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100% PVP Incredible Case Files Testable and Varifiable


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Easy scripted PvE content that doesn't change or make you think or adjust to gameplay with better rewards and loot




Challenging PvP content with stale maps, lots of cc and knock backs, everything changes depending on the situation. War Zone Tourists just there for a few matches for PvE companions. PvE geared with no idea about their roll, rotations, how to guard, deal with resolve, don't know how to not break CC early. A higher skill set is required to be successful in a PvP environment.


Bads and simple minded casuals will always take the path of least resistance. They get carried in operations, don't know the fights and when they queue for a WZ, roll in with their PvE gear and little to no bolster. PvP is hard, they will backfill operations and Flashpoints all day more than war zones.


Really? Sadly you are serious and the bashing you got was your own doing. Did you forget as others have said that you were once a noob in this game? Higher Skill set required for PVP that made me chuckle. Please stop making PVP players look like turds it's already bad enough with the stigma around here. I've been doing PVP and OPS for years and I can tell you that so many tactics I used in OPS rolled into my PVP tactics and vice versa. I get being frustrated about people with wrong gear or bad rotation but seriously if all you do is complain about them then that is petty and pathetic. Why not help them out instead, the more people improve the more they are able to share their knowledge of the game.


There has been a lot of stir lately about how much PVP matters in TOR. There is a certain camp of players that seem to think it means very little or almost nothing to the health and well being of this game.


To the OP I get that that you want to prove how vital PVP is to the game. PVP is a part of SWTOR it isn't the whole game.If PVP was as vital as many think it is the Devs would have gone with a PVP focus for game direction. Yet the only proof you need that it's not is their huge shift back to story telling. Alot of players got the short end of the content stick, except players who want just story which btw I'm all for but I think Story can only keep your players busy for so long. You see right now the only reason I even have hopes for PVP improvement is because we got new maps after 2 years but that alone should tell you the state of PVP. Personally I do believe PVP has very little to do with the health and well being of this game. If it did we would see new consistent PVP content, strong class balance and a major emphasis on high end loot and gear being placed in PVP.

Edited by squirrelballz
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Easy scripted PvE content that doesn't change or make you think or adjust to gameplay with better rewards and loot




Challenging PvP content with stale maps, lots of cc and knock backs, everything changes depending on the situation. War Zone Tourists just there for a few matches for PvE companions. PvE geared with no idea about their roll, rotations, how to guard, deal with resolve, don't know how to not break CC early. A higher skill set is required to be successful in a PvP environment.


Bads and simple minded casuals will always take the path of least resistance. They get carried in operations, don't know the fights and when they queue for a WZ, roll in with their PvE gear and little to no bolster. PvP is hard, they will backfill operations and Flashpoints all day more than war zones.


Hahahahahahahahahaha! Oh wait, you're serious. I'll tell ya' what, go roll an Asmodian in Aion, get to 25 and go to the abyss with all your "skill" in PvP, and come back and let me know how long it took you to rage quit. Stay off the fast track server, where PvPvE is impossible.


After you do that, you can tell me what relevance PvP has to the main storyline. How does Huttball affect the Sith Warrior story? There are aspects of the game in Aion that you cannot play if your faction does not control a certain section. Which aspects of swtor am I locked out of if the Pubs don't win Huttball? Are there places I can't go if the Imps don't win? No? So a totally irrelevant aspect of the game is now somehow super important?


The answer to that question is, of course, yes. It's important to you. To me, and all the people that have come here because I did? Nope. I stay because I like the stories, and the game in general. They left because they wanted a meaningful PvP experience, and it's not available here. It doesn't have anything to do with "bad". My assassin got all her comms from PvP on Ilum, Oricon and Section X. Notice anything there? None of it is 1 2 3 go variation of PvP that you seem to think requires being "good" at PvP. It's all open world "surprise" PvP. That's the true test of PvPers, not duels, or 4 on 4 duels with PvE objectives. This is why for all the talk about "bads", the PvP servers are ghost towns, all those "quality" PvPers couldn't handle it and moved to PvE servers. So spare me the "you're only saying that because you're bad" mantra. It was stale 20 years ago. PvP here has no meaning, other than epeen. My real peen is big enough that I don't need an artificial one swollen up.


