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Do Madness Sorcs REALLY top 4k dps?


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I'd consider myself a (slightly) above average madness sorc. I'm almost always near the top of the charts in total damage, objectives, and medals (PLUS I actually call out incoming and/or help those who do ;) ). Yet I can't seem to top the 2k dps mark. If these 4k dps madnees sorcs really exist what's their secret? What's their "rotation" and gear look like?
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I'd consider myself a (slightly) above average madness sorc. I'm almost always near the top of the charts in total damage, objectives, and medals (PLUS I actually call out incoming and/or help those who do ;) ). Yet I can't seem to top the 2k dps mark. If these 4k dps madnees sorcs really exist what's their secret? What's their "rotation" and gear look like?


You need to be in matches where you don't roflstomp the other team easily. Basically in an environment where both sides are equally matched at a very high-end -- which tends to bring out a huge and unending fight where it usually happens, like Alderaanian mid node, or Novare S bunker. When this happens you just go berserk and blast things on one spot without even needing to move around or evade since both teams are so overflowing with heals that nobody dies.


When that happens, basically the fight just turns into a combat dummy practice. Plenty of heals, guard, taunt, peeling and nobody on either side dies, so for both sides, people just dump everything everywhere ... DPS dumps their best and largest attack rotations non-stop, tanks dump single/AoE taunts everywhere, one drop of AoE heals from the sorc covers like 5~6 people at a go.....


Matches like these is where the largest heal numbers, largest damage numbers, largest protection numbers happen.

Edited by kweassa
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Assuming enemy team is stacked up and has healers. DoT spread on cd> force lightning every 10s for crit increase on dots> force storm> use polarity shift on cd> 2stacks of recklessness for force storm 3rd one for death field.


Its all fluff tho D: better to just focus one person and actually kill some1


it's only fluff if the other team has a couple sorc healers dropping puddles on cd or your team lets a couple ops channel kolto wave on cd. most ops will be prevented from channeling. but the sorcs...it's a valid issue. there's almost always 2 sorc/sage healers. lol

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You need to be in matches where you don't roflstomp the other team easily. Basically in an environment where both sides are equally matched at a very high-end -- which tends to bring out a huge and unending fight where it usually happens, like Alderaanian mid node, or Novare S bunker. When this happens you just go berserk and blast things on one spot without even needing to move around or evade since both teams are so overflowing with heals that nobody dies.


When that happens, basically the fight just turns into a combat dummy practice. Plenty of heals, guard, taunt, peeling and nobody on either side dies, so for both sides, people just dump everything everywhere ... DPS dumps their best and largest attack rotations non-stop, tanks dump single/AoE taunts everywhere, one drop of AoE heals from the sorc covers like 5~6 people at a go.....


Matches like these is where the largest heal numbers, largest damage numbers, largest protection numbers happen.


Actually, Voidy is better in some cases. I got 4.8k in Civil, but my top dps was 5.2k in a Voidstar. So take that for what you want.

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If you're struggling to break 2k dps it might be a gear or rotation problem. Even in matches where I'm not trying to dotspread 2k single target is very easy. Any number of things might need altering in your rotation, but try ~4.5 percent alacrity, 37% crit and the rest in power.
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it's only fluff if the other team has a couple sorc healers dropping puddles on cd or your team lets a couple ops channel kolto wave on cd. most ops will be prevented from channeling. but the sorcs...it's a valid issue. there's almost always 2 sorc/sage healers. lol
Which means its all fluff.


Fluff which drives up enemy healing numbers and prevents your team from using mez effectively.

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the secret is to just spam force lightning once to get 4 stacks of wrath and 4 stacks of crit (up to 8%), then you just force storm a bunch of people while they have dots on them, pretty simple to be honest., you can force storm up to 2 times in a row, then you have to reapply dots and force lightning once for stacks and crits, ez pz



you can do easily 4k with this, up to 6k if you have 5 ppl within force storm range.

