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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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You and I both know it was primarily n'er do well Guardians sitting on their ship going about their nefarious ways...



Edit: And I get to carry the #2000 banner! :D


And due to the merger of this and his newest thread, you're now post #2070.. turn in your winnings plox.

Edited by JennyFlynn
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You and I both know it was primarily n'er do well Guardians sitting on their ship going about their nefarious ways...



Edit: And I get to carry the #2000 banner! :D


You got sabotaged by a thread merge me thinks. :D

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That's it...I'm turning in perhaps the most ridiculous ticket ever...:p


I guess you could comb back through the posts and find 70 or so that might be candidates for reporting and removal, which would move you back down the post count. :p


But if you actually did that... you might get sanctioned for harassing the forum mod team. Besides MCB would just start another redundant thread and sabotage you again by forcing more thread merges. :p

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Edit- NOOOOOOOO i even camped for this post!


You! You were so insistent on getting port #2000 that you had the mods merge the threads just so it would adjust the thread count so you had the #2000 after all.


(I'm not even kidding - you now have post #2000, at least until the next thread merge)

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You! You were so insistent on getting port #2000 that you had the mods merge the threads just so it would adjust the thread count so you had the #2000 after all.


(I'm not even kidding - you now have post #2000, at least until the next thread merge)


This. Is. FOURM PVP!

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Anyone else find it somewhat humorous that MaximumBad has been prattling on about mega servers for a long time now and instead he got a mega thread ... if not I do so there. :p


If that doesn't prove that someone has a sense of humor, I don't know what will.

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100 credits ben tried to troll us.


K, I need to get 15 posts deleted to steal the #2000 Crown. Shouldn't be too hard in this thread. :p

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Who got the 2000? Lol I wanted that :mad:


Depends - they merged the thread so it's changed hands now.


You and I both know it was primarily n'er do well Guardians sitting on their ship going about their nefarious ways...



Edit: And I get to carry the #2000 banner! :D

was the "Original #2000", but the threads got merged so Peter Plankskull has 'stolen' it.

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Bottom line is this. This game is in trouble. What we are witnessing is the symptoms of the problem. And the main sickness this game is suffering from is that too few players are being spread amongst to many servers. The games population at this point should be down to 2 servers. 1 EU, and 1 NA. There is no reason to continue more than 2 total servers for how many people are left playing this game. There is simply not enough players left to spread over 8,6,4, or even 2 servers at this point.


That is what instances are for. I would not mind seeing 10 instances of republic fleet at one time. Upgrade the hardware to support 1 mega server for EU and 1 for NA and end this madness. All this procrastination is doing is driving more and more frustrated players from a game that can not afford to lose any members. This has to stop and stop now. This company better get its act together and very quickly or this game wont see 2017.


Oh I see what you are saying now. I didn't even notice it until you pointed it out.

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This game is dying because BW and Devs, placate to the whiners and complainers. If they kept it like it use to be...it would still be popular. I miss the days where is could take you 6+ months to level to 50 and oh man when they introduced the double xp weekends...I couldn't wait to log in. I loved this game, now I just like it. Maybe the decline in subscribers will wake the Devs up but probably not. The servers will shut down and maybe they start over.
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