I play Asmodian on an Elyos dominated server in Aion. Dominated is the right word, last check, it was 10 to 1 E to A. There, we hear all about bads, when a 2 person group rolls a 6 person group of Elyos, and they run to the forums trying to claim that 2 people zerged their 6 man group. You strike me as one of "those guys" with PvP. The real PvPers there, from either faction, have the same reaction to those posts: Are you delusional? I digress. PvP has no affect at all on the game. Nothing changes if one faction or another wins a duel, er, match. Ranked means absolutely nothing. Nothing changes if one faction or the other has a higher count on the leaderboards. It's a FP with 2 factions in it, nothing else.

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I'm thinking you should take your own advice TBH. You might be surprised at what you find.


You are right.. irony is misused here, because it understates what is actually taking place here.


Here... this is much more accurate to what is taking place with these PvP is King mantras ----> http://previews.123rf.com/images/idesign2000/idesign20001205/idesign2000120500381/13494971-Ostrich-hiding-head-in-sand-Stock-Vector.jpg

Edited by Andryah
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There has been a lot of stir lately about how much PVP matters in TOR. There is a certain camp of players that seem to think it means very little or almost nothing to the health and well being of this game.


I have a test that you can experiment with yourself in game to test those theories.


Open up your friends list and click on the who tab. In the who tab I want you to put in the following searches in there. The test should be given at peak time when TheHarbringer (a PVE server) is at standard level.


1. corellia square

2. orbital station

3. mesa arena

4. tatooine canyon

5. hypergate

6. coast

7. voidstar

8. the pit (covers both huttballs)

9. civil war


I want you to count how many active players are in those as you search each one.


After that then I want you to check some of these.


1. scum and villainy

2. dread fortress

3. terror from beyond

4. lost island

5. athiss

6. czerka

7. mandalorian

8. boarding

9, maelstrom

10. taral v

11. foundry

12. flase emperor

13. cadumimu

14. hammer station

15. esseles


And feel free to add in I might have missed like the raven stuff. Go right ahead and throw those in too. Throw anything you can in there and test it.


When your done with your test I want you to come back here and let me know what your results are. I can tell you what your going to find, but I don't want to spoil the surprise for you.


All I hear from people who could care less about PVP is how irrelevant PVP is to SWTOR. Whether or not you like PVP makes no difference to whether or not it is a deep rooted part of this game. Do the research for yourself and tell me what you come up with.


You missed some PvE areas. Let me complete it for you:



16. Tython

17. Ord Mandtell

18. Korriban

19. Hutta

20. Coruscant

21. Kaas

22. Taris

23. Nar Shaadda

24. Belsavis

25. Tatooine

26. Hoth

27. Alderaan

28. Voss

29. Corellia

30. Zakuul

31. CZ-198

32. Oricon

33. Yavin

34. Rishi

35. Ziost

36. Ilum

37. Quesh


I'm sure I missed some.

edit: I did miss some

Edited by psandak
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PVPers Good.

PVEers Bad.


On behalf of PVEers everywhere......we are in awe of your LeeTness. We're not worthy.....we're not worthy....


This is good to share friend. The sooner you guys realize you have a problem, the sooner we can work on a solution.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I keep saying "a game needs all types, both in content and in players".

100% corect Max!!!! MMOs rely on everyone, despite skill, despite spending habits, despite hardcore or casual, despite their playing preference...MMOs need everyone.

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Plus... he's comparing apples to badgers. And frankly, until he drops the "do you even PvP, bro?" shtick, it's hard to really give a damn.

To be fair, he got treated like crap by the usual group in another thread...I hardly blame him for not giving a damn.

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Thank you for posting that. Players like the person to whom you were replying is the reason I don't like to PvP. I'm actually pretty good at ops (or so I like to think,) but I got good because I had room to learn. The PvP atmosphere is just so caustic. I've been insulted and screamed at and brushed off a thousand times more in WZs than ops.

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PvP is great, it's a competetive aspect of the game that keeps people playing.


