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Same gender companion romances


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So for those of you who have played through the past few chapters, it would appear that the returning companions are still only romanceable by opposite gender characters. I think this was a huge missed opportunity to alter the original companions in a way that a large majority of the community had been requesting. I remember hearing that most if not all of the voice acting for season 1 is complete, so it's unlikely that any changes can be made to returning companions In season 1, but PLEASE use this opportunity to alter returning companions for season 2 so that they are romanceable by both genders. These forum posts have been going up since the game launched and this is probably the best opportunity to make these romance changes to companions returning in the future.
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So how will they explain them suddenly becoming gay? They already broke Nico just by putting out a chapter, lets not let them break more companions... you still get to snog Lana, Koth, & Theron.


That always bugged me about Dragon Age 2... Every single romanceable companion: "How you doin! I'll $%=$ aynyone!!!!!" Not everyones homosexual/bisexual, companions shouldnt be either. Dragon Age Inquisition did it best, every companion had their own preference, which gave them more depth.


Sera: lesbian

Dorian: only liked other men

Iron Bull: bisexual

Cullen: straight

Elf guy: only liked female elves

Cassandra: liked men


But if your really that concerned about being to boink every companion you can, might I direct you over to Saints Row IV? You can even mess around with your droid :p

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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large majority of the community


lol, what?


While this statement could be true (I'm skeptical, turning a whole bunch of people who are straight suddenly gay would annoy a lot of people, even those who have no issue with SGR in general), what is the basis of your assertion?


Statements like that actually hurt the credibility of a post, not help it.

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Are you talking about the original companions? Or the new ones? Because I have romanced lana with my female sith.


Honestly, I dont have an opinion one way or another. I don't have any issue with same sex flirtations on a game, if that is your thing, then I say go for it if it makes you happy. I think though, to keep the negative posts at bay, is IF they are going to go with it, they should offer a way in preferences to turn it off.


Some people just really have an issue with it, for their own reasons, and I have always thought that if you are going to cater to one group, they can't then say they cant cater to another, that doesn't wish to deal with it.

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lol, what?


While this statement could be true (I'm skeptical, turning a whole bunch of people who are straight suddenly gay would annoy a lot of people, even those who have no issue with SGR in general), what is the basis of your assertion?


Statements like that actually hurt the credibility of a post, not help it.

I'm referencing past discussions that have been pushing for these changes. As I said these posts have been up pretty much since the game launched and have received a lot of support for them. As someone else said players that don't want to go down that route certainly don't have to but it's a nice gesture to players who have asked for these changes since launch.

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A similar subject recently came up in another thread; here.


I'm personally with Xia on this. Not everyone is straight/bi/homosexual and companions shouldn't be either. KotFE provides 3 new companions who swing any which way and that's nice but to apply that to all past companions? I'm not really a fan of that idea.


"Hey Jorgan my lovable doting husband, how've you been?"

"Great! I became bisexual in the past 5 years we spent apart!"


.. I'm not seeing it, you know? It could work for someone like Kaliyo who's made no secret of the fact she'll basically jump on whichever suits her but that's about it.

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A similar subject recently came up in another thread; here.


I'm personally with Xia on this. Not everyone is straight/bi/homosexual and companions shouldn't be either. KotFE provides 3 new companions who swing any which way and that's nice but to apply that to all past companions? I'm not really a fan of that idea.


"Hey Jorgan my lovable doting husband, how've you been?"

"Great! I became bisexual in the past 5 years we spent apart!"


.. I'm not seeing it, you know? It could work for someone like Kaliyo who's made no secret of the fact she'll basically jump on whichever suits her but that's about it.


How would you know if "your" Jorgan became bi/gay? It's not like you are privy to someone else's romance cutscenes.


Opening up the returning companions to anyone is a non-issue. Either you romanced them previously, and their sexuality was established, or you didnt and it wasnt. Maybe they werent into you until the events of KOTFE.

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As a heterosexual, middle-aged, white, privileged, male, Republican ... I couldn't care less whether someone adds same-sex romance to a videogame. If they do, fine. If they don't, just as fine. I doubt I'd feel any more outrage at seeing "flirt" options with Iresso or Tharan than I feel now seeing them for Theron ... which is none. That's right ... zero outrage over SWTOR giving me an option I am free to ignore. As a general rule, options are good.


I don't get the concern over prior romanced Companions "changing teams" during our Carbonite hiatus. If you're a female Trooper and you married Jorgen, your character won't even know that there may be thousands of Jorgens purring in the arms of male characters. Perhaps my years of RP allow me to distinguish between "player knowledge" and "character knowledge". Sure, <insert Thor's player's name here> may know that Nadia-clones are out and about frolicking with lady Jedi. But Thoronmir won't know. And if Thoronmir doesn't know, then <insert Thor's player's name here> doesn't care.

