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if you just gonna leave the flashpoint cause of non spacebarers


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First, always go into a FP expecting to watch the cut scenes and 'enjoy' the story. Then after you ask, if everyone is SBing, see it as a bonus. It'll make you happier.


I've been playing off and on since the beginning and there are still some FPs I have yet to see, mainly thanks to the super-fast leveling that's been instated along with horrendous queue times. Some days I'll go a whole play session from start to finish and never queue up or actually load into a FP (someone has declined...). I'll mention it's my first time and want to watch the cutscenes. It's usually not a problem. I've never been kicked because of it but there has been some who dropped because of it. I hope it's worth it to re-queue and wait at least half an hour (or more) for another FP than to sit through a couple cutscenes.


I, myself, don't have a problem with not SBing. Once I notice someone not, I won't because sitting on that last scene staring at nothing is just boring.


What I find funny is when you have the person saying 'SB! SB! SB!' and then when it comes to a dialogue choice, they are the ones who everyone else is waiting on to make a choice to keep the cutscene going.


But reread the first paragraph on this post and you can't go wrong.


Edit: And see here's something I missed. Where is this solo mode? I've only seen it for the Star Fortress. When I use group finder I don't see a solo mode. Is it somewhere else where I can queue and shuttle to it like Heroics? Or do I have to know where it is and go to it directly. Only about six of them (the ones directly on the Fleet station) are all in one place and pretty much tell you what they are. The others are... well... scattered and obscure as to their whereabouts with not many planet or class story arcs even letting you know they are out there and available. There's no caption in group finder that gives you any clue, as well.

Edited by Keraejis
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First, always go into a FP expecting to watch the cut scenes and 'enjoy' the story. Then after you ask, if everyone is SBing, see it as a bonus. It'll make you happier.


I've been playing off and on since the beginning and there are still some FPs I have yet to see, mainly thanks to the super-fast leveling that's been instated along with horrendous queue times. Some days I'll go a whole play session from start to finish and never queue up or actually load into a FP (someone has declined...). I'll mention it's my first time and want to watch the cutscenes. It's usually not a problem. I've never been kicked because of it but there has been some who dropped because of it. I hope it's worth it to re-queue and wait at least half an hour (or more) for another FP than to sit through a couple cutscenes.


I, myself, don't have a problem with not SBing. Once I notice someone not, I won't because sitting on that last scene staring at nothing is just boring.


What I find funny is when you have the person saying 'SB! SB! SB!' and then when it comes to a dialogue choice, they are the ones who everyone else is waiting on to make a choice to keep the cutscene going.


But reread the first paragraph on this post and you can't go wrong.


EXACTLY, and since they cutscenes are included, by DEFAULT, THIS is the approach we should all have. Anything else just runs off players, shrinking the playerbase, the paying playerbase and brings the eventual demise of this game MUCH faster. But this is something that anti-socials can't/refuse to understand, they're far too selfish.

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First, always go into a FP expecting to watch the cut scenes and 'enjoy' the story. Then after you ask, if everyone is SBing, see it as a bonus. It'll make you happier.


I've been playing off and on since the beginning and there are still some FPs I have yet to see, mainly thanks to the super-fast leveling that's been instated along with horrendous queue times. Some days I'll go a whole play session from start to finish and never queue up or actually load into a FP (someone has declined...). I'll mention it's my first time and want to watch the cutscenes. It's usually not a problem. I've never been kicked because of it but there has been some who dropped because of it. I hope it's worth it to re-queue and wait at least half an hour (or more) for another FP than to sit through a couple cutscenes.


I, myself, don't have a problem with not SBing. Once I notice someone not, I won't because sitting on that last scene staring at nothing is just boring.


What I find funny is when you have the person saying 'SB! SB! SB!' and then when it comes to a dialogue choice, they are the ones who everyone else is waiting on to make a choice to keep the cutscene going.


But reread the first paragraph on this post and you can't go wrong.


Auuu those horrendous decliners in que... My ignore list is near half full with the likes of them. Nothing more annoying than waiting hours to que for a fp, getting set up, watching near everyone accept except the one guy who declines and sends you back to another hour of waiting. Very quick way to my ignore.

