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Nice job with the chapter :) I see you decided to go with the Achlys for Marr's ship. I thought it was fitting, Achlys meaning 'eternal night' in Greek Mythology.


I also found it interesting that Satele would refer to Eliza as Arielle...it made Satele seem really out of the loop when she did that. And poor Theron, I do feel badly for him.


I'm curious to see what will happen once they reach Yavin. Marr was fine, I enjoyed how you combined both the dialogue from the game, with what you needed him to say and do to advance the story. Looking forward to more. :)

I diiiid so thank you! I loved that one most. ♥ As for Satele... not out of the loop but more like, unwilling to accept the change but that'll shine through more clearly next.


I see you decided on a name for Marr's ship. :) Anyway, nice chapter. I thought Eliza's naïveté was endearing when she corrected the imperial about calling her 'lord'.


Glad that Eliza gave no more, or less to Satele than she deserved. Good for her.


Good job at capturing Marr's voice, and his imposing stature, I think I was expecting him to be related to Eliza in some way. It will certainly be to Eliza's advantage, I also liked his warning about Aruk.


I see Scourge is still suspicious of Theron, and from Eliza's response, I'd say there will be a conversation soon. And speaking of Theron, poor fellow.


I enjoyed the chapter very much.

Marr was originally not intended to be a family relation. All I knew is I wanted him to be the Council member Eliza's grandfather spoke off but I hadn't yet decided how to link him and Pyralis. I considered the obvious, Pyralis had helped Marr in some significant manner in the past but that bugged me too... I like to think of Marr as having accomplished all he is, all he has, on his own.


So then I looked further at the other people involved, other options and landed on Aurora, Pyralis' wife. Did the math of the ages and decided Marr could be related to her, as a brother since anything further away would give me a headache personally in trying to work through the family lines lol. That's also when I freaked and ran to Luna... I realized it would make Marr and Eliza related too and thought "but Marr's a descendant of Tulak Hord! I don't want that, I don't want a double whammy in terms of epic family legacies for Eliza that's overkill! Sh.iiiit!" but alas, he's not so I could carry on with my plan lol.


I do feel bad about Theron... I should smack myself for it really but... :o


Thank you both for the feedback. ;)

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I diiiid so thank you! I loved that one most. ♥ As for Satele... not out of the loop but more like, unwilling to accept the change but that'll shine through more clearly next.


That's also when I freaked and ran to Luna... I realized it would make Marr and Eliza related too and thought "but Marr's a descendant of Tulak Hord! I don't want that, I don't want a double whammy in terms of epic family legacies for Eliza that's overkill! Sh.iiiit!" but alas, he's not so I could carry on with my plan lol.


I do feel bad about Theron... I should smack myself for it really but... :o


Thank you both for the feedback. ;)


You're welcome :) I'm glad our chats helped you out. I just do want to say one thing, in the actual canon star wars lore, Marr is not stated to be a relation of Tulak Hord or a descendant, that's actually Luna-Lore I made up for my stories lol. The only connection mentioned between Hord and Marr is that Marr went to Dromund Fels and located Hord's lightsaber--that's the canon.


Anyways, nice chapter, as I said before. I anticipate the next. :)

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46: An Eye on the Future.



Morning announced itself not through a brightening sky or the cheerful song of dawn’s favorite creatures who’d awoken but rather through the far less gracious buzzer that rang through the Achlys announcing a shift change. Men and women who’d stood as protectors throughout the night, who’d managed the ship’s systems to ensure a safe and expeditious journey through hyperspace now resigned to their quarters while those who’d enjoyed a peaceful slumber took over their duties of importance.


Darth Marr himself had risen already—the desire for a full night’s sleep had left him long ago and these days he only took those brief hours needed to physically recharge before resuming his duties. He strategically and without thought worked through his morning routine; a quick minute in the refresher, some nourishments for the sake of sustenance and then he would slip back into his full set of armor clipping his mask in place without ever taking a glance in the mirror. He knew what he’d see there—the same face he’d always seen so distorted it was hardly a face any longer, the price he’d paid for his increasing mastery of the dark side.


He summoned one of his servants, a short and greying woman who’d been in his service now for over a decade always ensuring his guests received the best possible treatment during their stay aboard his ship—a luxury Vowrawn had encouraged years ago stating it would serve as a testament to his power and success.


“My Lord.” she bowed in deference.


“Carin. Wake our guests and have the kitchen bring them a full breakfast. See to it that Eliza dresses according to her new status as my apprentice and bring them both to my quarters in one standard hour.”


Next he took his place behind his desk sifting through the status and maintenance reports his crew had left for him. The battle in orbit above Rishi had taken it’s toll but it was nothing the workers and droids couldn’t handle and repairs were already underway at sixty percent complete.


The indicator light on his holoterminal blinked rapidly and soft chimes rang through his quarters. Darth Marr keyed in his secure access first and waited as Vowrawn’s image appeared before him.


“Marr! Tell me, how does the girl fare? Isn’t she exactly who I promised she was?”


Vowrawn’s voice dripped with an excess of glee, eliciting an inaudible groan from Marr though he was hardly surprised that the news of Eliza’s presence aboard his ship had reached the man’s ears already.


“How long have you known Vowrawn? I’ve gone through great lengths to keep details of my past and family relations hidden.”


“Mmm there’s little in this galaxy that escapes my attention. Now tell me, did she meet your expectations? How far has the apple fallen from the old burning tree? You did take her on as your apprentice, didn’t you? Oh please say you did.”


“I did but I have yet to test her skill and ability. She does however possess her grandfather’s gift—she’s the reason we found nothing but ashes when we tried to track Arkous down.”


“Truly? How exciting! Oh Aruk will not be happy about this.”


“No, I don’t imagine he will.”


“Has there been further news yet regarding our dear Emperor? His Servants sure keep me on my toes but you know me, I’ll always stay one step ahead of them at least.”


“He is returning as we suspected but matters are, complicated. We need to unite the Council once we return, and fill the empty seats. It has never been more important for all of us to stand together.”


“Mmm to that end I do have a few ideas in mind. It’s bold, naturally and completely unprecedented. Ravage’s head would explode at the very suggestion which means it’s utterly brilliant! You’re going to love it, too.”


Darth Marr suppressed another groan and folded his arms “Go on.”


“I will but give me one moment, I’m patching the Wrath into our conversation. After all, this concerns her too…”








“There is no emotion, there is peace.” Satele Shan quietly recited to herself as she hopelessly attempted to center herself, to regain her mask of calm and serenity but it seemed futile “Oh but there is emotion, so much of it and I don’t know what to do.”


The past weeks had been chipping away at her walls, beating down at her defenses as she’d been left to wonder whether she’d ever see her son again. Whether she’d ever see her Knight again and now both had resurfaced as though nothing had happened—and neither had been willing to speak with her.


For one of the rarest times in her life she felt out of touch as those who mattered most to her ignored her and shut her down, refused her in ways they never had before. Even Darth Marr through all his mastery of the Dark side, his lingering ice cold presence, had appeared warmer and kinder than her own son and the girl she’d raised.


“There is no emotion, there is peace.” she tried once more in vain and then got up out of her meditating state.


Was it really time for the truth? Could she even manage after spending so much time and effort protecting herself and the Order, her place within the Order?


A knock sounded at the doors leading into her meditation room and Satele sighed with relief—Theron, he’d taken her summons after all.


“Come in Theron.” she called out.


Her son had his own set of walls up, she could tell by the way he held himself in her presence and avoided eye contact. Looking her in the eye without actually looking as he tucked his datapad away “I’ve just finished my report on the entire Revanite situation, everything you need to know is waiting in your inbox.”


He turned on his heel again but Satele stopped him “Theron wait, that’s not why I called you here.”


“I know,” Theron kept his back turned to her “but it’s the only thing I’m willing to discuss with you.”


“I’ve made mistakes” Satele hastily admitted hoping it would buy her a chance “but I would like to make things right.”


Theron slowly turned around and eyed her curiously—what was she up to now? No doubt another lecture about her good intentions, one Theron could easily do without but he also knew if he didn’t hear her out in this moment, she’d only continue hounding him until he did.


“Go on.”


“Oh won’t you please sit, perhaps have some tea with me?”


A small groan escaped him but he nodded and took place on the divan sat next to a small coffee table “Fine.”


“I’m not sure you have ever heard this story before” Satele began as she filled a set of delicate cups up with tea and added a bit of honey “but your grandmother was a Jedi Knight too before she was exiled for challenging the Order’s stance on attachments and marriage.”


“I’ve heard rumor.”


“Bastila and Revan faced similar struggles. His status as a hero protected them from banishment but their marriage was never fully accepted. It’s been this way for many generations.”


Theron sat forward and clasped his hands together “Yeah as much as I appreciate the history lesson, what does this have to do with me?”


“It has to do with me.”


Satele blew out a slow exhale as she prepared to explain “When I became a Jedi I vowed to myself that their story would not be my own. I would resist those things they could not and I would honor the Code in ways they hadn’t but I was naive. I never understood what it was they fought for until I met your father, until I had you.”


“And yet you walked away from us both.”


“I had to Theron. The war had left Jace forever changed and you… the moment I held you in my arms, felt your tiny fingers close around my pinky, I knew I’d do anything to keep you protected for the rest of your life. Anything. And as a Knight of the Order that was unacceptable.”


Satele reached out and placed her hand over his on his lap “I loved you more than anything Theron, I still do and I would let entire planets burn if it meant your safety and happiness. I couldn’t risk it. I tried to do right by you and gave you my name at least. I left you with my Master knowing there’d be no one else more suited to care for you than he was.”


“Even more than my own father?”


“Yes, even more than Jace. He had his own battles to fight and you have met him now, can you imagine him as a single father in the middle of a war? Can you imagine the kind of upbringing you would have had in his care?”


Theron sighed as he thought of the Supreme Commander. In many ways the man was much like Satele, distant and closed off but he was also bitter and resentful.


“Don’t you ever give a second thought to shooting any Imp on sight Theron, they’re vermin.” he recalled Jace telling him once and then he realized Satele had a point—had Jace raised him he likely would have grown up to be a far different man than he was today.


“Alright, point taken.” Theron told her “But why are you telling me this now?”


“Because I’ve been scared Theron. My heart broke when I received the news you’d gone rogue, when I saw the arrest warrants they’d put out on you. My own son a disavowed agent of the SIS, a traitor to the Republic… I was beside myself and then to make matters worse, Arielle left us too and suddenly I couldn’t reach either of you, I’d lost both of you.”


“Her name is Eliza now… please accept that.” he argued as he decided to withhold commenting on anything else she’d just said. He wasn’t sure yet how genuine her words were, if for once she actually meant it and he felt too hurt to simply take them at face value right now.


“Arielle is the name we—” Satele began to protest but she saw the annoyance flash through Theron’s eyes and stopped herself “alright, Eliza.”


Theron took a sip of his tea and waited to see what she’d say next but when Satele remained silent, he picked up the thread of conversation himself “What is it about her? You just said you left me in the care of another because your feelings for me were too, risky and unbecoming in your role as a Jedi but I know how you took care of her Satele, how you attempted to raise her for a short time and how much she means to you.”


“That’s an entirely different story Theron and not one I think you’d want to hear.”


“I do…” he admitted despite his promise to Eliza “I need to understand, everything.”


Satele put her cup down and left another silence to linger for a second more before she agreed “Very well.”








Eliza let her curious eyes fall on the guards posted outside their guest quarters as they followed Carin towards Darth Marr’s chambers. A few of them appeared to struggle holding back their smiles and she frowned at Lord Scourge “What’s wrong with them?”


A wide grin spread across his face and he lowered his voice “You were kind of loud last night.”


“Huh?” it took her a moment but then her cheeks flustered nearly as crimson as her hair “Oh.”


He smiled and wrapped an arm around her middle as they departed from the elevators and waited for Carin to announce their presence. Darth Marr quickly called them both in and once more Eliza found herself seated opposite the intimidating man who was now her Master, and great uncle.


“Lord Scourge, I trust my apprentice has filled you in on everything? Do you have any questions?” he got straight to business.


“Concerns rather.” he commented dryly.


“Speak plainly.”


