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Since WoW was released as it was the first MMO.


actually probably before that even --- it's been going on since the first big one came out that changed MMOs forever ....


Everquest ( released March 16, 1999)

Everquest II (released Nov. 8, 2004 --- remember it well, that was the day I got hooked on MMOs )

WoW ( released Nov. 23,2004)

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How are people actually finding it in game?


Its fair to say that forums are more likely to be pro ToR than the wider community as to be able to post you have to be a subscriber which means see some value to paying. While those that opt to go free to play don't see the game as worth 15 bucks a month and sure aren't going to stick around waiting for things to get better.


Mostly the game seems dead, more people on the day the new chapter is released but there seems to be little end game content or repeatable content that isn't a year to 4 years old. With the alliance influence seeming to play no role outside of heroic 2+ star fortress making even turning supply crates in to be a meaningless end game grind. There seems to be very little to keep people in the game passed 30 minutes of new story and maybe an alert.


Hopefully rumours or not the devs are looking to address the issues in the game and offering more repeatable end game content and while the legacy system never really achieved its potential an alternate end game progression system to make further advancement possible. As for most people come chapter 3 in Kofte you are max level and left with a credit reward for any future missions/bonuses which given how worthless credits unless talking in millions isn't a great incentive to play through 4 year old heroics.

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I have no idea if SWTOR will be closed in a few months but i would like to see it dying as a Bioware/EA game and be reborn as Korean company game. Why? Take a look at Perfect World, it has everything this game should have had : awesome graphics, more character customizing options, more fashion sets, more mounts, more areas, more quests,more dungeons, more crafting options. And way less system requirements, i miss the days when i could play PWI at max graphic settings with my poor old nVidia 210 graphic card..

If BW/EA are tired of fixing bugs, they should honestly consider selling this game.

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Hearing lots of rumours in game that the plug is about to be pulled on the game.

I just wondered if the Devs could give us abit if reassurance it's not.

The rumours stem from

With a talked about bug fix that was due to take place Tuesday not happening with no word from Devs

Credit spammers have halved there prices overnight many see this as they are ITK so to speak

The fact the PTS was pulled early last night


Personally i never normally believe all the negative talk.. However if we could just get some reassurance its not gonna happen anytime soon that would be great


LOL. This game ain't going anywhere as long as it is the only Star Wars MMO on the market. Not even close. Do you have any idea how big a deal Star Wars is?

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