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EXACTLY, and since they cutscenes are included, by DEFAULT, THIS is the approach we should all have. Anything else just runs off players, shrinking the playerbase, the paying playerbase and brings the eventual demise of this game MUCH faster. But this is something that anti-socials can't/refuse to understand, they're far too selfish.

I believe it would be considerate for players to allow someone to view the cutscenes.


I also believe it would be considerate to allow someone to skip the cutscenes they've seen many times before.


You seem to think it only goes one way. Why is that, exactly?

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I believe it would be considerate for players to allow someone to view the cutscenes.


I also believe it would be considerate to allow someone to skip the cutscenes they've seen many times before.


You seem to think it only goes one way. Why is that, exactly?


Because this #1, this IS an MMO WITH STORY, they are very clear about that. #2 We have MANY new players that have NOT seen the movies. #3 MANY people enjoy the cutscenes. #4 They are INCLUDED by default so people can watch them. I have seen them many times and prefer to skip them, but I understand the above reason and when someone prefer to watch them, I'll watch them and make selections I have no before to see the different story associated with a choice I don't usually select. I also do not want to see the playerbase and ESPECIALLY the PAYING playerbase shrink, kicking and harassing of those that want to watch the cutscenes does exactly that.

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Because this #1, this IS an MMO WITH STORY, they are very clear about that. #2 We have MANY new players that have NOT seen the movies. #3 MANY people enjoy the cutscenes. #4 They are INCLUDED by default so people can watch them. I have seen them many times and prefer to skip them, but I understand the above reason and when someone prefer to watch them, I'll watch them and make selections I have no before to see the different story associated with a choice I don't usually select. I also do not want to see the playerbase and ESPECIALLY the PAYING playerbase shrink, kicking and harassing of those that want to watch the cutscenes does exactly that.


Dude, repeating all that drivel for 50 pages or 500 in this thread wont make you right and wont change peoples minds. You will be able to watch your cutscenes if people are okay with that - If they are not, you are getting the boot. Simple as that.

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Dude, repeating all that drivel for 50 pages or 500 in this thread wont make you right and wont change peoples minds. You will be able to watch your cutscenes if people are okay with that - If they are not, you are getting the boot. Simple as that.


Every last bit of it was factual, you just hate that it's "not your way" and "you're too in a hurry to play the game as designed". Booting someone for watching an included video is nothing more than abuse of the feature, plain and simple. Again, you do nothing more but kill the game faster by driving players away, driving new players away and driving paying players away, you do nothing but satisfy your own selfishness.

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Every last bit of it was factual, you just hate that it's "not your way" and "you're too in a hurry to play the game as designed". Booting someone for watching an included video is nothing more than abuse of the feature, plain and simple. Again, you do nothing more but kill the game faster by driving players away, driving new players away and driving paying players away, you do nothing but satisfy your own selfishness.


The irony in most of your responses is astounding and it can literally be tailored to work against your argument. Calling other players "selfish" for wanting to put there needs over the others and then hiding behind the way its "designed." Designed or not, its still the needs of the majority put over the needs of the few, and that's selfishness, and the group decides the rules, not you. Deem whatever you want factual, but its not abuse for kicking a player for not wanting to watch the movies, if anything the player can move on to the next group faster and easier finding a group that wants to do what they want rather than making everyone else suffer.


I suppose this doesn't matter anyway, as you want even consider a second of any viewpoint different than your own.


Every last bit of it was factual, you just hate that it's "not your way" and "you're too inconsiderate to play the game as designed". Booting someone for watching an included video is nothing more than fair use of the feature, plain and simple. Again, you do nothing more but kill the game faster by driving players away, driving veterans players away and driving paying players away, you do nothing but satisfy your own selfishness.

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You're DEAD wrong when they are INCLUDED by default, they are there for PEOPLE TO WATCH. I recommend a non-story based MMO if you're so against there being a story included.
do you know what's also included by default?