“How do you intend to clear my record and announce my return to the Empire? Your influence on the Dark Council is no doubt formidable but so are my crimes—how will you sway them without presenting the truth? As I also cannot imagine anyone beside yourself and perhaps Darth Vowrawn would find the accusations concerning the Emperor, credible.”


Darth Marr took in every word and seemed to agree “I will admit it poses a challenge but it’s not one I’m ill equipped to handle. The Council will accept your return and in time they will learn of the truth.”


“And what about me my Lord? How will you introduce me and get them to accept my new position?”


“You will be introduced as my apprentice, Lord Seraphine. Your actions against our Empire will come up and they will be argued, have faith that I have everything under control Eliza.”


“Lord… you named me?”


“The name means ‘burning fire’, in tradition with your family’s legacy if you’ll accept.”


She looked to Lord Scourge who gave an approving nod and she herself repeated the name on her lips a few times before thanking Darth Marr for the suggestion and accepting her new title.


“Good. Now, I’ve spoken with the Wrath and Captain this morning and I wish to inform you they will not be joining us for Yavin 4. There’s a few matters I’d like to see taken care of before we return to Dromund Kaas and the Wrath has agreed to assist.”


“That’s a relief actually.” Eliza blurted out to both their surprises and then cursed herself.


Ever since finding out about Me’ghan’s pregnancy, Eliza had worried about her involving herself in any major battles so the idea of keeping her out of Revan’s way seemed appealing though she couldn’t explain it to Darth Marr as she’d promised Me’ghan not to mention it to anyone yet.


Luckily for her though, Darth Marr decided against even asking and he moved on to the next point he wished to discuss instead “Many things in your life will change now Eliza. I assume there’s much the Emperor’s Overseer and Lord Scourge have taught you already but I will improve and complete your training over the next weeks, months if necessary.”


“We will sharpen your skills in combat and greatly advance your control over the dark side. You need to become mindful of what you say and to whom, of how you dress and present yourself—people should respect and fear you the moment they lay eyes on you, long before you’ve ever spoken a word.”


“Is that why…” she drew an imaginary circle around her face with her index finger and Darth Marr nodded.


“I took great care in selecting this armor, my mask and they have served me well over the years.”


“Do you ever take it off?” Eliza couldn’t help her curiosity.


“Only in solitude.”


Darth Marr rose from his seat and gestured for Eliza and Lord Scourge to do the same “Now let us head for the training facility on the lower deck and we will see what your former Masters have taught you over the years.”

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A lot revealed in this chapter. Vowrawn always with his hands in the stew, no matter who is doing the cooking. And what scheme has he trumped up involving the Wrath? I think you captured both him and Marr well.


Satele seems almost human here, and I have always understood her reasoning concerning Theron, but it is still a bitter pill to swallow. Depending on what she says about Eliza and her more hands on approach to the girl's upbringing can either lessen or widen the rift between mother and son. Guess we will see how much truth Theron can take.


Scourge is a concern for me. He has always been a man of action and purpose, but I wonder what role he will be relegated to even if he is welcomed back into the fold on Dromund Kaas. Will he be sidelined in favor of Eliza? Will she rise while he stays stagnant? Will he be the sidekick in the shadow of her rising star? Perhaps his love will be tested in your story, perhaps not, but it still makes me wonder.


Edit: Oh, I liked the name Marr gave to Eliza. Forgot to mention that. Seraphine, very nice.



In any case, a very revealing and enjoyable read. Can't wait for the outcome of what has been set in motion.

Edited by MishaCantu
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I really liked the part

with Satele and Theron and the exploration of the past with Revan and Bastila and also with Jace. It'll be interesting to see what Theron takes away from that. Satele might seem almost human here, but I don't trust that she won't cause pain rather than alleviate it. I've always seen her as a very cold and for that matter uncompromising person.


I also echo Misha's concerns about what acceptance to the Empire will mean for Lord Scourge. I don't see him as a sideliner or coat tail rider, I see him as having a powerful role of his own, as he had for so long. It will be interesting to see if he is able to forge that for himself and how or if it will affect what he has with Eliza.



Either way, it should be interesting. Looking forward to the next part. Nicely done.

Edited by Lunafox
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A lot revealed in this chapter. Vowrawn always with his hands in the stew, no matter who is doing the cooking. And what scheme has he trumped up involving the Wrath? I think you captured both him and Marr well.


Satele seems almost human here, and I have always understood her reasoning concerning Theron, but it is still a bitter pill to swallow. Depending on what she says about Eliza and her more hands on approach to the girl's upbringing can either lessen or widen the rift between mother and son. Guess we will see how much truth Theron can take.


Scourge is a concern for me. He has always been a man of action and purpose, but I wonder what role he will be relegated to even if he is welcomed back into the fold on Dromund Kaas. Will he be sidelined in favor of Eliza? Will she rise while he stays stagnant? Will he be the sidekick in the shadow of her rising star? Perhaps his love will be tested in your story, perhaps not, but it still makes me wonder.


Edit: Oh, I liked the name Marr gave to Eliza. Forgot to mention that. Seraphine, very nice.



In any case, a very revealing and enjoyable read. Can't wait for the outcome of what has been set in motion.

Thank you Misha, I find myself nervous each time I write them but I try to do them justice best I can. :) Scourge, I'm toying with his future still, on where to take him so I guess you could say for now he concerns me too lol. And I'm glad you liked the name! :) As for Satele, well read my response below.


I really liked the part

with Satele and Theron and the exploration of the past with Revan and Bastila and also with Jace. It'll be interesting to see what Theron takes away from that. Satele might seem almost human here, but I don't trust that she won't cause pain rather than alleviate it. I've always seen her as a very cold and for that matter uncompromising person.


I also echo Misha's concerns about what acceptance to the Empire will mean for Lord Scourge. I don't see him as a sideliner or coat tail rider, I see him as having a powerful role of his own, as he had for so long. It will be interesting to see if he is able to forge that for himself and how or if it will affect what he has with Eliza.



Either way, it should be interesting. Looking forward to the next part. Nicely done.

Thank you. I struggled with that part, in trying to get it just right... make it believable why she would show a more human side without 'destroying' her character at the same time. Satele doesn't strike me as a woman who'll just have a change of heart out of nowhere, I feel she needed a trigger to start truly questioning her own behavior and decisions, something I felt kind of hung in the air at the end of Rishi when she asks Theron if they can talk. As much as I dislike her there was a certain tone to that line that made me feel perhaps she'd been genuinely concerned for him as news of his status as a disavowed rogue agent emerged, with the thought she could have lost him for good. I also spent a lot of time wondering why she is the way she is. The past, the experiences of her ancestors vs. her own ambitions, seemed to make most sense... and more will be explained still. :)

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47: Arrivals on Yavin Four.


The fourth moon of Yavin was a planet of beauty—a vast jungle that covered almost the entire surface. From within the shuttle Eliza could see giants of trees, high waterfalls and their fierce rapids which would eventually settle down in quiet-to-the-eye narrow streams and ponds. High mountain tops with a plethora of dense flora covering the sides, vines draped along the cliff sides and various colorful birdlike creatures scattered as the shuttle neared its destination.


Eliza was the first to disembark and the moment the ramp had lowered, she’d felt it. This treasure of a planet harbored dark secrets and more than that, he was there too—the Sith Emperor. A chill ran along her spine as the hairs on her arms rose up and for a split second Eliza believed to actually hear his laughter in her mind and then a cold hand was placed upon her shoulder.


“Are you okay?” Darth Marr asked and she reeled once more.


“I’m… yes but the Emperor, he’s here.”


“I sense him too. Come.”


Darth Marr stepped forward and began instructing his men to set up camp and bring down navigational and communications equipment for their command post. They were the first to arrive, high atop one of the mountain sides and he’d decided the ancient ruins sat in the middle would serve best as their headquarters.


Lord Scourge snaked an arm around Eliza’s waist and led her off to the side “You look ravishing, clearly the old woman does have taste.” he smirked.


Carin, Darth Marr’s servant, had decided to busy herself teaching Eliza how to dress according to her new status as a Sith Lord and had dug out an outfit that made Eliza feel like she should be running a fetish-based brothel on Nar Shaddaa instead. Or perhaps that was just a remnant of the Jedi within her speaking.


Still, just to indulge the man she loved Eliza spun around giving him a full view of her renewed looks—a black and sleeveless corset top made of fine leather with matching arm-length gloves and silver bracers. Underneath she wore tight fitted leather pants made of the same fabrics while a delicate silver chain hung around her hips, its metals just barely strong enough to hold both her weapons and hand-held comm device. A pair of lace up over the knee boots completed the look and Carin had done Eliza’s hair up in a high cascading ponytail while small strands graced the sides of her face.


“I’m not overly fond of the top, I only bought it intending to wear it underneath a robe or cloak but according to Carin my birthmark needs to be seen. She claims it represents my power and legacy although I highly doubt anyone other than you, my family and Marr would ever know its meaning.”


“Oh really?” he quirked a brow and pulled her closer to nuzzle her neck “I actually think the top is the best part although… your as.s in those pants…”


She began to laugh and playfully slapped his arm “So you still haven’t grown tired of little ole me?”


“Never.” Lord Scourge promised.


They stood embraced gazing out across the planet that lay before them. Right now the sun shone warming the surface, turning the waterfalls into vast streams of pure diamonds with its reflection and causing the birds to sing with joy.


“Would my Lord Seraphine like to go for a walk?” Lord Scourge teased her new title and took her hand as they began looking for a way to climb down the mountain.


They found one near the furthest edge, a small path that ran down along the stream that stemmed from the waterfall behind them and carefully they trudged down the wet steps as the jungle began to reveal more of its secrets to them both.


“Are you happy?” she asked suddenly as they approached one of the shallow ponds and Lord Scourge stopped her.


“With you? Always.”


Eliza smiled “No, I meant to be going home. You must have missed it.”


He nodded “I have. I never regretted swearing my loyalty to you and I never will but it has been hard to be away from my home, especially once my senses and emotions were returned to me.”


“Now though, I’ve been given one of the best gifts yet. I get to go back home and I get to do it with you by my side. There’s nothing more I could ever ask for except…”


Lord Scourge looked around their surroundings—it was picture perfect. He hadn’t fully planned it out yet but now as he stood there with the sunlight drawn to her beauty, the peaceful waters she’d always loved so dearly running alongside them and the song of the jungle in their ears, he knew it was time.


“Except for what?” she beamed up into his eyes.


A smirk curled around his lips as he reached inside his pocket and then held the ring he’d kept there up to her “Be mine, forever. Marry me.”


She froze and stared at him for what seemed like an eternity. Her mouth fell open, her eyes widened and her heart began to race more furiously than it ever had before—she couldn’t believe what was happening, or that it was happening to her.


“I… Scourge I…, I didn’t think you would ever… yes. Yes I’m all yours, always.”


A sigh of relief escaped him as for a second he’d began to worry she might say no but now he took the ring and gingerly slid it onto her finger the moment Eliza removed her gloves.


She slowly withdrew her hand and stared at the piece of jewelry made out of white gold with a solid band at the back while drawn to the front the metal had split and braided itself towards the large diamond that sat at its center. Along the braids sat several other smaller stones and Eliza gasped.


“Scourge this is… it’s stunning.”


He wrapped her in his arms and sealed their new promise to each other with a kiss before he explained “It was my mother’s and hers before that—the only thing I brought back with me after I buried her on our home planet.”


Eliza put the hand adorned by the ring over her heart and then covered it with the other “Then I am the one who’s honored…”


A second to relish in their newfound happiness passed and the two continued their trek through the jungles, scouting the area along the way and taking note of the various Revanite patrols they spotted. After following one of the patrols, Lord Scourge and Eliza stumbled upon an old temple guarded by creatures she’d never seen before.


“Massassi. Distant relatives of my species and fierce warriors, best stay clear for now.” Lord Scourge explained.


She nodded and activated her macrobinoculars to uncover even more Revanite forces within the temple and they quickly surmised this was their main base on the planet. Eliza tried for a headcount and then she and Lord Scourge finally returned back to camp to report their findings.


