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Do you think Vette will...


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On a side note, I didn't even know there was a propose-a-threesome type dialog like that for the SW. Funny.


You need to romance them both at the the same time. Smugglers and Agents have the same thing with Rish/Avikai and Kaliyo/Temple

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Yet us females only get one man? Psh talk about equality :rolleyes:


Maybe its about game ratings you know normal romance options dont push that ratings too much but same sex relations in game can make game ratings go high which is maybe bioware is concered of.After all this is an mmo and one of its target audience is children so maybe they dont want to go over the line ?


I mean todays children already know everything so I dont think that rating stuff works anyway but some people take it seriously.


But as a person who always looks for equality same sex relations can be included in game if there is a demand for it I dont mind.

Edited by Fizy
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Yet us females only get one man? Psh talk about equality :rolleyes:


Maybe it's saying men are more likely to be sexually greedy? Or that most woman arn't good enough to get two? Or Bioware thinks highly of it's male companions :D

Edited by Codedrago
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Maybe its about game ratings you know normal romance options dont push that ratings too much but same sex relations in game can make game ratings go high which is maybe bioware is concered of.After all this is an mmo and one of its target audience is children so maybe they dont want to go over the line ?


I mean todays children already know everything so I dont think that rating stuff works anyway but some people take it seriously.


But as a person who always looks for equality same sex relations can be included in game if there is a demand for it I dont mind.


It's little to do with ratings as I'm not referring to SGR. I'm talking about the fact that male players can romance 2 female companions at the same time while female players can only romance 1 male.


If I were one of THOSE people I'd tantrum about stereotypes, objectification and so forth but really I just want my manwich. ;)

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Also I do have two female toons in game for jedi consular and sith iinquisitor.


While I am playing with them I avoid all Romance options cause they are kinda ugly you know I think that they dont deserve a sith lord or a jedi master.


In other classes you have folks are Aric Jorgan etc etc so overall male romance options for female players are not that good.


I dont know what you feel about it but İf I was a girl I will definetly stay away from the male companions in game cause only few of them is charming enough.


Of course as a male this is what I think and female players can have diffrent opinions and they can be right about it cause after all beign female is something they know and I dont : D


But as far as I can see male players has better female companions to romance with much intresthing and good looking like Elara Dorne,Kira Carsen or the finest among them Jeesa Wilsaam.

Edited by Fizy
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It's little to do with ratings as I'm not referring to SGR. I'm talking about the fact that male players can romance 2 female companions at the same time while female players can only romance 1 male.


If I were one of THOSE people I'd tantrum about stereotypes, objectification and so forth but really I just want my manwich. ;)


You don't really romance them, they learn what's going on, confront you about it and force you to choose because they;re not settling to share. If you suggest a threeway... They're not exactly happy :D

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You don't really romance them, they learn what's going on, confront you about it and force you to choose because they;re not settling to share. If you suggest a threeway... They're not exactly happy :D


But that's the whole point. That's when you pull out the mud bath and chant "fight!".



Also I do have two female toons in game for jedi consular and sith iinquisitor.


While I am playing with them I avoid all Romance options cause they are kinda ugly you know I think that they dont deserve a sith lord or a jedi master.


In other classes you have folks are Aric Jorgan etc etc so overall male romance options for female players are not that good.


I dont know what you feel about it but İf I was a girl I will definetly stay away from the male companions in game cause only few of them is charming enough.


Of course as a male this is what I think and female players can have diffrent opinions and they can be right about it cause after all beign female is something they know and I dont : D


But as far as I can see male players has better female companions to romance with much intresthing and good looking like Elara Dorne,Kira Carsen or the finest among them Jeesa Wilsaam.


1; Yes, the majority of male romance options suck for females but what else is new?

2; Ugly women aren't deserving of romance, especially not with ranking Sith and Jedi? Oy vey..

3; Why would you even create a character you think is ugly?

4; Regarding your signature - HK55 has already been brought back into KotFE. He was a past subscribers rewards so I guess you've missed the boat.

