from the group for acting like a ********.


You exhaust so much energy telling me I don't have the right to force someone to do something they don't want to, but they get to force me to do something I don't want to do?


I do plenty of solo flashpoints, most of which are quite pleasant. If it leads to a situation where I would kick somone had I been with somone I know has their **** straight, I just leave. And I will tell someone what I think of them regardless of if I'm queuing solo or not.


I love how you whiteknights always call troll on something you don't agree with/understand. I wish I could live in such a confined bubble.

"Oh I don't like how this guy is acting. He's just a troll."

"Oh, this guy criticized me. He's not serious; just a troll trying to get a rise out of me."


If you think I'm trolling, you are more than welcome to run FPs with me and see that I am in fact dead serious.


I'm not going to argue with you any further. I've justified my actions and I'm not really concerned with what some stranger over the internet thinks of me.


Wow. You really got your panties in a wad over this. I call troll because first you said one thing, then said the opposite. Not because I disagree with you. You disagree with yourself. Get your stories straight.

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Except there are achievements there too? It's one thing to set some ground rules, it's another thing to dictate how another must play, especially if the only conversation going on in the group is "ZOMG SB". If I'm on my tanks or healers and this is going on, I'll just drop, and good luck refilling in a reasonable amount of time. If the argument is "I don't have time for this", then one shouldn't even be logged into the game. I recently zigged, when I should have zagged and got caught by the dreaded "a life". The end result is that I don't log in as much as I'd prefer any more, not "ZOMG, SB, I HAVE TO WALK THE GF'S DOG". Priorities. I don't have the time to play that I have had, and so, I don't play. I don't take it out on the other people around me.


you're mostly there just for achievements or the fun factor.


That cuts both ways when dictating how others players play.


I believe in democracy so if its three people that want to spacebar and one wants to watch the cut scenes, I believe the majority should win. Usually if its split two and two and I'm on a bad day ill bring up the decision to roll, but I hardly ever do that. However keep in mind the player watching the cut scenes dictate how others play in a messed up sort of way as well, even though it at times may be intended.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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That cuts both ways when dictating how others players play.


I believe in democracy so if its three people that want to spacebar and one wants to watch the cut scenes, I believe the majority should win. Usually if its split two and two and I'm on a bad day ill bring up the decision to roll, but I hardly ever do that. However keep in mind the player watching the cut scenes dictate how others play in a messed up sort of way as well, even though it at times may be intended.


This is a game, NOT a democracy, cutscenes/movies ARE A PART of the flashpoint that you CHOOSE to queue for. If you don't have time for it, or don't want to see it, too bad, you queued up for it and like it or not cutscenes/movies ARE A PART of the flashpoint, you need to realize that and get over it. The person watching the cutscene/movie is enjoying what they paid for/queue'd up for, if you don't like it, don't queue. Run with your guildies or friends that don't like it either.

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Again, when you hit that queue button, you sign up for a flashpoint and the cutscenes are a part of that flashpoint, if you don't have time, don't queue, that simple.

That's silly - it's generally random first of all, and just because I have time to run through it, doesn't mean I have the time or the desire to let you immerse yourself in a story I care nothing for. I do group content because I enjoy the challenges and the social aspect of it.


If you can't play well with others, don't queue. I'll let someone watch the cut-scenes if they want, but I'll also ask them to spacebar if I'm tight on time. I have no problem saying something right away.

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This is a game, NOT a democracy, cutscenes/movies ARE A PART of the flashpoint that you CHOOSE to queue for. If you don't have time for it, or don't want to see it, too bad, you queued up for it and like it or not cutscenes/movies ARE A PART of the flashpoint, you need to realize that and get over it. The person watching the cutscene/movie is enjoying what they paid for/queue'd up for, if you don't like it, don't queue. Run with your guildies or friends that don't like it either.


Yup and I would thoroughly enjoy kicking you and ignoring you in game...which by your attitude here, something tells me is allready happening. Then you can come to the forums complaing about getting kicked and not having your que pop for FPs...you know what they say about karma...

Edited by lightSaberAddiCt
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That's silly - it's generally random first of all, and just because I have time to run through it, doesn't mean I have the time or the desire to let you immerse yourself in a story I care nothing for. I do group content because I enjoy the challenges and the social aspect of it.


If you can't play well with others, don't queue. I'll let someone watch the cut-scenes if they want, but I'll also ask them to spacebar if I'm tight on time. I have no problem saying something right away.


It doesn't matter what you want out of it, when you queue for a flashpoint, the movies are included as a part of the flashpoint, something you're just going to have to get over. People pay money for this game to enjoy the movies and immerse into a story and you don't get to dictate what they get to enjoy with the money they spent.

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Yup and I would thoroughly enjoy kicking you and ignoring you in game...which by your attitude here, something tells me is allready happening. Then you can come to the forums complaing about getting kicked and not having your que pop for FPs...you know what they say about karma...


So because people want to enjoy the full experience of what they paid for, you want to kick and ignore. How did I see this comment coming, as I've said before, it's really sad that so many people with anti-social personality disorder find their way to MMO's.

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It doesn't matter what you want out of it, when you queue for a flashpoint, the movies are included as a part of the flashpoint, something you're just going to have to get over. People pay money for this game to enjoy the movies and immerse into a story and you don't get to dictate what they get to enjoy with the money they spent.

Maybe not to you, but it does to me. If I don't have that much time and I mention that at the start and you act like a d-bag, I'll just quit. I don't care how much money you pay, you're no more important than I am.


If you want to watch the story, do solo mode...or just ask.