Most of the Imperial campsite was already erected and the Republic seemed to have arrived as well. Eliza spotted Theron first before anyone else and dragged Lord Scourge with her as she ran towards him and then she flung herself into his arms. He spun her around with joy and Lord Scourge’s mood threatened to reach a new low until he saw what she did next and he smirked.


Eliza waved her hand in front of Theron, jumping around excitedly and showing off her ring while announcing her good news and now it was the Agent’s turn to experience a sense of misery, to Lord Scourge’s sheer delight.


“Isn’t it beautiful?” she squealed.


“Very. I suppose congratulations are in order then.” Theron managed to say as he swallowed hard.


“Thank you.” Lord Scourge bared his teeth in a grin and Eliza linked arms with them both while they headed for the command center.


“Anything to report?” Darth Marr inquired as she fell in at his side.


Eliza told him what they’d witnessed and added “There’s also various Revanite patrols just outside our base but they didn’t engage us.”


“Mm I doubt that’ll last.” Lana commented.


“Oh goodie, you’re here.” Eliza snipped.


“Your tent is set up on the far end of the Imperial camp, beside Darth Marr’s. The Republic is setting up on the opposite end… we’ll have to find a way to maintain the peace between the forces though. I already caught a few of them taunting one another and starting fist fights.” Lana carried on seemingly unaffected by Eliza’s remark.


Satele Shan let out a small cough to call attention to herself as she joined the odd team “I sense their fear and mistrust, made worse by the darkness that dwells on this planet. Revan and the Emperor… I can feel them both.” she sighed.


“And so can we all—this world is mired in ancient hatreds but they are not alone. I sense another presence, one who’s more like you.” Darth Marr turned to Satele.


“Mm yes, there’s an essence of light too but I do not recognize it. In any case, we should be on our guard.”


Eliza eyed her curiously—something in the Grand Master’s demeanor was off, different than usual and even her voice sounded changed, almost more humane in a way. She shook it from her mind.


“So, what’s the plan?”


Theron glanced up from his datapad “The sensors placed by our troops are picking up on something… Large structures, mixture of ancient and modern materials… looks like they’ve been ransacked.”


“Check for broadcasts in signal range forty seven point two.” Darth Marr instructed as Theron entered the frequency and frowned.


“What am I seeing here? It’s encoded.”


“The facts behind a rumor. That signal range is used only by the Imperial Guard which means the structure you’ve found must be their training facility.”


“If the Imperial Guard are here they might have information on the Emperor’s whereabouts…” Eliza suggested “which means Revan would have paid them a visit and we should too.”


“It’s worth checking out.” Darth Marr agreed with her “You and Lord Scourge will head to the coordinates and see what you can find. I’ll assemble a team of my own men to follow behind you and retrieve anything which may be of use to us.”


“In light of us working together,” Satele started “would you mind terribly if Agent Shan accompanied them?”


“Lord Seraphine? It’s your call.”


Eliza looked to Darth Marr and nodded “It’s fine with me my Lord.”


Satele breathed a sigh of relief and worked a smile onto her face “Thank you.”


With the approval of both Darth Marr and Satele, the trio set off back into the jungle to find the Imperial Guard training grounds and though Theron didn’t quite relish in the idea of being a third wheel, he did hope he might get a chance to talk with Eliza.


The conversation he’d had with his mother had provided him a sense of clarity he’d never expected and though he’d broken his promise to Eliza, he desperately wanted to share what he knew now—to help her find closure of her own even if it wouldn’t change her mind otherwise.


“So you’re telling me she’s actually changed? That sounds… I mean if your talk with her helped you Theron then I’m glad but, I personally struggle to believe a word of it…”


Theron gave Eliza a nod as he finished the brief recap of his talks with Satele “I get that and I’m not saying this to make everything harder on you or change your mind but… consider talking to you herself once we’re done here. One last time if only for your own peace of mind.”


“You’re actually encouraging her to swallow more lies?” Lord Scourge gruffed while they reached the steps of the center building within the training grounds.


“If I believed they were lies I never would have brought it up Scourge.”


“I’ll consider it Theron but I won’t make any promises…” Eliza put a hand on his shoulder and smiled “now, let’s head inside and see what we can find.”


From the outside the facility appeared to be abandoned. Banners graced the entrance, torn and faded as they were with the occasional blood spatter but there was no sign of any activity or remaining guards. Eliza headed up the front as Lord Scourge and Theron followed behind her, throwing each other dirty looks along the way and the three of them descended into the building, stopping only once they began hearing the ramblings of a seemingly mad man.


“She’s here! The one born from the ancient flames! She’s come for him again!”


Lord Scourge smirked and pointed his finger at Eliza who rolled her eyes in return.


“We mustn’t let her get to him, no no. We will burn her, hah! Oh the irony. Yes we shall burn her and he will feast on her at last.”


Theron frowned at his two companions while he circled his index finger along the side of his head and mouthed “Mad.”


Eliza nodded and then emerged to face the ranting devotee “Sorry to break up the party but I’m afraid there’ll be no feasting of any kind, not today.”


“Seize her!!” the man charged forward with two guards at his side but Eliza was quick to draw her weapons and cut them both down with ease.


She turned to the balding man and smiled in the kindest way “And you are?”


“Commandant Iven, Imperial Guard. I serve the Emperor and you will not stand in his way again! Pah, child of prophecy.” he rambled.


“Uh huh…”


“We have reason to believe you may have been attacked by the followers of a man named Revan—do you know where he’s gone?” Theron showed himself as he and Lord Scourge joined at Eliza’s side.


“To the temple!” Iven proclaimed “And from there the final steps are walked. We may have failed but so will he! Plans within plans, always. This too has been foreseen and all possibilities are witnessed and adjusted for!”


Eliza groaned at his continued rants, the threat that lurked within them and demanded “What are you talking about?”


“The end.” Iven confronted “It’s inevitable. All will be devoured to fuel his transcendence. All nations, all worlds and all species… even you.” he let his eye fall on Lord Scourge, recognizing him as the former Wrath.


“Can we shut him up already?” Lord Scourge growled in return “His voice grates on my last nerve.”


“Yeah…” Theron added “for once I’m with him.”


Iven began to laugh hysterically “You can’t stop it. He will rise and none shall survive!”


“Yeah, alright, I’ve heard enough.”


Her grandfather’s lightsabers roared to life once more but before Eliza could even strike to disarm Iven, he collapsed to his knees at her feet and she eyeballed Theron.


“Sorry,” he pulled his sleeve back over his bracers, the ones he’d just used to shoot a tranquilizer dart into Iven “we do still need him alive.”


“I wasn’t going to kill him” Eliza rolled her eyes “and now we’ll have to carry his as.s back to camp.”


“We’ll take care of that Lord Seraphine.” an Imperial soldier approached her as he and five others filed into the facility “Darth Marr sent us to assist you. I’m Lieutenant Marks, at your service.”


“Oh. Now this I could get used to.” Eliza grinned as she stepped aside to allow Marks’ men to cuff Iven and remove him from the building “Head on back to camp Lieutenant, we’re just going to see if Iven and his men left any useful information behind and then we’ll join you.”


“Yes my Lord.”


“And uh, you might want to consider gagging him just in case he wakes up...” she added with a smirk.


“Eliza check this out.” Theron beckoned her over and indicated at an octagon-shaped discoloration of the floor before pointing at several dragging marks leading to the entrance “Whatever they had in this facility, the Revanites must have taken it already.”


She knelt down and ran her fingers across the markings “I think you’re right… Scourge, do you see anything else?”


“No, they cleaned the place out, there’s nothing.”


“Okay,” Eliza blew out a sigh “back to camp we go. Perhaps we can somehow loosen up Iven's tongue and see what else he knows.”






The group of unlikely partners stood gathered within the command center as Iven, knelt on the ground and in chains, continued to rage on now that he’d regained consciousness.


“He will be fed! He will! Be! Fed!”


“Silence!” Darth Marr commanded as one of his men hit Iven square across the jaw with the butt of his rifle, drawing instant blood from the man’s lips.


Eliza casually leaned herself back against the conference table “I did suggest they gag him…”


“Did you find anything else of use?” Satele inquired while she kept a concerned eye on Iven.


“Nothing. He spoke of the Emperor’s intentions to perform another ritual, said it was inevitable and that Revan was on his way to the temple… that’s all we got out of him and the Revanites had the facility cleaned out completely so we have no idea what they were keeping there.”


“Then I would like to interview him personally” Satele looked up to Darth Marr “a man in his condition requires a delicate touch.”


“No. A more hands on approach is required so I will wrench the information we need from this… man.”


“You would damage the last of his sanity.” Satele accused.


“And you would waste valuable time with your Jedi sermons and soft touch.” Darth Marr growled.


“Darth Marr is right” Eliza pushed herself off the table and came between them both “violence is the only thing this degenerate understands. You can tend to him after we get our answers, Satele.”


“Eliza…” Theron’s mouth fell open, surprised by her choice for brutality rather than kindness.


“Theron every second we waste discussing this and playing nice is one more second Revan gets closer to his ultimate goal.”


“Have him brought to my tent” Darth Marr ordered his men and then he turned to Satele “you are of course free to join me and observe.”


“No, I need to meditate on the path ahead. This isn’t right.” she vehemently shook her head and made herself scarce.


Theron sighed deeply as he watched her leave and then turned his attention to the opposite entrance through which Darth Marr had left now as well “A few of us should keep an eye on him… make sure he doesn't kill Iven before we get our answers...”

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Wow, lots happening! :)



I'd have to say Scourge picked a most beautiful place to pop the question, really enjoyed that scene. Nice, vivid descriptions of Yavin and the setting. And that was also quite the outfit Carin put together. I can see it in my mind's eye.


Poor Theron though, what a thing to happen to him, to have her bounce at him with her news. I know she's happy, but Theron...my heart broke for him.


I enjoyed your handling of the Commandant Iven scene. What an annoying little man he was. Also liked seeing Satele getting rejected in favor of the Sith way. Loved the chapter, nicely done. I anticipate the next.


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Yay, Scourge finally popped the question, and what an idyllic setting. Sweet touch that it was a family heirloom.


Great descriptions of Yavin, I personally like the bright colored birds. And Eliza's discomfort at wearing something more revealing than jedi robes was a nice personal touch, although Scourge seemed to approve. :)


Yeah, I felt a bit sorry for Theron when Eliza bounced over to him and showed him the ring. It will also be interesting to see if Eliza takes his suggestion to talk to Satele again.


For Eliza to side with Marr on the interrogation of Iven was a surprise to Theron and Satele as well, seems Eliza is embracing the Sith way.



Waiting to see what happens next, for them personally, before they leave Yavin IV.

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Wow, lots happening! :)



I'd have to say Scourge picked a most beautiful place to pop the question, really enjoyed that scene. Nice, vivid descriptions of Yavin and the setting. And that was also quite the outfit Carin put together. I can see it in my mind's eye.


Poor Theron though, what a thing to happen to him, to have her bounce at him with her news. I know she's happy, but Theron...my heart broke for him.


I enjoyed your handling of the Commandant Iven scene. What an annoying little man he was. Also liked seeing Satele getting rejected in favor of the Sith way. Loved the chapter, nicely done. I anticipate the next.


Gracias, hope it wasn't too long, there was just a lot more in my brain than I expected. The outfit's pretty much based on in-game stuff but I'm sure you had that figured out... wish we had a back-slot for cloaks or something though, would be so cool.


And thank you, I really wanted to make the Iven situation a little more personal than it was in-game so I'm happy you enjoyed it! As for the choice, Marr or Satele, that's always been Marr for me on every single damn one of my characters, just can't bring myself to do as Satele pleases when I have other options LOL.


Yay, Scourge finally popped the question, and what an idyllic setting. Sweet touch that it was a family heirloom.


Great descriptions of Yavin, I personally like the bright colored birds. And Eliza's discomfort at wearing something more revealing than jedi robes was a nice personal touch, although Scourge seemed to approve. :)


Yeah, I felt a bit sorry for Theron when Eliza bounced over to him and showed him the ring. It will also be interesting to see if Eliza takes his suggestion to talk to Satele again.


For Eliza to side with Marr on the interrogation of Iven was a surprise to Theron and Satele as well, seems Eliza is embracing the Sith way.



