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Satele Shan vs Darth Marr who wins...GO!


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Valkorion does have a wonderful VA, I quite enjoy listening to him even though he's an ***.


Little OT but oddly enough when I stare at the loading screen image, I always picture Anthony Hopkins as Valkorion and Bane as Arcann. :confused:


"No one cared about me, before my jaw was replaced with a mask"

''When the Core Worlds are ashes, you have my permission to die!"

"Do you feel in charge, Saresh?"

Edited by Codedrago
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In the Yavin weekly Revan fight, how many times has Shan gotten agro from Revan? NEVER! Marr ALWAYS has it if I don't...Marr would mop the floor with her.


To be fair it seem that in SoR the madden Revan still regard the Shans as his own flesh and blood so it may be reasonable to think that he is not going all out against Satele in that fight. And though that personality of madden Reven seem to belong to the Darkside, but it seem that he hated the emperor and the empire more for the pain and suffer inflicted on him, so sound about right that his main aggro will be focusing more on Marr, the then leadership figure of the empire. :p



And 5 years into this Eternal Empire war where's Satele? Praying to camp fires and talking to ghosts while hiding her sorry *** at some random location and doing what she does best; spectate and preach.


She might have been someone at some point but she's extremely underwhelming lately. The upcoming KotFE chapter may change that but so far I'm not impressed with her, not really.


Anyway, It seem to me that unlike Marr who is a darth and also seem to be the most powerful dark council member, has his own powerbase and a real control over the empire governing and military, Satele or any other Jedi masters are more like an unofficial aides that help the republic army in major conflicts and diplomacy needs. They maybe given honorable rank and the commands of the army but they have no full control, the senate are the one running thing in republic. When the Eternal war break out, Saresh is the true leader of the Republic forces and the real commander, and from many signs and in-game dialogues it seem to suggest that even when facing an enemy like Eternal fleet, Saresh still seem more interested in fighting against the Imp than in fighting against the eternal empire and are more keen to use the opportunity to dealt a greater blow at the Imps instead..


If that is the case, you seriously can't blame Satele for not being able to do much and rather go into exile\hiding than to take part in Saresh personal vendetta against the imps at that time. As Jedi council is after all more like an ally of the republic rather than the leaders and don't really have much control over the senates. Unlike the dark council, the Jedis have little rights of rule over the government and military of the republic.

Edited by MDChen
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