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I'd consider myself a (slightly) above average madness sorc. I'm almost always near the top of the charts in total damage, objectives, and medals (PLUS I actually call out incoming and/or help those who do ;) ). Yet I can't seem to top the 2k dps mark. If these 4k dps madnees sorcs really exist what's their secret? What's their "rotation" and gear look like?


Best I did was 3.8k dps in a fairly competitive 8v8. I consider myself fairly average on sorc dps tbh.


Basically you need a match where people bunch up a lot so you can dot spread constantly and they have decent heals that suck up lots of that dot damage.


As for gears, I have had all alacrity just for fun, literally stacked nothing but alacrity and had 17.9% alac. That actually works alright, I did a lot of damage and it's fun with stuff running so fast. it's tiring though.


I then tried a mixture, that worked good and wasn't so helter-skelter and fingers numbing.


Then, I tried 41% crit the rest power, zero alacrity and this works well too. Stuff runs slower though, so you won't proc your instant demolish as fast etc., but stuff hits harder.


I honestly think the sorc/sage is so forgiving you could stick in all endurance mods and absorption and it would still run like a beast.


As long as you got 2018 expertise, you can't really go wrong with how you gear this class imo.

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In ranked 4's a good madness sorc will do around 3200-3600 (depending on the situation) and about 2700-3000 when tunneled/shut down. In 8's, it's hugely variable. If the other team is stacking and has a bunch of healers, you can do 5500-6000 fairly easily. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sYJXnGTB-sW90LSugCGr3A5yvk6wP29mSbdxtQMm0mQ/edit#gid=0


Ultimately it's about putting out enough pressure to get targets low enough for the burst dps. In some matches it'll be 3k, in others it'll be 6k.

Edited by Hoppinswtor
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In ranked 4's a good madness sorc will do around 3200-3600 (depending on the situation) and about 2700-3000 when tunneled/shut down. In 8's, it's hugely variable. If the other team is stacking and has a bunch of healers, you can do 5500-6000 fairly easily. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sYJXnGTB-sW90LSugCGr3A5yvk6wP29mSbdxtQMm0mQ/edit#gid=0


Ultimately it's about putting out enough pressure to get targets low enough for the burst dps. In some matches it'll be 3k, in others it'll be 6k.


in an 8v8, it's still ultra-rare for a sorc dps to pull 6k. Just saying that's some serious stars-aligned ****.

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...objectives, and medals (PLUS I actually call out incoming and/or help those who do ;) ).\

There's your problem - objectives. Since the dps calculation is simply: (Total Damage) / (Length of Game in seconds), that means that if you are spending time to guard nodes, respond to inc calls, or otherwise play objectives, then your dps numbers will be lower.


If you want to see how high you can hit, charge mid as fast as you possibly can and engage the first enemy that you see. Proceed to mindlessly DoT and AOE everything in sight. Unfortunately, there are a bunch of players that do this every single game. You should be able to easily hit 3k in a game where you do this and both sides have healers.


Being that it sounds like you actually try to win the game, don't worry too much about your dps numbers.

Edited by teclado
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I'd consider myself a (slightly) above average madness sorc. I'm almost always near the top of the charts in total damage, objectives, and medals (PLUS I actually call out incoming and/or help those who do ;) ). Yet I can't seem to top the 2k dps mark. If these 4k dps madnees sorcs really exist what's their secret? What's their "rotation" and gear look like?


It's doable, the best Sorcs will do this more often than not.

First they keybind and not click.Second they time their death fiield to encompass as many people at once. Third they keep everyone dotted up in the vicinity if they aren't all close enough to death field. Fourth, they don't waste dot casts if those people don't need a refresh.

Try all those and you should see some improvement. Of course being able to free cast all match and/or have a healer helps a lot.

Lastly, don't spam force storm unless it's tactically necessary and death field is on CD. You should only need that AOE to stop spam cappers because solo cappers can be stop with other abilities.