Waiting to see what happens next, for them personally, before they leave Yavin IV.

Yeah there's a few personal affairs up in the air that'll need to be settled before departing from Yavin but hopefully that'll just make the whole "do this do that" of the Yavin storyline a little more interesting. I'm also glad you both enjoyed the descriptions, it's a thing I tend to overlook or not really focus on but in this chapter it just flowed from my fingers which made me happy. And Theron... me-me just wants to slap writer-me and go hug him. :o


Thank you both for the feedback! :)

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48: Closer Now.



A horrifying scream pierced the ears of all those at the command base but it was outmatched by the even more chilling silence that followed and Theron emerged from Darth Marr’s tent looking paler than ever before. He steadied himself against the nearest ruin wall he could find and retched a few times.


“I guess it’s going well in there…” Eliza raised a brow.


“I’ve seen my share of torture while working for the SIS, even inflicted some myself but that… Marr he…”


“Yes, it’s all quite horrible.” Lana nodded solemnly though she didn’t appear to be referring to Darth Marr’s methods “The device the Revanites took, it’s a weapon designed to eradicate all life forms on the planet save for those safely inside the temple.”


“Of course it is…” Eliza shook her head.


“Iven was going to use it to restore the Emperor to life and now Revan plans to do the same.” Theron explained as he pulled himself together.


He led them all back to the conference table and pulled up a map “This area here hides a series of complex locks that prevent access to the temple but if you can disable those we may be able to get to Revan in time and stop him.”


Lord Scourge took a closer look “That’s right in the middle of Massassi territory.”


“Well you’ll feel right at home then.” Theron retorted as he provided them both with the exact coordinates Iven had given them.


“Not likely but maybe we should bring you with us, as a peace offering.” Lord Scourge snarled.


Eliza looked back and forth between them both as she felt the tension rise “Uh… what’s going on between you? Was there a fight or argument I failed to notice?”


“Oh no there wasn’t any fight,” Deefour began to chime in as he and Jakarro joined the clique “Theron is just a little—”


“Button it Deefour!” Theron snapped “I’m just a little on edge with everything we’ve all been going through lately but hopefully that’ll all be over soon.”


“Right…” Eliza sucked her teeth not quite believing him but she decided to let it go for now as more pressing matters required her attention “Ok well, stay in touch and let us know when you learn more.”


She grabbed Lord Scourge by the arm and had to drag him away from the others, and Theron specifically, before they both jumped on a set of speeders and took off for the Massassi hunting grounds. They stopped a little ways away as the jungle brush grew denser and they neared the first of Massassi patrols and hid their speeders in the bushes before continuing on foot.


“Scourge, will you tell me what’s going on betw—”


“Shh.” he hissed and covered Eliza’s mouth with one hand while the other indicated at three massive warriors walking by.


Lord Scourge clipped his lightsaber hilt from his belt and pointed it at the largest of the three while he motioned for Eliza to take the other two and she nodded. They emerged from the bushes with their blades drawn and made quick work of the three while avoiding drawing too much attention to themselves and then rushed over to the cliffside near the entrance to a cave.


“Two more patrols between us and those tunnels…” Lord Scourge observed.


“So we’ll take them out and while we take them out, you can tell me what happened.”


Eliza dove forward and thrust her blades into another Massassi warrior assaulting him from behind with Lord Scourge following in her footstep to take out the warrior’s angered tribesmen.


“Right now isn’t the time for that conversation.” he argued and tucked into a roll to avoid an axe which was hurled in his direction.


“Scourge you two got along fine on Rishi and before then, you even enlisted his help and now you’re suddenly—” Eliza pushed off the ground into a somersault perfectly evading the Massassi that charged her way “sniping at each other for no apparent reason.”


She skewered the warrior onto her blade from behind and spun around fast to block the attack of another.


“You’re the reason,” Lord Scourge confronted as he joined her and severed the Massassi’s head from the rest of his body “Theron’s in love with you Eliza.”


She froze on the spot and stared up at him, bewildered “Wha—”


Her words were cut off as she suddenly screamed in agony and felt something sharp and stinging across her lower back. Lord Scourge was quick to respond and raised his arm to Force-blast the last Massassi warrior aside, cracking its skull against the cliff side but not before the latter had managed to graze Eliza’s skin with his axe.


“Let me see.” he turned Eliza around and undid the lacing of her corset top.


“It’s, fine, just, a cut...” she muttered and winced with tears in her eyes “What do you mean he’s in love with me?”


Lord Scourge groaned and cursed himself for distracting her, for not seeing the Massassi creep up behind her “He has been for a while now and everyone’s noticed it except for you.”


“But that’s impossible, we’re just friends.”


“No” he rummaged through their pack and took out a kolto patch before applying it to her injury “It’s not too deep, you should be fine for now—and you’re his friend Eliza but he, he’s in love.”


Eliza shook her head and sighed while loosely tying the closing of her top back up and she struggled to believe a word Lord Scourge was saying “How can you be so sure?”


“Because I’ve seen the way he looks at you. The way he flusters each time you touch, the way his face lights up whenever you’re near… the hurt in his eyes when you told him of our engagement although that was actually rather enjoyable for me.”


Eliza fell silent and slowly pushed her feet towards the cave entrance while her mind led her in an entirely different direction. Memories of every single moment she’d ever spent in Theron’s presence flashed before her eyes and she dissected each one of them trying to understand, trying to see what she’d been blind to so far.


Behind her, Lord Scourge followed while he tried to discern how she felt about this new revelation. He sensed neither anger nor sadness and if the news somehow brought her joy, there was no sign of it either. He growled underneath his breath and though he felt compelled to push the matter, to encourage her to speak with the Agent and crush his hopes, he held back for now to give her a private audience with her own thoughts instead.


A colony of bat-like creatures flew towards them as they descended further down the tunnels and without even truly paying attention, Eliza cut them down one at a time. She heard Theron laugh in her mind, saw his smile before her very eyes and she felt a chill as she relived the many occasions on which they’d hugged and held each other.


“I’m sorry…” she breathed in a whisper and stopped in her tracks.


Lord Scourge narrowed his eyes on her, her words only fueling the sudden doubt and insecurity within him as he wondered whether he was now still the sole keeper of her heart “Sorry?”




“What for?”


“For not seeing it before. I had no idea and even now it just… it feels weird.” Eliza sighed, her eyes closed as she leaned against the cold and damp tunnel walls.


She suddenly cursed loudly while smashing a balled up fist against the stone wall “Damn him!”


That surprised Lord Scourge and he cautiously drew closer “Damn him?”


“Yeah.” she snapped “We had a good thing, a nice friendship and a bond I enjoyed and now… now it’s all going to be messed up and ruined because he… ugh.”


“So you… you don’t have such feelings for him?”


“No!” Eliza exclaimed, almost as if she was offended by the very suggestion “Of course not. He’s Theron and he’s all kinds of great but not, not like that, not for me. I just, he’s my friend and now I’ll lose him too.”


She inhaled deeply and pushed herself forward “Let’s just… forget about this right now. We have work to do, locks to pick, people to kill and I can’t process this yet.”


They walked further until they reached a grand chamber at the very bottom of the tunnel systems and what they found left them both puzzled in more ways than one. Protruded tiles with intricate runes carved into the surface formed an upside down t-shaped line across the floor, linking a set of four pillars each with their own prism hovering above and Eliza and Lord Scourge quickly figured only the right sequence for the runes would activate the prisms.


“How do you wish to do this?” Lord Scourge asked inspecting the runes closely without touching them “Activating the wrong ones could lead to a deadly trap…”


He glanced behind waiting for her to answer but then saw Eliza had already knelt down and immerged herself in the Dark side of the Force. The essence swirled all around her, a perfect shroud of cold, thick and dark fog engulfing her at first and then releasing three separate tentacles which extended outwards and slithered across the floor towards three different runes. Lord Scourge rushed over to active them one by one while Eliza maintained her connection to the Force and all three runes began to light up, igniting the three outer prisms as well. A single string of purple Force-lightning ran between the pillars towards the center most one activating that one last and disabling the final locking mechanism.


“You never cease to amaze me…” he approved and extended a hand to help her back up.


She attempted to smile but her lips pulled into a thin line instead “Let’s head back outside and—”


“You’re close, I feel it. Hurry.” a voice spoke to her.


Eliza shook her head as a sudden rush of warmth and light coursed through her “What…”


“Huh?” Lord Scourge frowned.


“I… Someone’s here, the light presence Marr and Satele spoke off… This morning I heard it too, it told me ‘close’ and ‘closer’ but I ignored it thinking it was just the Emperor toying with me but now, now I felt it and it’s not him.”


“No, it’s someone else, I’ve sensed it too.” he looked around just incase there was something or someone they hadn’t noticed before but then pushed on “I’m sure it’ll reveal itself sooner or later… come on.”


Once back outside the two made quick work of the remaining Massassi warriors, the recent surge of darkness within Eliza feeding her in combat. The Massassi fell, two by two and Lord Scourge and Eliza made their way inside the large pyramid.


Deep within sat another pillar supporting yet one more prism but this one was glowing brightly already and as they approached, it began to shine even more fiercely. White and purple energies seemed to melt together, the warmth Eliza had sensed earlier increasing and then a visage neither of them had expected to see appeared before their eyes.


“It’s time, you have finally arrived.” the ghost of Revan spoke in gentle tones, a remnant of the Revan Eliza remembered best but it confused her too.


“Revan? But you… how is this possible? You’re, but if you’re here then…who...” she felt lost for words.


“Slow down.” he smiled with kindness in his eyes.


“Is it truly you?” Lord Scourge eyed him suspiciously.


“You’ve spent much of your time in my presence Scourge, you already know the answer.”


“But if you’re you then who’s leading the Revanites in your name, seeking destruction and the resurrection of the Sith Emperor?” Eliza finally settled her thoughts.


“I… do not know. But I recognize much of myself in him, the darkness I left behind. He must be stopped. His fury will only strengthen the Emperor, not destroy him.”


Eliza lowered her gaze to the ground “Can the Emperor truly be destroyed? I have tried… you, you have tried too but here we are.”


Revan’s expression softened as he drew nearer “It is your destiny and yours alone. I didn’t understand it at the time…” he let his eyes fall on Lord Scourge for a moment “but now, as a part of the Force, I have gained much clarity.”


He turned back and withdrew himself from their presence once more “Time is of the essence and you must do what I could not. May we meet again, should you succeed.”


Revan’s ghost vanished and for a moment, nothing but thick silence hung between Eliza and Lord Scourge as both tried to digest what they’d just heard and experienced—a Revan who was far more like the man they’d both once known and it left them to wonder who exactly hid behind his mask now.


They finally made it back to base camp two hours later, far past midnight and Eliza gathered those who’d stayed up waiting for her, to explain everything best as she could. Theron and Satele exchanged curious looks as she spoke of Revan’s ghost while Marr already began mapping out their next course of action now that the Temple had been unlocked.


“Eliza… may I?” Satele stepped closer to her and indicated at the injury on her lower back “You’ll need all of your strength now if we’re to face Revan.”


Eliza hesitated and eyed her suspiciously but Satele had already begun to channel the Light side of the Force, using its nurturing essence to mend the shallow cut across Eliza’s skin and she could feel a sense of relief washing over her.


“Thank you…” she murmured.


“You know, I don’t understand this.” Theron started as he went over everything in his head “You mean to say the man who tortured me on Rishi was not Revan? How could he know so much?”


“I don’t know…” Eliza flashed him a sympathetic smile “But let’s find him, put a stop to him and then hopefully we’ll find out.”


He muttered again but this time she didn’t hear him.


“He’s in love with you…” was all that ran through Eliza’s mind and she glanced over at Lord Scourge who nodded as though he read her intentions.


“Theron… while they plan our next move, can we talk? Privately.”


He agreed and excused himself before trailing her down along the path on the side of the mountain. This wasn’t a conversation she wanted to share with anyone else—it didn’t concern the others and Eliza didn’t wish to upset him before the eyes of everyone within the camp either.


“What’s on your mind?” Theron smiled, far too innocently and kind as he placed a hand on her shoulder and it took everything from Eliza not to pull away.