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But that's the whole point. That's when you pull out the mud bath and chant "fight!".





1; Yes, the majority of male romance options suck for females but what else is new?



They don't fight, they spit in your face and tell you they're done. Before they go off to presumably plan to embarrass you later.


Also, you get Jorgan, Vector and Torian. You're lucky, you don't get Risha, Kaliyo and Kira. I love my Vtee, but she;s the only companion I actually wanted to romance, most others were just because they were the only ones available. :D

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But that's the whole point. That's when you pull out the mud bath and chant "fight!".

1; Yes, the majority of male romance options suck for females but what else is new?

2; Ugly women aren't deserving of romance, especially not with ranking Sith and Jedi? Oy vey..

3; Why would you even create a character you think is ugly?

4; Regarding your signature - HK55 has already been brought back into KotFE. He was a past subscribers rewards so I guess you've missed the boat.


Well you got it wrong and then you get mad about it and answered this way : D


I didnt said the females I create were ugly I said male companions were ugly. I said that female companions are many and mostly beatiful but male companions are few and mostly not good looking.So my post was totaly supporting you but you saw it from the direct opposite view : D


I didnt created ugly toons actually both of them is pretty beatiful one's people tend to propose marrige to them when I enter flashpoints especially to my jedi consular dont know why they love her that much I swear it happened : D


Also having HK-55 as a companion is not what I meant I mean having him in kotfe story so I can have those funny converstations again.


Edit: Correction in first sentence.

Edited by Fizy
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Also, you get Jorgan, Vector and Torian. You're lucky, you don't get Risha, Kaliyo and Kira. I love my Vtee, but she;s the only companion I actually wanted to romance, most others were just because they were the only ones available. :D


True. And I do enjoy some Quinn as well. I guess Republic females get screwed the most without getting screwed at all. Felix is a joke same as Corso, Doc is semi-acceptable but I mostly chose him as there were no other options and Jorgan.. well fair enough I rather love that guy.


Still at least you get to choose. Happy skippy prattling Vette or psycho witch Jaesa. Risha who's a reasonable option or AkwhateverIdislikehersomuchIcantevenspellhername. Kaliyo the other psycho nut or a tame Temple. Options are nice, mostly. Then again the option between crap and crap is still crap.. yeah fine you have a point. :p


Alls I can really say is thank BW for Theron Shan.

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Well you got it wrong and then you get mad about it and answered this way : D


I didnt said the females I create were ugly I said male companions were ugly. I said that female companions are many and mostly beatiful but male companions are few and mostly not good looking.So my post was totaly supporting you but you saw it from the direct opposite view : D


I didnt created ugly toons actually both of them is pretty beatiful one's people tend to propose marrige to them when I enter flashpoints especially to my jedi consular dont know why they love her that much I swear it happened : D


Also having HK-55 as a companion is not what I meant I mean having him in kotfe story so I can have those funny converstations again.


Edit: Correction in first sentence.


Yep, I totally misread your post! Or perhaps your wording was off. Maybe a little of both! And I haven't even touched my vodka yet.


She got it wrong and then went to the toilet? Is this a metaphor?

This made me laugh more than it probably should have but.. :D

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Some of you made some really good points against it.


Does the imp agent companion really reject the female outlander? If so, i think that's great! I actually think I like it better if they have their own orientation etc, HOWEVER I still want the flirt option , even if my character is going to be rejected.

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Some of you made some really good points against it.


Does the imp agent companion really reject the female outlander? If so, i think that's great! I actually think I like it better if they have their own orientation etc, HOWEVER I still want the flirt option , even if my character is going to be rejected.


You still get the flirt options for some of them, you just can't romance them.

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For a Sith Warrior, the Emperor's Wrath, to romance a snakehead slave is ludicrous. He (or she) is a Lord of the Sith, way above such pitiful anchors that only mundanes cling to. A union with another Sith Lord, something that is beneficial, sure, but what does Vette bring? Nothing a Sith can't get with ease some place else.