However, PvP and PvE both need new content to hold new people. If that weren't true, then we'd all still be playing Halo: Combat Evolved with our Xbox's chained together in 16 man parties (*cough* I actually still do it's a blast *cough*). Most long-term players will do both PvP and PvE, but if one dies, it tends to take the other one with it. Without veteran players, the matches only get slower as fewer people want to do it and more lopsided as it's flooded with more and more new players who don't have anyone to show and teach them.


Content should be released for both sides of the game, but evidently a 1-hour bugged story chapter is far more important than either aspect. Face it, Bioware is operating on a policy where its veteran playerbase is expendable, where they can replace us with new players who sub long enough to go through the story and buy cartel packs, realize there's basically no endgame, and leave. Repeat. ??? Profit.


Just my 2 cents. I just want to point out that the successful MMO's are the ones who are releasing 4 times as much PvE AND PvP content as we're getting.


~ Eudoxia


I couldn't agree more. You nailed it.

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Thank you for posting that. Players like the person to whom you were replying is the reason I don't like to PvP. I'm actually pretty good at ops (or so I like to think,) but I got good because I had room to learn. The PvP atmosphere is just so caustic. I've been insulted and screamed at and brushed off a thousand times more in WZs than ops.

The guys who mouth off in WZ's, 99% of the times SUCK! They mouth off because they're used to being carried.


Honestly, please try it again. If someone gives you ****, speak up and say "listen twit, would you prefer nobody new try PvP? If you were half as good you pretend to be, you'd be in ranked. I bet you're the type of guy who plays $5 blackjack tables and gets mad when someone makes a mistake.."


Jackholes like the people you're talking about, are the bane of PvP...not new players. So please...give it another shot. We want you there.

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100% corect Max!!!! MMOs rely on everyone, despite skill, despite spending habits, despite hardcore or casual, despite their playing preference...MMOs need everyone.


If I were to make a serious post in this thread, it would be to agree with this sentiment.

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Really? Sadly you are serious and the bashing you got was your own doing. Did you forget as others have said that you were once a noob in this game? Higher Skill set required for PVP that made me chuckle. Please stop making PVP players look like turds it's already bad enough with the stigma around here. I've been doing PVP and OPS for years and I can tell you that so many tactics I used in OPS rolled into my PVP tactics and vice versa. I get being frustrated about people with wrong gear or bad rotation but seriously if all you do is complain about them then that is petty and pathetic. Why not help them out instead, the more people improve the more they are able to share their knowledge of the game.




To the OP I get that that you want to prove how vital PVP is to the game. PVP is a part of SWTOR it isn't the whole game.If PVP was as vital as many think it is the Devs would have gone with a PVP focus for game direction. Yet the only proof you need that it's not is their huge shift back to story telling. Alot of players got the short end of the content stick, except players who want just story which btw I'm all for but I think Story can only keep your players busy for so long. You see right now the only reason I even have hopes for PVP improvement is because we got new maps after 2 years but that alone should tell you the state of PVP. Personally I do believe PVP has very little to do with the health and well being of this game. If it did we would see new consistent PVP content, strong class balance and a major emphasis on high end loot and gear being placed in PVP.


You're the sh_t squirrel. =]

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The guys who mouth off in WZ's, 99% of the times SUCK! They mouth off because they're used to being carried.


Honestly, please try it again. If someone gives you ****, speak up and say "listen twit, would you prefer nobody new try PvP? If you were half as good you pretend to be, you'd be in ranked. I bet you're the type of guy who plays $5 blackjack tables and gets mad when someone makes a mistake.."


Jackholes like the people you're talking about, are the bane of PvP...not new players. So please...give it another shot. We want you there.


Our current threadspammer acts just like one of those people that TheSeventhJedi is talking about.

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Our current threadspammer acts just like one of those people that TheSeventhJedi is talking about.

Possibly true, I don't know...I think he's just sick of having his buttons pushed, but you could be right. I just don't see the kind of people who berate other PvPers as the kind of person who gives a flip about the forums...he does.

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If PVP was as vital as many think it is the Devs would have gone with a PVP focus for game direction. Yet the only proof you need that it's not is their huge shift back to story telling.