“You are…” she squeezed his hand gently and tried to mirror his smile “Scourge uhm… well he and apparently other people seem to think, I mean according to them you…”


Eliza let out a deep sigh and suddenly she felt like an idiot. What if everyone was wrong, what if they’d all misread the signs and now she was about to make a fool out of herself?


“You see me as more than a friend… you, have feelings, for me?”


The words sounded so stupid and Eliza cussed herself until she saw the sadness wash over Theron’s face as he nodded.


“I do…guess I shouldn’t be surprised he knows and told you. I should have, myself…”


“Oh Theron…”


Unwittingly, Eliza felt herself drawn into his arms and she held him close, her head resting under his chin and she closed her eyes. A part of her had hoped Scourge was wrong or that Theron would deny it because everything would be easier then.


Theron gently patted her hair and took in her scent as he too closed his eyes, savoring every second he could holding her while fearing the moment she’d break away—it had been his biggest concern and reason for not saying anything, the idea she’d not want to be around him anymore if she knew, that his feelings would somehow scare her away.


“Will I lose you now? I know you don’t feel the same way…”


She shrugged against him “I don’t want to lose you, ever but… obviously this has been hurting and upsetting you and I’d be a selfish fool if I asked you to stick around, to be my friend and witness my happiness with another while you feel the way you do.”


“We only have a few days left here, at best and afterwards… perhaps the odd call here and there.” Theron started “I’d rather have you in my life and love you from a distance than to never hear from you again at all.”


Her hand lay against his chest as she idly played with the collar of his jacket “I know but… I don’t want you to be hurt and I’d be worried that my presence, in any kind of way, would keep you from moving on because Theron I want you to be happy.”


“Hey come on now,” he tipped her chin up with his index finger to look her in the eyes as he heard the sadness in her voice “I know my limits, I know what I can and cannot handle and it’s not like I ever had an interest in women before you… I’ll find a way to deal with this and accept it but don’t force me out of your life without giving me a say in it.”


Eliza found herself staring up into his brown eyes and then for just a second let her gaze drop down to his lips instead. Everything around their embrace suddenly felt intensified, his touch sending tingling sensations across her skin as she felt his heartbeat race against her own chest and the heat crept onto her cheeks. Thoughts she’d never considered before entered her mind and her mouth ran dry as she eyed his lips again.


“What am I doing? This isn’t how you reject and discourage a person. Why am I now wondering what his lips taste like and questioning myself… I love Scourge, he’s always been the only one… No, you’re just scared of losing him, that’s all this is right now but you should let him go.”


“What are you thinking?” Theron asked while his index finger softly caressed her cheek.


“I… I feel like I should walk away, even if you say you can handle this. It’s not fair to you and in a way, it’s not fair to Scourge either… me keeping you close while we all know how you feel.”


His face inched dangerously close to Eliza’s and a shiver ran along her spine as she felt his breath reflect against her skin “If you feel like you need to walk away… I’ll let you go but don’t do it for my sake, you won’t make me any happier by leaving and Scourge? He’s got the best of you already, all I ask for is the occasional call or letter… a good old fashioned talk.”


Eliza closed her eyes again as his lips drew nearer and she braced herself for what she thought he was about to do but then instead, he gently pressed a kiss against her forehead.


“I can handle this, if you’ll let me.” Theron promised.


She nodded quietly and relented, hoping he’d been oblivious to her sudden doubt while she buried her head against his shoulder once more.


“Stop this. You’re just freaking out because you don’t want to lose him and you won’t. If he can handle this, so can you. Get a grip.” Eliza told herself.


“Okay… okay. Friends.” she accepted in a quiet whisper.


“Friends.” Theron agreed and finally let go before taking her hand “Come on, let’s head back to camp and see what they’ve got planned for my great-great-great-great-great something or another ancestor.”

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I loved how you implied the horrors of the interrogation without actually showing it. Poor Theron, that was a rough go for him. I also found it interesting that everyone, even Dee-Four seemed to realize Theron's feelings before Eliza did. I almost wonder if she wasn't seeing it, but avoiding it on some level. There did seem to be signs of confusion at the end about her feelings. And the fact that Theron continued to hold her hand after that moment, suggests that he's not all that willing to let go either, even though she insists on being devoted to Scourge.


Also, that distraction filled fight with the Massassi...the entire time, I'm like Scourge...'now is not the time' lol. I had the sneaky feeling something bad would happen. I'm glad though that Satele patched her up, so that she could speak with Theron.



It'll be interesting to see what happens next. I'm also anticipating the battle with Revan.

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I loved how you implied the horrors of the interrogation without actually showing it. Poor Theron, that was a rough go for him. I also found it interesting that everyone, even Dee-Four seemed to realize Theron's feelings before Eliza did. I almost wonder if she wasn't seeing it, but avoiding it on some level. There did seem to be signs of confusion at the end about her feelings. And the fact that Theron continued to hold her hand after that moment, suggests that he's not all that willing to let go either, even though she insists on being devoted to Scourge.


Also, that distraction filled fight with the Massassi...the entire time, I'm like Scourge...'now is not the time' lol. I had the sneaky feeling something bad would happen. I'm glad though that Satele patched her up, so that she could speak with Theron.



It'll be interesting to see what happens next. I'm also anticipating the battle with Revan.


THE BATTLE WITH REVAN IS THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE! *breathes* I mean it's already written but I dread the reviews somehow, more so than with most chapters. :confused:



As for Eliza, we shouldn't forget that not only is Scourge her first love ever but before he came along, she never even considered things such as romantic love, relationships and anything of the sort so in some ways she's like a teenager discovering that part of life for the first time which for me in the real world was, confusing as hell trying to distinct actual love from simple crushes or curiosities and just liking someone a lot lol.



Thank you as always for the feedback, it's much much appreciated! :)

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You're welcome, and I'm sure you're worrying for nothing about the Revan fight. Fights are always concerning, but they usually turn out just fine. I have one coming up that's concerning me as well, so I get it.


I can understand that being sheltered by the Jedi would result in a 'stunted' understanding of human relationships, especially romantic relationships. Liatrix was in a similar place with Doc...first love, first...everything really. There were flirtations along the way, but he was the end all be all...until a certain Sith lord showed up, then things weren't so clear cut anymore.


It's the Jedi, I blame them. :)

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Jenny, no way do you need to worry about that fight. I know your writing well enough now to be pretty certain it's fantastic:)


I'm more concerned by the situation with Eliza, Scourge and Theron though. I love Theron so much, I can't imagine choosing anyone (except maybe Vector lol) over him. And like you guys said, she's more like a teenager in that regard due to her Jedi teachings. I sensed earlier that she seemed rather immature in the romance department. She may think she loves Scourge with all her heart now, but she's not ready to make that final commitment....not with the reaction she had to Theron. I think she is going to be in the rather unenviable position of finding herself in love with two men.:( Looking forward to finding out what happens.........

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I can't even imagine what Marr put Iven through, it had to be something bad to make Theron heave his cookies.


And, yeah, bad timing indeed for 'the talk' with Scourge about Theron. But that is how it goes, women can ask the damnedest questions at the least appropriate times, and won't let it go until they get an answer. I think its something genetic. That may sound a bit sexist, but I have walked in these shoes for damned near 68 years, and we are like a pitbull with a bone.


I agree with Luna that it's all the Jedi's fault that Eliza has been so naïve. Love is a very powerful emotion, and the Jedi discourage love but offer nothing of equal weight to replace it with. Sorry, but duty just don't cut it. So, I can understand Eliza being intrigued and confused by Theron's closeness. She is still quite a child where these things are concerned and Scourge must be the better man here, he is old enough, and hopefully wise enough. I would hate to see this drive a wedge between them.



Fights, the bane of existence, what is enough and what is too much. Ugh, I hate that balancing act, but sure you will do fine. Looking forward to more.

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You're welcome, and I'm sure you're worrying for nothing about the Revan fight. Fights are always concerning, but they usually turn out just fine. I have one coming up that's concerning me as well, so I get it.

Fights, the bane of existence, what is enough and what is too much. Ugh, I hate that balancing act, but sure you will do fine. Looking forward to more.

Jenny, no way do you need to worry about that fight. I know your writing well enough now to be pretty certain it's fantastic:)

Wouldn't it be something if we could just plug our brains in and have the computer type out whatever we're envisioning in our minds? Lol. It's not just the fight itself in this case though, it's the entire Revan thing which left me rather dissatisfied in-game and I've tried to make up for it but... well we'll see.


I can understand that being sheltered by the Jedi would result in a 'stunted' understanding of human relationships, especially romantic relationships. Liatrix was in a similar place with Doc...first love, first...everything really. There were flirtations along the way, but he was the end all be all...until a certain Sith lord showed up, then things weren't so clear cut anymore.


It's the Jedi, I blame them. :)

I agree with Luna that it's all the Jedi's fault that Eliza has been so naïve. Love is a very powerful emotion, and the Jedi discourage love but offer nothing of equal weight to replace it with. Sorry, but duty just don't cut it. So, I can understand Eliza being intrigued and confused by Theron's closeness. She is still quite a child where these things are concerned and Scourge must be the better man here, he is old enough, and hopefully wise enough. I would hate to see this drive a wedge between them.

Yeah I've always wondered what love would be like for a Jedi who's ignored/avoided it for so long and best I can compare it to is your own child-like first experiences where you don't always know what is what. I've made my share of mistakes and believed I was in love when I really wasn't at all, or fallen in love with the idea of being in love or over someone else expressing feelings for me that I then 'adopted' without actually feeling it myself if that makes any sense. And you're right, duty and loyalty, service to the Jedi and Republic they don't fill that, 'void'. It's what I've actually always considered one of the most dangerous parts about the Jedi Code, denying something so natural to human beings.


And, yeah, bad timing indeed for 'the talk' with Scourge about Theron. But that is how it goes, women can ask the damnedest questions at the least appropriate times, and won't let it go until they get an answer. I think its something genetic. That may sound a bit sexist, but I have walked in these shoes for damned near 68 years, and we are like a pitbull with a bone.

Yeah, pitbull here. I do not let up or let go ever, in most situations actually which isn't always a good thing I suppose but I can't help myself. If there's something to know, I'll get the answers one way or another lol.


I'm more concerned by the situation with Eliza, Scourge and Theron though. I love Theron so much, I can't imagine choosing anyone (except maybe Vector lol) over him. And like you guys said, she's more like a teenager in that regard due to her Jedi teachings. I sensed earlier that she seemed rather immature in the romance department. She may think she loves Scourge with all her heart now, but she's not ready to make that final commitment....not with the reaction she had to Theron. I think she is going to be in the rather unenviable position of finding herself in love with two men.:( Looking forward to finding out what happens.........

I, as in me Jenny lol, love Theron to no end, I honestly do and my biggest dilemma ever will be the day where BW evolves Lord Scourge into an official LI because... yikes. Between those two I wouldn't know who to choose and my selfish bi.tch side would want both, make them share, lol. What Eliza will do though, who the hell knows... the world of romance has some undiscovered territory for her yet I believe so we'll see.


Thanks guys for the feedback, the pain in my as.s chapter should be up tomorrow or Thursday. :)

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So I've been dreading this Chapter, between the combat itself and the dialogue. The in-game version has always left me somewhat, unsatisfied... like certain exchanges that I feel should have taken place were left out instead. I've tried to make up for that without going too far, without making anyone appear too out of character so it's just a minor addition I guess and I'm anxious about the balance and reactions so please let me know your thoughts.





49: Revan.


The second they’d returned to camp, Eliza had pulled Lord Scourge aside to fill him in on the majority of her conversation with Theron and to ease his mind. A part of her still felt weird over her own doubts but she’d cast those aside quickly and promised all that would remain of their friendship would be the occasional holo-call, if as much were even possible.


Lord Scourge wasn’t too pleased, he didn’t like the idea of the Agent remaining a part of their lives in any sort of way but he took comfort in knowing soon enough they’d both head home to the Empire and any level of contact between Eliza and Theron would greatly diminish—likely even vanish as he considered it improbable for a Sith Lord and SIS Agent to communicate without drawing suspicion of others.


They nestled in by one of the campfires and Lord Scourge nuzzled her neck “But you’re still all mine, right?”