I assume you didn't read the novel "Deceived" and did not know that Darth Malgus was deeply in love with his Twi'lek slave Eleena. If your warrior is only interested in sex and power plays, then yes, Vette brings nothing to the table, but love is much harder to find, even for a sith lord.


The thought of an NPC such as say, Quinn, suddenly turning gay just makes little sense (sorry Theron/Quinn slashers!).


Very few companions show any interest in anyone outside of the opposite sex PC, which leaves a lot of wiggle room for the other half. The companion doesn't have to be the same for both sexes. Quinn could have been passionately in love with the M!Warrior the whole time, but is just waiting for the right time to make his move. As for Theron, Quinn might have just been waiting for the right guy to come along.


Wait, how do you bang droids?


With a hammer :p


I dont know what you feel about it but İf I was a girl I will definetly stay away from the male companions in game cause only few of them is charming enough.


Of course as a male this is what I think and female players can have diffrent opinions and they can be right about it cause after all beign female is something they know and I dont : D


But as far as I can see male players has better female companions to romance with much intresthing and good looking like Elara Dorne,Kira Carsen or the finest among them Jeesa Wilsaam.


Personally, I think the male companions are more attractive and interesting than the female ones.


Quinn, Vector & Doc are gorgeous. Torian is adorable. With the right skin Iresso & and Corso are quite handsome. I like aliens and don't mind Jorgan and wish we had more (looking at you Scourge & Zenith!) Andronikos is the only one I find lacking, but I know he has his fans. And he has a sexy voice, which makes up for the lack of looks.


Vette and Elara are the only women I think are particularly attractive. The rest are average at best, and then there is mime faced Nadia. Poor Nadia.

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Quinn, Vector & Doc are gorgeous. Torian is adorable. With the right skin Iresso & and Corso are quite handsome. I like aliens and don't mind Jorgan and wish we had more (looking at you Scourge & Zenith!) Andronikos is the only one I find lacking, but I know he has his fans. And he has a sexy voice, which makes up for the lack of looks.


Vette and Elara are the only women I think are particularly attractive. The rest are average at best, and then there is mime faced Nadia. Poor Nadia.


While I adore Quinn, Vector, and Theron, the rest just dont make me excited to do the romance for the most part.


◆Torian is too young and that default Bieber hair... urgh...


◆Doc is too much a ladies man. I did amuse myself giving him the mini ponytail customizations and put a helmet that only has pieces visible on the sides of his face and neck & pretending he was Gambit though -laughs-


◆Jorgan had potential, and the reunion I saw on youtube for KOTFE was adorable.. ("Can that garbage! -pause- And I love you!") But he spent 2/3 of the vanilla game being Grumpy Cat and standoffish which wasnt very fun..


◆Iresso might be ok for some, but he just was too.. bland for me. I need a little excitement in romance...


◆Corso... ugh.. Overly Attached Boyfriend Corso... gets all pissy if you even enter a room with another guy and glance in their general direction. Nope. Nope nope nope.


◆Andronikos. He has multiple variations of "Mike Tysons scrawny cousin" customizations, and one "Grizzled war painted old army vet". -IF- they hadnt decided to have Steve Blum voice 50% or more of the NPCs in the game that could have redeemed him somewhat by at least having him have an interesting voice, but the game is oversaturated with Blum.


As others have said, there are multiple other NPCs that could have been much better/more interesting romance choices, sadly Bioware wwnt with mostly cliches and tropes.


My jedi would be -much- happier with Lord Scourge then Doc...


Jonas Balkar would have been a fun side romance option as well.


As for female romance companions, i dont play male charavters so no real interest in their romances. Dont even get me started on Lana MeltyMethFace Beniko in SoR. Eww.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Is it wrong I laughed at this?

