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if you just gonna leave the flashpoint cause of non spacebarers


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Can't even get people to say "Hello" half the time.


Last time I mentioned that a specific FP was the first time I had ran it, I got booted.

Yikes!!! And here I thought only PvPers were the a-holes?! :p

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Yikes!!! And here I thought only PvPers were the a-holes?! :p


Sometimes I think you're a alien under that helmet....


I...I...I told you! its not the activity that makes people bad, its da person!


A "a-hole"(man I should really check the TOS sometime) no matter what they play, whether it be someone who plays PVP, PVE, does RP, or operations, there a "a-hole" regardless of what they play.


It isn't the activity but instead the person.

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I only have one complaint about spacebar. BW should include an auto spacebar that automatically spacebars for you so that if some else wants to hear or see the voice over or story they can without me having to be in game. I can switch to tab out the game and do some else while I wait. Otherwise, if I am not in game it will take longer because the system gives you a few seconds before moving on from a player who didn't make a decision. On fp with a lot of cut scenes the time wasted can added up.
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If you just gonna watch the story cause you never done it


then don't que and do the solo version first.


Half the community doesn't want to sit and waste their time with content they've seen 100 times.


Kidding, just wanted to be over dramatic like OP. In seriousness it does get old if you have to wait on someone to see every waking moment of dialogue. I cancelled the flight from the ship to the kuat drive yards so we didnt waste more time and someone complained and voted to kick me for that. I mean seriously?

Edited by Lil_Fusion
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People should really work that out at the beginning.


"So, everyone run this before? Every one cool with spacebar?" "


"No, first time through. Alright if we don't skip?"


That would solve 95% of problems that arise during flashpoints about someone not skipping. Unfortunately people barely talk, and don't hash that sort of thing out at the beginning.


Correction, it SHOULD solve problems. Unfortunately, some people play the game enough that they're running through FPs all day (but never have ops gear,) and would rather scream at you until you dropped group than sit through a single cutscene. There are more of them than you think.

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Can't even get people to say "Hello" half the time.


Last time I mentioned that a specific FP was the first time I had ran it, I got booted.


Yeah. I'm one of those people who doesn't want to hinder the group by derping around so if I haven't done it before, I'll say so upfront and ask if there's anything specific I need to watch for.. half the time it results in a kick. =\ I also said hi once and got the response "shut up and get moving".. :rolleyes:


I also tend to come across "This has been out for ages how can you not know it" "This shts old why you wanna see the dialogue just SB!".. it's like this universal assumption that just because it's existed for say 3 years, everyone automatically knows it and new players are a myth. :confused:

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It's not impatience, it self-centered childishness. If someone can't deal with a couple minutes of extra delay, they should stick to single-player games.


Same thing could be much easier said about people that decide tommake the group watch the scene, when the majority dont want to bran. If you want to watch the scene, that is what solo FPs were literally made for.


I just found asking nicely, we watching or skipping? 9/10 times people are cool and just skip. If someone wants to intentionally do it just to be a jerk, that is what vote kick and ignore is for....then they czn come on the forums and say the game is dying because they cant get a group in que anymore. Lol..

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I always state right at the start that I haven't run the FP, if I haven't. If someone has a problem with me watching the cutscenes the first time when they already have, then I just ignore them when they start spamming "spacebar" in chat. I pay a sub every month to get everything out of this game experience wise, and no spacebar commando is going to ruin it for me. :mad: Edited by Jawa-Fett
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It's an MMO people...go with what the GROUP wants. If you wanna watch the movies, SAY SOMETHING! If you want people to skip them, SAY SOMETHING! A little communication goes a long freaking way.


You people who intentionally don't spacebar are just as bad as those who insist you do.


I know, but I hate it when people tell me how I have to play.

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This is why I always queue with somone so we can abort the cinematic and vote kick passive-aggressive people like you. I had someone have the gall to say 'mind your own business' when I told them to skip. Mind my own business? Mother****er, when you join a flashpoint with a group, what you do is everybody's *********** business; especially when you want to waste the entire group's time. Needless to say, he was removed from the group immediately.


Of course I don't mean I just kick people who don't want to skip the cinematic. If someone says they want to watch it, then that's fine. I kick people who want to get a *********** attitude about things like they think they are better than everyone else. That includes people who pull mobs while half the group is still loading up, or people queuing as healers and then standing there and attacking without even saying anything.


Actually, queueing up with a friend/guildee/family member/whatever to vote-kick people who are going to be a problem is a great way to enhance your FP experience.


The person who told you to mind your own business was absolutely in the right. Perhaps you should learn how to properly interact with other people. The mistake you made was telling another player, who may very well be paying to play the game, to do anything. Unless you're paying for his or her subscription, you haven't earned the right to tell them what content they can or can't skip.


What you should have done, is politely asked that player to skip. Or better yet...worked out in the beginning, rather than midway through the flashpoint, whether or not everyone had seen the content before.


I'm perfectly willing to skip cinematics when other players are courteous about the request. In fact usually I want to anyway, since I've run most of them before. That changes the minute another player transforms into an obnoxious douche who throws a temper tantrum or starts barking out orders.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Yeah. I'm one of those people who doesn't want to hinder the group by derping around so if I haven't done it before, I'll say so upfront and ask if there's anything specific I need to watch for.. half the time it results in a kick. =\ I also said hi once and got the response "shut up and get moving".. :rolleyes:


I also tend to come across "This has been out for ages how can you not know it" "This shts old why you wanna see the dialogue just SB!".. it's like this universal assumption that just because it's existed for say 3 years, everyone automatically knows it and new players are a myth. :confused:


This. It also applies to returning players. I took a break from the game after finishing up RotHC and returned about 6 months ago*. For the most part I couldn't remember the narratives from the Heroics and FPs and so wanted to watch them, if only once, just to remind myself what the heck was going on. When I joined groups I made sure that I chatted that this was my intention. Roughly 70% of the time I would either get booted or cussed out, mostly on the basis of the "old material" reason. I don't have enough spare time to enjoy spending it getting ranted at in a game.


