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Arsenal Mercenary is completely overpowerd


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Most of what you said is not opposite or counter-point to what i have said. Are we just casually chatting now?

I'm not arguing with you personally dearie, but with the thread. I am just doing so in a non-direct way in a conversational form. Doesn't lessen the points made though.


Since you started arguing "pure dps vs off-heal off-tank dps old news" scenario, I just brought up the point, that old news doesnt equal any more nor less balanced, simply an old imbalance issue thats still not addressed, yet should still be remembered.

Edited by Kiesu
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It is not merc-only issue. Its all off-heal or off-tank class issue. Mara/Snipe cannot assist the team in any other way than by DPSing. Atleast Sniper has range and a great big shield to help the group endure, but if enemy team is controlling mid and killing you on the doorway, all mara can do in a push attempt is jump in, die a little, retreat and bunnyhop in a corner till healer is unoccupied and heals him. Merc in this situation has range, he doesnt have to go near a dozen roots to deal damage, and if hald dead can run away and instead of bunnyhopping in a corner can heal themselves. Quite a clear difference of productivity difference there in more than just dps numbers.


no, because then they sill would not perform. the fact is, every class in swtor can 1v1 a merc. The only way to solve this is increase the mercs dps with their current defensive skills, OR increase their defensive skills.


I have seen powertechs, mauraders, assassins, snipers, and leth ops put out higher numbers than mercs, regardless of what class I am playing on.


Merc damage is easy to shut down and its easy to see it coming.

Edited by Raideen
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I think making mercs a bit more self-sufficient while reducing their offensive output a bit would be welcomed by most people who main a merc in pvp. Just my 2¢.


Not that it matters, no class balance coming up in the foreseeable future.

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mercs are op now? i didn't notice. if you are on a melee, and if he has his electronet available, then i can see your point. if either of the above = not true, then merc = easy meat.


Yeah electronet has a *long* cooldown!


I have opted for several defense utilities on my arsenal merc and a reactive warding relic. Without it I'm toast in pvp. So that's less theoretical dps but more actual dps given you don't dps much when you're eating dirt.


The one time I was the last guy standing in an arena I was proud!

Edited by BenduKundalini
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Read the first post and obviously a troll/ignorance thread from someone who doesn't bother to learn how to counter or how certain attacks work. Hey far be it from me to suggest you change your approach, since it's easier to complain. How you are doing things , seems to be perfect. It works for Mercs obviously, they thank you and appreciate you dying so quickly, so they can move on to better more worthy targets. Edited by Vukk
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So since merc's damage is fine and the issue is survivability/escapes, what about simply lowering the cooldown of electronet down to 30 seconds? This gives the merc the option to use electronet more defensively, and as a way to help keep melee at bay. And it would be very easy to implement code-wise, as opposed to coming up with a whole new escape for mercs. And maybe lower the cooldown of hydraulic overrides as well.
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So since merc's damage is fine and the issue is survivability/escapes, what about simply lowering the cooldown of electronet down to 30 seconds? This gives the merc the option to use electronet more defensively, and as a way to help keep melee at bay. And it would be very easy to implement code-wise, as opposed to coming up with a whole new escape for mercs. And maybe lower the cooldown of hydraulic overrides as well.

no thx, i would rather have it being used smart than being something that people complain about.


The hydraulic overrides though is not a bad idea. I am not opposed to adding speed to the utility that gives 4 more secs of duration. (not as much as pts) I still wouldn't use that utility though. This kind of thing doesn't make or brake a merc.

Edited by Kaedusz
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So since merc's damage is fine and the issue is survivability/escapes, what about simply lowering the cooldown of electronet down to 30 seconds? .


enet isn't an escape. or, to put it another way, it's a poor escape. it only works on one person. but in its current form, it would be incredibly op to apply to multiple targets or to reduce the cd, since neither change directly addresses the class's glaring weakness of no feasible escape or oh sh^t button.


to put it another way, I'm not going to win all of my 1v1's, but I have no complaint about my merc's ability to fight 1v1. why would you keep buffing the class's 1v1 prowess when the problem is that it melts under focus but has no escape.


that and...the true effectiveness of enet is the utility to the grp, making it more of an offensive weapon. so you're not really helping them survive longer.


honestly, I thought RO was a very fitting "escape." I just think it's relatively useless since it only works under "ideal" conditions. and it's not worth the cost to use or buff (either have to burn breaker, HO or both to use it when most necessary + heroic utility to make it a better ability is too costly).

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enet isn't an escape. or, to put it another way, it's a poor escape. it only works on one person. but in its current form, it would be incredibly op to apply to multiple targets or to reduce the cd, since neither change directly addresses the class's glaring weakness of no feasible escape or oh sh^t button.


to put it another way, I'm not going to win all of my 1v1's, but I have no complaint about my merc's ability to fight 1v1. why would you keep buffing the class's 1v1 prowess when the problem is that it melts under focus but has no escape.


that and...the true effectiveness of enet is the utility to the grp, making it more of an offensive weapon. so you're not really helping them survive longer.


honestly, I thought RO was a very fitting "escape." I just think it's relatively useless since it only works under "ideal" conditions. and it's not worth the cost to use or buff (either have to burn breaker, HO or both to use it when most necessary + heroic utility to make it a better ability is too costly).


But merc is, as I think most of us in this thread can agree, severely underpowered and underperforming compared to the other classes in this game. It's been at the bottom for years. Electronet is the only really good thing the merc class has going for it. I really don't think simply lowering the cooldown of electronet could take merc from being UP to OP. If nothing else, perhaps their damage could be slightly reduced to compensate for the reduced cooldown on electronet.