“Mmm yes, although you should probably hold me a little tighter, just to be safe…” Eliza grinned.


Lana let out a small cough as she approached the fire “Mind if I join you?”


“Hmmm depends…” Eliza pretended to mull it over “do you have any further kidnappings planned?”


“Oh let it go.” Theron chuckled as he joined as well and indicated for Lana to sit down “Bygones, we have more important matters to worry about.”


He relayed everything Darth Marr and Satele had decided in terms of their plan of attack and Eliza’s eyes widened.


I have to give a speech, to all the troops? Can’t someone else do it?”


“Nope. Oddly enough they both insisted you’re most suited.”


“Crap.” Eliza shook her head. If there was anything she hated most it was giving speeches and pep talks.


She reached beside her for a leftover bottle of rum they’d brought from Rishi and began pouring the liquid into several cups “Well in that case, here’s to the end of this mess… or the galaxy should we fail.”


“I do hope you have more inspiring words in mind for the troops.” Lana smiled.


“Oh I do. It goes kind of along the lines of ‘hey, try not to die’.”


Lord Scourge snorted.


“Hey…” Theron took on a more sober tone as he changed the subject, voicing something which had been bothering him for a while now “What was Revan truly like? I’ve always been curious… in a way it’s a shame I was stuck on Nar Shaddaa years ago when you freed him from the Emperor’s prison.”


“Mmm, I would have liked to spend more time with him then—he was my prime focus when I studied Jedi history at the temple. I liked him, he seemed wise, strong, very knowledgeable with an understanding of this galaxy, of the Force, that’s far superior to most Jedi… even your mother in some ways.”


Eliza hesitated and gave Lord Scourge’s hand a gentle squeeze as though pleading with him to share his experience too.


He sighed. The last thing he wanted was to indulge Theron’s questions right now but he’d promised Eliza to try and be civil during the remaining time they all still had together.


“We were never friends—allies born out of necessity at best but I learned more from Revan than I ever did from any Overseer or Master. He had a unique perspective of the Force and his strength was considerable, even while drugged and imprisoned. He’s also the one who opened my mind to Force-visions which eventually led me to Eliza… Revan truly was one of your greatest heroes, he would have succeeded if fate hadn’t chosen a different path for all of us.”


“You mean if you hadn’t betrayed him.” Lana was quick to point out but then apologized as Eliza threw her a foul glare.


“I did as I had to.” Lord Scourge said bluntly but one who knew him well enough could hear the smallest quiver in his tone of voice and Eliza wrapped his arms more firmly around herself.


They spent the next hour carrying on with small talk, whichever entered their minds as no one felt compelled to sleep, not with the battle that awaited in their very near future and by the time the first light broke through the skies over Yavin, Eliza found herself addressing both Imperial and Republic troops.


“And why should we listen to you?” one of the Republic men challenged as she finished her pep-talk “You’re as much of a traitor as those Revanites. Former Hero of Tython now licking the boots of a Sith, dressed like his little slave.” he ranted and spat on the floor before her feet for good measure.


The men behind him nodded and agreed, cheering at his words and laughing until one stern glance from Satele silenced them. Eliza felt Lord Scourge’s anger surge in her stead and from the corner of her eye saw him reach for his blade, a thing she quickly discouraged by stepping in front of him while pretending to address the Republic man more directly.


“Because today, Sergeant Kearns right?”


He nodded.


“Today it doesn’t matter whether we’re Sith or Jedi. Whether we’re the Republic or the Empire. Revan intends to kill us all and he cares not for who we are or what we fight for. We’re cattle to him ready to be slaughtered so he can resurrect the Sith Emperor.”


“Do you think the enemy, the Revanites, will go easier on you because you’re a Republic Sergeant? Maybe I am a traitor in your eyes and I accept that but I still fight for what is right, for what I believe in. I still fight to protect the galaxy, that’s what I’m here to do today and that’s what we all have in common right now. Forget about our differences just for today and instead understand we’re all here for the same reason.”


“And tomorrow?” one of the Imperial soldiers spoke up.


“Tomorrow is another day. Ideally we all go our separate ways having learned a thing or two about who we are, what we could achieve if we weren’t so blinded by our hatred and differences but first, let’s make sure we even get a tomorrow.”


“Don’t let our differences weaken us today but instead let those things we have in common strengthen us so we may emerge victorious.”


Both Satele and Darth Marr fell in at either side of Eliza in a show of support and slowly their troops began to nod as several men applauded her words. The leaders of both sides began to lay out the specifics of their battle plan as Eliza withdrew into the command base and let out a deep sigh.


“Remind me never to do that again.” she groaned as Lana approached.


“I think you did just fine.”


“Yeah well, next time any troops need addressing, you can do it. I’ll stick to just stabbing stuff.”


“I’d like to stab that Sergeant” Lord Scourge gruffed “the way he spoke to you… You should have allowed me to teach him a lesson.”


“And let you start a war right here and now while Revan sits back and laughs before he wipes us all off the map?” Eliza gave him a tender smile “They’re just words and it’s not like I was expecting them to praise me for joining the Empire.”


“Some still admire you.” Theron pointed out and then handed her a single orchid “One of the Republic soldiers asked me to give you this and tell you thanks… he didn’t say why.”


“Probably poisoned.” Lord Scourge scoffed.


“Or maybe he has a crush.” Lana chuckled.


“Then are we sure it’s really from the soldier?” Lord Scourge couldn’t help himself.


Theron shot him a glare but decided not to indulge the Sith by commenting any further and they all gathered around the conference table to listen in as the troops set out on their mission.


Soon enough, high plumes of smoke rose over the backdrop of Yavin Four, rudely interfering with the morning sun as Republic and Imperial troops bombarded the Revanite settlements. Every single traitor was neutralized and the troops advanced to disable the weapon that could decimate them all. Theron checked his comms and sighed with relief, nodding his head towards Eliza and the others.


“It is done. The weapon’s been shut down which leaves us with just one last thing to deal with…”


“Revan.” Eliza surmised.


“Revan.” Satele confirmed “Iven suggested he’s fled to the Emperor’s final sanctuary.”


“We’ve got speeders prepped,” Theron added as he looked Eliza’s way “you won’t be facing him alone, I promise you.”


“Right.” Eliza put on her bravest smile yet “Let’s move out then.”


The sun which had shone only briefly retreated behind the clouds that formed across the sky and heavy rain began pelting down against the surface, adding to the sense of dread already settling within Eliza. It wasn’t Revan she feared, or whichever man hid behind the mask but rather the Emperor himself wondering whether any of their actions today and the outcome would alter his plans. Whether victory would truly prove to be a victory at all.


“Put it from your mind.” Darth Marr told her as they approached the sanctuary “I sense your dread, he will too, do not let it show.”


She gave him a faint nod and gathered her strengths, pushing away those feelings which served no purpose right now. Eliza walked ahead, far ahead of those joined at her side with only Lord Scourge trailing closely behind her and they set foot upon the sanctuary’s center plateau where Revan already awaited their arrival.


The man turned, slowly, as his blade ignited and he aimed the weapon in her direction “You again! I had hoped the events of Rishi would keep you off my trail a little longer but it would seem I’ve underestimated you.”


“You wouldn’t be the first” she smirked with a hint of arrogance, forcing a shield of confidence around herself “I don’t waste time when precious lives are at stake.”


“No apparently not.” he lowered his weapon and shook his head “You know, I truly believed that you more than anyone out there would understand the importance of what I’m trying to accomplish here.”


“You will only make him more powerful, fool.” Lord Scourge retorted as he approached the man.


“A fool you say?” the hooded figure laughed as he slowly removed his mask, revealing himself to be the same man Eliza and Lord Scourge had met the day before but this time alive.


“You are Revan.” Eliza gasped, just for a moment but then shook the surprising revelation from her mind and sharpened her focus.


“Of course I am and I have spent three-hundred years in lock step with the Emperor’s mind. I know what he’s become, what he wants more than any one of you!” Revan announced with a dangerous tone to his voice.


Lord Scourge scoffed.


“Yes, even more than you, traitor.”


You are the traitor here Revan!” Eliza spat as she ignited her own blades “I know you have suffered but when I freed you from the Emperor’s prison, you had a chance! A new start and you threw it away in your lust for vengeance and when those endeavors failed, you returned to your disgusting cult. A cult comprised of nothing but traitors while you conspired to play the Empire and Republic out against each other but no more!”


A maniacal laughter echoed across the plateau “No more? Do you really think you can stop me? I know of your failure, it’s the reason I’m here today.”


“I won’t fail again.” she promised.


“You will! I was the prodigal knight, a Dark Lord of the Sith! I have the power, and you… you have nothing!” Revan fumed and activated his sword once more.


Those who’d travelled to the sanctuary with Eliza finally caught up and fell in at her side as Darth Marr spoke in support of his apprentice “You are wrong Revan, she has powerful allies.”


“Both Sith and Jedi.” Satele added, drawing her own weapon on her ancestor.


Lana slipped into a battle-ready stance too, following their example “Allies from all over the galaxy.”


Theron withdrew both his blasters from their holsters “You were saying, Revan?”


“I don’t care how many of you there are, I won’t be denied my destiny!” Revan shot back.


“I am Revan!” he cried out, sending a surge of dark power across the plateau to bring his foes off balance.


Eliza recovered quickly and was the first one to launch herself in his direction, quickly followed by all those who supported her now. Heavy blows were traded between the Force users while Theron fired his blasters from a distance. Jakarro, carrying his own canon, rained bolts in Revan’s direction but despite their vast numbers the fallen hero kept their assaults at bay.


Revan skillfully avoided the sharp blades thrust towards his body, ducked to avoid the shots that were fired and gathered the dark side all around him as he shielded himself from the onslaught. His blade hooked onto Eliza’s and he threw her a foul grin before he knocked her back across the plateau where she landed at Theron’s feet.


Theron extended his hand and pulled her back up as their eyes met for a split second and then she was gone again. Back in the midst of one of the toughest fights she’d ever found herself in but rather than letting Revan’s mastery overwhelm her, Eliza drew on it instead and felt her own power surge. The darkness Revan commanded now became hers too as she recalled her grandfather’s words—remembering how that which coiled within her loved to feed on the darkness of others.


She drowned out every word, every single battle cry and every person who stood at her side focusing her energy solely on Revan. It elevated her, taking them to a place in her mind where nothing else existed. An endless dark void as their new stage and Eliza lashed out at Revan with everything she had.


Her allies took a step back. Satele reached out to Lana beside her for support as the Dark side of the Force engulfed the platform, feeding Eliza’s trance and singular fixation on Revan. Darth Marr closed his eyes for a moment as he relished in the power that surrounded her and Lord Scourge grinned.


The grounds rumbled and lightning struck dangerously close to the two skilled fighters at the center of the plateau as Eliza repeatedly struck accurate blows against her opponent, beating him back and beating him down. The darkness which had enslaved her before now served her instead. It was just her and Revan and his eyes widened—he hadn’t expected the power she suddenly possessed. Her lightsaber dug its way between his ribs in a move that would have killed any lesser Force-user and though he tried to blast her aside once more, Eliza’s feet now refused to budge. She had her eye on the prize and wasn’t about to let up.


The fire she’d grown so accustomed to surged within and though it hungered for her enemy, she now kept full control as she directed its rage to the hilt of Revan’s weapon instead. He could feel it burn through his glove and found himself wondering just what sort of sorcery the Sith before him was into but the question had barely concluded in his mind when Eliza released a powerful Force-wave of her own and sent him flying several feet through the air until his spine collided with one of the walls surrounding the plateau.


Revan grunted and coughed up a sliver of blood while reaching for his weapon only to realize he’d let it drop during his fall and Eliza was much quicker when it came to its retrieval. She blasted the hilt out of his reach and approached, the tips of her own blades aimed at his throat and at last Revan had no choice but to admit defeat while he felt his strengths wane and his body ache.


“In defeating me, you let the real enemy linger on. You…” he coughed once more “you doom the entire galaxy!”


Eliza’s allies drew nearer now that the immense darkness had dissipated and Revan slowly rose to his feet, clutching his abdomen and grunting as the pain shot through his entire body.