-the spacebar function to skip scenes

-the vote to kick option to remove players that don't align to the wishes of the majority


so too bad


your argument that its "there by default" isn't logically sound. stop using it or take a critical thinking class before trying to make a logically sound argument.

That's NOT a legitimate use of the kick feature, and everyone here knows that, they just don't care if they run people away from the game, they could care less about the long-term viability because if they didn't, they wouldn't act as such. It's an abuse of the kick feature, plain and simple.
this is merely your opinion. the fact is you can use the votekick option for any reason. it even provides a free text box to type in whatever reason you want. again, you're wrong. Edited by Pagy
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This is an issue that has no real solution.


-You can't tell other people to space bar.

-You can't tell other people you don't want to space bar.

-You can't ignore the request of the other player(s).


So what do you do? People here are saying you need to communicate, but that doesn't solve the conflict. It only brings it out before the FP starts... which I suppose would be better anyway.


Regardless, my tone is: screw them and what they want.

If I'm gonna watch it, I'm gonna watch it. If I'm gonna skip it, I'm gonna skip it. I won't tell you want to do but I just as well won't do what you ask. Not to spite or conflict with you, but merely because of different intentions.


If you want me to space bar and I already intended to space bar, I'm still going to space bar.

If people want me to space bar and I intended to watch it... I'm not going to space bar, regardless of what they say. Perhaps I might press it a couple times just to hurry the dialogue along if I read faster than they talk, but I'm still watching the scene.


In these situations, it requires group consensus. Not majority vote. So long that one person doesn't want to do it, they are therefore not required to do it.


If you don't have time to run a FP, don't queue for one. There is nothing more selfish than someone wanting to get a "quick run" out of a group finder group.

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By the way, following the "it was included so it's the intended way to play the game"-logic, ninjalooting would also be the intended way to play the game. I can press "need" to everything, even if I'm playing the healer and the loot is a tanking piece, so I suppose it was intended that I need on everything?
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The skip feature is there so if all want to skip, they can, but a paying customer has a RIGHT to see them, THAT'S why they are included, plain and simple. If they weren't meant to be available in all modes, for people to WATCH, they wouldn't be there, plain and simple.


You should just do these solo. You don't seem like you play well with others.


10/10 troll though! Well done.

Edited by TUXs
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You should just do these solo. You don't seem like you play well with others.


10/10 troll though! Well done.

he'll just call you anti-social if you disagree with his forcing his preferences on others.


which is apparently not anti-social as long as you're the emperor

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The irony in most of your responses is astounding and it can literally be tailored to work against your argument. Calling other players "selfish" for wanting to put there needs over the others and then hiding behind the way its "designed." Designed or not, its still the needs of the majority put over the needs of the few, and that's selfishness, and the group decides the rules, not you. Deem whatever you want factual, but its not abuse for kicking a player for not wanting to watch the movies, if anything the player can move on to the next group faster and easier finding a group that wants to do what they want rather than making everyone else suffer.


I suppose this doesn't matter anyway, as you want even consider a second of any viewpoint different than your own.



This is the part you're CLEARLY having a hard time understanding, this is an MMO WITH STORY. The STORY cutscenes ARE INCLUDED BY DEFAULT FOR A REASON, and that reason is so that people who want to watch them, CAN. The ability to skip them is there for those who want to skip them, if the whole group wants to, fine, but you do not understand that regardless of your desire to skip, they are included to be watched and people have a RIGHT to watch them, you do NOT have ANY RIGHT to force people to skip under threat of kick. That's you being anti-social and a jerk to everyone who signed up to play this MMO WITH STORY. It's not hiding behind how it's designed, it's pointing out the fact that you've forgotten that this isn't just an MMO, it's an MMO WITH STORY. Something they are really big on. Clearly the new expansion(all being story, no group content) should really bang that home in your head since you've forgotten or more likely chosen to forget since you only care about grinding out....whatever it is you're grinding(like a rat on a treadmill in a cage, and that's kinda how angry you are about this as well, not enjoying you wheel/cage?). It's not a "need" of the majority to skip, they are playing a part of the game they are so bored with, they'd rather not, but are for some reason. The game is designed with the movies, for people to watch, kicking them because of that is IN FACT abuse of the system. You call watching the movies suffering? Wow dude, I think it's long past time you moved on if you find that to be suffering. Rat in a cage is miserable eh?