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So because people want to enjoy the full experience of what they paid for, you want to kick and ignore. How did I see this comment coming, as I've said before, it's really sad that so many people with anti-social personality disorder find their way to MMO's.

I'll take the anti-social over the self entitled any day.

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So because people want to enjoy the full experience of what they paid for, you want to kick and ignore. How did I see this comment coming, as I've said before, it's really sad that so many people with anti-social personality disorder find their way to MMO's.


You have no clue what anti-social even is. Not everyone who plays this game pays for it, so you can get that silly defense out of the way. There's also solo flashpoints if you simply must experience the full cutscenes. Hell, if your companion is high enough and your gear decent, you can run the group flashpoint by yourself.




Wow. You really got your panties in a wad over this. I call troll because first you said one thing, then said the opposite. Not because I disagree with you. You disagree with yourself. Get your stories straight.


Nah, you read what you want to read and think what you want to think, regardless of what you encounter. I've dealt with a thousand of you before.

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Maybe not to you, but it does to me. If I don't have that much time and I mention that at the start and you act like a d-bag, I'll just quit. I don't care how much money you pay, you're no more important than I am.


If you want to watch the story, do solo mode...or just ask.


When you queue for the flashpoints you're also queue'ing for the movies that are included. If you don't have time, don't queue, as many others have stated, movies come with the territory. Why would I act like a d/bag or say anything to begin with? There's no need to.


The movies are included in the other FP modes for a reason, they are included, there's no reason to ask someone's permission to use a game that you pay for in the manner that you so choose. It's included for a reason, or they'd remove them.

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You have no clue what anti-social even is. Not everyone who plays this game pays for it, so you can get that silly defense out of the way. There's also solo flashpoints if you simply must experience the full cutscenes. Hell, if your companion is high enough and your gear decent, you can run the group flashpoint by yourself.


You have no idea whether that person pays for the game or not, you don't get the right to ask, or demand that they use a game they pay for in the manner that you so choose. The movies are included in the flashpoints, they are a part of it, if you don't like it, you don't have to queue with random people if it's such a problem for you. Yes, I can easily do that, this is a matter of principle for the game and for all players. The movies are included in all flashpoint modes and you know that when you queue, you're also queueing for those whether you like it or not. People pay money to play this game how they choose and you don't get to choose for them, something you're just going to have to get over no matter how much you don't like it.



Nah, you read what you want to read and think what you want to think, regardless of what you encounter. I've dealt with a thousand of you before.


It's not about reading anything, the movies are included in all flashpoints for a reason and you queue for them when you queue up. Tuff luck, the game wouldn't have them if they weren't meant to be there, again, you don't get a say in how people use a game they pay for.

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again, you don't get a say in how people use a game they pay for.


Actually I do, because then I abort the sequence and remove them from the group; and there ain't a *********** thing you can do about it. Whine and complain and whiteknight and think mean thoughts about me all you want; it doesn't change a thing about how I conduct myself inside of this game.


You know what? YOU don't get to tell ME what I queue for. I queue for a flashpoint to clear mobs, get crystals and usually I'm in there helping level somone up. I do not queue for cutscenes; and you don't get to decide that I do. I don't give a **** if the cutscenes are included in the flashpoints or not. The class story quests are included in the base game and I have several 65s despite only doing sorc story once because the writing is embarrassing.

Edited by Gretzel_Eis
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Actually I do, because then I abort the sequence and remove them from the group; and there ain't a *********** thing you can do about it. Whine and complain and whiteknight and think mean thoughts about me all you want; it doesn't change a thing about how I conduct myself inside of this game.


You know what? YOU don't get to tell ME what I queue for. I queue for a flashpoint to clear mobs, get crystals and usually I'm in there helping level somone up. I do not queue for cutscenes; and you don't get to decide that I do. I don't give a **** if the cutscenes are included in the flashpoints or not. The class story quests are included in the base game and I have several 65s despite only doing sorc story once because the writing is embarrassing.


As I previously stated, it's really such a shame that so many with anti-social personality disorders find their way to MMO's. Such a person has no respect for others desires and is selfish and narcissistic to the point of being openly aggressive to others. I'm not surprised, I see your type in general chat and that it why it is so vapid. Congrats on being a part of why some leave the game, you're doing your part to bring the game to an end earlier.


Thankfully, there are plenty not like you that will not vote with you. It's happened before, when I came back from a long break and was watching the cutscene someone whined like a petulant child about not skipping it, then refused to heal me because of it, tank kicked him because it affected his repair bill as well. So yes, go on, refuse to grow up and refuse to respect the rights of others that pay for the game to keep up and running.


I'm not telling you what you queue for, and it doesn't matter one bit what you THINK you queue for. When you queue for a flashpoint, the cutscene/movie IS A PART OF IT. Get over it, it's included. You're just going to have to grow up and get over it. You don't do the class story quests because you don't choose to, that is your choice since you pay for the game(it is whether you do or not actually), but when you queue for a flashpoint, the movies are a part of it whether you like it or not, and nothing you say will change that. And you have no right to demand that others that are paying for the game to skip something that is included. Run them with your guildmates or friends that want to skip as well, but when you're playing with RANDOM people, you cannot be guaranteed that it's not some peoples' first time or that some haven't seen the movie play while selecting a different choice and hearing that dialog. They pay for the game and that's their right, regardless of how much you want to whine about it and get all aggressive and worked up....IN A GAME.

Edited by LordGermanicuss
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There is an ignore in the forums? I'm certain many have used it for you. Where can I find it so I no longer have to read your anti-social posts where only your opinion and view of the game is right.


If serious just click his name and then on the profile page bottom right you'll see "Add dudersname to Your Ignore List".

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