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Future Story Speculations and Hopes


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I didn’t read any datamined stuff so all of this is just guessed.




-In a future chapter we will have to take down Acina/Saresh, after they are removed from power the Republic and the Empire will join the Alliance in open war against Zakuul.


-The final Enemy of chapter 16 will be Arcann. The big Bad of Season 2 will be either Vaylin or Valkorion himself.




-The important dark councilors are still alive. Death or missing just means that all the random Sith who replaced dead ones like Soverus and Acharon and the ones we never met like Rictus or Aruk were killed. Mortis, Vowrawn and Ravage will all turn out to be still alive and either imprisoned or in hiding. For Agents, if Zhorrid is still alive she could also been killed to allow Jadus to appear no matter what happened before. It’s possible that the Council will take over the Empire after we dealt with Acina, because Bioware can’t allow a Player Character to become Emperor.


-If we meet Ashara we will be able to turn her to the dark side because everyone complained about not being able to do so.


-If we meet Quinn, he will have betrayed us some way to justify us killing him like we should have been able to from the beginning on.


-Both Kira Carsen and Lord Scourge will play an important role, because if not this would be wasted potential (Like Scourge not reacting to Revan and the Emperors rebirth on Yavin at all). I also really want to see a meeting between the Sith Warrior and his predecessor.


-Thana Vesh will appear because we got a 50 pages thread about her. If you killed her like I did she will have some Cybernetic parts and hate you. I hope this will happen, not because I like her but because her incompetence is hilarious. Also being better than her in everything just to annoy her is fun.


-Darth Malgus could also appear in a similar way because many people complained about his dead and he even was planned to be in the Kotfe trailer.


-Satele Shan will die. Many people hate her and the Empire already lost all the cool characters that could be killed off, so if Bioware want to kill an important person it will be her.


-Should Valkorion become Emperor again, if Koth and/or Senya hate us, they will join him.


Does anyone have thoughts or additions to this list?

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I didn’t read any datamined stuff so all of this is just guessed.




-In a future chapter we will have to take down Acina/Saresh, after they are removed from power the Republic and the Empire will join the Alliance in open war against Zakuul.


-The final Enemy of chapter 16 will be Arcann. The big Bad of Season 2 will be either Vaylin or Valkorion himself.




-The important dark councilors are still alive. Death or missing just means that all the random Sith who replaced dead ones like Soverus and Acharon and the ones we never met like Rictus or Aruk were killed. Mortis, Vowrawn and Ravage will all turn out to be still alive and either imprisoned or in hiding. For Agents, if Zhorrid is still alive she could also been killed to allow Jadus to appear no matter what happened before. It’s possible that the Council will take over the Empire after we dealt with Acina, because Bioware can’t allow a Player Character to become Emperor.


-If we meet Ashara we will be able to turn her to the dark side because everyone complained about not being able to do so.


-If we meet Quinn, he will have betrayed us some way to justify us killing him like we should have been able to from the beginning on.


-Both Kira Carsen and Lord Scourge will play an important role, because if not this would be wasted potential (Like Scourge not reacting to Revan and the Emperors rebirth on Yavin at all). I also really want to see a meeting between the Sith Warrior and his predecessor.


-Thana Vesh will appear because we got a 50 pages thread about her. If you killed her like I did she will have some Cybernetic parts and hate you. I hope this will happen, not because I like her but because her incompetence is hilarious. Also being better than her in everything just to annoy her is fun.


-Darth Malgus could also appear in a similar way because many people complained about his dead and he even was planned to be in the Kotfe trailer.


-Satele Shan will die. Many people hate her and the Empire already lost all the cool characters that could be killed off, so if Bioware want to kill an important person it will be her.


-Should Valkorion become Emperor again, if Koth and/or Senya hate us, they will join him.


Does anyone have thoughts or additions to this list?




- I think we'll beat Arcaan at the end, but we won't kill him because I can see him returning when we finally deal with Valkorion


- I think the villain of season 2 will be Scorpio. Think about it, she's defiantly the less trust able of the main characters and she has a direct connection to the Eternal fleet (It's implied that the GEMENI droids are based off of her and the GEMENI frequency controls the fleet). I predict that Arcann/Valkorion took the fleet from her, and she's using us to take it back.


- With Vaylin? I'm sure Scorpio can put her to use...




