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Do you think Vette will...


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This emotional appeal is really useless. It doesn't bring anything to the table, but I will answer anyway: As someone who is bisexual in real life, I think that the "everyone is bisexual" approach is bad. Really bad. It makes the characters feel less like people, and it seems to suggest that all of them are simply just a character sheet.


As much as some people might not like it: sexuality can define people. Being hetero/****/bi can actually form a person. I dislike how those "one size fits all" solutions are now thrown around like candy. I was quite alright with it when this just extended to Lana and Theron. But now that Koth also seems to be bisexual, and this seems the standard for completely new companions going forward? Sorry, but this is the point where I'll say that I don't need to romance each and every companion with every gender.


As was previously discussed, Kaliyo hinted at being bisexual in her storyline. She always said that she never got into it though. Vette never dropped a hint about being bisexual, and I think it should stay that way. Not because I feel overly protective about my warriors romance with her (you romancing her on a female would not change my romance on a male all that much), but because I think it's pretty pointless to go back and change all characters to a bisexual approach.


I believe that sexuality can make a character a bit more unique. And I believe there's some fun and exictement in finding out if the character in question is indeed ****/hetero/bi.


That's why I support the "You have to be in a previous relationship with the returning character to continue it." approach. I would consider changing it to a "You must be in NO relationship and be the owner of said companion pre-KotFE to start a NEW romance with him/her" approach, but only if you are the specific pre-KotFE romanceable gender. I wouldn't change all old companions to bi. Sorry, but it would kill a large part of their "characters", and make them appear more like "solutions".


Fair enough but for me, its all about options for the replay. I play every character differently and frankly with KOTFE being the same storyline...The romance options adds variety when I replay the story. I have like 10 characters to push through KOTFE atm and any options would be a good one.


Do we even know if Vette will have a part? I sure hope so, because she is too fun to obtain from those one sided conversation alert quests.

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One thing that really strikes me in all this is that I usually see people jump high and low arguing "I was born this way! I didn't choose to be gay, it's who I am". Now granted this is merely a game and we're talking fictional characters but I still find it odd when those same people preaching acceptance would suggest that the NPCs suddenly change who they are. They too were 'born' (aka written and created) as they are which in most cases is straight. Asking them to become bisexual, isn't that somewhat of a double standard?


True but it was just not an option when the game first came out or both options would of been available from the beginning.

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True. And I do enjoy some Quinn as well. I guess Republic females get screwed the most without getting screwed at all. Felix is a joke same as Corso, Doc is semi-acceptable but I mostly chose him as there were no other options and Jorgan.. well fair enough I rather love that guy.


Still at least you get to choose. Happy skippy prattling Vette or psycho witch Jaesa. Risha who's a reasonable option or AkwhateverIdislikehersomuchIcantevenspellhername. Kaliyo the other psycho nut or a tame Temple. Options are nice, mostly. Then again the option between crap and crap is still crap.. yeah fine you have a point. :p


Alls I can really say is thank BW for Theron Shan.


wait one moment now lol, Kaliyo is my favorite of the female romance options. Temple is pathetically weak

Edited by kirorx
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Yes & No


Like the agents comp Kaliyo, Vette will get flirt options for all characters except the female warrior. Just as Kaliyo had flirt option for everyone except female agent.


That's assuming Vette is in KotFE, BW said not all comp's would be.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Yes & No


Like the agents comp Kaliyo, Vette will get flirt options for all characters except the female warrior. Just as Kaliyo had flirt option for everyone except female agent.


That's assuming Vette is in KotFE, BW said no all comp's would be.


1I'm sure she'll be in KOFTE3

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One thing that really strikes me in all this is that I usually see people jump high and low arguing "I was born this way! I didn't choose to be gay, it's who I am". Now granted this is merely a game and we're talking fictional characters but I still find it odd when those same people preaching acceptance would suggest that the NPCs suddenly change who they are. They too were 'born' (aka written and created) as they are which in most cases is straight. Asking them to become bisexual, isn't that somewhat of a double standard?


I already said i just want my char to have the flirt option, even if she gets rejected. :)


As much as i would love to romance vette on one my chars, she didnt really hint anything before, so im assuming she's straight. And thats fine, but it doesnt mean my char cant express her attraction.

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Jorgan.. well fair enough I rather love that guy....

My trooper was so happy to him, she couldn't wait to get him back to camp and umm...inspect his rifle. :jawa_wink:


Alls I can really say is thank BW for Theron Shan.

Amen sister!


My Cathar BH wonders if BW knows what a great gay woman Mako is, cause she totally wants Mako as a life partner.

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I already said i just want my char to have the flirt option, even if she gets rejected. :)


As much as i would love to romance vette on one my chars, she didnt really hint anything before, so im assuming she's straight. And thats fine, but it doesnt mean my char cant express her attraction.