“Had you been successful, had you brought the Emperor back, you would have made the galaxy’s destruction all but a certainty.” Eliza accused as she kept her weapons drawn on him to ensure he’d try nothing further.


“She’s right you know.” the voice she’d heard the previous day spoke.


The ghost she’d met with reappeared once more, this time for all to see and Revan cowered away as it approached “No, not you.”


“You’ve been so blinded by your unchecked rage, your thirst for vengeance that you could not see the truth. Now that your power has subsided I may finally confront you and I only hope you will listen.” Revan’s ghost spoke to his own living reflection.


“Uh, what’s going on here?” Theron scratched the back of his head as he witnessed the curious exchange.


Eliza, finally understanding what happened, lowered her weapons at last and approached the identical men “You’re both Revan.”


“Yes,” the more ghostly one of the two confirmed “though neither of us is truly Revan.”


“When I died, I had come to terms with my past. I was ready to become one with the Force but I soon realized that was only what part of me wanted.”


“I cast you out!” the flesh-made Revan bristled “It was the only way to go on, to remain and finish what we started! You were holding me back!”


“You think you’re stronger this way but you’re not. Neither of us is. We’re broken and we can’t go on like this.” Revan’s ghost form tried to reason with his angered other half.


“I won’t stop! Not until I conjure the Emperor. I have to face him!” the other one argued in return.


Thunder rumbled through the skies as lightning flashed once more, the sanctuary’s grounds shook and hollow laughter chilled everyone present to the bone.


“You wanted my return…” a different voice, which Eliza recognized instantly, spoke to them all “You did not need to destroy fleets or turn a living world barren for that…”


“You only had to point the Empire and Republic to a shared adversary, and let them do what they do naturally—make war. The scores of dead have nourished me, I am awakened and I bring with me… death!”


The sanctuary in which they stood became wrapped in a thick, purple energy field that extended far up into the skies. The ground beneath their feet became unstable, shaking the sanctuary’s walls which began to crumble down and Satele and Lana dove for cover. A bright light flashed before everyone’s eyes, announcing the departure of that which they had awoken and the energy field vanished, the dark clouds which had loomed above finally making way for the sun once more as they all stood in disturbed silence.


“The Emperor…” Eliza breathed in a whisper, her voice shaken.


“Yes,” Satele spoke solemnly “The Emperor, not as strong as he might have been had Revan succeeded but he’s strong enough now… I felt it, too.”


“I believe we all did.” Theron sighed and felt sick to his stomach. He’d grown up among Force users, he’d experienced moments where he’d felt a hint of their power but never before something as strong and malevolent as he had now.


“No!” the darker of the two Revan’s cried out as he crumbled to his knees “He was supposed to face me… to…”


“You’re too weak, you won’t last.” his lighter half pointed out.


“I… if we unite, what I am…” dark Revan struggled “won’t it fade? Become diminished?”


The ghost of Revan said nothing, as though both had already decided and he instead turned towards Eliza with the wisdom and clarity he now possessed as a spirit.


“Dark times lie ahead but fear not. I have seen your path, the one you’ve walked and the one that still lies ahead of you and his vision was never wrong—that destiny still awaits in your future. Your fate was set in stone long before your birth, it was prophesied long before you ever drew your first breath and you’ve made the right choices to get where you need to be. One day, you will achieve what I could not, Eliza.”


She gave Revan a nod of the head as a sign of respect and he turned towards Lord Scourge next.


“And you Scourge, a traitor no longer but instead a man with a far greater vision, a far clearer vision than I ever had. I didn’t know or understand until it was too late and I have suffered for it—we both have and I realize you’ll never ask for it, you may not even want it but you have earned it. You are forgiven.”


Lord Scourge, unable to fully accept Revan’s words, instead too inclined his head in reverence of the man who’d once taught him so much.


The ghost of Revan turned away and favored both Theron and Satele with a gentle smile, approaching them last “I am humbled by your presence here, my descendents, a lasting testimony of my greatest love…”


“You, Theron… I know you have struggled in your life, at times felt out of place because you weren’t blessed by the Force but know this—I look upon you with pride and you are blessed in all the ways that matter most.”


“And you Satele, I know your pain and struggles too but let your wisdom guide you and accept that your heart is not the enemy. Fix what has been broken so future regrets may not dim your light.”


Revan glanced both their ways one last time and then he turned back to his other self “It is time.”


The darker of the two Revans began to radiate a bright red aura while his ghostly form shone in pure white, threads of both colors reaching out to one another until they melded together and drew both versions in. A flash of light lit the plateau up next and Revan’s flesh-made body fell to the ground while his ghost remained.


“You are whole again.” Eliza observed.


“I am, for the first time in a long time. Thank you for all that you’ve done and for all that you have shown me. I must return now and rest at last but remember my words…”


Revan walked backwards slowly, his arms spread out as though he was finally ready to embrace his next adventure, for the Force to take him and then he disappeared.

Edited by JennyFlynn
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Well there, I told you, you were tying yourself into knots for nothing. The battle was just fine! You managed to include everyone in a believable fashion, the combat was exciting and well thought out.


I liked the confrontation at the base camp, that the republic men called Eliza out on her change of heart/side and I thought her response to that was excellent. It made sense, it was inspiring and she didn't ask anything more from anyone that she wasn't willing to do herself.


I also enjoyed the part where Theron gave her the orchid flower and I do wonder if it wasn't from him, like Scourge suggested. :D I personally think it was.


Good job with Revan, the battle, all of it. Looking forward to the next part. :)


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Seems you worried for nothing. The fight scene was fine, not too long or too short, I hate those that drag on and on and usually skim over them, like I fast forward through over long car chase scenes in movies, and you included everyone too.


I liked the little rah-rah speech that Eliza had to give and not letting the soldier dissuade her from what she had to say. And the Orchid, probably from a soldier, but I liked the way Scourge snarked at Theron about it, considering he is not pleased that Eliza and Theron plan to stay in touch.


Satele's reaction to Eliza's dark side force usage was a nice touch as well as Marr and Scourge reveling in it. Seems Eliza has finally come to terms with her power and now has control.



Anyway, well done, looking forward to the next.

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Thanks you guys. The ending had me really concerned but I wanted decent closure to at least that part. :)



I liked the confrontation at the base camp, that the republic men called Eliza out on her change of heart/side and I thought her response to that was excellent. It made sense, it was inspiring and she didn't ask anything more from anyone that she wasn't willing to do herself.


I also enjoyed the part where Theron gave her the orchid flower and I do wonder if it wasn't from him, like Scourge suggested. :D I personally think it was.


Phew, thank you. I didn't like the whole speech thing but realized I'd all but forgotten about how the troops don't get along so I worked that dialogue in last minute.


And, maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. ;)


I liked the little rah-rah speech that Eliza had to give and not letting the soldier dissuade her from what she had to say. And the Orchid, probably from a soldier, but I liked the way Scourge snarked at Theron about it, considering he is not pleased that Eliza and Theron plan to stay in touch.


Satele's reaction to Eliza's dark side force usage was a nice touch as well as Marr and Scourge reveling in it. Seems Eliza has finally come to terms with her power and now has control.


Thanks! Like I told Luna, I hate speeches like that so I'm surprisingly pleased it was to everyone's liking. It was the last section of the Chapter I expected feedback to but it's good you know, for people to discuss the things you hadn't expected much from. :D


And she is settling down with her changes and trying hard to just let it all in and work with the dark side rather than against it.


Thank you as well Foxfire, nice to see you're still keeping an eye on the story! :)

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Restraint was never my forte. Happy weekend everyone. ♥



50: A Final Farewell.


Small drops of rain dripped down from the jungle vines and leafs of the trees, a remnant of that morning’s rainstorm while muddied grounds squished underneath Eliza’s boots. She approached the medical center setup within their base camp and poured out a cup of fresh water before she sat down by one man’s bedside.


“Your men and the Imperials tell me you fought valiantly Sergeant, here, drink up” she gently lift his head with one hand while with the other she put the cup to his lips.


“Just tell me we got ‘em and won.” Kearns spoke with great difficulty.


“You did Sergeant so you’d best heal up soon” Eliza smiled “you wouldn’t want to miss that big party your men have got planned.”


He gave her a faint nod and Eliza lowered his head back down against the pillow where he soon drifted off to sleep once more. She got up and approached one of the injured Imperials next, the man who’d helped her carry Iven back to camp after his capture. He tried to rise from his cot, feeling compelled to salute her but Eliza shook her head and urged him back down.


“Easy Lieutenant, that leg’s going to take time to heal.”


Eliza drenched a piece of cloth in kolto solution and very lightly dabbed along the edges of the large gaping wound that ran from his knee all the way down across his shin.


“My Lord this is,” he winced “beneath you. Please.”


“Nonsense. You risked your life for all of us today, it’s the least I can do in return.”


She finished cleaning out his injury and began to bandage his leg while a Republic soldier brought the man a bowl of soup “Eat up, it’s my mother's recipe. You’ll feel better soon.”


The Republic soldier pulled up a chair next to Eliza and watched with interest while she finished wrapping the Lieutenant’s leg “Master Je… Lord… uh…” he fumbled with his words and flustered.




“Thank you, Eliza. Is it true, did you really defeat Revan all by yourself?”


Eliza shook her head and fixed a smile on her face as she turned to the soldier “No, it was a team effort. It was all of us. It was all of you out in the jungle taking down the Revanites and disabling their weapon… today’s victory wouldn’t have been possible without men like you and the Lieutenant here.”


She raised her voice loud enough to ensure everyone within the medical tent had heard her words and then took her leave of them to find those men who’d begun dismantling their camps. She shook hands with any she could find, thanking them and wishing them a safe journey whether they were Imperial or Republican and then made her way back to the command center.


Lord Scourge was the first to spot her and reached out his hands, pulling her into his arms and spinning her around before he sat her back down on her feet and he kissed Eliza devotedly.


“You were, magnificent today.”


“Mm but it wasn’t enough, and nothing would have been.” she sighed solemnly.


Eliza hopped onto the command table and brushed a lock of hair out of her face “He’s back and as it turns out, no course of action would have stopped it. Had we let Revan carry out his plans then thousands would have fallen on Rishi, this planet would have been lost and the Emperor would have returned. And by stopping Revan… in a way we still lost. The Emperor may not be as strong as he could have been but… he’s back nonetheless.”


“Remember what Revan said, my vision has yet to take place, you will stop him.” Lord Scourge promised.


“He forgave you…” Eliza stared up into his eyes “that really warmed my heart.”


“I never needed it but, I accept it.”


“Hey.” Lana smiled as she joined them “Guess what?”


Eliza thought for a moment “What?”


“You are looking at the new Minister of Intelligence. Darth Marr just promoted me.”


“Minister?” Eliza’s voice rose slightly with surprise “Not Darth Beniko then?”


“No I’m not one for titles really but the new position is exciting.” she beamed with pride.


“Well, I guess congratulations are in order then Lana. Who knew the good that would come of all those slicing and data tracking techniques that Theron taught you.”


Lana pulled a face, fully understanding the dig Eliza just made at her “Will you ever forgive me for what happened on Rishi?”


“Has he?”


“I’m not entirely sure, he mentioned bygones but… I was about to go talk to him next.”


“Good, off you go then.”


Lord Scourge watched as Lana hurried away “Are you really going to hold a grudge against her forever?”


“Nah, I’ll stop once it’s no longer such fun to watch her squirm.” Eliza gave him a wicked grin and winked.


Jakarro and Deefour stopped by to say their farewells next—they planned to return to Rishi and see what kind of lives they could lead there with the benefit of their contacts and with the Nova Blades no longer in charge.


“Eliza? Do you have a moment?” Satele Shan approached her former Knight with a kind smile and acknowledged Lord Scourge with a simple nod of her head “Please?”


“Yeah.” Eliza agreed with ease.


Ever since Theron had told her of his own conversations with Satele, she’d already begun to prepare for this moment and rather than avoid further confrontation she’d decided to face it head on and give the woman one final chance to be truthful.


She hopped off the table and followed Satele away from camp to a secluded spot where curious eyes wouldn’t spot them and curious ears wouldn’t overhear them. Contrary to her usual well poised demeanor, Satele Shan now instead gave off an air of insecurity, of being nervous and Eliza frowned while she waited for her to speak up.


