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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New trend in response to 50s PUBSTOMPER premades


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I'm one of 3 (maybe 4 now?) 50's on my server. But the *only* one that actively pvp's. When I queue, I have a group ofr 4-6 people that are all between 19-36.


We don't have vent. Only ops chat/party chat. We understand how the game runs and we have strats for a number of different scenarios pre-set.


Just because a lvl 50 or group of level 50's are in a huttball match together does not mean they will win! It's a matter of team effort and strategy. You get 3 to 4 people that understand the game and how it's played and you can run the map no matter what level you are.


PVP gear certainly helps - But it's not the *LEVEL* of the player that's ruling the game. It's the ammount of coordination between the players that does it.


Edit: Should also note that the people I queue with I met entirely *IN* random solo-queued huttball matches. We all realized that we played well together and got *&^@ done so we just started grouping together so that we didn't have to go back and forth eating each other alive randomly. Though...sometimes it is fun to destroy a friend in a cross-match >.<

Edited by misfitor
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So we appease the 50's for now because they power leveled and skipped most of the games content. Let them roflstomp every other player ruining their gaming experience until there is more of them?


I say bugger that, seperate warzone brackets now. If some players took advantage of an xp glitch or power leveled their toons thats their problem, why inflict it on everyone else.


Powerleveling or exploiting isn't even needed to be 50 by now, Sure you would have had to play a lot, but get off your high horse, plenty of people are 50 even with doing all of the game content and watching all the dialog.


It wouldn't matter if your 50 or 10 if you run into a good premade you get rolled. The only reason people feel like this is a problem is most of the people who are 50 are good players or at worst average but know how to communicate and work as a team, a good portion of lower level players are bad, and I don't mean that they don't know their class, not knowing how to throw the huttball or attack or defend, or fight on capture points.


Long story short, Learn to play, or tell the other people on your team to learn to play, it is not hard.

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I think you are completely overlooking the issue.


Get in a group? Well first you have to get in a guild whose members play the same time you do.


Then you have to level to get to 50. But because certain groups were fortunate enough to level quickly they have a huge advantage over those not so fortunate. So your response to those less "lucky" than yourself is to find a team?


Finding a team doesn't help fix the huge playing gap between levels. You want to see how fun it can be, pug out on some matches and see how fun it is. The PUG team is going to be slaughtered. It is just that simple. They face far to many disadvantages to even hope to win.


I have seen more than once a tank walk a ball across the finish line in huttball (not sprint ... walk) with +4 players doing everything they can to kill him and his health bar not even go down.


Your response will be, what can't they stun? Not if they don't have the skill yet or the level and even if they do stun what good does it do? To stop this player you have to kill him or her and you just aren't going to do it unless you have multiple players of equal level slugging away at him / her. Having 4 players under 40 trying to do this is a complete waste of time. Might as well go to the center and wait for the ball to respawn.


Telling me to pug some matches?


I grinded out Warzones from 10 to 28.


You know what I did? When I saw people in the WZ's playing well, I asked them if they wanted to group up. After 4-5 games we had 2-4 people. After a few days I had 6-7 people on my friends list so when I logged in I could see if they wanted to do WZ's.


I'm sorry, but the sob story about it being hard to form groups and the requirement of joining a guild blah blah blah holds no water.

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I left wow because I didn t have time to raid anymore...that means I don t have time to log in vent for hours at night. If I want to pvp it is at total random times of the day...most times when my friends are at work or not online.


Thus why should I have to face premades when I want to play only with pugs?


Just lazy development...sorry to say but nothing excuses that you have premades facerolling pugs...nothing

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I left wow because I didn t have time to raid anymore...that means I don t have time to log in vent for hours at night. If I want to pvp it is at total random times of the day...most times when my friends are at work or not online.


Thus why should I have to face premades when I want to play only with pugs?


Just lazy development...sorry to say but nothing excuses that you have premades facerolling pugs...nothing


The reality is this: if the players had it their way, the Warzones would be divided up by level tiers, then premade and pug, then they would want class/role throttling, but that wouldn't be enough.


