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If (P = Gender1 and NPC = Gender1) Then EnableRomance = False


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One has to wonder, from the original companion set, just really how complicated it really would be to rework the logic to allow SS romance, regardless of combination. Yes, people cite the voiceover work that might have to change, but I've yet to experience any romance scene from the pre-Makeb stories where any voiceover is actually gender specific.


Theoretically, doing away with the gender check should work in many cases. I'll grant there may be the one or two romantic combinations that I haven't experienced where the NPC mentions the player's gender, but I just haven't seen it yet. So, okay, maybe one or two romantic combinations would be weird if SS in terms of the voiceovers, but those could be fixed or glossed over (or even ignored by the player base if they at least got the opportunity).


Makes me wonder if it's more than just voice overs preventing it, but would have no idea what. Money's money for the voice actors, so I can't believe they'd care, and if it's gender neutral, their lines wouldn't reflect anything upsetting for them, anyway.


So like so many threads before on this, please permit SS relations prior to Makeb with the base 5 companions.

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I dont even want to think about how many things they would break trying to do this.


Nico vanished for a couple weeks just from them releasing a chapter, just imagine what would go wrong with them activly messing with companions.


There are much more important things for them to do/fix/work on then go back and make it so your char can act out your not so secret lesbian fantasies with its female comps :p

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I just thought of how it would be complicated. The logic could be doing a full if-then on each and every single player-companion interaction, checking for the gender. as a separate line of code, rather than a function that returns whether the romantic option is available. In other words, the list of available dialog options is hard-coded by gender.


So instead of:

Gender check

Display interaction list (Yes, Flirt, No)



List option 1 = Gender check (DIsplay Yes if passes)

List option 2 = Gender check (Display Flirt if passes)

List option 3 = Gender check (Display No if passes)


So I could see where the tedium would be. Sucks.

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Well, the other thing to take into account, as mentioned (I think?) by the TC, is the lines that'd need to be recorded and others that'll need to be thrown out with this change. I think there's several entire conversations once you romance someone that only appear when you romance them, and they only have (for example) "Kira referring to Jedi Knight as a man" and "Jedi Knight (Male) responses to Kira." At minimum, there'd be lines for the opposing gender for those scenes, at worst, lines for the opposing gender, lines for the romantic interest, and lines for crew members who may comment on the situation (I think Doc and a few others point out that they know Kira and I are a couple, but I could be wrong.)


So, outside of coding, there'd have to be all those lines re-recorded, as well.

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The concern is all the overlapping love triangles that could pop up.


As things are currently, a male warrior can start to get involved with Vette and Jaesa at the same time, a male agent can start to get involved with both Kaliyo and Raina at the same time, and a male smuggler can start to get involved with both Risha and Akaavi at the same time. In each of those cases a point is reached where the love interests get tired of the competition and give an ultimatum that you must choose one of them. There are scenes written / dialogue recorded specifically to handle those exact scenarios.


If all of the romance options were opened up to everybody, inquisitors could get into a triangle with Andronikos and Ashara, bounty hunters could get into a triangle with Torian and Mako, troopers could get into a triangle with Aric and Elara, knights could get into a triangle with Doc and Kira, consulars could get into a triangle with Felix and Nadia... and for those scenarios at least it would be straightforward what they're dealing with when scripting out the scenes for when that becomes a confrontation and necessitates an ultimatum. It's the same as what male warriors, agents, and smugglers already have between their female love interests. (edit: Although for the knight's situation Doc's stance would be very very different depending on the player character's gender. He'd want to steal Kira away from the male knight and he'd want both women to love him when dealing with a female knight. Actually, to be honest I'm not sure that Doc would even go for the male knight to begin with.)


They'd also have to take into account the potential for all the different possible combinations that the warrior, agent, and smuggler would each have with their three romance options. A warrior could be in a triangle with Quinn and Vette, a triangle with Quinn and Jaesa, a triangle with Vette and Jaesa, or they could be involved with all three at the same time. An agent could be in a triangle with Vector and Kaliyo, a triangle with Vector and Raina, a triangle with Kaliyo and Raina, or they could be involved with all three at the same time. A smuggler could be in a triangle with Corso and Risha, a triangle with Corso and Akaavi, a triangle with Risha and Akaavi, or they could be involved with all three at the same time. They'd have to plan out how to handle each of those situations and they'd need lines recorded to cover several different ultimatum scenes.


They'd have to be very specific about what sets off what condtions. Who knows, there may even be layered complications like if a warrior starts in a triangle only with Quinn and Vette, chooses Vette when those two fire off an ultimatum, and then starts to get involved with Jaesa until the Vette-Jaesa triangle ultimatum conversation comes up... Shouldn't Vette in that scenario mention the past indiscretions with Quinn? This would apply for any combination of taking them on two at a time in two separate triangles instead of trying to romance all three simultaneously.


So it's either exploring all the many layers of possibilities with those classes' multiple love triangles... Or making decisions like... Maybe Vette, Raina, and Akaavi just aren't into girls. And maybe Quinn, Vector, and Corso just aren't into guys. So those three classes wouldn't see anything more complicated than a love triangle.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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... An agent could be in a triangle with Vector and Kaliyo, a triangle with Vector and Raina, a triangle with Kaliyo and Raina, or they could be involved with all three at the same time.


I read that and just had that line from Red v. Blue in my head:



Church: All right, get ready to launch Operation Circle of Confusion.


Tucker: Uh, Church? It kinda looks more like a triangle from down here.


Church: What?


Tucker: I'm just saying, it doesn't look much like a circle. It looks more like we're forming a triangle. Just a side note.


Church: OK, fine. Triangle of Confusion! Rhombus of Terror! Parabola of Mystery! Who cares? Get the *** **** show on the road!


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Well, the other thing to take into account, as mentioned (I think?) by the TC, is the lines that'd need to be recorded and others that'll need to be thrown out with this change. I think there's several entire conversations once you romance someone that only appear when you romance them, and they only have (for example) "Kira referring to Jedi Knight as a man" and "Jedi Knight (Male) responses to Kira." At minimum, there'd be lines for the opposing gender for those scenes, at worst, lines for the opposing gender, lines for the romantic interest, and lines for crew members who may comment on the situation (I think Doc and a few others point out that they know Kira and I are a couple, but I could be wrong.)


So, outside of coding, there'd have to be all those lines re-recorded, as well.

Further example, if we didn't already get the idea, curiously taken also from the JK story, but from the other side:


My Miraluka JK throws caution and the teachings of the Order to the four winds and proposes to Doc. They discuss the question of children, amid lore-bending(1) observations about genetic incompatibility, and the consequent possible need to adopt. This conversation would make less than zero sense if the JK is male. To say nothing of the fact that it doesn't exist at all in the male JK story. However, the whole topic means that Doc would have to have new lines. Also, are gay lounge lizards a thing?


(1) Miraluka/human unions are supposed to be at least ABLE to be fertile.


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As others have pointed out the technical difficulties with this idea, I'll point out the story wise hole. This is basically Dragon age's 2 companion problem all over again, you're taking away a part of the character. Their sexuality is no longer part of them, it's just a sticker placed on them.


"And you Jorgan, you get the player sexual sticker!"

"I wanted a green one..."


The vannila companions are not SS romance options, it will always be that way. Accept it and move on to the new companions who are SS romancable.

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