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Seeing that Disney owns the rights to Star Wars and is in the making of creating "Star Wars The Return of Diversity". It shouldn't be long until Disney demands Bioware to not only make old comps same sex romanced, but also have Gault Rennow become Caitlyn Rennow. Don't fret.
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personally, i think they should remove romance from the video game all together. unless you're sitting around diddling yourself at the thought of your internet persona getting it on with a preprogrammed brainless dolt, then there's not really much of a point to it, is there?
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True and that's a fair point, my PC wouldn't know even though *I* do which I guess makes the difference. I'm however also of the belief that each and every single one of these companions were written and designed with their own personality, their own traits, their own likes and dislikes. They are who they are, fictional or not. Altering their base personality this far into the game to satisfy this notion of, what? Equality? Creating balance perhaps? I'm not a fan of that. It would be as silly as say, James Bond suddenly being bisexual or homosexual in the next movie because that type of 'character development' would satisfy the modern day crowd. I don't believe in taking such leaps simply for the sake of. Now understandably, there are those in the real world who never fully discovered or realized their sexual orientation until a much later age and such an approach could make it plausible but not for every single companion in game. Pick a few if you must and make it work.


And to clarify, I'm by no means opposed to bisexuality or homosexuality at all. I'm bisexual myself and I don't oppose to the idea due to 'bigotry' or any such thing. I just kinda see it as.. I'm bisexual but simply because I am, I'm not expecting the people around me to become bisexual just to give me more options and equal chances. If that makes sense.

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personally, i think they should remove romance from the video game all together. unless you're sitting around diddling yourself at the thought of your internet persona getting it on with a preprogrammed brainless dolt, then there's not really much of a point to it, is there?


Im with you. The only reason why I even romance them is for the presence.

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Pick a few if you must and make it work.

I'd actually much rather do that as it's be much easier, but as soon as one companion is changed then everyone will want their fav companion changed as well, so it makes picking and choosing a non-option. That's actually how I kinda got started on this, if I can romance Lana with my jugg I want to be able to romance Elara on my trooper as well.

Edited by DeltaBos
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I'm however also of the belief that each and every single one of these companions were written and designed with their own personality, their own traits, their own likes and dislikes.
For the most part, yeah. Still, when I started SWTOR back at release, I gave Qyzen his own back-story (he wasn't just some random Trandoshan looking for a good hunt). I even gave him his own name ... Gorn (mostly because I and the couple with whom I played kept forgetting how to spell Qyzen ... it was easier to type, "You guys want Gorn to tank this?"). I couldn't change the convo choices or text, but none of the convo choices I ignored ever became part of his personality, traits, likes, or dislikes. If the Big Gecko suddenly presents an option to cuddle with my Sage and I reject that choice, then it never happened. I don't see the Companions as fixed, stone icons. I see them as somewhat pliable, based on the convo choices we make. We help form their personalities, traits, likes, and dislikes.
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For the most part, yeah. Still, when I started SWTOR back at release, I gave Qyzen his own back-story (he wasn't just some random Trandoshan looking for a good hunt). I even gave him his own name ... Gorn (mostly because I and the couple with whom I played kept forgetting how to spell Qyzen ... it was easier to type, "You guys want Gorn to tank this?"). I couldn't change the convo choices or text, but none of the convo choices I ignored ever became part of his personality, traits, likes, or dislikes. If the Big Gecko suddenly presents an option to cuddle with my Sage and I reject that choice, then it never happened. I don't see the Companions as fixed, stone icons. I see them as somewhat pliable, based on the convo choices we make. We help form their personalities, traits, likes, and dislikes.


You changing the story in your head means absolutely nothing. They have set personalities, traits, like and dislikes. For some the player influences them, but they still have them.

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To be true I missed the DA2-version when playing DA:I.


When I make a new PT I sort of "erase" all previous knowledge and just go in and see what happens with the new character. I only play female characters, just don't know why I haven't been able to finish a PT with a guy but that's how it is.


Not the biggest problem in the world but I miss being able to have more characters to chose from. Different people like different things as always.

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So how will they explain them suddenly becoming gay? They already broke Nico just by putting out a chapter, lets not let them break more companions... you still get to snog Lana, Koth, & Theron.


That always bugged me about Dragon Age 2... Every single romanceable companion: "How you doin! I'll $%=$ aynyone!!!!!" Not everyones homosexual/bisexual, companions shouldnt be either. Dragon Age Inquisition did it best, every companion had their own preference, which gave them more depth.


Sera: lesbian

Dorian: only liked other men

Iron Bull: bisexual

Cullen: straight

Elf guy: only liked female elves

Cassandra: liked men


But if your really that concerned about being to boink every companion you can, might I direct you over to Saints Row IV? You can even mess around with your droid :p

If there were any gay-only companion romances in SWTOR, that might be a good argument. But nope, the vast majority of characters are straight, except for the few that are bi. The only one that even comes close is Lord Cytharat, a character that has not even been referenced since the end of Rise of the Hutt Cartel, and who hardly qualified as either 'companion' or 'romance' in his own content.