That's where the world of glorious fan fiction comes into play or artful drawings and you can shamelessly wish and fantasize away and do to Vette all the things BW won't let you!! ;)

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That's where the world of glorious fan fiction comes into play or artful drawings and you can shamelessly wish and fantasize away and do to Vette all the things BW won't let you!! ;)


Haha thanks, fun those fandoms freak me out. I think theyre for straight girls with a gay fetish in most cases

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I'm really surprised that Tharan Cedrax can't be romanced by males. He just gives off that vibe. I guess that saves one more gender the annoyance of being ninja-manced by him. My female jedis are always like, "Back off, hologram lover." Then an hour later he's telling them it's time to break up.
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That's where the world of glorious fan fiction comes into play or artful drawings and you can shamelessly wish and fantasize away and do to Vette all the things BW won't let you!! ;)


Haha thanks, fun those fandoms freak me out. I think theyre for straight girls with a gay fetish in most cases

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That's where the world of glorious fan fiction comes into play or artful drawings and you can shamelessly wish and fantasize away and do to Vette all the things BW won't let you!! ;)


Haha thanks, fun those fandoms freak me out. I think theyre for straight girls with a gay fetish in most cases

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...become a romancable option for fems as well?


FOR AMYONE ROLLING THEIR EYES AND THINKING; why is everyone so obssesed with having gay romance options , - how would you, as a straight person feel if you could only romance same sex people? Since you're in an rpg, i guess you're into the whole emersion thing and making yourself in another world etc, amd romance does add some spice to the story so do understand .

FOR ANYONE THINKING; Get a RL girlfriend. - i already do, thats not the point!




Okay so now that thats out of the way...do you think or would you want Vette as a romance option now?


Please, do not get me wrong but I hope it won't happen. My opinion is that there should be some variety. Some of them should be strictly straight, some homosexual and some bisexual. Just like it was in Mass Effect.


I would like to see more characters turning me down because of their sexual orientation. I would like to see them turning me down because of their dislike of my character (too dark/too light for them). Right now, I feel like in a Super Market where everything turned free. I tried to insult Theron as much as I could on my female SI aaand I still got the option to flirt and kiss the guy? Well, that was odd. PRESS ESC FAST!


If someone is really into RP, that person won't like that every character suddenly turned bisexual. You might think "why would anyone care", but background story is really important to some people and should not be changed. I, for one, would never romance Andronikos if he was bisexual from the beginning. If I am RPing my character as a lesbian, then I will go for a lesbian companion. Background stories are important.


If my character would not be able to romance someone because of their sexual orientation I would feel like that is a really good story-telling.


Just my opinion.

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Please, do not get me wrong but I hope it won't happen. My opinion is that there should be some variety. Some of them should be strictly straight, some homosexual and some bisexual. Just like it was in Mass Effect.


I would like to see more characters turning me down because of their sexual orientation. I would like to see them turning me down because of their dislike of my character (too dark/too light for them). Right now, I feel like in a Super Market where everything turned free. I tried to insult Theron as much as I could on my female SI aaand I still got the option to flirt and kiss the guy? Well, that was odd. PRESS ESC FAST!


If someone is really into RP, that person won't like that every character suddenly turned bisexual. You might think "why would anyone care", but background story is really important to some people and should not be changed. I, for one, would never romance Andronikos if he was bisexual from the beginning. If I am RPing my character as a lesbian, then I will go for a lesbian companion. Background stories are important.


If my character would not be able to romance someone because of their sexual orientation I would feel like that is a really good story-telling.


Just my opinion.

I agree with you completly! As i said before, getting the flirt option even if you get rejected is perfect!

Much better then making them all bi. :) i changed my mind as soon as i saw this idea.

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Please, do not get me wrong but I hope it won't happen. My opinion is that there should be some variety. Some of them should be strictly straight, some homosexual and some bisexual. Just like it was in Mass Effect.


I would like to see more characters turning me down because of their sexual orientation. I would like to see them turning me down because of their dislike of my character (too dark/too light for them). Right now, I feel like in a Super Market where everything turned free. I tried to insult Theron as much as I could on my female SI aaand I still got the option to flirt and kiss the guy? Well, that was odd. PRESS ESC FAST!


If my character would not be able to romance someone because of their sexual orientation I would feel like that is a really good story-telling.


Just my opinion.


I somewhat agree with you that this is good direction to be taken (although I can't see why the herosexual NPCs are bad...but I don't mind too much when/if they are all with their own orientation), but SWTOR before SoR they handled them horribly. It is nice if the npc say ''no'', but allow us to flirt or try to flirt with them. If I remember correctly this was how it was done in ME3....


If someone is really into RP, that person won't like that every character suddenly turned bisexual. You might think "why would anyone care", but background story is really important to some people and should not be changed. I, for one, would never romance Andronikos if he was bisexual from the beginning. If I am RPing my character as a lesbian, then I will go for a lesbian companion. Background stories are important.


I admit I don't understand what you are trying to say here:) As far as I know Andronikos or most of the vanilla romances never said whether he/she were straight or not. We were just prevented to try anything other than f/m...


...anyway to answer the OP's question: I hope we are able to try romancing her - again if she turn us down that will be fine, but having not romanced her ( and therefore I might be missing info) she never talked (the codex never talked) about her sexuality, so it might go both ways when/if we actually flirt with her as female char.

But I am more concerned that if she doesn't have her own chapter (and presumably being part of further chapters down the line) she will....either be very briefly romanceable / not at all or maybe be romanceable only for male SW that had previous romance with her going on....

Edited by Saelinne
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Vette will return in chapter 13, but I highly doubt she will be romancable for female characters or any characters other than the Sith Warrior(male) if he was previously married to her, but I would really love it if my female warrior could be in a romance with Vette
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