“I’ve been thinking…” she began “About you, about what Revan said to me today and the conversations I’ve had with Theron recently.”


Satele made eye contact with Eliza and breathed out slowly “You and I… we didn’t leave things on the best terms and much of that was my fault. I wasn’t ready then and in a way, even right now I’m uncertain whether I should tell you the truth but, I will try if you’ll let me.”


“Go on…” Eliza raised a curious brow.


“Do you remember that day we spoke in the Jedi Temple, after you’d recovered from the injuries you sustained on Makeb? We stood by the window as the Padawans began their daily lessons.”


Eliza nodded.


“I warned you about attachments that day and tried to discourage you from making mistakes similar to my own but in a way, I was still making the same mistake myself. It just took me far too long to realize.”


“Master Satele if you’re trying to—” Eliza started but Satele waved her upcoming concerns off.


“No, I won’t lecture you.” she promised “But on that day you also asked why I’d withdrawn myself from your life and I told you I had to, because you were a child without a mother and, I never finished that sentence then but I was a mother without her child.”


Eliza moved to object again, to point out that was her own fault and choice but then swallowed those comments back and instead allowed Satele to continue.


“You see, when Theron was born I quickly realized I would go through any length to keep him protected and safe. I’d allow or even initiate the destruction of entire planets if it meant saving him and I could never risk that, not in my position and that was the first time I fully understood the danger in loving someone that deeply, in having any form of attachments to another.”


Satele took a deep breath and to stop herself from fidgeting, clasped her hands behind her back and began to pace a small line in the mud beneath her feet “Leaving Theron behind though didn’t quell the feelings he’d stirred within me—a mother’s urge to nurture and care for her child and though I spent years suppressing those feelings, I never fully shut them out. Perhaps no mother ever can.”


“And then you came along.” Satele looked back at Eliza again “You were brought to the Temple and we were expected to take care of you, to raise you and you clung onto me instantly. For a moment it almost felt as though the Force had answered the silent yearning of motherhood within me because you needed me and with you, none of the other Jedi would ever bat an eye. They’d never question or reprimand my close involvement with your care, with raising you because it’s what we, and I, were expected to do. You were one of us then.”


“While caring for you, I could be the mother I’d wanted to be for my son and with time, I grew to love you and consider you my own. I realize now that was wrong—I could never be your mother and you could never replace my own child but for a while… I tried.”


A flood of memories rushed through Eliza’s mind, for a moment filling her with the warmth she’d once felt towards Satele but then she shook it off and sighed “But you still left me behind too, and lied.”


“I know.” Satele admitted with a hint of sorrow in her voice “One day when I returned to the Temple after spending two weeks on another planet to assist with the evacuations of refugees, old Grand Master Zym approached me. He told me you’d been impossible to handle in my absence and you’d thrown one tantrum after the other, demanding that only I was allowed to do your hair and tuck you in at night.”


Eliza grinned a sheepish grin as she remembered.


“Of course it wasn’t your fault alone. He’d also noticed I’d been reluctant to return to the war or accept any mission that would take me too far away from Coruscant and he quickly realized that the bond you and I had went beyond what was acceptable. He encouraged me to walk away, to return to my duties for your sake and my own and as much as I hated it… he was right and so I left you behind as well, same as I’d done to Theron ten years earlier.”


Eliza massaged her temples, trying to piece everything together while keeping herself grounded despite the onslaught of memories and old, good feelings towards Satele “But that still doesn’t explain your lies… I mean, I’ve always assumed something like this was the reason you walked away from me and I never truly blamed you for that. I was raised as Jedi, I do understand but what I don’t get is the secrecy and lying.”


“Because like with Theron, I thought I’d be okay watching you grow up from a distance. Caring about you from a distance but if you were to ever find out the truth about your family, your heritage… I was afraid I’d lose you for good then and, as it turns out, rightfully so. I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you to the Empire, losing the girl I’d come to think of as my own so I kept everything hidden.”


“And it was wrong, you were never mine to keep...”


“Satele…” Eliza made sure to carefully choose her words as she ran a hand through her hair “You didn’t lose me just because of my real family.”


She now began to pace as well “I’m not saying that telling me the truth sooner would have ensured me staying with the Jedi but it would have gone a long way in me wanting to stay… and instead you did almost everything you could to push me away.”


“I am aware of that, now.” Satele admitted “It took losing both you and Theron for me to realize the damage I’d done, to realize all the things I still wished to tell you both.”


“I won’t turn back.”


“I know you won’t Eliza and perhaps you shouldn’t. We all heard what Revan had to say, maybe this was your path all along and nothing any of us could have said or done would have changed it.”


Eliza frowned, half taken aback by her words as though her heartfelt confession hadn’t been odd and incredulous enough already “Are you sure you’re Grand Master Satele Shan?”


Then just like that, for the tiniest second, Satele’s famous scowl returned to her face and Eliza found herself smiling.


“I’m glad you told me, I suppose. It doesn’t change my mind, I’m no less angry about the things you’ve done but I do appreciate finally hearing the truth.”


“But can you forgive me?”


“I…” Eliza glanced over her shoulder back in the direction of their camp and sighed “You and I are about to part ways and next we meet, if ever, we’ll likely be enemies… I can forgive you if you need it but rather than that I’d prefer you actually fix your mistakes.”


Satele furrowed her brows “How could I when you’re about to leave?”


“Theron. Be the mother he deserves. Show him the love and care I once knew you to possess when I was little… do right by him and if he throws up his walls, wait. He’s worth it.”


A small nod followed as Satele accepted her request and then a growing silence fell between the two women, neither knowing what to say next while the time for farewells drew nearer. At last though, Eliza turned back to Satele and extended her hand while wishing the woman a safe journey back home and Satele echoed those same sentiments. She wrapped herself back up in a cover of serenity and strength as she told Eliza goodbye and then vanished back towards camp and the shuttles.


Eliza threw her head back and let out a deep groan. Out of all the possible reasons she’d come up with for Satele’s lies, this confession hadn’t been one of them and though she’d felt tempted to presume more false sentiments behind Satele’s words, she’d sensed the truth in them now. A small nagging voice even dared her to feel sorry for the Grand Master but she refused that sentiment and pushed it away.


“Well, you were right.” she breathed out as she heard the crunch of footsteps and felt Theron approach.


“But if this is what she told you during your conversation with her then I can’t understand why you don’t hate me.”


He gave a slight shrug as he appeared at her side “You were never to blame for her actions and choices. I may have envied you once upon a time but I can’t fault you for what she did, or failed to do.”


Eliza looked his way and nodded “So where will you go now?”


“Back home, actually. The SIS reinstated me although they’ll no doubt make me suffer with endless amounts of paperwork for the first few weeks.”


“Ah you’ll survive… congratulations.”


“Thanks.” he dug his hands into his pockets and stared at the ground “And I take it you’re officially headed for the Empire now?”


“Yeah. Home to meet the rest of my family and start a new life.”


Theron nodded solemnly but said nothing.


“I will miss you.” Eliza sighed.


When he still said nothing, her shoulders dropped and she swallowed hard while turning away “I suppose I’d best go find Scourge and head for the shuttles… take care Theron.”


“Wait.” he clasped her wrist as she brushed past him and pulled her back in, one arm wrapping around her back to hold her tight while with the other hand he gently caressed her cheek.


“I’ll miss you too…” Theron breathed in a whisper as he stared down into her eyes “And, if this is the last time we’ll ever be in each other’s presence then I suppose… just once…”


Theron ran his fingers through her hair and tilted her head back ever so slightly while he leaned in, closing his eyes and he swallowed his hesitation. He brushed his lips upon Eliza’s, gingerly at first but as she didn’t flinch away he deepened the connection and poured everything he’d ever felt for her into that one moment until he forced himself to let her go one final time.


“Goodbye Eliza.”


Theron never saw what happened next coming—everything seemed to happen all at once but as he turned to walk away from Eliza he found himself staring up into Lord Scourge’s furious eyes. The Pureblood had drawn his blade already and moved in to strike but Eliza was faster and threw herself in front of Theron with her own swords crossed before her.


“Scourge don’t!” she barked blocking his assault.


“Step aside, now.” Lord Scourge bristled in return.


“No. Just put your sword down and let’s go home, just you and me and leave all this behind.”


“Move!” he demanded with a deep growl.


The three prowled around each other in a half circle, Eliza protecting Theron by keeping herself in the middle as they tried to get past Lord Scourge and closer to the camp side.


“Theron, go. Get aboard your mother’s ship and leave.” she told him next.


“Do not move an inch” Lord Scourge threatened “For weeks I have watched you watch her. Undressing her with your eyes, daydreaming about a life together, getting turned on whenever you’re in close proximity to her and I’ve had enough. Now you’ve gone one step too far so man up and face me.”


Eliza heard a small click as Theron withdrew his blasters from their holsters and primed the guns to fire.


“Eliza step aside.” he now too insisted.


“Put the blasters away Theron and lower your weapon Scourge, I won’t ask again.”


“Fine.” Lord Scourge snarled but rather than give in, he charged forward.


He gathered the power of the dark side all around him and brushed Eliza aside, more roughly than intended and she fell to the ground while he closed in on Theron. The Agent hurried back to create distance between himself and the Sith Lord, to find more steady footing as he fired repeated shots in Lord Scourge’s direction.


“I said face me you coward!” Lord Scourge shouted as he batted the plasma bolts away with his lightsaber and continued his advance.


Theron got further out of reach and Lord Scourge tired of the pursuit. Instead he stretched out his arm and through his powerful command of the Force he grabbed the Agent by the throat, dragging him back over to where he stood and then he dropped the man at his feet.


Lord Scourge reached down and grabbed Theron by the hair, yanking his head up to face him “You should have ran while you still could.”


“Scourge stop, please!” Eliza pleaded as she scrambled to her feet and rushed over.


Lord Scourge knocked both of Theron’s blasters out of his hands and then slammed the man’s head down again while at the same time bringing his own knee up. A sickening cracking of bones rang through Theron’s ears as his jaw dislocated against the Sith Lord’s kneecap and then a piercing flat beep drowned out everything else. Lord Scourge had thrown him to the ground and began to rain heavy punches against Theron’s face.


Theron heard and felt the bones in his nose break next and then his cheekbones too, another punch against his ribcage knocked the air right out of him while he, in vain, tried to push his assailant away. He jerked his own leg up as the Sith Lord sat atop his chest and he jammed his knee straight into Lord Scourge’s back while at the same time reaching for the vibroknife he kept in the shaft of his boot.


A fierce growl escaped the Pureblood as the knife dug into his side and for a split second Theron seized control, digging the knife in further as he rolled his attacker over and wrenched himself away but Lord Scourge recovered quickly. The pain meant nothing to him now and he grinned as he continued his pursuit.


Theron spun around and quickly retrieved his blasters. He blindly fired off another salvo of bolts but to his horror they never reached Lord Scourge. Instead Eliza suddenly sunk back down to her knees, almost in slow motion as her eyes widened and she reached for her chest and stomach—she’d thrown herself between them once more but this time the attempt to stop them both had cost her.


Lord Scourge got to her first, catching her in his arms before she fully collapsed down against the stony and mossy grounds. Blood began to seep through and drench her top as she wheezed and the tears sprung into her eyes.


“S-stop… fighting…” Eliza gasped for air and coughed up more blood which ran down the side of her mouth.


Theron rushed over and knelt down at her side but he was met with a foul glare from Lord Scourge “Get away from us, you did this.” he hissed.


“No no no no I didn’t mean to I… she, I never saw… Eliza.” he stammered in disbelief and hastily pulled a kolto injection from the pouch he kept clipped to his belt.


Please.” he begged while injecting her with the solution.


Lord Scourge waited until he’d finished and then rose to his feet as he cradled Eliza in his arms. He kicked Theron aside.


“No please let me come with you,” Theron got up and ran after him when Lord Scourge headed for the shuttles “I need to know she’ll be okay please!”


“Never!” Lord Scourge snapped as he picked up the pace, feeling Eliza’s pulse drop further and she gasped for air once more “As far as you’re concerned she’s dead already and you will never lay eyes on her again!”

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