I still think it's a good idea, because electronet is really the one good thing merc's have that no other class has. Might as well allow them to capitalize on it more often, considering all of the deficiencies the class already has (which is why I don't think the reduced CD would make mercs OP).

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So since merc's damage is fine and the issue is survivability/escapes, what about simply lowering the cooldown of electronet down to 30 seconds?

Lolno, electronet is preventing enemy escape not helping you escape. If you're using it as escape for yourself you're using it extremely ineffectively. Electronet is a magnificent stealth and sorc killer and lowering its CD would most certainly make everyone roll mercs against those sorcs, even further lowering class diversity on WZs.


Honestly if you LOS and heal yourself that is plenty survivability for you, though sorcs have it better with phase walk (nerf sorcs!).

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This thread is what happens when most of the good PvPers have moved on to other games.


Some mediocre rando thinks Merc is overpowered because they can run around in pugged 8s pewpewing unopposed.


Awesomesauce. Perhaps I should play on SL some more. Play my Jugg perhaps.

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This thread is what happens when most of the good PvPers have moved on to other games.


Some mediocre rando thinks Merc is overpowered because they can run around in pugged 8s pewpewing unopposed.


This comment happens when a medicore player sees a medicore thread and has to reply something blatantly obvious in hopes of appearing smart and snarky.

Not sure who you are talking to here, because this comment didnt even refer to OP, but I'm pretty sure only pure PVE players would ever imagine ranged player to be able to just sit on the PVP sidelines undisturbed pewpewing away, sheesh

Edited by Kiesu
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Not sure who you are talking to here, because this comment didnt even refer to OP, but I'm pretty sure only pure PVE players would ever imagine ranged player to be able to just sit on the PVP sidelines undisturbed pewpewing away, sheesh


As I didn't quote anyone, it's a pretty fair guess that I was replying to the OP, no? Especially given that I said 'This thread', not 'last post'.


The fact that people CAN sit on the sidelines pewpewing away is a testament to the fact that there are few good players left in PvP. Good matches happen occasionally, but only when heavy premades on both sides. PUGs tend to be faceroll affairs, where one mediocre player can carry the game to an extent.


Unless you are suggesting that PvP is as competitive now as it ever was? In which case, lol.

Edited by Jherad
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As I didn't quote anyone, it's a pretty fair guess that I was replying to the OP, no? Especially given that I said 'This thread', not 'last post'.


The fact that people CAN sit on the sidelines pewpewing away is a testament to the fact that there are few good players left in PvP. Good matches happen occasionally, but only when heavy premades on both sides. PUGs tend to be faceroll affairs, where one mediocre player can carry the game to an extent.


Unless you are suggesting that PvP is as competitive now as it ever was? In which case, lol.


Exactly !


If they let ranged just free cast away they will always seem OP. No one lets a melee just run around hammering them.

It's the same when I see people allow healers to free cast all match and then complain they have too many healers, it's a lost cause. Then at the end of the match you can see they only had one healer who's only damage was from you attacking them and no one else.

Mercs aren't OP at all, not any spec. Are some better than others? Sure, but that doesn't make it OP.

The argument can be made that any class is OP in the hands of good players.

If people can't take on Arsenal Mercs it's because they aren't good enough.

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But merc is, as I think most of us in this thread can agree, severely underpowered and underperforming compared to the other classes in this game. It's been at the bottom for years. Electronet is the only really good thing the merc class has going for it. I really don't think simply lowering the cooldown of electronet could take merc from being UP to OP. If nothing else, perhaps their damage could be slightly reduced to compensate for the reduced cooldown on electronet.


I still think it's a good idea, because electronet is really the one good thing merc's have that no other class has. Might as well allow them to capitalize on it more often, considering all of the deficiencies the class already has (which is why I don't think the reduced CD would make mercs OP).


no. arsenal is fine except for the "oh sh^t" button OR a legit escape (compare to PW on 2 ACs, combat stealth on 3 ACs, or bigtime DRs 2 ACs, etc.). heal spec is a lot worse off. the dot spec is meh. doesn't synergize well with anyone else and is resource starved.

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but only when heavy premades on both sides. PUGs tend to be faceroll affairs, where one mediocre player can carry the game to an extent.


I said the same thing awhile back too. When you got multiple premades fighting against eachother, often times these fights are the best because everyone knows their part, is competent, it's really fun. The skill levels are comparative. I wish there was an elo system that could match people according to their skill levels, because those are the best fights when they are similar.

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At this point I'm starting to think that every class in the game is OP in someone's opinion. It never ends.


Hahahaha,., lol... Rofl ... Lmao... Damn, I can't express my amusement anymore of how absolutely true that is...

"If I can't beat a certain class they must be OP" or "my class is UP"


Sure some classes are better against certain classes, but they will also have a class that can beat them.. If no class could beat another, then the game would be a stalemate.

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arsenal merc is now become my favorite class to play in warzone , but it is not OP , merc are squishy like weak tofu

especially in arena if you focus and most of the time you will be focused


even we are wearing so called heavy armor i always feel we wear light armor , if anything we need to be buff in defensive area

Edited by KumbayaGOD
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Speaking of which, please nerf operatives, I still see them in wz's :rolleyes:


Ha ha ha ha ha! We Con-Ops are still not totally gone! :) Honestly, the only thing they could use again is a teeny boost to Kolto Probe. Although in 65's our burst is a bit low, I think, for equally geared opponents. By that I mean all top tier PvP gear and augs. We can hold off cappers from a node till the cavalry arrives (assuming they do) for a while, but our 1v1 power goes way down at end game. Or maybe I just suck. lol


Prior to end game I can, if I may be so bold, shred a toon in mere seconds before they even get their first shot. They def do not need any more nerfs.

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