They would then want them further divided by gear disparity, then by PVP rank.


Then when that wasn't enough and they had nothing else to blame the unfair advantage the other team always has, they will want the Warzones split up by race ("omg they had more Twi'leks, their Parlor Dance is so OP, no wonder we got steamrolled in Guttball! NERF! NERF! NERF!")


Then no queues will pop, and the ceaseless crying of the entitlement babies on the forums will...cease.

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People need to start calling it what it really is, an EXPLOIT of PVP.


This was a huge problem in pretty much every other MMO and I'm surprised it is completely overlooked in this game.


Yes, clearly since it is allowed in "every other MMO", it's an exploit.

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This game is an MMO. The entire game is based around playing with your friends and in guilds. The 50s did not necessarily skip every cutscene nor did they exploit. They had guilds formed prior to game release and got in the early access. You level up much quicker when you do quests with your friends or in a guild, because they put in the bonus quests that apply the xp everytime a group member completes it. That means, with a full group, you can receive 4x the experience for every bonus quest in the game. This trend continues into the WZs. The WZs are team based combat. So, those teams that leveled together will play together. If you want casual one on one PvP, try finding some world PvP. Level 50 brackets will also be coming soon, and if you want to hold your own against the 50s while they are there, try and locate some datacrons for the stat buffs, and start getting your expertise gear. You can make expertise gear as early as 34.
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everytime they have tried to reinvent the wheel (see:EGA) it has only been a catastrophic failure that is digging this game's grave.


many people claims this game is a WoW clone....if only....BioWare seem hellbent in doing everything possible to distance themselves from WoW, and so far that seems to only include doing things WRONG on purpose instead of RIGHT.



I give this game 3 months before joining the rest of MMOS with a few hundred thousand subs, yet this one had almost 5 times the budget of those...



GW2 is gonna destroy this game.


you are saying BW have been trying to reinvent the wheel and then say GW2 is gonna destroy it, but GW2 is experimenting with even more rediculous things that noone knows if will work

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I left wow because I didn t have time to raid anymore...that means I don t have time to log in vent for hours at night. If I want to pvp it is at total random times of the day...most times when my friends are at work or not online.


Thus why should I have to face premades when I want to play only with pugs?


Just lazy development...sorry to say but nothing excuses that you have premades facerolling pugs...nothing


You just underminded your own argument. If you dont have time to "log into vent" which takes like 15 seconds, then you certainly dont have time to wait 30 minutes for your WZ to pop, which is exactly what is happeneing in WoW...

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Everyone complained about the stupid lack of options when joining warzones. It wouldn't be so hard to add a checkbox to decide if you want to play in solo games (where everyone joins solo and teams are random, without premades) or also join games with premades (that is, games where you join solo but you can be placed with or against premades). That would be the smart thing to do, that's what everyone has been asking for even before the release, and bioware instead of listening to the players decided it would be funny to f**k the solo/lowbie players a bit more.


Not only they didn't fix the PUG vs premade problem, but are also rewarding the people playing premades for their effortless wins. GJ there, BioWare. I decided to give this game a shot even after beign stuck for 3 days in my ship/taris. Now I see the game is broken beyond repair, and every attempt is breaking it even more. Keep failing that way and you will lose a player next month. And I'm pretty sure I won't be the only one.


PS: And FYI, I'm 50 with some PvP gear. I can group up with other 50s if I want to and it shouldn't be hard to win most of the matches that way. I can even, as a healer sorc (useless in direct combat), face 2-3 lowbies and stay alive or kill them thanks to the gear and a finished spec. But why should I lose every match if I want to play solo, and why should I be punished for joinin PUGs instead of playing for insta-win matches or exploiting like other people do? We had some guy in our huttball team the other day standing next to our goal. No one from the other team attacked him and he only moved around to help the enemy team. He was standing there to let the powertech and warriors jump to him.

