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GSF School with Despon - NEW SESSIONS - check for details!


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School is out.


Thank you to those pilots who sought out knowledge, and those who hung around in chat to disseminate it. The efforts on both fronts were appreciated.


Prior GSF School stream (courtesy of Mikaboshi, on his Twitch):


GSF School Past Streams




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Thanks to everyone who attended! We had a good turnout, including a mix of pilots from all experience levels. There were excellent questions asked about tactical and technical matters, and I hope everyone came away with some answers and ideas on how to improve their flying. The session actually ran a full two hours, but I was glad to stay for the overtime since we were having productive discussions.


If anyone has any thoughts on this previous session or on what they would like to see in the next one, please post here! I'll update the first post with the time and place for the next one. I'm thinking of holding one on Harbinger, next but haven't made a decision either way yet. Input is welcome!



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I wasn't privy to the entire session, but I was there for maybe half of it, and I saw a lot of good questions/discussion. Tactical stuff like how a GS should react to a scout, math-y queries around fortress shield, and nuts-and-bolts questions like whether interdiction effects or sabo probe impact the target's ability to strafe.


Seemed a bit busier than the first session, and hopefully that trend continues in the future.

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Hello, will there be other sessions in the future? I'm from Europe but I will gladly create a character on Jedi Covenant to join the school.

Great to hear from you! Please do join in.


- Despon

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Despon can u please teach some people how to fly scout so I can stop seeing people QQ about gunship spam. Also please teach harbinger bacon guy how the game works. He was calling Dixarcs a hacker because she was countering his feedback shield with blue shield orbs and F2 power to shields



TBH Dixarcs is progressing very nicely and is already becoming a top pilot on harbinger. The master apprentice relationship is the most effective and I would suggest you take on an apprentice despon. Look at drakkoluch and xiao for example. Xiao ended up becoming the best player on shadowlands. Or look at Tommy and Scrabs. Scrab ended up being much better than his master eventually. Or vaxxial and xCal. Then there's newtrinos and equinox. Georgewhite and lebob. lvvvvl and kalendovia. I think etrigamek even taught tiara. I could go on and on and on.


I just wanted to say great work despon we need more teachers like you in this game. If it is going to last. I am getting bored blasting down easy pilots

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Just for the record, Neutrinos and Equinoxs are the same guy. The Xi'ao from Shadowlands isn't the guy that flew with Drakolich, that's Xiaoyu who's a different player. I'm not aware of any teaching arrangement that existed between Scrab and Tomm, but could be totally wrong. I never spoke to either on that subject. Drakolich actually did directly mentor Siphaniah.


To your point, though, one-on-one training can be a very effective way of teaching. It's great that you're having success with Dixarcs and can see her improving. New and inexperienced players often benefit quite a bit from grouping with and listening to veterans, particularly if they enter the arrangement with an open mind. I'm taking a broader approach for now, but wouldn't rule out one-on-one training in the future.


Despon can u please teach some people how to fly scout so I can stop seeing people QQ about gunship spam. Also please teach harbinger bacon guy how the game works. He was calling Dixarcs a hacker because she was countering his feedback shield with blue shield orbs and F2 power to shields.

Hacking claims and 'complaining about gunships without learning the skills necessary to defeat them' have been around since the dawn of GSF and probably won't go away anytime soon. As you know, I did write a guide to killing gunships which has lots of info from me and from the other respondents to the thread. But having a session on 'how to fly scouts' could be a productive exercise. I've been doing freeform Q&A so far, but have been considering more focused topics. That would be a good one, as encouraging more scout play on NA servers wouldn't be a bad thing. The Euro-servers seem to have that covered.


As for hacking, it is endlessly irritating to see accusations get thrown out. In my 6000+ games I have never seen a consequential act of hacking make any difference whatsoever. I've never seen anything I could say with any certainty is hacking at all. There's enough ambient chaos from lag, engine issues, and people from Australia to Austria playing on the same server that weirdness is easily explained. I'm pretty sure everyone who's any good (including me) has been called a hacker more than once. It's lame, and I wish people would stop.


We definitely agree, too, that it is better for GSF if new players learn the skills necessary to be competitive. It's a much more fun game when people are all flying smart and are well versed in tactics and picking the right weapon for the situation they face.


My whole goal with this project is to give people some fuel for their drive down the road to success.


- Despon

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Thanks despon how certain are you of this information?

I assume you are referring to the various players you mentioned...


If you go over to the records thread and look under Scout, the first Deathmatch record is held by Equinoxs (Neutrinos), meaning that Equinoxs is Neutrinos's alt.


I'm equally certain that Shadowlands Xi'ao is not Xiaoyu, and that the latter is the player who often flew on Drakolich's team. Xi'ao had been around since very early on in GSF history and developed his skills on his own. Xi'ao hasn't been active for a while now, but I occasionally see Xiaoyu pop up on Harbinger.


Siphaniah is definitely the player that Drakolich chose to tutor one-on-one in his thread where he searched for candidates to teach everything he knows.

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Thanks to those of you who came by! We had some good discussions on a range of topics.


I really want to encourage new players, those of you who might be struggling with a certain ship type (flying it or fighting it), or anyone who feels like they aren't sure what they ought to be doing in GSF matches to join in the conversations and get answers to your questions.


I'll be running another session next week, day and time TBA so keep an eye on this thread.


If you have any comments or suggestions on ways to improve GSF school sessions, please leave them right here.


- Despon

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Curse it, I missed again. :( I'm going to miss most sessions that are held Tues-Thurs evening. Unless you hold them on Harb imp side Tues or Thurs. Wed is hit and miss, like if you have one next week, I won't be there. Monday, Friday, Sat and Sun are evenings I can make.

Hope this continues to be a success though :)

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Shadowlands week has begun, weakly. Monday night was a big bust Impside, but I am back to try again Tuesday. Perhaps all the imp pilots knew everything they need to know about GSF. Evidence suggested otherwise.


- Despon

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Hey Des -


I appreciate you doing these, and sorry I've not made it to a single one yet on JC. 8-9 is a little earlier than my normal time. I'll try to make it to one of these on SL, I've been meaning to put an alt imp side there for a while now anyway.

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Hey fellas, I have a Lvl60 token and I am a returning player currently Pub side on EBON Hawk. I plan on rolling an imp side toon(still undecided on a class on the Shadowlands server (as I'm on the East Coast) . Any chance you could do some lessons later on that evening (4/14) I'll be getting on around 11PM est.



I love GSF but the only other space combat experience I have is from Starsider SWG back in the day( Which I miss dearly !!)

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