- I expect Vowrawn to at least return. I imagine that we go to Acina for help, she tells us to eff off and Vowrawn waits in the backgrund, telling you that ''You know, if I was the Emperor I would give you all my resources! *Wink**wink**Nudge**Nudge* Just saying!"


- Koth is defiantly set up to return to attack us at some point


- Senya seems like she might stop us from killing her children at one point, which is the way I think Arcann will survive.


- With the Emperor still on the loose, Scourge and Kira should definatly become important.


- I hope to dear god that Malgus doesn't return.


- Yes, bring Thana back. I want my favourite punching bag! Plus, she only makes me look better.

Edited by Codedrago
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I won't share many speculations because I've had my eyes on spoilers so :p


As far as hopes go.. what I'm hoping is that the prolonged wait for characters like Kira and Scourge is due to the writers really wanting to give them a good story to return with. Both have a lot of potential given their background with Vitiate and I do hope BW will acknowledge that like you said rather than overlook it the way they overlooked Scourge's history with Revan in SoR.


Quinn should definitely become killable. I personally won't kill him, I'm aching to have him back but all those SW who've wanted him dead ever since his betrayal should finally have that option.


The return of people like Jaesa and Ashara and their allignment shouldn't have to be too complicated. The expansion itself seems to really push for rising above Dark vs. Light but either way.. each recruitment process has thus far continued to provide light and dark side choices. It would be quite simple to inform players that if they choose mostly DS options throughout Ashara's recruitment then they'll receive her DS version and vice versa for LS choices. Or simply attach their allignment to the player's current allignment. If you're LS 3 then they'll join you as LS.


I agree to the option of killing Satele especially since the Empire lost Marr but I'd feel kind of bad for Theron though. :p

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I won't share many speculations because I've had my eyes on spoilers so :p


As far as hopes go.. what I'm hoping is that the prolonged wait for characters like Kira and Scourge is due to the writers really wanting to give them a good story to return with. Both have a lot of potential given their background with Vitiate and I do hope BW will acknowledge that like you said rather than overlook it the way they overlooked Scourge's history with Revan in SoR.


Speaking of Scourge, am I the only one who thinks Scourge will come to kill you since you have Valkorion inside you?

"A new name, a new face, a new vessle. You'll never escape me, Vitiate. No matter how many plans, no mater how many voices, I will strike you down!"

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Speaking of Scourge, am I the only one who thinks Scourge will come to kill you since you have Valkorion inside you?

"A new name, a new face, a new vessle. You'll never escape me, Vitiate. No matter how many plans, no mater how many voices, I will strike you down!"


No. Scourge is coming back to find the woman he loves because he can finally feel things again because he's cured and it made him realize just how much he loves the JK. :mad::o


Jokes aside it's possible though, granted that Valkorion is still inside us by then. That's what puzzles me most for now. We're not like other vessels he's used in the past and if he does leave us, where would that take him? To 'revive' himself again in yet another body or will he truly dissipate into the Force?

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No. Scourge is coming back to find the woman he loves because he can finally feel things again because he's cured and it made him realize just how much he loves the JK. :mad::o


Jokes aside it's possible though, granted that Valkorion is still inside us by then. That's what puzzles me most for now. We're not like other vessels he's used in the past and if he does leave us, where would that take him? To 'revive' himself again in yet another body or will he truly dissipate into the Force?

''I remember when I believed you could change anything. Oh how greatly wrong I was"

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Speaking of Scourge, am I the only one who thinks Scourge will come to kill you since you have Valkorion inside you?

"A new name, a new face, a new vessle. You'll never escape me, Vitiate. No matter how many plans, no mater how many voices, I will strike you down!"



Yep I think so too --- just makes sense to me

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Speaking of Scourge, am I the only one who thinks Scourge will come to kill you since you have Valkorion inside you?

"A new name, a new face, a new vessle. You'll never escape me, Vitiate. No matter how many plans, no mater how many voices, I will strike you down!"


My Wrath has no problem granting his death wish if he steps to her.

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Wouldn't that be something if they made the player become the emperor ? It is your life story after all xD it would be quite awesome !

Also wished I knew why so many people want that b***hThana back man I hated her so much, killed her twice or maybe even 3 from how much I despised her

Edited by JessicaWolf
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Wouldn't that be something if they made the player become the emperor ? It is your life story after all xD it would be quite awesome !

