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Why doesn't the Consular just shield himself from the Emperor?

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A flash of light and the Dark Council's dead? This sounds like a 12 year old's fanfic OC. There's no reason for the Emperor to be this ridiculousIy overpowered. How are they possibly going to explain any character defeating him when the time comes if he's this powerful? It'll be some garbage excuse.


M'kay... consider this fact from our planet:



Estimates on the number of Earth's current species range from 10 million to 14 million


Insects (Insecta)[edit]

Recent figures indicate that there are more than 200 million insects for each human on the planet. An article in The New York Times claimed that the world holds 300 pounds of insects for every pound of humans.[18] Ants have colonised almost every landmass on Earth. Insects also probably have the largest biomass of the terrestrial animals. The number of living species of insects has been estimated to be 30 million. At any time, it is estimated that there are some 10 quintillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000) individual insects alive



According to NASA in 2005, there were over 400 billion trees on our globe.[20] However, more recently, in 2015, using better methods, the global tree count has been estimated at about 3 trillion.[21] Other studies show that the Amazonian forest alone yields approximately 430 billion trees.[22] Extrapolations from data compiled over a period of 10 years suggest that greater Amazonia, which includes the Amazon Basin and the Guiana Shield, harbors around 390 billion individual trees.[23]



This doesn't even mention animals - how many animals there are on our planet.

Throw in 7 billion humans on top of that unfathomable number of living organisms and sheer biomass.


Now picture the planet Ziost.




So you really think a half dozen sentients are anything more than insects to him, even if they have lightning at the tip of their fingers, force choke, and wave red lightsabers?




I agree with you it's totally over-the-top. Even in Greek or Egyptian mythologies you don't see gods doing that sort of thing (but then again the scale of things in Star Wars is a village becomes a planet).

But it's right there in the game.


And again on wookiepedia - Vitiate lives on for millenia, and actually won't die until... the decade freaking Obi Wan is born!


You're right, garbage excuse incoming... just to cast him away/place him in stasis/whatever.


It's also moronic by the way that the Grandmaster of the Jedi order + the whole council would expect to redeem him in the first place. I double facepalmed when I heard Satele say that - with the whole Jedi Council nodding.

Edited by BenduKundalini
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Then both the Consular's and Inquisitor's story wouldn't go past chapter I.


It doesn't anyway. KOTFE is the Knight's story. Bioware had no focks left over for the other 7, especially the non-force users.

Edited by Dayshadow
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Ziost is so cartoonish that frankly I can't take it seriously as evidence.




KOTFE has problems for both the Consular and the Inquisitor. The shielding technique isn't really the issue. It's more that Vitiate considered making the Consular one of his 'children' but ultimately believed the Consular was too strong to control and thus needed to die.


The Inquisitor had her entire body rebuilt, her mind strengthened to handle the force apparitions.


Neither of these characters are more powerful than Vitiate, but that's only because Vitiate is a MacGuffin. It doesn't matter whether he is Valkorian or not. He's just this effectively all-powerful thing that provides a villain that both sides would want to defeat. But it doesn't matter because neither should need Valkorian's help in any way.


KOTFE sets up Zakuul and its royals as somehow more powerful than the Consular and Inquisitor. Which is just rank nonsense. The Star Wars movies explain to us that raw force power is not a substitute for experience and knowledge. Obi-Wan beat Anakin after all, who at the time has the highest force potential of any force user ever. Likewise, Palpatine can toy with Luke in ROTJ because while Luke has more potential, Palpatine's skill and experience is immense.


There is absolutely nothing in the KOTFE story that suggests that Arcann or Vaylin have more experience or knowledge of the force than the Consular or the Inquisitor. At this point in the story, those two classes probably embody the highest practitioners of Force Manipulation in their respective societies. Even if Arcann and Vaylin have more raw talent, they should still fall easily to either.


(Anything above represents my opinion, I respect the opinion of others.)

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Hey, it's this again. I submit that it's the SW's story.


A case can be made for both, but I'd say it's closer to the SW's story, given the SW's history with Vitiate Sue.




You know, it's a shame that the SW story doesn't have the option of leaving Vitiate Sue to rot, trapped on Voss.



Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Hey, it's this again. I submit that it's the SW's story.


You are, of course, entitled to that opinion. It doesn't really gel with the story, in my opinion. The Sith Warrior is one of Vitiate's pawns. An important pawn, but a pawn. The SOR Warrior story makes that clear. The Jedi Knight has been a pet project of Vitiate's since Chapter 2. KOTFE is playing out like a rehash of the JK story.

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You are, of course, entitled to that opinion. It doesn't really gel with the story, in my opinion. The Sith Warrior is one of Vitiate's pawns. An important pawn, but a pawn. The SOR Warrior story makes that clear. The Jedi Knight has been a pet project of Vitiate's since Chapter 2. KOTFE is playing out like a rehash of the JK story.


Which is why it makes less sense to be as the JK's story. The JK has been there, done that, and ultimately overcame Vitiate's influence. This isn't a new arc for the JK, it's the same arc over again.

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KOTFE sets up Zakuul and its royals as somehow more powerful than the Consular and Inquisitor. Which is just rank nonsense. The Star Wars movies explain to us that raw force power is not a substitute for experience and knowledge. Obi-Wan beat Anakin after all, who at the time has the highest force potential of any force user ever. Likewise, Palpatine can toy with Luke in ROTJ because while Luke has more potential, Palpatine's skill and experience is immense.


There is absolutely nothing in the KOTFE story that suggests that Arcann or Vaylin have more experience or knowledge of the force than the Consular or the Inquisitor.



Except that all of Arcann's backstory tells you that he was trained by Zakuul's best from childhood? And the fact that he beat us? And that he doesn't need more knowledge of the force to beat the Counsular or Inquisitor, he just needs to know enough to be able to endure and out-manuver them.

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When Terrak Morrhage was giving Vivicar power and in turn influencing his decisions, the shielding technique removed Morrhage's soul from him. Is there any reason besides "The Emperor's almighty power is too powerful for the shielding technique"? They could even get the Inquisitor to devour Vitiate's soul.


1. Terrak was inhabiting the body of Parkanis Tark.

2. Parkanis Tark was left behind to die on Malachor, he did so to save other Jedi from a grim fate including your master, Youn.

3. by using the shielding ritual, it didnt remove the "soul" of Terrak, but rather Terrak himself from Parkanis, it is a shielding ritual, it is not a ritual of offensive ability, strictly one of defensive. to come up with an analogy; you had two magnets, you use your own magnet within a circle and you push the other out. that is what is being done here, Terrak was forced out of Parkanis.

4. Valkorion/Vitiate/Tenebrae/whatever other name he used to or still goes by elsewhere. his abilities are force power is substanitially more powerful than Terrak could ever come up with. your consular would be like master Surro on Ziost, she fought back to try get control but the emperor was far too strong for her on force abilities. to compare you are ahead of Surro in power and ability, but in effect it may as well be the same thing as far as the emperor is concerned. if he wanted you possessed, he would of done it without any issue if he wanted to, the reason why is revealed in chapter 2 of FE.

5. the shielding ritual would not have any effect on the emperor. he could simply overpower you again.

6. again the "soul"? if the ritual at all worked on the emperor, it would push him out of your mind and body. again the shielding ritual is strictly a defensive ability that takes a toll on the person using it.

7. the shielding ritual takes your strength in the force to protect others, so to try it on yourself would be like getting into an arm wrestle with a machine that could rip your arm off its joint without any issue if it was instructed to do so, you have no way to know that this machine could do that. that is in effect what the situation is. the emperor is far too powerful for your ritual to work.

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KOTFE is playing out like a rehash of the JK story.


How? There are very few plot points in KOFTE that are specifically for the JK story. You're not seeking out various super weapons that the Republic made. You're not fighting the Emperor (Bioware for some reason don't want him to be seen as the villain...). You're not possessed or mind controlled by the Emperor, ect.

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Except that all of Arcann's backstory tells you that he was trained by Zakuul's best from childhood? And the fact that he beat us? And that he doesn't need more knowledge of the force to beat the Counsular or Inquisitor, he just needs to know enough to be able to endure and out-manuver them.


if you noticed through the fights, his metal face mask and arm are his biggest weakness in a fight. you get him anywhere near electricity and it would disable him. hes powerful for sure, but far from being more than a challenge for the outlander.