"As long as he isn't black, honey!" :D


It's not about Iresso being black, he's just plain. Iresso has several nice customizations to choose from. I have a thing for red heads, so #1 is my favorite, but I like #5 & #6 as well. http://tor-fashion.com/lieutenant-felix-iresso/


Corso isn't black unless you use one of his other skins. (and he has those weird, super shiny lips) #9 is my favorite, though I like #2 as well. http://tor-fashion.com/corso-riggs/

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It's not about Iresso being black, he's just plain. Iresso has several nice customizations to choose from. I have a thing for red heads, so #1 is my favorite, but I like #5 & #6 as well. http://tor-fashion.com/lieutenant-felix-iresso/


Corso isn't black unless you use one of his other skins. (and he has those weird, super shiny lips) #9 is my favorite, though I like #2 as well. http://tor-fashion.com/corso-riggs/


I know you didn't literally mean their skin, but the wording brought out a small chucle at the possiable misinterpretation :D

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FOR AMYONE ROLLING THEIR EYES AND THINKING; why is everyone so obssesed with having gay romance options , - how would you, as a straight person feel if you could only romance same sex people? Since you're in an rpg, i guess you're into the whole emersion thing and making yourself in another world etc, amd romance does add some spice to the story so do understand .


This emotional appeal is really useless. It doesn't bring anything to the table, but I will answer anyway: As someone who is bisexual in real life, I think that the "everyone is bisexual" approach is bad. Really bad. It makes the characters feel less like people, and it seems to suggest that all of them are simply just a character sheet.


As much as some people might not like it: sexuality can define people. Being hetero/****/bi can actually form a person. I dislike how those "one size fits all" solutions are now thrown around like candy. I was quite alright with it when this just extended to Lana and Theron. But now that Koth also seems to be bisexual, and this seems the standard for completely new companions going forward? Sorry, but this is the point where I'll say that I don't need to romance each and every companion with every gender.


As was previously discussed, Kaliyo hinted at being bisexual in her storyline. She always said that she never got into it though. Vette never dropped a hint about being bisexual, and I think it should stay that way. Not because I feel overly protective about my warriors romance with her (you romancing her on a female would not change my romance on a male all that much), but because I think it's pretty pointless to go back and change all characters to a bisexual approach.


I believe that sexuality can make a character a bit more unique. And I believe there's some fun and exictement in finding out if the character in question is indeed ****/hetero/bi.


That's why I support the "You have to be in a previous relationship with the returning character to continue it." approach. I would consider changing it to a "You must be in NO relationship and be the owner of said companion pre-KotFE to start a NEW romance with him/her" approach, but only if you are the specific pre-KotFE romanceable gender. I wouldn't change all old companions to bi. Sorry, but it would kill a large part of their "characters", and make them appear more like "solutions".

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One thing that really strikes me in all this is that I usually see people jump high and low arguing "I was born this way! I didn't choose to be gay, it's who I am". Now granted this is merely a game and we're talking fictional characters but I still find it odd when those same people preaching acceptance would suggest that the NPCs suddenly change who they are. They too were 'born' (aka written and created) as they are which in most cases is straight. Asking them to become bisexual, isn't that somewhat of a double standard?
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One thing that really strikes me in all this is that I usually see people jump high and low arguing "I was born this way! I didn't choose to be gay, it's who I am". Now granted this is merely a game and we're talking fictional characters but I still find it odd when those same people preaching acceptance would suggest that the NPCs suddenly change who they are. They too were 'born' (aka written and created) as they are which in most cases is straight. Asking them to become bisexual, isn't that somewhat of a double standard?


I was thinking that, but wasn't sure how to say it.

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One thing that really strikes me in all this is that I usually see people jump high and low arguing "I was born this way! I didn't choose to be gay, it's who I am". Now granted this is merely a game and we're talking fictional characters but I still find it odd when those same people preaching acceptance would suggest that the NPCs suddenly change who they are. They too were 'born' (aka written and created) as they are which in most cases is straight. Asking them to become bisexual, isn't that somewhat of a double standard?


Pffffft, it's not a double standard when it's not being pushed by straight people!

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