I've already told you I skip and prefer to skip, but you CAN'T UNDERSTAND that we have MANY new players that have yet to see the movies yet and you have NO RIGHT to kick them because of it.

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do you know what's also included by default?

-the spacebar function to skip scenes

-the vote to kick option to remove players that don't align to the wishes of the majority


so too bad


your argument that its "there by default" isn't logically sound. stop using it or take a critical thinking class before trying to make a logically sound argument.this is merely your opinion. the fact is you can use the votekick option for any reason. it even provides a free text box to type in whatever reason you want. again, you're wrong.


Yes, the spacebar is there, so if you do not want to hear the movie while someone is watching, you do not have to. Also, if everyone use the spacebar then it skips the movie. That in no way gives you the RIGHT to demand that people skip a movie in a MMO WITH STORY. If you're sick of watching movies etc, then don't run FP's, or don't play a MMO WITH STORY. If you're so angry, why are you here?

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IMHO they should just add an option in GF the same way they do it with FP in progress and just never show them if the group was formed with this option.


If they did that, then none of the new players would get to see them, many of the people in queue are burnouts that stay for no other reason that addiction.

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In these situations, it requires group consensus. Not majority vote. So long that one person doesn't want to do it, they are therefore not required to do it.


If you don't have time to run a FP, don't queue for one. There is nothing more selfish than someone wanting to get a "quick run" out of a group finder group.


EXACTLY. If you don't have time to run a FP where you KNOW AHEAD OF TIME, that a movie is included and maybe everyone but you wants to watch, then you shouldn't even bother. These old burnout players are relying on everyone being old players(which is ridiculous when we have so many new players), and relying on being able to bully under the threat of kick(which is an ABSOLUTE ABUSE of the feature.

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You should just do these solo. You don't seem like you play well with others.


10/10 troll though! Well done.


I've stated multiple times, I have over 1.2k FP's, I prefer to skip, BUT WE HAVE MANY NEW PLAYERS, HOW HARD IS THAT TO UNDERSTAND. The expansion has bred some new life and brought back some former players, how SELFISH and SELF-CENTERED must one be to not realize and acknowledge that fact?

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This is the part you're CLEARLY having a hard time understanding, this is an MMO WITH STORY. The STORY cutscenes ARE INCLUDED BY DEFAULT FOR A REASON, and that reason is so that people who want to watch them, CAN. The ability to skip them is there for those who want to skip them, if the whole group wants to, fine, but you do not understand that regardless of your desire to skip, they are included to be watched and people have a RIGHT to watch them, you do NOT have ANY RIGHT to force people to skip under threat of kick. That's you being anti-social and a jerk to everyone who signed up to play this MMO WITH STORY. It's not hiding behind how it's designed, it's pointing out the fact that you've forgotten that this isn't just an MMO, it's an MMO WITH STORY. Something they are really big on. Clearly the new expansion(all being story, no group content) should really bang that home in your head since you've forgotten or more likely chosen to forget since you only care about grinding out....whatever it is you're grinding(like a rat on a treadmill in a cage, and that's kinda how angry you are about this as well, not enjoying you wheel/cage?). It's not a "need" of the majority to skip, they are playing a part of the game they are so bored with, they'd rather not, but are for some reason. The game is designed with the movies, for people to watch, kicking them because of that is IN FACT abuse of the system. You call watching the movies suffering? Wow dude, I think it's long past time you moved on if you find that to be suffering. Rat in a cage is miserable eh?


I've already told you I skip and prefer to skip, but you CAN'T UNDERSTAND that we have MANY new players that have yet to see the movies yet and you have NO RIGHT to kick them because of it.