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if you noticed through the fights, his metal face mask and arm are his biggest weakness in a fight. you get him anywhere near electricity and it would disable him. hes powerful for sure, but far from being more than a challenge for the outlander.


Shame that the Sith Inq doesn't have any sources of electricity handy...

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if you noticed through the fights, his metal face mask and arm are his biggest weakness in a fight. you get him anywhere near electricity and it would disable him. hes powerful for sure, but far from being more than a challenge for the outlander.


Yes, but that doesn't change the fact that he still beats you if you don't beg for Vitiate's help.

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Yes, but that doesn't change the fact that he still beats you if you don't beg for Vitiate's help.


And that doesn't change the fact that it makes no damn sense...


I'm still wondering why the SI of all people charges at Arcaan with a lightsaber....


Because Bioware.

Because One Size Fits None

Because "Kewl moment" trumps coherent writing in Austin

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Except that all of Arcann's backstory tells you that he was trained by Zakuul's best from childhood? And the fact that he beat us? And that he doesn't need more knowledge of the force to beat the Counsular or Inquisitor, he just needs to know enough to be able to endure and out-manuver them.


OK, except the Consular has been trained by the best Jedi since at least 4 years old where she was noted as having unusually strong force potential. Then there's the point, "So what if he was trained by Zakuul's best?" Who said they were so great?


So no, I just don't agree.

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How? There are very few plot points in KOFTE that are specifically for the JK story. You're not seeking out various super weapons that the Republic made. You're not fighting the Emperor (Bioware for some reason don't want him to be seen as the villain...). You're not possessed or mind controlled by the Emperor, ect.


Yes you are. Valkorian isn't the emperor, Arcann is.


We're putting together a strike force (albeit a bigger one this time) to take on the Emperor, just like we did in Act 2. They are setting up the Emperor's enforcer (Vaylin) to betray him. At least Arcann isn't trying to murder the whole galaxy...yet.

Edited by Master-Nala
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Shame that the Sith Inq doesn't have any sources of electricity handy...


im speculating that force lightning has no special effect where as actual electricity does. arcann may have resistance to force abilities like this but even a mechanical object needs wires and such to fuction, overload it with electricity and it courses through arcanns body through the nerve points...


Yes, but that doesn't change the fact that he still beats you if you don't beg for Vitiate's help.


the fact is that it is a problem for him and it can be his downfall with a large enough jolt, doesnt matter that the outlander was impaled either, it is a victory for the outlander as much as it was the arcann.

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Yes you are. Valkorian isn't Emperor, Arcann is.


We're putting together a strike force (albeit a bigger one this time) to take on the Emperor, just like we did in Act 2. They are setting up the Emperor's enforcer (Vaylin) to betray him. At least Arcann isn't trying to murder the whole galaxy...yet.


We're putting together a rebellion to fight an entire faction. Vaylin is not Arcaan's enforcer, she really does nothing aside from stupidly kill her own forces.

And she's not going to betray him.


Even if these two were true, they are no where near enough or big enough plot points for the story to be called a complete rehash of the jedi knight.

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im speculating that force lightning has no special effect where as actual electricity does. arcann may have resistance to force abilities like this but even a mechanical object needs wires and such to fuction, overload it with electricity and it courses through arcanns body through the nerve points...


So... the lightning that a Sith Sorc unleashes isn't electricity?

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im speculating that force lightning has no special effect where as actual electricity does. arcann may have resistance to force abilities like this but even a mechanical object needs wires and such to fuction, overload it with electricity and it courses through arcanns body through the nerve points...


Are actual electricity and force lightning that much different aside from their source? Though does anyone have any pictures of the buffs Arcaan has in the fight? They shed some light about his power.


the fact is that it is a problem for him and it can be his downfall with a large enough jolt,

Yes, he has an exploitable weakness. That doesn't mean he's not well experienced and powerful again his opponents. His other weakness is his easily exploitable insecurities.


doesnt matter that the outlander was impaled either, it is a victory for the outlander as much as it was the arcann.

The fight was a win for Arcaan, but overall Arcaan failed in killing the Outlander.

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