Also wished I knew why so many people want that b***hThana back man I hated her so much, killed her twice or maybe even 3 from how much I despised her


Because it's hilarious to see her yell about how much better then you she is, then proceed to completely fail... Oh yeah, and some guys and girls want to bang her, I guess.

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I would like to see us get ride of Saresh. Maybe make Vowrawn Emeror. Would like to see Jadus and Scurge working together to find a way to kill the Emp (even if only Scurge returns).


Also more stuff about the Empire and Republic. Would also love if the Republics slide into dictatorship is matched by the Empire liberalising. Would be a nice reverse

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Because it's hilarious to see her yell about how much better then you she is, then proceed to completely fail... Oh yeah, and some guys and girls want to bang her, I guess.

Well you have a point lol i must admit I enjoyed seeing her being a complete failure ;3 but still she is so damn annoying ! but everyone has their opinions i guess :p

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-If we meet Ashara we will be able to turn her to the dark side because everyone complained about not being able to do so.


The only people who complained about this were the ones who had absolutely no understanding of Ashara's character. It's still a really bad idea.

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The only people who complained about this were the ones who had absolutely no understanding of Ashara's character. It's still a really bad idea.

My Problem with Ashara is that her sticking around with a dark side inquisitor makes no sense.

She always acts like I was planning to change the Empire from within, no matter what I told her. I excused it by pretending my character is just lying to her the whole time, but it is still annoying how she helps me murder hundreds of Jedi while screaming "Dont make me go against my teachings!“

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The only people who complained about this were the ones who had absolutely no understanding of Ashara's character. It's still a really bad idea.


There's no way that people fully understand and can still compain anyway. Totes

Edited by Codedrago
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My future story hope is that Bioware stops doing he Bioware thing where they nerf your character for 'story reasons'. Like the scene were Senya tosses you. Or the fact that you can't fight Arcaan one on one, get slapped around by him in cutscenes, even though you dominate the fight through gameplay and are an establish BA.


It's one of the things I like about the Bethesda RPG's, or things like them. Gameplay impacts story; what your character does in actual combat impacts the story.


There is no reason my Jedi Battlemaster should be like he was in Chapter 11, where at the end he and Havoc are surrounded by what appears to be around 10 to 20 robots, and says 'Any last words?' Idiotic.


There are other ways to show conflict and struggle Bioware. Nerfing the character in cutscenes is a lazy way to go about.

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Kinda hoping they WILL consider the issues for bh's that ARE mandos and not just bh's and not imps..basically the ones outside of imp society..why do they fight on imp side...because have you EVER heard of a jedi taking a contract on a rival jedi? The real mando's would never take a lease with Marr and didn't ....Same with the special Agent Chiss story ..are they going to deal with that..they aren't imp either >.> just saying soooo kinda hoping they will adress both of those situations..if you don't know what that is about then nm this post if you do ..i.e. Torch and Revan calling you mando not just a bh..there is a diffrence >.> and being able to tell shan's/ saresh\s spy that you are not imp on your chiss lets hope......
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I'm hoping that Bioware mentions the Inquisitor's connection to the force ghosts and what not. At least put a side chapter or something. I mean come on! This whole set up so far is like an extension of the Inquisitor story. Only difference is its not some random sith lord in their head, but the damn Emperor!
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I'm hoping that Bioware mentions the Inquisitor's connection to the force ghosts and what not. At least put a side chapter or something. I mean come on! This whole set up so far is like an extension of the Inquisitor story. Only difference is its not some random sith lord in their head, but the damn Emperor!


It has been mentioned, the Inquisitor tells Valkorion that she'll add him to their collection of Ghost, where Valkorion simply calls you arrogant and tells you that he would say the same to you.

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It has been mentioned, the Inquisitor tells Valkorion that she'll add him to their collection of Ghost, where Valkorion simply calls you arrogant and tells you that he would say the same to you.


Good to know. Still, I'm hoping they add more given the similarity of the situations. As we get further into the chapters it's feeling more like a Knight's class story and less like a generalization for all classes.

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Good to know. Still, I'm hoping they add more given the similarity of the situations. As we get further into the chapters it's feeling more like a Knight's class story and less like a generalization for all classes.


The only reason it feels like the Jedi Knights story is that the JK's villain is present and they're doing the ''You're our only hope'' thing to the extreme. Unless I've missed something the story doesn't hold something that the Jedi night story had unique to them, hell, the JK currently only has one of their companions back.

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