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Is GSF dead?


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Did you check if there wasn't any match popping or it was just you who didn't get an invite?


If it's just you who gets skipped, the reason might be that you have too many games played on that character and you'll have to group with someone to not get skipped.


Also, depending on server, queue times are different. Some servers have an active GSF population and you can expect pops during afternoon and evening - the more active the server the earlier it starts and the later it ends.. Harbinger has almost 24/7 pops from what I've heard. Some servers are almost dead, and you won't get much if any pops there.

Edited by Danalon
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It's consistent every day that I'm online. From what you said, it may just be my server.


I don't know how to check if ques are going off and I just got skipped though.


I'm pretty sure Drak can vouch that GSF died over on Bastion for the most part.


Harby atm is the most populated server and it still has plenty of trouble maintaining a decent queue time outside of prime time - and even then it can vary.

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On Basion, I've been in que for hours at a time and never got it to pop once while I did other things.


Is there some trick to it or is it simply a dead part of the game?


PVP servers in general have smaller populations. With the coming change to servers where you can enter a PVP instance on a PVE server, it could be that we are either heading for a server merge or perhaps that the PVP servers will become PVE servers.


If you're looking for frequent pops, Harbinger is the busiest server in the game both for GSF and any content in general.

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It's certainly less active on TRE than it has been before.


The biggest difference seems to be much fewer matches with high numbers of 2-shippers. I think a lot fewer people are trying GSF out, even compared to a couple of months ago.

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Same with Jedi Covenant. But there's a lot fewer people playing the game. At 12 PM (Noon) here there used to be 120 people on fleet, now on a good day there's 60.


Fleet used to have 2 instances at night, now on a good day it has one instance with like 100+ people.


All the servers are loosing people, the game is dying, Bioware has taken a risk with their choice of content and it didn't work.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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