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Which companions will you keep for the romance in KOTFE


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All my characters went with Lana, despite previous romances. I think it's a little unreasonable not to expect someone to move on after five years, not to mention a little unhealthy. Plus, Lana seems like the Liara in this game, which means her development as a character will be given the most attention. Edited by cool-dude
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OK so my list (females only I find it weird doing a different sex than I am-just for me):-



Smuggler- Koth possibly (still a little undecided on that one)

Sage- Felix (staying faithful)

Knight- Theron (can't stand Doc-never liked his pushy style)

Trooper- Will wait and see maybe Aric



Agent-Vector (staying faithful)

Warrior-Quinn (possibly haven't got that far yet)

Bounty Hunter- Torian (staying faithful)

Edited by casirabit
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My Sentinel never romanced Kira anyway and he isn't going to romance Lana. My guardian will romance Theron, she didn't romance Doc.


My Marauder will stay with Vette. My insta-60 Jugg will probs romance Koth just to see it out.


My Gunslinger married Corso but will cheat on him for Theron, my Scounrel will stay loyal to Corso.


My Commando will stay loyal to Aric.


My Mercenary will stay loyal to Torian.


Both my Sniper and Operative will stay with Vector.


My Sage will stay with Iresso, Shadow never romanced him so she will go for Theron. She would have romances Tharan but he chose someone else. :mad:


My Sorc was insta-60 and I guess she will romance Theron.

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If I don't like a character I won't romance them. So that only leaves Vette, Aric, Torian, and maybe Vector... that my characters will stay faithful to. I'm on the fence with Vector because I love him, but I also like the chemistry between my agent and Theron :p But I have a really hard time saying no to Vector... so I might suck it up, and ignore Theron.


I'm still on the fence with my Agent and Vector. It's been 5 years, I'd hope that he had moved on or something. The last letter that you get from him when you wake up from your long cold nap, killed me. It was so sweet in that puppy dog way that he has about him. I have a feeling that I am going to have to roll another Agent just to see him happy.

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Staying loyal to Quinn, Vector, Torian, Jorgan, Elara. Cheating on Kira and Corso until they show up. Planning to cheat on Andronikos and Doc and then leave them. Consular and male Warrior stayed single until Shadow of Revan.
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If I don't like a character I won't romance them. So that only leaves Vette, Aric, Torian, and maybe Vector... that my characters will stay faithful to. I'm on the fence with Vector because I love him, but I also like the chemistry between my agent and Theron :p But I have a really hard time saying no to Vector... so I might suck it up, and ignore Theron.


My consular, jedi knight, smuggler, and female sith marauder are all with Theron, and I never romanced anyone else on them. The only exception is my sith assassin... I did romance Ashara on him, but he's with Lana now. I leveled that character BEFORE all the changes... and before Ashara got a new gift type she likes. So... I did it out of laziness lol


The moment Ashara pops up, she'll be getting dumped. Don't like her very much.


Yep my Darklord Character is romancing or trying to with Vette as she was a slave at first and I took off her shock collar. My other Dark Lord would love to romance with Lord Zash but most would figure out that Zash would be tossed into the Revanite Eternal Box while I would love the option to have one of the Female Sith Students allow Lord Zash to take over their bodies. Romance with Ashara is still the best thing to do; Mako is still too much of a teenager to romance fully so your choices are more limited.

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Will you guys keep your companions once they return if you married them or will you trade them off for someone else

I'm not even flirting with anyone else. I'm waiting for my husband Vector to come back! His letter almost made me cry...:(

He actually should be the easiest to find, since all you need to do is speak to a Joiner at any Hive, they'd know what happened to him.

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I'm still conflicted on my Trooper. Watching the playback videos of Chapter 11, I noticed the following . . .



He literally goes from "I've been a widower for 5 years" all choked up to see you to "You know where to find me" I'm outta here. I found that somewhat disappointing.


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I'm still conflicted on my Trooper. Watching the playback videos of Chapter 11, I noticed the following . . .



He literally goes from "I've been a widower for 5 years" all choked up to see you to "You know where to find me" I'm outta here. I found that somewhat disappointing.


I agree that it was a bit abrupt. I guess, you are both soldiers and have different jobs to do, it is war after all, but I agree that there could have been a little something extra. Another thing I sort of wondered about was:


If you break up with him he says "I've had years to think about us. I can give you some time." So this either means that you will have a second change to rekindle the romance or since he is a companion instead of a main character, you may possibly lose him forever at some point. Maybe even through his death. All conjecture I know, but it has given me pause to think about that dialogue.


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I agree that it was a bit abrupt. I guess, you are both soldiers and have different jobs to do, it is war after all, but I agree that there could have been a little something extra. Another thing I sort of wondered about was:


If you break up with him he says "I've had years to think about us. I can give you some time." So this either means that you will have a second change to rekindle the romance or since he is a companion instead of a main character, you may possibly lose him forever at some point. Maybe even through his death. All conjecture I know, but it has given me pause to think about that dialogue.


With the way its going, it could be a little of both. We'll probably be given a choice to lose this or that companion but there will be a warning message that will pop up that it will happen.

Edited by h_weber
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If I married or a had a romance with a companion before KOTFE then I will stick with them.

I will stay with Akaavi cause If I cheat on her she would kill me

The only one I started a romance with Theron was my female sith warrior because


Quinn is a back stabbing jerk, who I wish I could lock up on Belsavis.


Some of my characters will not romance anyone at all to try something different.

I hope Quinn is not forced to join us and we can choose not to have him join the alliance. I might have him join on one of my characters, but the rest will not have him step foot on Odessen.

Edited by MOAI
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My mains will stay with their husbands. They haven't boinked anyone else since getting married. I and my toons are faithful like that. My female alts, eh depends.


My male toons? They'll hook up with Theron, Koth, and/or Lana. Depends. Right now my male gunslinger and male operative are with Theron.

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I didn't romance any companion I didn't like, so my Consular was single when she met Theron, and I plan to stay with all my original romances. My Sith Warrior DID have an affair with Theron, though, because I headcanon her still having trust issues with Quinn which results in a pretty unhappy marriage. But now that's she's awake, she's realized how much Quinn means to her so she'll go back to him. I rerolling another SW though where she'll divorce Quinn and get with Theron.
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