This is the part you are missing, the mechanic to skip those cutscenes is also included, by default. How big a hammer do we need to pound that into your head? It's not third party software enabling skipping. Vote kicking isn't third party software either, it was included in the original design, by default. Again, how big a hammer do we need? Why would they include vote kicking? Because there will always be players that believe that what they want is more important than what the rest of the group wants. If you need proof, search your post history, and limit it to this thread, and you'll see exactly why we have a vote kick mechanic, by default.

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Yes, the spacebar is there, so if you do not want to hear the movie while someone is watching, you do not have to. Also, if everyone use the spacebar then it skips the movie. That in no way gives you the RIGHT to demand that people skip a movie in a MMO WITH STORY. If you're sick of watching movies etc, then don't run FP's, or don't play a MMO WITH STORY. If you're so angry, why are you here?
i'm not demanding anything. i'm asking.


if you dont comply with the majority ASKING you to do something, then they aren't married to you. you're not entitled to sacrifice the majority's fun for yours. so i'm going to kick your inconsiderate snowflake self and never worry my pretty little head about you ever again.

Edited by Pagy
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This is the part you are missing, the mechanic to skip those cutscenes is also included, by default. How big a hammer do we need to pound that into your head? It's not third party software enabling skipping. Vote kicking isn't third party software either, it was included in the original design, by default. Again, how big a hammer do we need? Why would they include vote kicking? Because there will always be players that believe that what they want is more important than what the rest of the group wants. If you need proof, search your post history, and limit it to this thread, and you'll see exactly why we have a vote kick mechanic, by default.


Now you're just being willfully ignorant in order to justify your anti-social behavior, which is to be expected, it's a self-defense mechanism employed when one realizes they are wrong, but the mechanism kicks in and allows a someone genuine sounding response of rejection of the facts at hand. You children really don't know how obvious you are, and yes, that includes children of adult age. The mechanic to skip the cutscenes is so that you can skip it if you do not care to see it, if others do, then you sit at the end screen and wait, do you get it yet? If it so happens that all skip if, then you get to move on sooner than you would have if someone wanted to watch it. You are playing an MMO WITH STORY and they are included by default for people to watch. Your anti-social behavior does nothing but ruin the fun for people(although some really enjoy the schadenfreude of watching/reading you flip out bc they aren't skipping) and you drive players, and some paying away from the game. That is some REALLY immature behavior, and childish, grow up and get over yourself.

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I've stated multiple times, I have over 1.2k FP's, I prefer to skip, BUT WE HAVE MANY NEW PLAYERS, HOW HARD IS THAT TO UNDERSTAND. The expansion has bred some new life and brought back some former players, how SELFISH and SELF-CENTERED must one be to not realize and acknowledge that fact?

We also have a solo mode for those new players. This is GROUP content. Either play well with others or leave.

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If you truly get upset because someone is forcing you to watch a short snippet in a group-based game, then you might have larger issues.


I prefer to skip, but could care less if I'm forced to wait. If I'm in hurry, I might get irritated, but I consider that a "me" problem, and not worthy of bringing it up. There's always something to do while you're waiting.


We all enter into an unspoken social contract when we play this game. When you start denying the game

to others because their choices don't line up with yours, you're violating said contract. And, for those that are self-aware enough to see both sides of the issue? Who assumes more harm? The person(s) who earnestly wants to watch the movie that is denied or kicked? Or, the person(s) that can't stand waiting who is forced to watch? To be denied a part of the game seems like the greater harm to me...especially when you consider that waiting on others is an integral aspect of this social game. So...I choose to wait...and chill. In fact, if more people just chilled out, then this game would have significantly less social issues. RIP the dream. :rolleyes:

Edited by UberSamoyed
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Very selfish and childish of you, but you know, not that surprised.....really sad so many anti-social personalities find their way to MMO's, but it's easy to understand. They don't function well in society and lack the power to do anything about it, so they find a community in which they can have a sense of power and act out their anti-social ways upon others with absolutely no remorse. P.S. there's a word for that.
what's selfish, and childish, is walking into a group of 4 and demanding that the 3 others abandon their opinions and preferences in favour of yours.


so bye, you've been kicked/ignored for being anti-social. please learn how to play well with others.

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