Too many people spam FS to fluff numbers, they have done since 3.0, that's why they nerfed it and FS didn't need a nerf. It was just Bads spamming it to fluff numbers and other Bads standing it and then QQing in the forums.

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the secret is to just spam force lightning once to get 4 stacks of wrath and 4 stacks of crit (up to 8%), then you just force storm a bunch of people while they have dots on them, pretty simple to be honest., you can force storm up to 2 times in a row, then you have to reapply dots and force lightning once for stacks and crits, ez pz



you can do easily 4k with this, up to 6k if you have 5 ppl within force storm range.


Omg, don't listen to this person.. They have no idea on how to play madness properly.. These people are just fluffing

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Best I did was 3.8k dps in a fairly competitive 8v8. I consider myself fairly average on sorc dps tbh.


Basically you need a match where people bunch up a lot so you can dot spread constantly and they have decent heals that suck up lots of that dot damage.


As for gears, I have had all alacrity just for fun, literally stacked nothing but alacrity and had 17.9% alac. That actually works alright, I did a lot of damage and it's fun with stuff running so fast. it's tiring though.


I then tried a mixture, that worked good and wasn't so helter-skelter and fingers numbing.


Then, I tried 41% crit the rest power, zero alacrity and this works well too. Stuff runs slower though, so you won't proc your instant demolish as fast etc., but stuff hits harder.


I honestly think the sorc/sage is so forgiving you could stick in all endurance mods and absorption and it would still run like a beast.


As long as you got 2018 expertise, you can't really go wrong with how you gear this class imo.


Pretty sure absorption is if you use a shield unless they've changed that and I didn't notice

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Pretty sure absorption is if you use a shield unless they've changed that and I didn't notice


Icy. I was pointing out you could use mods and stats that have nothing to do with increasing dps on a madness sorc, and still most likely do fine. That was the point of me mentioning two useless stats for sorcs. :p

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Icy. I was pointing out you could use mods and stats that have nothing to do with increasing dps on a madness sorc, and still most likely do fine. That was the point of me mentioning two useless stats for sorcs. :p


Fair enough. Sorry I miss read your statement.

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In ranked 4's a good madness sorc will do around 3200-3600 (depending on the situation) and about 2700-3000 when tunneled/shut down. In 8's, it's hugely variable. If the other team is stacking and has a bunch of healers, you can do 5500-6000 fairly easily. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sYJXnGTB-sW90LSugCGr3A5yvk6wP29mSbdxtQMm0mQ/edit#gid=0


Ultimately it's about putting out enough pressure to get targets low enough for the burst dps. In some matches it'll be 3k, in others it'll be 6k.


It's pretty funny, the day I write the OP I do a personal best of almost 2800 dps in an unranked 4x4. I'm starting to think I've mostly been a victim of circumstance so far. I've only been seriously into pvp the last month and a half or so and this was one of the first times I had a great healer and was able to just let loose and dish out damage.

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Omg, don't listen to this person.. They have no idea on how to play madness properly.. These people are just fluffing


For the most part I stay away from force storm and only use it when absolutly necessary. I keep hearing sorcs numbers are all fluff and I try not to fluff them up anymore than necessary ;)

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Madness sorc is absolutely all about the fluff! Fluff as much as possible! Its a pressure class. Its not like you're going to unleash any crazy burst on it. Its probably the easiest class to do high numbers with. Even i do 4k dps on sorc fairly regularly and i'm mediocre at best. Edited by AngusFTW
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Stop saying it's fluff. It's a pressure damage. While sorcses aoe puts a lot of pressure on heals, burst classes should sweep in and finish off targets. Pressure will do great things. I've seen it many times when constant pressure wears down tanks and healers slowly until they all die roughly at the same time.

It is not fluff, it is a very serious damage, and don't say otherwise.

Edited by power-alex
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