The result of this was that I now solo as much material as possible, and only group with people I already know.


[* - I was playing a combination of LotRO and ESO in the interim.]

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That's high school.


IME, people change very little past high school.

Most of our entire society is based around the cliche and social niches that start in high school if you look closely, right down to the people who wanted to be hall monitors and president of the class.

It's fascinating to observe to me; it's the main reason I frequent forums, so I can watch people interact.

As a species, we really are pretty small and petty to each other - adding Internet anonymity just escalated it.


Now in this game, people can impact the fun of others though pressing, or not pressing, a single key...with little to no real consequences.


Not to mention the fact a ton of people playing this game think 20 minutes (or a 6 month development window) is a long time - anything longer than the time between commercial breaks seems like an eternity to half the people I talk to these days.


Around and around these arguments go in circles, sometime for years; just fascinating to watch each wave of players enter the MMO space and start interacting - watching certain forums ebb and flow - watching some forums change tone quickly, some slowly, some never.


Always interesting, if looked at through an anthropological lens.

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then just dont join




i SB and i hate waiting but i hate people more that complain over everything you bunch of self serving donkeys


honestly i agree with you leaving, cos people like them waste your time.

Edited by Xcurtx
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then just dont join




i SB and i hate waiting but i hate people more that complain over everything you bunch of self serving donkeys


i spacebar too but i also don't rush people i simply say if you've seen if before please spacebar it so we can move along that way new players can watch it. If i see someone complain over and over im not gonna space bar.

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So I guess someone was butthurt by my previous comment, so let me revise it so they cant take petty little actions, but guess what it is still the same comment:


Dont think it is so much the FP, as it is people fearing who they are grouped up with doing stupid crap!!


Actually this was meant for the rishi post, not sure how I posted it in this one...lol my bad.

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This is why I always queue with somone so we can abort the cinematic and vote kick passive-aggressive people like you. I had someone have the gall to say 'mind your own business' when I told them to skip. Mind my own business? Mother****er, when you join a flashpoint with a group, what you do is everybody's *********** business; especially when you want to waste the entire group's time. Needless to say, he was removed from the group immediately.


Of course I don't mean I just kick people who don't want to skip the cinematic. If someone says they want to watch it, then that's fine. I kick people who want to get a *********** attitude about things like they think they are better than everyone else. That includes people who pull mobs while half the group is still loading up, or people queuing as healers and then standing there and attacking without even saying anything.


Actually, queueing up with a friend/guildee/family member/whatever to vote-kick people who are going to be a problem is a great way to enhance your FP experience.


You'll vote kick someone who has an attitude yet kick someone who doesn't have an attitude...? You've got issues. You're probably one of those that people always complain about that kick them from their LFG's so you can comp run it with a buddy. :rolleyes:


Edit: And in your post you said

I had someone have the gall to say 'mind your own business' when I told them to skip.

Then you got pissy because they told you to mind your own business. Well, you actually had the gall to tell them how to play the game they're paying for as well. Who are you to tell them how to play?


Had you asked, they probably wouldn't have gone off on you like that. You created that situation, not the other player. You're the one with the attitude in that case. So go /kick yourself.

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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The person who told you to mind your own business was absolutely in the right. Perhaps you should learn how to properly interact with other people. The mistake you made was telling another player, who may very well be paying to play the game, to do anything. Unless you're paying for his or her subscription, you haven't earned the right to tell them what content they can or can't skip.


What you should have done, is politely asked that player to skip. Or better yet...worked out in the beginning, rather than midway through the flashpoint, whether or not everyone had seen the content before.


I'm perfectly willing to skip cinematics when other players are courteous about the request. In fact usually I want to anyway, since I've run most of them before. That changes the minute another player transforms into an obnoxious douche who throws a temper tantrum or starts barking out orders.



If you are playing in a group with 3 other people, you damn right you don't get to make decisions for the whole group. Watching through the entire cutscene after somone (and I DO ask politely) asks you to skip is making a decision for the entire group. Maybe YOU should learn how to interact with other people and not defend passive-aggresive *****es who want to waste a group's time because somone asked them to do something.

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If you are playing in a group with 3 other people, you damn right you don't get to make decisions for the whole group. Watching through the entire cutscene after somone (and I DO ask politely) asks you to skip is making a decision for the entire group. Maybe YOU should learn how to interact with other people and not defend passive-aggresive *****es who want to waste a group's time because somone asked them to do something.


First you say you "told" someone (who then put you in your place), which is you trying to make a decision for your group. Then you say you ask politely. And even asking nicely doesn't mean you'll get what you want. So which is it? Do you tell people how to play? Or do you ask them nicely? By your statements, you do both. I'm starting to think you're just trolling. You can't straddle the fence and take a stand for both sides of that coin.


You also come off as a bully that has to have someone in his corner to back him up when you say that you always group with a guildie, friend or family member just so you have the option to kick someone because they offend your sensitivities.

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I'm not going to argue with you any further. I've justified my actions and I'm not really concerned with what some stranger over the internet thinks of me.

So this angry and bleep-ridden post above is an example of "not really concerned what a stranger things of you"?



Edited by Khevar
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So this angry and bleep-ridden post above is an example of "not really concerned what a stranger things of you"?




Hey, I didn't know someone else was deciding my emotions for me. Thanks for the heads up.

Edited by Gretzel_Eis
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