And there is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that if they did introduce content that could only be seen by teh gay, there'd be a hue and cry from everybody else. Nor is there doubt in my mind that if we had 20 gay romances, 3 bi romances, an assortment of gay flirts, a few bi flirts, and one straight NPC with a bit more than just 'flirt' content, there would be fiery outrage all over this subforum.


Funnily enough, when they did add same-gender romance to a companion that had previously only been available for straight romance, in Mass Effect 3, it ended up working out okay. People who liked the Kaidan romance in ME1 didn't, generally, get angry that he also liked dudes in ME3. Gay players got to enjoy some new content; other players didn't lose any of theirs.


Frankly, you could have just written "FYGM" for your post and it wouldn't have changed anything.


KotFE provides 3 new companions who swing any which way and that's nice but to apply that to all past companions? I'm not really a fan of that idea.


"Hey Jorgan my lovable doting husband, how've you been?"

"Great! I became bisexual in the past 5 years we spent apart!"


.. I'm not seeing it, you know?


That's not how bisexuality works. It'd be more like:


"Hey, Aric, my lovable doting husband, how've you been?"

"holy **** you're still alive" *tackles, kisses*


...while in a completely different playthrough with dude Troopers, you might have a moment at camp where Jorgan's like "you know, you disappearing for five years made me realize how much I cared about you" or something like that.




Full disclosure: I have been advocating for SGR with the OG companions since launch, and I'm especially vocal about LS Jaesa Willsaam. It's like Cato the Elder with Carthage, adding "furthermore, I consider that there should be an F!SW/LS Jaesa romance" to every post.

Edited by Euphrosyne
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  • 4 months later...
Whilst I don't really place romance above the storyline itself or the gameplay, I do think the romance options are what make Bioware games so intriguing. It is a FANTASY game, so fantasy should be what the player makes it. I'm a bifemale and I love the romance options in all Bioware games and I am okay with some companions being straight, gay, or bisexual, however, I do wish that IF I am limited to only male companion romance, then for crying out loud, give me options on male romance. For instance, the only option I have on my female Trooper is Aric Jorgen or Corso Riggs on my Smuggler, or Torian on my Bounty Hunter, etc. Really? Yet my husband gets two or three different options with women. I love the romance options I have in Dragon Age and Mass Effect, and I was hoping SWTOR would feed into my romantic fantasy all the same, but I am quite disappointed. Now with KotFE, I have 3 options (again, ONE female), and although I am grateful for that, it's different than my main storyline romance. I simply don't FEEL the closeness with Lana as I would have with my main companions. The romantic storyline just lacks in KotFE as if they just tossed those in there to shut people up without any bonding. Dear Bioware: WOMEN do play your games, so please give us some descent male options or more female+female relationships and PLEASE do not assume all bifemales or lesbians who play your games are manly looking or looking for manly looking women!!!
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So how will they explain them suddenly becoming gay?


Yeah, because people never come out as a different orientation over time. It's been five years, dude. Stuff happens.


Also, it's fantasy. You are perfectly willing to accept faster than light travel, magic space wizards with laser swords, everyone understanding every gibberish language everyone else speaks, and aliens that laugh mockingly in the face of evolution, but the idea of everyone being bi, that's where you suddenly draw the line and bring "realism" into this?


Why would it even matter to you if this happened? How does it affect you?

Edited by ZanyaCross
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Yeah, because people never come out as a different orientation over time. It's been five years, dude. Stuff happens.


Also, it's fantasy. You are perfectly willing to accept faster than light travel, magic space wizards with laser swords, everyone understanding every gibberish language everyone else speaks, and aliens that laugh mockingly in the face of evolution, but the idea of everyone being bi, that's where you suddenly draw the line and bring "realism" into this?


Why would it even matter to you if this happened? How does it affect you?


Typically not as adults. However, we really didn't spend that much time with them, how long was it, story wise to cover chapters 1-3?


So, I could see it for some. I mean, I didn't romance Nadia, she's a teenager in the original, I want her back because she was my student and my consular's best friend, but I'd rather they made some of the non romanceable companions gay than just make everyone bi.

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Yeah, because people never come out as a different orientation over time. It's been five years, dude. Stuff happens.


Also, it's fantasy. You are perfectly willing to accept faster than light travel, magic space wizards with laser swords, everyone understanding every gibberish language everyone else speaks, and aliens that laugh mockingly in the face of evolution, but the idea of everyone being bi, that's where you suddenly draw the line and bring "realism" into this?


Why would it even matter to you if this happened? How does it affect you?


So, you just want a harem simulator set in the SW universe.

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