I really hope people don't start doing this because if you add that to the afkers and noobs it will kill all the fun left in PvPing.

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  • 2 years later...
  1. 50s premade in Buttball
  2. Level 10-20s are too ignorant to leave and play terribly.
  3. Anyone with half a brain loses patience and leaves.
  4. New people are brought in, and are either derpy lowbies or AFKers.
  5. 50s premade wins 6 to 0.


So how much longer do we have to wait for a solution? "It's only been a week!" The amount of time since the game "officially" released (let's conveniently ignore the week before when early access started) is pretty non-sequitor seeing how many 50s there are rolling out already.


Even at level cap, solo queuing will be forever pointless because teammates will consist of nothing but newbies and failures. We need to recognize these premades for what they really are for: Pubstomping. You can't seriously believe that a group of randoms are going to be able to compete successfully against a group of 50s who are probably using Vent/Mumble.


nice post from the very start of the game.


Same problem still around. Same rage from the players still around


Same silance from the devs


You really Think this game will live for long?

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nice post from the very start of the game.


Same problem still around. Same rage from the players still around


Same silance from the devs


You really Think this game will live for long?


Sry, but it's because of people like you that suck so badly in warzones that most of the decent pvpers left this game months and years ago. premades are not the *********** problem man, good pugs will be on par with a premade of equal skill, but most randoms just don't even bother to play this game properly... every damn wz there are at least 2 peple who dish out 300 dps - that's less than autohitting the whole match. but yeah, just blame the players who want to play the game at a certain level for your own inabaility to properly dps/heal/tank. if ppl would just start to play halfway decently, other ppl wouldn't even feel the need to form a group to even have a chance of wining some games... :rolleyes:


kinda sad. when you face a premade, you go cry in a corner, but if you're getting carried by one, no one cares... and also bringing up threads from 2011, don't you have any hobbies? da***

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Lol UncelSam "revives" topic from 2011, seriously, if this guy doesn't deserve at least temp ban for spamming forums, than noone deserves any forum bans what so ever.


If your not allowed to reply on the posts, why are they still on the forums?


Its a good view of how old this premades issue is and how Little has been done or even commented by the devs.

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If your not allowed to reply on the posts, why are they still on the forums?


Its a good view of how old this premades issue is and how Little has been done or even commented by the devs.


Issue is that you revive old topics and create new ones about same issue again and again. If you'd just make one topic and copy some good ideas from other topics, thats fine, but you just spam forums because you feel your opinion is superior or you are troll.


Sadly there is no mods or response on PvP forums, BW should just shut it down.

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Issue is that you revive old topics and create new ones about same issue again and again. If you'd just make one topic and copy some good ideas from other topics, thats fine, but you just spam forums because you feel your opinion is superior or you are troll.


Sadly there is no mods or response on PvP forums, BW should just shut it down.


Where does it say I cant create topics as i please? And where does it say I can post at least one new topic each day?


Who will keep count of those who posts stuff here? Is it "verboten" to talk about premades? It took me over 1,5 year to convice the polulation that the premades have an advantage, and now that we all admit that fact we have to find a solution.

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Where does it say I cant create topics as i please? And where does it say I can post at least one new topic each day?


Who will keep count of those who posts stuff here? Is it "verboten" to talk about premades? It took me over 1,5 year to convice the polulation that the premades have an advantage, and now that we all admit that fact we have to find a solution.


Delusional. Troll. Or both.

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Where does it say I cant create topics as i please? And where does it say I can post at least one new topic each day?


Who will keep count of those who posts stuff here? Is it "verboten" to talk about premades? It took me over 1,5 year to convice the polulation that the premades have an advantage, and now that we all admit that fact we have to find a solution.


"All" means everyone, not you and few others. Or maybe you should inform language authorities that meaning of word "all" was changed by all mighty UncelSam from SWTOR forums.


You can create 100 topics about nothing if you wish, its just not polite and its lame to spam forums about one issue. ;)

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