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How do you think the Pc manged to avoid Revan's force push and force barrier?


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So how did the Wrath, the hero of tython, The Warden, Meteor, Voidhunter, Chipher 9, The Champion and Darth Nox avoided the force push and barrier Revan did that stunned the other combatants. Hell how did any of the classes managed to fight Revan on their own be it seconds until they freed the other fighters?

I know it basically because the devs wanted so but in lore how do you explain it?

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The easy answer there is that Spirit!Revan was protecting you. You don't see it as much when you do the solo version, but if you do the Operation version of Temple of Sacrifice, the Spirit!Revan actively helps you all throughout the encounter. He warns you of upcoming threats, moves objects around to give you a clear path, and even resurrects you if you die during the final encounter.


Once the ritual is stopped and its you and the coalition leaders vs Dark!Revan, Spirit!Revan is free to focus all of his efforts on defending you from the effects of Dark Destruction and Light Destruction.


Note that he doesn't speak and let you know he's actively helping during the fight, most likely because he doesn't want to reveal himself to Dark!Revan. If you watch his help during the ToS encounters, he doesn't speak up when Dark!Revan is on the same floor as you. If Dark!Revan knew Spirit!Revan was helping, he'd probably do something to interfere.

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Because it's a combat mechanic that does in no way represent how the fight actually worked out storywise. Because in this (and every other existing) video game actual combat is straight up nonsense that can't possibly be happening for real. This phenomenon is widely called gamplay and story segregation.
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Because it's a combat mechanic that does in no way represent how the fight actually worked out storywise. Because in this (and every other existing) video game actual combat is straight up nonsense that can't possibly be happening for real. This phenomenon is widely called gamplay and story segregation.




This is the correct answer. People are reading way too much into abilities.

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Because it's a combat mechanic that does in no way represent how the fight actually worked out storywise. Because in this (and every other existing) video game actual combat is straight up nonsense that can't possibly be happening for real. This phenomenon is widely called gamplay and story segregation.


Just because one dude said that it does not mean its true especially with dialogue that back that gameplay. ludonarrative dissonance can suck my '''''''' together with the one who invented it.

Edited by adormitul
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Just because one dude said that it does not mean its true especially with dialogue that back that gameplay. ludonarrative dissonance can suck my '''''''' together with the one who invented it.


Dialogue backs up the gameplay? And which dialogue specifically are you talking about here? Darth Marr endlessly spamming "He is strong with the force!"?

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How did Revan go from being a skilled yet normal black woman with a sense of humor who romanced Carth in KotOR to having a sex and race change, impregnating Bastilla, and becoming some super powerful emo demi-god type thing who's super special awesome attacks should affect everyone and everything and even a group of like 8 powerful characters have to work to beat? :p
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:cool: Gameplay and Story segregation. But really, how did my Revan got a sex and personality change and then ended up with Bastilla? She didn't even like her in the first place.


(Okay, you really made me laugh...)

Edited by Maevena
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:cool: Gameplay and Story segregation. But really, how did my Revan got a sex and personality change and then ended up with Bastilla? She didn't even like her in the first place.


(Okay, you really made me laugh...)

/bow :D


I really hate the "canon" Revan that was shoehorned into the game, erasing the ones we actually played rather than keeping it vague (like with the original Revanite questline on Dromund Kaas).

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:cool: Gameplay and Story segregation. But really, how did my Revan got a sex and personality change and then ended up with Bastilla? She didn't even like her in the first place.


(Okay, you really made me laugh...)


Well it was a trap.

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