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Any helpful tips for a Carnage Marauder?


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Normally I don't play PVP, but I've recently gave it a shot. It didn't end very well. The only reason I'm doing PVP is to get up to a valor of 60 in order to get the old battlemaster armor for a marauder. I'd like to do this without being the first one that gets killed in the round.

So what am I doing wrong? Is it my armor, my marauders talents? Are marauders basically not a good choice for PVP? Or is it just me?

I would really appreciate any helpful tips on PVP and PVP for marauders would be appreciated.

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Use your DCDs appropriately.


Carnage is beast is used well, it's just harder to use than Fury and Anni because of our Gore window, no CC immunity, and no self heals.


If you want easy mode go Fury.

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Use your DCDs appropriately.


Carnage is beast is used well, it's just harder to use than Fury and Anni because of our Gore window, no CC immunity, and no self heals.


If you want easy mode go Fury.


That's the thing with most specs of any class. The most skilled people can play the hardest version in PVP and be a "beast". When I said don't use Carnage, I should have said don't use it if you aren't exceptional on it.

Maras themselves are harder than the FOTM classes. Their rotation and priorities take a bit more skill and thought. They are already a good class for someone wanting a challenge. I'd advise people starting out on a Mara in PVP to only take the hardest spec if you have mastered one of the others first. With Fury being the esier of the 3, it makes sense to start there.

Edited by Icykill_
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That's the thing with most specs of any class. The most skilled people can play the hardest version in PVP and be a "beast". When I said don't use Carnage, I should have said don't use it if you aren't exceptional on it.

Maras themselves are harder than the FOTM classes. Their rotation and priorities take a bit more skill and thought. They are already a good class for someone wanting a challenge. I'd advise people starting out on a Mara in PVP to only take the hardest spec if you have mastered one of the others first. With Fury being the esier of the 3, it makes sense to start there.


Which is why I said go Fury for easy mode.

I don't like the spec because I find it a bit boring and unintuitive.

I'm right at home with Carnage/Combat.


Anni I like for PvE but a lot of people shine in it in PvP.

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Which is why I said go Fury for easy mode.

I don't like the spec because I find it a bit boring and unintuitive.

I'm right at home with Carnage/Combat.


Anni I like for PvE but a lot of people shine in it in PvP.


There really is no easy mode for mara/sent.. no self heals makes the class underperform in pvp across the board unless your in a premade and have a butt body to keep you alive, CC immunity for 6 secs is literally the *only* thing it has going for it but after 6 secs then its tunnel vision hello spawn point kitty

Edited by DenariusJay
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There really is no easy mode for mara/sent.. no self heals makes the class underperform in pvp across the board unless your in a premade and have a butt body to keep you alive, CC immunity for 6 secs is literally the *only* thing it has going for it but after 6 secs then its tunnel vision hello spawn point kitty


CC Immunity and two leaps is easy mode.

Anni has self heals.

Carnage has none of these things.


"Easy Mode" comparably of course. You aren't a Sorc or Jugg.

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There really is no easy mode for mara/sent.. no self heals makes the class underperform in pvp across the board unless your in a premade and have a butt body to keep you alive, CC immunity for 6 secs is literally the *only* thing it has going for it but after 6 secs then its tunnel vision hello spawn point kitty


Yes there is. We call it "premade."

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Anyway, getting back on the topic:


For carnage, use Battering Assualt and Duel saber throw on cooldown to generate rage.


Spam Massacre whenever Gore is on cooldown


When Gore is off cooldown, burst in one of the following:


A) If Berserk is up:


Gore->Ravage->Devastating Blast


B) If Berserk is not up, but Vicious Throw can be used (Either proced, or they have or will have >30% health)


Gore->Devastating Blast->Vicious Throw


C) If neither Berserk or Vicious Throw is up,


Gore->Devastating Blast->Massacre.



For burst periods damage goes A->B->C in terms of absolute burst, though A is easier to be interrupted on.



Also, it's a good idea to group with at least a healer, and maybe a sustained (Or another burst) DPS for support, as Carnage doesn't have the CC immunity nor the offheals of the other two mara specs, and is better in a support burst role, not as a front-line fighter.

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B) If Berserk is not up, but Vicious Throw can be used (Either proced, or they have or will have >30% health)


Gore->Devastating Blast->Vicious Throw


In this scenario just do VT->Gore->DB->Massacre


Vicious throw has a travel time and therefore can be used ever so slightly right before gore to get it, along with 2 more abilities, into the window

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Also as far as gearing goes I like to have Alacrity under my belt.


I usually go ~640 alacrity, 1400 or just before 1500 crit, and dump the rest in power.

With Berserk. you get a nice and fast ravage at just around 2 seconds for the animation, along with shorter cooldowns.

Being faster than the other player has saved me more times than I can count, and has also helped with killing Sorcs before they can pop Barrier.


Some Carnage Maras like to have two Accuracy enhancements, but I don't like to drop below 1400 crit/640 Alac for it.

Edited by Ruhun
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Also as far as gearing goes I like to have Alacrity under my belt.


I usually go ~640 alacrity, 1400 or just before 1500 crit, and dump the rest in power.

With Berserk. you get a nice and fast ravage at just around 2 seconds for the animation, along with shorter cooldowns.

Being faster than the other player has saved me more times than I can count, and has also helped with killing Sorcs before they can pop Barrier.


Some Carnage Maras like to have two Accuracy enhancements, but I don't like to drop below 1400 crit/640 Alac for it.


5 hour edit/quote.




Others may disagree, but it works for me.

Also, I'm not that great. Plenty Carny Maras hit way above me.

Edited by Ruhun
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