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JUNG MA Tournament - April 2nd


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When/ Where

Location: Corne's Stronghold (Nar Shaddaa)

Date: April 2, 2016

Time: 8PM EST- ?

Entry fee: 50,000 Credits


Official Rules & Regulations:


How do I sign up for this awesome event?

You can sign up any time you would like, as long as it is in within 24 hours of the prescribed dueling date, to let our ref’s set the brackets up. This will be DUEL FACTION so feel free to sign up on imperial or republic toons!






For viewing purposes, only applicants that submit in this form will be considered entered in the tournament. Thank you


What rules/ guidelines do I need to know?

RoH has established some awesome *********** rules (which I am shamelessly borrowing) to keep the dueling fair. Here they are!

-Stay on dueling sidelines when not in combat for viewing purposes.

-Be polite and a good sport to all people. Unless it's some friendly trash talk

-All classes, specs, and factions are allowed

-5 minute time limit on duels. Player with highest HP wins. Tiebreaker: most aggressive player.

-All consumables allowed (medpacs, adrenals, etc.)

-Stealth classes are limited to ONE stealth out and absolutely ZERO sap healing


Failure to follow these rules will result in immediate disqualification. We are trying to keep a friendly environment here :D


What is the organizational system like for these tournaments?


There will be two brackets: operative and non-operative.

This is to ensure fair fights (in stealth brackets, assassins would only win if the operative in question was terrible. Assuming = skill level, operative will always win).


However, in putting assassins in the non-stealth bracket, I realize I am hindering certain classes. Due to this, the first round will consist of assassin v assassin duels in order to minimalize their negative impact on the rest of the bracket. This is a trial and error clause so if it does not work this time, we will think of something else!


What do I get if I WIN?


I knew that was coming! The top three people will recieve prizes:

1st place: 50% of pool money + A "surprise prize!" (ERP o.0)

2nd place: 30% of pool money

3rd place: 20% of pool money


I still have questions, who do I contact?


Me (Zeph)


Thanks for reading! I hope to see you all very soon!



Imperial: Zephkyros, Zephkyhoes, Nerf'Ops

Republic: Corne, Zephkreoz

Edited by -OBITUS
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  • 2 weeks later...
Confirmation: ROH has dominated the SWTOR world! Glad to see you enjoyed the tourney! I would enter, but don't think I'll be putting a toon on JM anytime soon. Good luck!


I'm habitually lazy at typing up rules and ****. You did a fantastic job!

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is there going to be an ops or stealth only bracket? And a non-ops/all the rest bracket?




What is the organizational system like for these tournaments?


First 16 to sign up will get a spot. There is a stealth bracket and non-stealth bracket so sign up quick :D

Live Brackets will be updated to show participants up until the start of the first duel.


Non stealth: http://challonge.com/JungMaApril2NS

Stealth: http://challonge.com/JungMaApril2S

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List of participants:

Tek'numbertwo (paid)

Emree (paid)

Galbatorixx (paid)


Joba-creet (paid)

Armagus (paid)

Jean-phillips (paid)



Deirex (paid)

Ravange (paid)

Wroxes (paid)

Maoul (paid)

Vlak'eevo (paid0




Solvaxus-kun (paid)


Anoyi (paid)

Edited by -OBITUS
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