Sadly, you're wrong about that.


Nearly HALF of all players PvP'd



31% of of EVERYTHING that was killed in the game, was another PLAYER! Considering how quickly NPCs die and the fact that they're almost always in groups of 3+, this is a HUGE percentage.



PvP was vital...and the Devs didn't gaf.

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Thank you for posting that. Players like the person to whom you were replying is the reason I don't like to PvP. I'm actually pretty good at ops (or so I like to think,) but I got good because I had room to learn. The PvP atmosphere is just so caustic. I've been insulted and screamed at and brushed off a thousand times more in WZs than ops.


I feel exactly the same way.


I won't go as far as to say that all PVPers are caustic as you so eloquently put it, but there is no doubt that it does surface in an inordinate amount of cases. IMO if there is anything to blame for lack on emphasis and the declining number of active PVPers in this game it is exactly that caustic, mocking, sh_t-talking that we often see. They don't even leave it in the WZ, they come back to fleet and just start flaming people. I could understand that to a limited to degree if someone was often distruptive or a bad sport to sort of let people know to watch out for this one or that one like we see people do with people who ninja-loot in OPs, but it often goes way beyond that and a great deal of the time it is based solely on the fact that someone is new to PVP and simply in still in the learning stage.


As an end game raider with what I'd like to think is fairly competent, I can honestly say that if it weren't for the attitudes and all the bs we often see in PVP circles [not everyone of course], I myself would PVP more. As it is, I basically stick to OW PVP [i'm always flagged], it's fun, ya get the rush of actually fighting other players with little to none of the BS often seen in WZ pvp.


It's unfortunate how the stigma attached to PVP because of those "bad elements" keeps so many people who might otherwise like to PVP out of the WZs because they are so intimidated by what they see sometimes coming from some PVPers and their flaming of others. Again, this isn't all pvpers, but those that do do it are so over the top sometimes that they stick on the minds of others who might otherwise like to PVP.


I'm not saying 'can't we all just get along', merely that all the undeserved flaming we see only turns around and bites the pvp community in the ***.

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The guys who mouth off in WZ's, 99% of the times SUCK! They mouth off because they're used to being carried.


Honestly, please try it again. If someone gives you ****, speak up and say "listen twit, would you prefer nobody new try PvP? If you were half as good you pretend to be, you'd be in ranked. I bet you're the type of guy who plays $5 blackjack tables and gets mad when someone makes a mistake.."


Jackholes like the people you're talking about, are the bane of PvP...not new players. So please...give it another shot. We want you there.


Ya know it's funny, I saw some people talking abput this very thing last week on fleet and someone gave a very simple suggestion to avoid dealing with the flaming jerk offs in PVP to someone who was disheartened to find that they simply couldn't enjoy PVP because they were always getting belittled or yelled at by teammates, they said when you go into the WZ just turn off your chat box until you get back out of the WZ.


Perhaps not the best solution to the problem because communication in WZs can be important at times, but certainly an effective one heh

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Sadly, you're wrong about that.


Nearly HALF of all players PvP'd



31% of of EVERYTHING that was killed in the game, was another PLAYER! Considering how quickly NPCs die and the fact that they're almost always in groups of 3+, this is a HUGE percentage.



PvP was vital...and the Devs didn't gaf.


Can I just say how AWESOME it is that someone brought actual data to the discussion?

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Ya know it's funny, I saw some people talking abput this very thing last week on fleet and someone gave a very simple suggestion to avoid dealing with the flaming jerk offs in PVP to someone who was disheartened to find that they simply couldn't enjoy PVP because they were always getting belittled or yelled at by teammates, they said when you go into the WZ just turn off your chat box until you get back out of the WZ.


Perhaps not the best solution to the problem because communication in WZs can be important at times, but certainly an effective one heh

If that's all it take, PLEASE DO IT!!! I think we both agree that is far from an ideal suggestion, mostly because nobody should ever feel like they should need to turn off chat, but if that would help, I'm absolutely in favor of it.


I know we can't rid the interweb of jackholes, but we don't need to put up with their **** either!

Can I just say how AWESOME it is that someone brought actual data to the discussion?

I try :)

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